Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 856 I would like to call it a decisive blow

"So in Japan, the most valuable thing is not the gold or silver mines, but the technology of smelting gold and silver." Zhu Zhen was afraid that Zhu He would not tighten the string of confidentiality, so he took the trouble to remind him: "So even if the transportation cost is higher, It also needs to be smelted centrally to keep it secret."

"Because once they secretly learn our large-scale and low-cost gold and silver refining process, their gold and silver production will inevitably skyrocket, and their strength will greatly increase. At that time, they will not only try to take back the gold and silver mountains ceded to us, It will also become uncontrollable and greatly increase the cost of our governance, so confidentiality must be our top priority."

"Yes, I will keep your Highness's instructions in mind." Zhu He nodded quickly and finally understood why His Highness asked him to take charge of this work. It turned out that it was really important.

"The Municipal Shipping Department has a special secrecy office. It regularly provides confidentiality education to sailors and merchants on board every year. It also conducts confidentiality inspections from time to time. It has accumulated a lot of experience over the years and can mobilize some backbones to help Lao Zhu." Shen Rong also suggested after seeing this.

"Very good, let's do it this way. If you have any good ideas, feel free to tell me." Lao Liu praised: "Secretary work is no small matter, and we can't take it too seriously."

"Understood!" Shen Rong and Zhu He responded in unison.

"That's it for the gold mine. Zhu He, it will be very difficult for you to concentrate on doing this well." Zhu Zhen said to Shen Rong:

"As for you, I am here to let you meet the representative of the Tang Dynasty."

"Tang people? Representatives?" Shen Rong was a little unsure: "Are they Chinese who came to Japan from the Tang Dynasty?"

"What are the people from the Tang Dynasty doing here? Most of them fled to Japan in the late Song Dynasty." Lao Liu explained: "Then there are the Han people from the south of the Yangtze River who were left behind when the Yuan Dynasty failed to conquer Japan. These people have multiplied and lived till now. , the number of people is quite considerable.”

"Although the Japanese call them Tang people, they are very careful about them and do not allow them to own land or tribesmen. They are only allowed to teach, do business and engage in handicrafts. To put it bluntly, they want to use their knowledge and skills, but do not want to accept them. Of course. This also has something to do with their unwillingness to become Japanese, so they have always been isolated from Japanese society as a group."

"No matter what the reason is, these people can be used." Zhu Zhen continued: "Hearing that Wang Shi conquered the Japanese and surrendered to the Southern Dynasty, they sent thirty-six representatives to pay homage to Laojun with valuable gifts. "

"The king met with the leaders and found that they were well-spoken, had a deep understanding of Japan, and had contacts with all religions and religions. Moreover, they were very eager to return to the Ming Dynasty. So I asked Old Shen to come and meet them to see if they could We can't organize them, for example, set up a 'Ming and Tang Dynasty Chamber of Commerce', and the Shipping Department will give them a certain share of trade, so won't they have a sense of belonging?"

"Yes." Shen Rong nodded quickly and smiled: "In the future, we will definitely need a large number of interpreters who understand both Chinese and Japanese. These people are perfect."

"Just using them as interpreters is a waste. Japan is a very closed country. It is not only exclusive to foreigners, but its own citizens cannot move around. Therefore, these Tang people are a very precious resource. We must use them to live in Japan for several generations and have contacts with all walks of life. Let them take the initiative to collect intelligence and help us monitor Japan." Lao Liu said solemnly:

"This time our intelligence against Japan was so accurate, they made a great contribution."

"Understood." Shen Rong nodded seriously. I didn't expect His Highness to have such an intention.

"Remember, never underestimate Japan." Zhu Zhen taught the two men sternly: "Don't look at them now as closed and backward, looking like weaklings. That's because we have formed an all-round generation gap against them."

We have to admit that the Yuan Dynasty was the era of China's most rapid scientific and technological progress. In just one hundred years, scholars had no hope of official career and could only turn to astronomy, mathematics, and strange techniques.

In addition, the power of the Mongols spread across Europe and Asia, bringing with them a lot of Persian food science and technology, which was quickly digested and absorbed by the Han people, and the combination of east and west reached a higher level, thus achieving great achievements in astronomy, shipbuilding, metallurgy, etc. Great progress.

And these, because of the bad relationship between Yuan and Japan, Japan has not learned at all. That's why they looked so pitiful, weak and helpless when facing giant ships and heavy artillery that were completely different from the Yuan army.

"But the people in this country are smart and strong, good at forbearing, and even better at stealing lessons." Zhu Zhen continued with a serious expression: "We must clearly realize that our technology is not so strong that others cannot learn it. If we don't Be prepared, and they will quickly learn from it and make up for the difference. By then, if you want to defeat them, you will have to pay a price tenfold and a hundredfold."

"So we must always be vigilant and not leak any technology to them, especially key technologies such as gunpowder, shipbuilding, and navigation. We must not leak it, and we must not let them obtain relevant talents, otherwise we will make enemies for ourselves! On the contrary, the longer we maintain our advantages, the more likely we will be The good days will last longer.”

"Yes." The tension between the two finally tightened, and they finally realized the importance of confidentiality.

"If we want to maintain our dominance for a long time, in addition to continuing to improve ourselves, we must also lock in their development." Zhu Zhen instructed:

"How to lock their development? In addition to keeping confidentiality, we must use all means to prevent them from progressing or even going backwards."

"..." The two of them were confused for a while, and they didn't understand this aspect at all.

"I have never done this kind of thing before. I am afraid that I will miss the important event of His Highness."

"It doesn't matter, no one has done it before." Zhu Zhen shook his head and smiled: "You will understand when I give you a few examples."

"For example, don't the Japanese admire Confucianism? They invite famous Confucians to come to Japan to give lectures. Their three cardinal principles and five permanent principles, which are all heretical except for mine, are particularly suitable to be carried forward in Japan."

"Yes..." The two of them couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths. His Highness was trying to divert misfortune to the east. He brought the rotten scholars who were against him in the country to Japan and asked them to teach the Japanese how to keep their ears clean.

"Isn't Buddhism popular in Japan? This Buddhism is a good thing. It allows people to follow the rules and cultivate the afterlife, so who cares about the present life?"

"Yes, yes, if the Japanese just accept it, what do we have to worry about?" Shen and Rong understood somewhat.

"That's right, so you should have more contacts with Japanese temples and vigorously sponsor their Dharma teaching activities. You can also invite eminent monks from China to teach the Dharma. Don't just stick to Zen monks. I think it would be helpful to invite Lamaism masters. Little Japan, which has seen the world, might be shocked by some Tantric Buddhism, and the effect might be even better." Lao Liu said more and more vigorously:

"If I can spread Hinduism to Japan, I would call it a sure blow."

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