Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 844 Yesterday reappears

The next battle was very similar to the naval battle of Hakata Bay.

The Northern Dynasty armies were all elites who had fought many battles, and the generals were personally supervising the battle. Even though they suffered huge losses, they still continued to sail towards the Ming army, fired bows and arrows at them, got close to them, set up ladders and hooks, and tried to board the Ming ships. Engage in hand-to-hand combat.

But the Ming army had already seen the same trick before, and when it came to naval battles, the Northern Navy was not as skilled as the Kyushu navy. Besides, it was daytime, so there was no way to sneak onto the ship while the Ming army was not paying attention.

So all of them were shot to death during the climb, had their ladders knocked over and fell into the sea, and even had their heads smashed by shells dropped by the Ming army. As a result, almost no Japanese soldiers were able to climb onto the deck of the Ming ship...

The Ming army's artillery fired every once in a while, taking away the lives of countless Japanese soldiers each time.

This time, the Ming army used shotgun shells or grapeshot from beginning to end. They found through actual combat that these two kinds of shells were fired into the face, causing much more damage than solid shells.

The two sides fought fiercely from noon to dusk, and the Japanese army was still helpless against the Ming army. In the face of huge sacrifices, they finally calmed down and deserters began to appear continuously.

At this time, the Japanese army suddenly discovered that the ship jam problem was finally solved and maritime traffic returned to normal.

It's just that the price is too heavy...

More than half of the Japanese ships were either sunk or riddled with holes, and were floating half-sunk in the Kanmon Strait.

The Kanmon Strait was dyed blood red just like Hakata Bay that day. The blood-stained seawater carried countless broken limbs and shipwrecks, slowly flowing out of the strait eastward and pouring into the Seto Inland Sea...

The escape soon turned into a rout. The remaining Japanese troops either fled back to the north coast or fled to the south coast. Some even fled directly to the Seto Inland Sea. In short, they ran as far as they could to kill the invincible civilians who did not dare to approach again. A Chinese warship.


The senior officials of the shogunate watched the battle at close range. This battle shocked them more than the senior officials of the Southern Dynasty who listened to the sound of cannons in Shuicheng.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu on the shore was so shocked that he knew that he would never be able to defeat the Ming navy in front of him.

This means that the plan to rescue Kyushu has been completely ruined, and the dream of reunification with eight banners and one universe cannot be realized. Not to mention the vague dream of the emperor... everything was shattered in this disparity in strength.

General Shiba Yi and other retainers also felt deeply disappointed. The defeat of this battle not only dealt a heavy blow to the Muromachi shogunate like the rising sun. Moreover, the self-confidence that the Japanese built up by defeating the Yuan Dynasty was completely destroyed...

The fear buried deep in my memory came back to me.

This made everyone in the shogunate angry, but they also had a vague sense of security. They felt that the heavenly kingdom should be like this, and this was in line with their longing for the Han and Tang Dynasties...

It wasn't until the Ming Dynasty warships discovered them and fired at them that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and others were awakened from their complicated emotions and faced the bleak reality.

"General, we are too close to the sea. Let's retreat to Xiaguan City quickly." General Siboyi saw a big iron egg falling behind him and tore a big hole in the general's curtain. He was so frightened that he quickly ordered people to protect the general's queen. withdraw.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu became less stubborn and silently accepted the pen's arrangement.

The senior officials of the shogunate fled back to Xiaguan City in embarrassment, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Then a thorny question came to mind. Other messes could be cleared up slowly. What should we do with the 20,000 Japanese troops who had already crossed the sea?

"How did it become 20,000?" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu asked after hearing General Shiba's question.

"When we retreated later, many ships evacuated to the other side. The sailors and soldiers disembarked together and went to Moji City to ask for asylum." General Shibaoyi explained:

"So now there are at least 20,000 of our people on the other side of the strait. In addition, His Excellency Imagawa, who serves as the pioneer officer, and dozens of ministers are also on the other side."

In fact, it was because of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's previous order that those who retreated would be killed without mercy, and he also sent a supervising team, so this situation occurred. Of course, no one dares to pick up any pot at this time.

"There is no way to bring them back for the time being." Ashikaga Yoshimitsu thought about it and sighed: "Let them station themselves in Kitakyushu first. Then contact Nanchao and let them be responsible for providing food and grass!"

As he said this, he punched the small table with a hateful fist and said, "I've really made them miserable this time, and I still have to beg them. It's really depressing!"

Si Boyi sighed and said: "Leave the affairs here to me. General, please return to Kanto quickly. When the news of the defeat in this battle spreads back, Kyoto will definitely be in chaos again."

"Who dares to be careless at this time, I won't be polite!" Ashikaga Yoshimitsu gritted his teeth and said: "I can't deal with the Ming navy, and I can't deal with them?!"

"We are facing a formidable enemy, so we still need to unite." General Si Boyi advised: "It's not too late to settle accounts in the future."

"Hmm..." For Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to be where he is today, it is essential for him to listen to advice.


After seeing off the shogun who hurriedly returned to Beijing, General Shiba Yi quickly tried to send people to avoid the strait, from the Seto Inland Sea to the territory of the Higashi Kyushu Otomo family, and contacted the Southern Dynasties to negotiate follow-up matters.

A few days later, the people who were sent finally arrived at Dansheng Island after all the troubles. After explaining their intention, they were sent to Shuicheng by the Dayou family.

As a result, before the group arrived at Shuicheng, they learned from the defeated army that Shuicheng had fallen.

Shuicheng has indeed been captured by the Ming army. This was actually not part of the plan made before the war, but was an improvised play after discussion between Wang Bi and the Hu Quan brothers.

Originally, they took the lead, quickly and easily defeated the 'Guoguo Sacred Wall', surrounded the water city, plundered the Dazaifu, and comfortably annihilated the Kyushu army that came to help one after another. They had already completed all the tasks perfectly.

Wang Bi and others were also very happy, so they fought leisurely for a period of time. However, after the Japanese conquest fleet won the Hakata Bay naval battle, their minds began to change.

The moment they saw the battle report, the army generals were sour. Good guy, destroyed more than 1,500 enemy ships and annihilated more than 30,000 enemy people. Compare them directly.

This sour mood reached its peak after the Battle of Kanmon Strait. This time it was even more exaggerated, destroying more than 2,000 enemy ships and wiping out more than 50,000 enemy people.

Compared with other people's navy, their army's record is completely unmatched.

The Ming Dynasty relied on the army, and the world was mainly conquered by them. The army has always had a sense of superiority in front of the navy. How can it stand this?

Brother, all together, no, we can't just rely on each other. Now some people in the navy say that we are specialized in picking up trophies. When the war is over, we will not be able to hold our heads up at all.

So we hit it off immediately and decided to work hard to prevent the navy from stealing the limelight.

After some planning, Wang Bi brought twenty artillery pieces from the rear and bombarded the city wall in turn, day and night.

This time, instead of bombarding the middle and upper part of the city wall, they fired at the base of the wall. It didn't take long before several large holes were made.

Of course, the foundation of the city wall is the thickest, and it will not collapse if there are holes. So the Japanese army didn't pay much attention to it. Of course, there was nothing they could do if they cared about it.

Who knew that the Ming army was just digging a few holes.

Last night, Hu Bo led two hundred soldiers with good water resistance, each holding a piece of cork and carrying a jar full of gunpowder. They swam across the moat under the cover of the sound of cannons, stuffed the gunpowder jars into the big holes, and then Put an incense stick in a jar and light it to make a delay fuse.

After they retreated to the other side of the river, they saw a thunderbolt exploding from the city wall. In the earth-shattering explosion, a large section of Shuicheng's wall collapsed.

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