Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 837 The best is yet to come

But the more serious the casualties were, the more the Japanese wanted to escape quickly and had no courage to resist.

At the relatively narrow mouth of the bay, hundreds of ships were rushing to escape at the same time, and they could only escape through the gaps in the battleship line. There was only one result - congestion.

The Japanese ship had lost its unified command and was trying to pass between the two Ming warships like a headless fly. The adjacent ships rowed closer and closer, and it was inevitable that they would touch each other.

Ordinarily, the Japanese ship's hull is small, so getting too close is not a big problem, but with two rows of long oars like centipede legs, the problem becomes bigger.

So before the boats hit each other, the paddles got entangled first. In order to save effort, their oars are fixed on the oar support and can only flip back and forth and cannot be moved at will. Therefore, once the oars on both sides become entangled, it is difficult to separate them at once.

As a result, both boats were stuck and unable to move...

This was by no means just a problem encountered by two ships. Many Japanese ships were entangled together, their oars fighting with each other, and no one could move. Seeing that the boat in front had stopped, the boat behind could not stop at all, so they had no choice but to bump into it.

As a result, the linear congestion turned into a large-scale congestion. Dozens of Japanese boats were crowded together and entangled with each other. The sailors on the boat were cursing and rowing their oars desperately. Who knew that the harder they exerted force, the tighter the jam would become. Who would end up with it? Can't escape either.

It wasn't until the Ming army's artillery fired again, turning most of the warships into pieces, that they solved the congestion problem.

Unexpectedly, after breaking through the blockade, the artillery on the other side of the Ming army's warship rang again...

‘It’s still two-faced, it’s such a waste! ’

'It's endless...' The Japanese officers and soldiers were already numb, and these strange thoughts came to their minds when the ship was destroyed and people died:

'I hope to be reborn in the Ming Dynasty in my next life...'


In the end, only four to five hundred Japanese ships fled back to the anchorage in the waters of Iki Island, with people and ships still injured...

This miserable scene shocked Utsunomiya Sadahisa, who had been looking forward to it. When we set off, there were more than 2,000 ships. In just one night, they were damaged by three-quarters?

He couldn't imagine how this battle was fought, how could he lose so much? He immediately ordered people to call the three commanders to question him.

But after waiting for a long time, only Dayou came to see him by his own name.

"Where are the other two?" Utsunomiya asked with a dark face.

"Your Excellency Shimazu died heroically, and Your Excellency Matsuura was also seriously injured and fell into coma." Otomo's name was furious. During the final retreat, the ones who suffered the most losses were the Otomo navy who rushed ahead.

Stealing the chicken but losing the rice made him angry and vented his anger on Utsunomiya. "Are you satisfied with the result?! This is all caused by your insistence on forcing us to fight!"

They never mentioned that after seeing the red lantern, they changed their plans temporarily and made a desperate attempt to get a chance...

Utsunomiya lowered his proud head in despair. No matter how it happened, this result was indeed caused by his order. After the war, he had no choice but to have a caesarean section to apologize.

He was too lazy to care about what happened next. After this battle, Utsunomiya has completely lost the leadership of the remaining naval forces. Instead of wasting his mind on where to go, it would be more meaningful to think about who should be his intermediary.

The remaining Kyushu naval forces have completely lost their fighting spirit. That too tragic scene lingered in their minds. Days or even years after the war, the Japanese officers and soldiers who participated in the war often had nightmares about returning to the Shura purgatory-like Hakata Bay...

When they were sober, they did not dare to approach the Ming army again even if they were beaten to death. Even the orders from the King of Heaven were useless.


The joys and sorrows of people are not the same. Sometimes the joy of one group of people is based on the pain of another group of people.

The defeat of the Japanese army was a great victory of the Ming army, and the Japanese expedition fleet was filled with joy.

Even Yu Tongyuan was grinning from ear to ear. There were two hundred enemy and our own warships against two thousand. As a result, more than 70% of the enemy was wiped out, and not a single one of our own warships was lost. Only a hundred soldiers were killed, but nearly 30,000 enemies were killed.

This wild victory is enough to make him a famous player in the world, and he will definitely leave his name in history. From then on, he was no longer just Yu Tonghai's younger brother, but Yu Tongyuan, the famous Japanese general who defeated the Japanese army!

Lao Liu was very calm about this result. Because in the long history, this is not a victory worth boasting about.

Later, Yi Sun-shin was able to use thirteen wooden house ships to hoist Japan's 333 Japanese warships. And that was the Japanese navy that had made great progress after the Warring States Period.

Now I use two hundred heavy artillery giant ships to face the Japanese navy, which is equivalent to the level of China's Wei and Jin Dynasties, and achieve such results. Is there anything surprising?

"Your Highness, are you a little too... calm?" Yu Tongyuan did not dare to say that he was too pretentious, and said with joy from ear to ear: "No matter what, this is a complete victory. And we eliminated all But they are Japanese pirates!"

"Yes, even if it ends here, all aspects can be explained." Han Yike, who was accompanying him, also said happily. He was under a lot of pressure before, fearing that this battle would not go well and ruin the future of the Prime Minister's Office.

Now he is not panic at all. With this victory, no one can deny the role of Hai Zheng Yamen.

"It's not time to be happy, where are we now?" Lao Liu could not let them lead the rhythm, and said calmly: "There is still a bigger battle waiting for us."

"The Japanese pirates still dare to come?" Yang Shiqi blurted out in disbelief. After speaking, he hurriedly explained: "What the student means is that after this battle, the Japanese navy lost more than 70%, and its morale has dropped to the bottom. I am afraid that it will not have the courage to fight again."

"Haha Shiqi, let me correct you a little," His Royal Highness King Chu shook his head and said with a smile, "It's not just Kyushu that has naval forces in Japan."

"What His Highness said is that what we are facing is only the Kyushu navy. Kyushu is just a rural area in Japan. Their most powerful Honshu island army has not yet been dispatched." Yu Tongyuan hurriedly agreed:

"Your Highness is right. Intelligence shows that the land and sea armies of the Northern Dynasties have long been assembled across the Kanmon Strait, but they have never crossed the sea. Now is indeed not the time to relax. Don't be arrogant in victory and don't be discouraged in defeat. The final general is still far away. "

"This string cannot be loosened yet. The celebration is temporarily postponed. We will celebrate together after the next victory." His Royal Highness King Chu nodded and said: "Botu must also use all his strength. This should become the creed of our Ming Navy."

"Yes!" Yu Tongyuan and other generals hurriedly accepted the order, bearing in mind His Highness's teachings.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, will the troops of the Northern Dynasty support the Southern Dynasty?" Han Yike asked. This is unimaginable in Chinese history.

"Definitely." Zhu Zhen nodded decisively and said: "Not to mention that their emperors are actually a family, but if the generals of the Northern Dynasty are determined to unify, they must not lose their righteousness and must help the Southern Dynasty to defend against foreign enemies."

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