Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 942 Xipinghou’s on-site teaching

It was said that they attacked the city early in the morning, but in fact, the Yuan army began to take action in the middle of the night.

At the second watch of the day, the Puding tribesmen, carrying sandbags and large rocks, took advantage of the cover of night to leave the camp and climb up Pingding Mountain, trying to fill in the dry trench.

The torches on the fort wall shone in the sky, and the patrolling soldiers soon discovered the strange movement outside the fort and immediately shouted a warning.

Mu Ying lived in the city gate tower with her clothes on. When she heard the noise, she immediately came out to check. When she saw it, she said solemnly: "This is to fill the trench. Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and light it up!"

"Quick!" Huo Bu Mukui, who served as his deputy, shouted loudly in Luo Luo language: "Throw down the torch!"

The soldiers woke up from a dream and quickly threw their torches into the trench, igniting the firewood piled in advance. A raging fire soon ignited in the trench, illuminating the entire top of the mountain as bright as day.

This fire not only prevented enemy troops from sneaking across the trench, but also illuminated the outside of the fort.

Those Puding tribesmen who had sneaked close to the edge of the ditch at night all appeared.

"Shoot!" Mu Ying ordered loudly, and the soldiers began to use javelins to attack the enemies under the fort.

The reason why they don’t use bows and arrows is because the Luoluo people are also a farming people and not many can shoot arrows. Even the most elite soldiers of the Ju Mu Army could not fire a bow. That's why Aaron proudly emphasizes that he is an old hunter, because he is a rare archer among the Luoluo people.

Mu Ying asked them to throw javelins. First of all, this weapon is the easiest to obtain. Just find a wooden stick and sharpen it to make a javelin. In addition, it is the fastest to get started, and you can kill people with a little practice.

Moreover, it is larger and heavier, and when projected from a high position, it is much more powerful than a bow and arrow!

Amidst the whining sound of the wind, the soldiers at the top of the city dropped two to three hundred javelins at the same time, instantly shooting dozens of enemy soldiers beside the trench to death.

Amidst the intensive screams, some enemy soldiers were hit by four or five javelins at the same time and were directly nailed to death on the spot. What was even more unlucky was that the one who had only been shot once could not pull it out. He could only fall to the ground with the javelin on his stomach or legs and howl.

"Well done, that's how you shoot!" Mu Ying said loudly to the soldiers: "Don't shoot far away, wait for the order, focus on the edge of the trench and shoot, so that they don't dare to get close, it will be considered a success!"

The soldiers were deeply encouraged after hearing this. They all held their javelins and stared at the trench with wide eyes, waiting for the Ming army squads to give orders.

This was a method that Mu Ying came up with in order to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of the local soldiers. He would disperse the thousand Ming troops who came with the Shuidong and Shuixi armies in small flag units throughout the fort wall to serve as defenders. At the same time as the backbone, nanny-level teaching must be conducted on-site.

Only Mu Ying can have this patience. If it had been Lan Yu, he would have kicked all these losers out of the castle and let them fight hand to hand.


Under the command of the backbone of the Ming army, the soldiers who defended the city continued to throw javelins at the foot of the fort, killing enemy soldiers one after another. The sides of the trench were soon densely packed with dead bodies that had been shot.

It wasn't until the Yuan army sent wooden shields and asked one of the Puding tribesmen to hold a shield in front to cover, while the others followed behind to avoid the javelins and slowly advanced towards the trench, that their casualties were reduced.

However, the progress of filling in the trenches was also greatly slowed down. By dawn, the section with the fastest progress had not yet filled one third.

And at this time, Mu Ying had already prepared a solution.

He had already ordered people to put all the vegetable oil, lard, camellia oil and other oils in the fort into cans for later use. When he saw the Yuan army using large wooden shields as trench carts, he immediately ordered people to fetch the oil cans.

Each oil can was half full, and its mouth was plugged with a rag soaked in oil. The Ming soldiers worked in pairs. One used a torch to light the rags on the mouth of the tank, and the other threw the burning oil tank with both hands.

The Ming army's throwing skills were amazing, and almost every oil tank could land firmly behind those wooden shields.

The Puding soldiers were so frightened that they all ducked. With a click, the oil tank fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Oil splashed all over the ground. Then it was lit by rags, and the flames jumped up to a foot high.

The soldiers screamed and dropped their shields, took off their burning clothes, jumped out of the flames, and immediately became confused...

"What are you doing standing still? Shoot with a javelin!" The soldiers of the Ming army raised their bows and nocked arrows as they hurriedly urged the garrison soldiers who were watching the excitement.

The soldiers woke up from a dream and quickly threw their javelins to kill the enemy who lost cover.


Seeing the defeated soldiers of the Puding tribe, whose faces were burned and blistered, and even the entire skin was browned and cracked, revealing the bright red flesh and blood inside, the leaders of the two Pu'an Luoshan tribes were all shocked.

It's not like they haven't attacked the city before, but compared to this, it's almost like playing house. Have you ever seen such a tragic scene?

"Are Shuidong and Shuixi so ruthless?" Dangxiong gasped: "We haven't even touched the fortress wall yet. The Puding Department has already broken hundreds of pieces, right?"

"I'm afraid it won't stop," Minoya said with a dry throat: "Do we really want to wade into this muddy water?"

"There is no way, I can't leave even if I want to." When Dangxiong looked back at the foot of the mountain, he saw those Yuan troops wearing green and black military uniforms, black tassels, and armor. They had formed a tight line of defense, and even set up horse and Deer wood.

This is obviously not to defend the Ming army, but to prevent them from becoming deserters.

Sure enough, not long after, a Yuan army came over on horseback to deliver the order: "The marshal has given the order, and Pu'an Luoshan's two troops also immediately went up to fill the trench! Anyone who escapes in front of the battle and does not shrink back will be executed without mercy!"

"Hurry up!" After the Yuan Army's primary school commander gave the order, he supervised the battle on the spot and urged the two men to advance quickly. "The trench must be filled before dark, otherwise all leaders will be subject to military law!"

The two of them were shocked. This group of Mongolians never regarded them as human beings, and they were definitely not just bluffing people by saying that they were engaged in military law. They had no choice but to quickly order their respective tribesmen to join the trench-filling team.


Under the pressure of the Yuan army's supervising team, the soldiers who filled the trench rushed to the edge of the trench one after another.

Although the defenders had tried their best to block the attack, they were still unable to break through the opponent's human sea tactics.

The damage they had caused was great enough, but there were still countless soldiers who came forward and dropped sandbags and stones. I took my life and filled in the trench bit by bit...

By nightfall, the soldiers had filled in the two east-west passages, which were about ten feet wide, and the north and south passages were almost filled in...

And the price is also very heavy.

The trenches were covered with dead soldiers. Even the passages themselves were mixed with a large number of corpses. You can clearly see countless hands, feet and heads protruding from the sandbags and rocks, which looks very terrifying. But on the battlefield where life and death are at stake, no one cares at all.

When the troops retreated at night, Toxiong, Muni and Ushiki reported their respective losses to Yaizhu. The total number of casualties exceeded 3,000.

But Yaozhu was not moved at all. In his eyes, these lowly Luoluo people were not human beings at all. He only said lightly: "The dead are all old, weak, sick and disabled, so we should treat them as reducing the burden on your clan. No need for the seriously injured ones." Once it’s cured, let’s just give it a try. The rest of you should take a rest and officially attack the city tomorrow.”

Then he ordered his generals to guard the passage at night and not let the Ming army in the city destroy it at night.

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