Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 92 Performing Arts

In the town, there was a big gathering and the crowd was bustling.

Zhu Di and Zhu Xi came early and grabbed a good seat.

Zhu Zhen also came, but he had nothing to do. He sat on the bullock cart and watched his two brothers stand.

It's been half an hour, and the two of them haven't finished their mental preparation yet.

However, it is completely understandable that for a dignified prince to perform on the street, he does need to muster up courage and a considerable degree of self-paralysis.

Lao Liu could only curse secretly again, Father, this is not something human beings do...

"Performer! Break a big rock from your chest! Open a brick with one palm!" His Highness King Yan finally choked out a sentence, startling passers-by.

"Throw the knife while blindfolded! Point the gun to your throat!"

Under his repeated shouting, some people finally stopped curiously one after another. When more than a dozen spectators gathered, the performance officially began.

The two brothers have been practicing martial arts since childhood. What tricks have they not seen in the military camp? Following those old fritters from all walks of life, I learned a lot of heresy.

The two brothers also know a little bit about the basic routines of performing tricks.

I saw the second child lying on the bench with his upper body naked, and Zhu Di placed a piece of bluestone stolen from somewhere firmly on his chest.

When the second child's luck was over, Zhu Di swung a big hammer high.

Then he picked up the big hammer and pounded it heavily on the stone slab amidst the screams of everyone.

With a click, the stone slab split into two!

Looking at the old man again, his chest suddenly puffed up, shaking two stone slabs to the ground. Then he jumped up from the stool, patted the stone residue on his chest without changing his expression, and his heart didn't beat, but he was safe and sound!

"Okay! What an awesome iron shirt!" the onlookers cheered loudly.

The brothers were proud for a while, but then they lost their joy.

Because they were placed in the wooden basin in front of the stool, but it was still empty.

Seeing that no one paid, the brothers were not discouraged and continued to perform the rest of the show.

There are still many cheers and few rewards.

In the end, we received a total of thirteen cents, which was not enough for the five brothers to have a meal.


The same thing happened several times in the next few days, with daily gains and no improvement.

Just when the two of them were discussing whether to end their short career as a busker and see if they could earn more by carrying big bags, Zhu Zhen finally couldn't help but said:

"Why don't you just concentrate on the show and leave the shouting and asking for money to me?"

"Are you okay?" The second brother didn't trust him very much.

"I can't break a big stone in my chest, but I'm afraid that the two of you combined are not as good as me." Starving to death was such a big deal that Zhu Zhen couldn't care less about hiding his clumsiness, and said domineeringly: "Is it okay? Let me try it once." , anyway, he won’t be worse than Fourth Brother.”

"That's true." Zhu Di has discovered that he no longer has the talent for shouting.

In fact, he not only doesn't know how to shout, but he also doesn't ask for money.

In fact, Zhu Zhen doesn't know how to do it, but Teacher Guo, who slept with him every night in his previous life, has taught many times how street performers should ask for money from the audience. This technology also has a professional term called ‘杵门子’.

But Zhu Zhen estimated that even if he taught his fourth brother the "杵门子" set of words, he wouldn't have the shame to say it.

Because that requires Chengqiang to be thick-skinned. Fortunately, Zhu Zhen's face is up to par...

Since he was going to show off his skills, he didn't mind showing off his skills. Then he taught the two brothers what performance rhythm is and how to incite the audience's emotions.

It must not be a slap in the face at the beginning and end before the audience is satisfied.

"Remember, the purpose of the performance is not the performance itself, but to make the audience happy. Only when the elders are happy will they pay for it!" His Royal Highness the King of Chu instructed the two brothers.

However, the songs he taught could not be sung. The two brothers, especially the second brother, still needed time to understand the essence of what he said.

Fortunately, Fifth Brother's mobile medical care business is developing fairly smoothly. Although I can't make much money at the moment, I can get something like eggs, millet, and soybeans every day. Barely able to make ends meet.

So he decided to rehearse well at home before going out.

Finally, Zhu Zhen decided to perform in another place and move their busking career to a larger city for development.

Oh, yes, he also gave the three brothers a very common name, Hong Jia Ban.


Ten days later, Linhuai County East Street was lined with shops and a constant flow of people.

The liveliness here is second only to Yashu Street, but unlike Yashu Street where all business revolves around the county government, the business atmosphere here is stronger.

Let's put it this way, when people go to the city to do business, their first choice is definitely Yashu Street. But if you want to shop, hang out, eat, drink and have fun, most people will still come to Dongjie Street.

Not only are there many restaurants and teahouses on East Main Street, there are also many vendors selling snacks and performers on the street...

‘Clang clang clang! ’ amidst the gong sound, a clear and loud child’s voice sounded at the street entrance:

"Come on, come on, take a look, throw darts blindfolded, break rocks on your chest, open bricks with one hand, hold the tip of a gun at your throat!"

But it was our Royal Highness the King of Chu who, while beating a broken gong, shouted vigorously:

"Dear fellow Linhuai folks, don't miss it if you pass by! Those who have money will lend a hand, and those who have no money will lend a hand!"

I don’t know whether it was his shouting that had an effect, or whether the people in the county just liked to watch the scene, but they actually stopped and formed a circle to watch the excitement.

His Highness the King of Chu is just a talker. If you really want to see the performance, you have to watch His Highness the King of Qin and the King of Yan.

I saw the two brothers wearing only small jackets, revealing their iron-clad tendons. They opened up their postures, fists and kicks, fighting back and forth, fighting in full swing.

Zhu Zhen told them that this is called a warm-up. Don't rush to show off your unique skills first. The warm-up will attract people over.

"Okay, okay!" It attracted a lot of people, and the crowd kept cheering, but Zhu Zhen held the gong and turned around, and only a few actually threw money into it.

"Don't be in such a hurry to ask for money, boy, we want to watch you throw darts blindfolded and smash rocks on your chest!"

"We want to see a brick being fired with one hand, the tip of the gun to the throat!"

"Yes, we want to see a river of blood..." Everyone cheered at the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

But Zhu Zhen didn't panic at all. They had already rehearsed at home and knew what to do at this time.

He then clasped his fists at the crowd, learned how to use the "Pestlet", and said crisply:

"With our feet on the ground and our eyes on our loved ones, the city walls are so high, and we all rely on the help of our friends. Our brothers are in trouble here because they have no money, no clothes.

We have nothing to eat. I have heard that the folks in this imperial village are unparalleled in their kindness and righteousness. We don’t need much, and everyone can pay for it. In order to reward us with a few coins and help us achieve success, my two brothers risked their lives to show off their unique skills to everyone! "

"Haha, your kid's mouth is full of different things." Everyone was surprised to hear this, and it was quite pitiful for the child to talk.

Some kind-hearted people felt compassion and donated their bags one after another, throwing down more than a dozen copper coins.

"Okay, hurry up..." the crowd urged. In fact, most of them want to have sex for free.

"Friends who don't have money, do you think they have no money?" Zhu Zhen, however, was not used to them. He asked for money shamelessly and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't have money. We are a pair of poor people. Hold your butt. Just stand back and don’t block your friends who gave you money!”

Now there are some people who are thin-skinned and unwilling to admit that they are poor people, so they also lose their coins.

ps. Chapter 9, additional updates for 7500 orders.

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