Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 849 Better is to come

Why did Lao Liu insist on getting the three artifacts? Because these things are divine in the eyes of the Japanese. In game terms, it is a treasure that can make people obey and add twenty.

No matter which of his brothers is sealed in Japan in the future, these three things will be needed to reduce the difficulty of ruling.

Lao Liu never hides his future plans from those around him. What he needs are like-minded comrades, not subordinates who just follow orders.

So Wang Bi asked in confusion: "Your Highness, if that's the case, why don't you take the opportunity to depose the Japanese king? Otherwise, in the future, there will still be no room for two tigers in one mountain."

"Hey, every country has its own national conditions, and we must adapt to local conditions." Lao Liu smiled and pointed at his father-in-law: "From the perspective of the actual political landscape, Japan is in a state of division between north and south. In the future, whether we maintain this state or completely transform it For two countries, whether to eliminate the Northern Dynasties and unify Japan, we cannot do without the symbol of the King of Japan."

"Yes, if we abolish the Japanese king, not only will it be in line with the wishes of the Northern Dynasty, but their king will be the only orthodox one. Those stubborn local tycoons in Kyushu will also defect to the Northern Dynasty and become hostile to us." Han Yi Ke echoed.

"Then kill them all!" Wang Bi snorted.

"No." Lao Liu shook his head and said: "Since ancient times, it has been easy to occupy but difficult to govern. Japan's feudal manor system has existed for thousands of years. The common people only recognize their own lords and do not pay attention to the lords' lords. So either the common people Kill them all, or we have to rely on these rich and famous people to maintain the stability of Kyushu."

"Besides, the feudal system has the advantages of feudalism. It is super stable. The common people are tightly controlled by the lords. As long as these lords are controlled well, the throne can be secured. This is perfect for us." He smiled again road:

"So right now, it is very necessary for the King of Japan to exist. Even in the future, I think it should continue to exist under another name, such as Witch King, Sacrifice King, etc. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages in maintaining system governance."

"Your Highness, this is an eye-opener for me and others." All the civil and military officials praised hurriedly.

Civil servants like Han Yike and Yang Shiqi even sighed secretly: His Highness is so proficient in the art of governance, why does he always do the opposite in the country and earn a lot of infamy?

When everyone had dispersed, Hu Quan couldn't help but ask Lao Liu: "These Japanese clothes and writings all come from our country, and His Highness has such an experience in governing, why not just keep it to yourself."

"I think it's because of the gold and silver here, right?" Lao Liu couldn't help but laugh.

"There are also some factors." Hu Quan said frankly: "If the entrustment is given to other His Highnesses, this place has nothing to do with us. On such a major matter that concerns future generations, Your Highness must not be too humble."

"Haha, I know." Lao Liu smiled and said: "Of course I have to keep the best for myself, but this place has many mountains and little land, and constant tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons, it is far from the best. If it weren't for the gold and silver mines , it’s simply a mess. The world is so big and there are so many good places, how short-sighted I must be to choose this place for my children and grandchildren.”

He didn't even tell his uncle that Japan is not actually rich in gold and silver, but the veins are in the shallow layer and are easy to mine, especially suitable for the current level of productivity. But if we really dig hard enough, we will reach the bottom in just a few generations.

"Besides, if we stop here, who can we expect to expand the territory?" He raised his level a little further and said: "I will not stop until 'Everywhere the sun and moon shine, and wherever the rivers go, belongs to the bright land.'" Footsteps!”

"His Highness's grand ambitions are truly unparalleled in the world..." Hu Quan was so shocked that he couldn't contain himself.

"Hey, the Mongol Empire established by Genghis Khan and his descendants included Mobei, North China, Northeast China, Tibet, the Western Regions, Central Asia, West Asia, and Eastern Europe... If the later Yuan Dynasty and the four major khanates were regarded as one, the territory would be It is so vast that it is unimaginable, occupying most of the Eurasian continent!" Lao Liu shook his head and said:

"No matter how hard we try, we may not be able to catch up with them in this life."

"But they were there for a while. Now Yuan Ting is hiding in Mobei and dare not show his face. I heard that the life of several major khanates is also difficult." Hu Quan is still very concerned about the situation of the Mongols. "Their approach won't last long."

"Yes, so we can't imitate them. We have to root deeply and rule for a long time. The Mongols' path is definitely wrong," Lao Liu said with a deep look: "We have to change our direction and our thinking. With the lessons learned from past mistakes, we must do better than them!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Hu Quan nodded heavily, feeling a surge of pride in his chest. The feeling of following Boss Zhu to conquer the world came back.

"I am willing to work hard for His Highness's great ambitions!"

"Hahaha, let's work hard together!" Lao Liu laughed loudly: "Believe me, we will definitely succeed!"


After a difficult ideological struggle, Changqing still handed over the three artifacts. This is the proper meaning of surrender. Daming would have given him a lot of face by not letting him be humiliated. If he was still not satisfied, he would lose face completely.

What comforted the monarchs of the Southern Dynasty was that His Highness the Sea King still respected the three artifacts and promised not to take them back to the Ming Dynasty as trophies. Instead, he built an artifact temple in Dazaifu to preserve these three artifacts.

Of course, in order to show their ownership, the Ming Dynasty sent all the personnel of the Divine Artifact Temple from management to guards.

In this way, the three artifacts are still within the territory of the Southern Dynasties. Changqing, the king of the Southern Dynasties, is still more orthodox than the emperor of the Northern Dynasties.

The three people are also willing to see this result. With this explanation to His Majesty the Emperor, they can finally consider their own interests with peace of mind.

After officially delivering the surrender on behalf of Changqing, they were received by His Royal Highness the King of Chu.

After bowing respectfully, the second son, Yori Cheng, and Otomo's relative, Shimazu Yoshiguro, finally met the new master of Kyushu, and could not help but be surprised by how young and majestic his highness was.

Compared with the three short and thin Japanese, the tall and strong Lao Liu indeed looked very majestic and majestic, putting the three of them to shame. Of course, there is also the blessing of the winner's halo.

"You three, please introduce yourselves." Lao Liu said to the three of them through an interpreter.

The three of them hurriedly introduced their family names, surnames, Miao characters, and their family's situation.

After listening patiently, Lao Liu looked at Shimazu Yoshiguro and said, "Didn't I say that the head of the Shimazu family is called Ujihisa, and he is the same person as you?"

Shimazu Yoshiguro hurriedly explained that the head of his family was seriously injured and critically ill, so he had to come here for him as a writer.

"So, you are the next head of the family?" Lao Liu raised his thick eyebrows and asked calmly.

If Teacher Luo were here, he would definitely be able to tell that His Highness is trying to cause trouble again. Unfortunately, Guozi University was busy with affairs and he really couldn't get away.

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