Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 870 A horse is better than no horse

Guangdong Dusi Yamen, in the festival hall.

Zhu Liangzu didn't sleep well last night. He yawned repeatedly when he was waiting in the office, and he was listless all morning.

The thief sent by Zhu Xian to steal things returned empty-handed. Although Daotong's security room was burned to ashes, he still felt uneasy without seeing anything.

He was pacing back and forth in the hall, thinking about what to do if the incident was revealed. After much deliberation, I came to a conclusion that must not be known to the emperor. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass this level.

At this time, Zhu Xian came in quickly from the outside and said with an expression as if he had eaten a dead mouse: "Let me tell you, that thing really hasn't been burned."

"Oh?" Zhu Liangzu asked in a deep voice, "Zhu Dayong is back?"

"Yes." Zhu Xian nodded, stopped the soldier, checked the card box, and told Zhu Liangzu what happened. After saying that, he said depressedly: "If you ask me, I should just kill those two soldiers and grab the card box!"

"Fart!" Zhu Liangzu glared at him and said: "In the fourteen years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, no one has ever robbed a soldier! Let alone being robbed just after leaving Guangzhou City. It is obviously sabotaging the delivery of government orders by the imperial court. The emperor will definitely investigate. To the end!”

"I was just talking casually..." Zhu Xian shrank his neck and said in a low voice, "Then we just watch Dao Tong and send that thing to the capital?"

"Of course we can't just watch!" Zhu Liangzu said decisively: "The emperor turned a blind eye before because he had no evidence. This time there is evidence. When the emperor comes up, he doesn't know what to do."

"Then what should we do?"

"I just thought about it. The only plan now is to get ahead of him and sue him first!" Zhu Liangzu said solemnly: "The emperor is a good leader. As long as the crime is serious enough and the accusation is true enough, he will definitely order his death." ! By then, who would dare to show Daotong’s memorial to the emperor?"

"Then what crime should we charge him with?" Zhu Xian asked hurriedly.

"It's true that he deserves to die. Have you heard of Daoyuan?" Zhu Liangzu sneered.

"I know, isn't it the one who was under King Liang in Guangxi?" Zhu Xian said: "Hasn't it been wiped out by our people?"

"Well, the surname Dao is very rare, but Dao's original surname is Dao, and Dao is also surnamed Tao." Zhu Liangzu said quietly: "I say that they are of the same race, will the emperor believe it?"

"Yes, generally speaking, the surname Dao is the result of Mongolian people changing their surnames into Chinese characters?" Zhu Xian suddenly clapped his hands and said, "People who are not from my race must have different hearts, so Daotong and Daoyuan secretly hooked up and gave him It’s normal to tip off people!”

"That's right." Zhu Liangzu said solemnly: "Although Dao Yuan escaped back to Yunnan, we captured many of his men and they are now imprisoned in Guilin."

Then he ordered Zhu Xian: "Go to Guilin quickly and try to get them to bite Daotong. Then Daotong will send a letter to Daoyuan to reveal the movements of the officers and soldiers. No evidence is needed, a confession is enough."

"That's easy." Zhu Xian often does this kind of thing and doesn't need any teaching from his father. After saying that, he said worriedly: "I'm just going to Guilin for 800 miles. Is it too late to go back and forth?"

"Forget it, there's still time." Zhu Liangzu then pointed his fingers and said: "Every time you deploy an army to deliver an official document, you have to travel three hundred miles day and night. It is nearly three thousand miles from Guangzhou to Nanjing, so the urgent official document will arrive in the capital in ten days."

"But we can use the post horse to expedite the transmission for 800 miles... to find out that the provincial magistrates and counties colluded with Liang Wang's subordinates. It is also an urgent military situation. The reason is enough." He continued: "In this way, we can reach the capital in four days, so We still have six days.”

"Hurry up and call me back and forth for four days. I'll ask Xu Zhengtai to prepare it first, and write the memorial as soon as you come back. It's just a matter of time, and then send it out as soon as possible."

"So as long as you come back on time, our memorial can be sent to Beijing one day and nearly two days earlier than his." Zhu Liangzu finally said coldly: "It's enough to kill Tao Tonggu!"

"Okay!" Zhu Xian, who also had the toughness of a father, slapped his chest heavily and said, "Son, I'll try to come back in three days!"

After saying that, he turned around and hurried out. Soon there was the sound of rapid horse hooves outside, and Zhu Xian's shout: "Open the door, open the door, eight hundred miles to hurry!"


Regardless of the conduct of Yongjiahou and his son, their abilities are absolutely indisputable.

The father and son worked together to race against time. Zhu Xian rushed to Guilin and quickly obtained a confession from Daoyuan's accomplices who framed him, and then returned to Guangzhou.

Zhu Liangzu's side also used Zhu Xian's time to go to Guilin to get a handle on Anchasi's side. Xu Benya, the inspector general of Guangdong, had already let Zhu Liangzu pull into the water, and he obeyed his words. He arranged the swordsman and penman early in the morning. As soon as Zhu Xian's confession was delivered, he immediately concocted the charges and wrote the official document. It didn't take a long time to get everything done.

Then Zhu Liangzu sent someone eight hundred miles away to rush to the capital.

As a result, it was the last thing that came first, and it was delivered to Boss Zhu’s desk nearly three days earlier than Daotong’s memorial!


Zhu Yuanzhang was in a good mood these days. Lao Liu returned victorious from the Japanese expedition. He not only occupied the Southern Dynasty and forced the surrender of the Northern Dynasty, but also solved the Japanese problem that had plagued the Ming Dynasty for many years. He also brought Huai Liang, who had assassinated him, back to the Ming Dynasty!

Moreover, it is said that many gold and silver mountains have been discovered in Japan. Although the father and son have spoken in advance, Boss Zhu can only watch and cannot eat them for the time being. But after fighting such a big battle, instead of losing money, he actually made a lot of money. Isn’t that enough for Boss Zhu to be happy?

Besides, he had plenty of ways to make money from Lao Liu, and it would be useless even if that kid turned into Pixiu.

In the past two days, he has called Duke Cao to have dinner every day, and he has tried various ways to squeeze on his nephew. Didn't you say that attacking Japan won't work this way and that won't work? Are you going to die at a loss? What should I say now?

What else could Duke Cao say? He could only sit and talk.

"Alas, the King of Chu is really a genius. I can't accept it." He said convinced: "The Yuan Dynasty's two expeditions against the Japanese were in vain, and tens of thousands of people were killed. Who would have thought that his Japanese army only lost a few hundred people? Just knock down Japan.”

"Hey, we haven't conquered them all yet, we just conquered a small Kyushu Island." Zhu Yuanzhang corrected with a proud look on his face.

Seeing how convinced my eldest nephew was, he felt like he had taken a betel nut Shunqi Pill. How could he be so happy?

"It's enough to capture Kyushu Island," Cao Guogong whispered: "It's enough to subdue the Northern Dynasty and make it dare not be disobedient again."

After speaking, he smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "We don't know much about overseas affairs, so we'd better stop talking."

"Hahaha, if it's like this time every time, we won't say anything and let him do what he wants." Boss Zhu took a sip of his wine proudly, but after all, his nephew is his right-hand man, so he shouldn't push him too hard. He said warmly:

"I still have to listen to you on domestic matters, Bao'er, have you decided when to send troops to Yunnan?"

"Returning to my uncle, all the army supplies have been prepared. The generals are stepping up military training to familiarize the soldiers with mountain warfare. They will send out troops as soon as the cool autumn rainy season is over."

"Well, this final battle to unify the world must be fought beautifully." Zhu Yuanzhang said with full hope: "There is no room for failure."

"I will not disappoint the emperor." Li Wenzhong quickly stood up and clasped his fists.

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