There are two kinds of stubbornness in this world, one is stubbornness that will remain unchanged until death, and the other is arrogance with no fear.

The local tycoons in Guangdong obviously belong to the latter group. When they realize that they have no support and are unable to protect themselves, they can still quickly lower their status. Just like more than ten years ago, they assessed the situation and surrendered to the Ming army in time. This time they reined in the danger and raised the white flag in time.

I have to say that this is also an excellent ability. Although the front is arrogant and the back is respectful, the appearance is not so dignified, but these large families who make a living on the sea are the most able to understand that survival is the most important thing.

So the next day, the people of Yangcheng were surprised to see that the wealthy people from Guangdong, who had closed their village gates tightly the day before and showed a posture of sticking to the end, suddenly changed their gender overnight.

They opened the village gate one after another, led by the chief of the clan himself, and kidnapped the criminal clan members and sent them to the government. The people along the way were talking a lot, wondering whether the heavy rain yesterday had extinguished their anger. Some people also said that it was Mr. He who came out overnight to persuade them not to go against the court.

In any case, the people of Yangcheng intuitively feel that times have changed and the boss of Guangdong has been replaced. The large and lawless clans in the past finally bowed their heads and gave in.


Press Chasi Yamen.

The officers were busy registering and taking the surrendered suspects into custody. However, they did not dare to make any decisions regarding the big clan leaders who had surrendered, so they had no choice but to ask Daojitai for instructions.

Daotong had already received instructions from Lao Liu, and said to the deputy inspector who came to ask for instructions: "You're here, just accept it. You can't let people go in vain. But don't send it to the cell. It's such a hot day. , it will be hard to explain if a few people die in prison."

"Yes." The deputy envoy understood clearly: "The official asked someone to clean up a small courtyard and put them under house arrest."

"Well, the conditions don't have to be too good. They are here to surrender, not to stay." Daotong coughed lightly and said, "How can it be done if it's too comfortable?"

"Understood." The deputy laughed softly: "I cut the legs of their stools, dug a hole in the bed board, mixed some sand in the rice, and did not put salt in the vegetables."

"Okay, okay." Daotong nodded with satisfaction: "You guys are so professional."

"What you said in Taiwan is wrong. We are responsible for the investigation." The deputy envoy said with an apologetic smile.

The two of them exchanged a few polite words, and Tao Tong then ordered: "Don't let them idle, give them pen, ink and paper, and let them write the explanation materials."

"What kind of handover materials?" The deputy envoy had never heard of this term.

In fact, Daotong had never heard of these words popping out of the King of Chu's mouth every now and then. He explained based on his own understanding: "It means a deep self-examination, a deep introspection, a deep understanding of the seriousness of our own problems, and an honest account of all violations of law and discipline."

"Oh, it's just a letter of repentance." The deputy envoy suddenly said: "But it's unrealistic to expect them to take the initiative to confess, right?"

"Tell them, whoever examines the most thoroughly, reflects the most profoundly, and explains the most honestly will have the opportunity to meet His Highness and listen to the teachings in person." Daotong said calmly: "The problem is not explained clearly, or the explanation is unclear. Let others explain his problem, let alone meet His Highness, and just go to jail."

"I understand." The deputy nodded, thinking that it was indeed a good idea to expose each other.


At the same time, the imperial envoy was traveling not far away.

He Zhen had been kneeling outside Bamiilaifeng Pavilion all morning.

He had been waiting outside the camp before dawn, and as soon as the door opened, he posted a letter asking for an audience. However, His Highness refused to see him and did not send him away. He just knelt there and waited for His Highness's summons.

At three o'clock in the morning, Deng Duo came out and helped He Zhen, whose legs were numb from kneeling, into the pavilion.

Seeing that He Zhen's legs were no longer working, and he had to lift his knee sockets with his hands to reach the threshold, Zhu Zhen asked, "What are you doing, Mr. He?"

"The little old man is here to plead guilty to carrying a thorn stick." He Zhen said with a bitter smile: "But the little old man is so skinny and bare-armed that he is carrying a thorn stick. It's too ugly, so I'd better just kneel down."

"Why do you have to suffer for others?" Zhu Zhen sighed.

"Your Highness, I'm here to apologize for my mistakes." He Zhen shook his head and said, "No matter what, when things have come to this point, I am responsible."

"When His Highness arrested Zhu Xian and Xu Benya, I should have persuaded those Guangdong tycoons to surrender, but I didn't. Later, Your Highness sent officers to arrest them, and I should have persuaded them to hand them over, but I still didn't." He said and knelt down again. He leaned down and said, "It is a great sin to have caused great trouble to His Highness and Daozai."

"Haha, Boss He is so transparent." Lao Liu couldn't help but laugh: "Everything is done clearly and everything is said clearly, making people unable to get angry even if they want to."

"It means His Highness is still angry." He Zhen said gratefully: "But he only made me kneel down all morning. It's really a shame for me."

"Hahaha, I originally planned to make you kneel for three days, but I can't bear it." Zhu Zhen laughed and stepped forward, helped He Zhen up with his own hands and said, "I know it's difficult for you, and some things can't be solved like that." If you take one step forward, no one will believe what you say. You have to let them suffer a little personally."

"Your Highness is absolutely right. They are just arrogant people who don't know how high the sky is." He Zhen nodded in agreement and said, "The little old man told your Highness before that they will not listen to advice if they have never suffered. Yes. Now that he’s been locked up, it’s time to listen.”

"That's because they took the initiative to surrender at the last moment, which means they are not stubborn and can listen to your words." Lao Liu smiled and asked him to sit down and asked him to watch tea.

In fact, he knew it well. Although He Zhen had always been upright in words and deeds, and was consistent in appearance and appearance, after he arrived in Guangzhou, his real opponent had always been him, not Marquis Yongjia.

With He Zhen's historical status and influence in Guangdong, as long as he resolutely blocks it, he can stop the local tyrants in Guangdong from causing chaos.

He didn't show up last night. He just asked He Di to bring a message. Wouldn't he let Chen Boyun and others surrender obediently today?

Therefore, he did not resolutely block it at the beginning and insisted on letting the wealthy people hit the wall. In fact, it was a kind of competition. If Lao Liu hadn't restrained Yongjiahou and showed his strength and skills to crush the local tycoons in Guangdong, He Zhen would have continued to play Su Qin and read the Golden Scripture at home, and there would have been no one coming and going.

If the rich man from Guangdong really broke through the south wall, although he would still come out to make things right and apologize to His Highness, Lao Liu would have to set a new price.

Now that it has been proven that the southern wall of King Chu is the wall of sighs for the local tycoons of Guangdong, He Zhen stopped at it without causing any real damage. It's just that the conditions for accepting recruitment are not as good as before, but he doesn't care at all about those external things.

The most high-end competitions are often so plain and boring.

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