Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 955 Divine Soldiers Fall from Heaven

This set of rappelling techniques was taught by His Royal Highness the King of Chu. The ‘8’ figure ring descender was also ‘invented’ by King Chu. Its main function is to rub the rope on the ‘8’ figure ring to achieve the purpose of slowly descending.

Even the ropes used for rappelling were specially made under the guidance of King Chu.

He felt that the hemp rope was not wear-resistant, and was worried that the heavily armed soldiers would have an accident while rappelling, so he ordered his Hai Zheng Yamen to make a batch of cowhide rope and donated it to the military.

To make this kind of leather rope, untanned raw cowhide must be air-dried first, then soaked in butter several times to make it soft, and then made into several thin leather ropes, and finally three strands are braided into one. The finger-thick leather rope is very strong and wear-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about accidents.

The only disadvantage of this kind of leather rope is that it is expensive, but the king of Chu gave it to him for free, so the army was naturally grateful and accepted it, and specially named it the "King of Chu rope".

But His Highness the King of Chu's political opponents found a target again, saying that Lao Liu simply wanted to eat beef and was just looking for an excuse to kill the cow... He asked the emperor to ban this forever, otherwise it would become a common practice, and Lao Liu would dare to open a slaughterhouse. To put it bluntly, the people who know you best are often your enemies.

Fortunately, Boss Zhu was short-tongued and ignored them...


After the soldiers landed safely, they pulled the rope three times. The people above received the signal and started the second wave of rappelling, including Marquis Yingchuan.

Two thousand picks just like this, group by group, dotted down the cliff in the darkness...

When it was Yu Min's turn, he repeated the training while breathing heavily to relieve his nervousness.

Qi Xiang had noticed that this new recruit Danzi was extremely nervous, so he came over to help him check his equipment, and reminded him again of the essentials: "Don't look down, keep your posture, don't be too stiff, find a good rhythm, and everything will be fine."

Yu Min nodded, took a deep breath, walked backwards to the edge of the cliff, felt the mountain wind blowing on his buttocks, then gritted his teeth and began to rappel.

Qi Xiang looked at this kid worriedly and was relieved when he saw that his movements were very good and he had not forgotten the results of last month's training.

By the time Qi Xiang also left, almost all the two thousand picks had left.

Looking at the sky again, a full hour has passed. This is also the reason why Fu Youde only brought 2,000 picks with him. The rope descent was no better than the fart descent, and the speed was still too slow. If there were too many people, the descent would not be completed even at dawn.

When all the officers from behind came down, Fu Youde whispered: "Hand me!"

Everyone took out a small piece of wood and bit it in their mouths to prevent accidental noise.

Before taking the title, Qi Xiang whispered to Yu Min again: "Follow me closely, and I will do whatever I want."

Yu Min already had the wood chip in her mouth and could only nod.

Qi Qianhu also nodded towards him and took his piece of wood into his mouth.

The two thousand selected frontmen quietly moved towards the Yuan army camp two miles away.


Half an hour later, two thousand soldiers arrived outside the Yuan army camp and could clearly hear the snoring in the camp.

At this time, the Yuan army in the camp was still unaware.

Because the Yuan army's attention was entirely on Puding Fort, they dug trenches around Puding Fort, set up deer and firewood, and built arrow towers. They kept lights on all night and patrolled continuously.

The scene outside the military camp was completely different. Apart from a wooden fence and a few guard towers, there was nothing.

Yaizhu never thought that an army would come down from such a high cliff. His troops were already stretched thin. It was already very difficult for 15,000 people to surround the huge Puding Fort. There was no extra force to take care of more. Extensive perimeter defense.

Besides, in his opinion, having a large army guarding the entrance of the valley would ensure that he would not be attacked from both sides. There was no need to do anything extra. We simply erected a road wall and several sentry towers without even digging trenches.

With this kind of attitude from the top, the bottom naturally took advantage of it. The sentries on the sentry tower all huddled inside to avoid the wind and chatted. Those who were brave enough just dared to sleep there. No one noticed that the Ming army had broken down the wall and reached downstairs.

Originally, the plan was to clear out a few sentries on the watchtowers first, but Fu Youde listened to the snoring above, raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need to worry about them, and continued to move forward.

His judgment was very correct. The troops had already penetrated deep into the military camp, but the sentries were still unaware...

Fu Youde originally planned to reach the central military tent in one go and capture the thief first, but he was not lucky and was discovered by the patrol...

"Who?!" The patrolman was also shocked. Why were so many people suddenly active in the military camp? He quickly shouted in Mongolian.

Seeing that he was exposed, Fu Youde spit out the wood chips and shouted loudly: "I am your Abu!"

Hearing the sound, the two thousand frontmen spit out the wood chips at the same time, raised their guns and launched a charge!

"Enemy attack!"

"The Ming army is coming..." The Yuan army patrol only had time to shout a warning before it was swallowed up by the billowing iron flow.

Then the iron stream rushed through the camp, charging and setting fire everywhere, massacring the half-asleep Yuan troops!

"Send the signal." Fu Youde ordered, and Muchun on the side quickly took out a firecracker from his arms, blew the cracker and lit it.

With a whoosh, the firecracker flew into the sky and exploded into a gorgeous red firework.


Outside the entrance of the canyon, the main force of the Ming army had already been in position, and they had been looking up at the night sky with their necks raised.

Waiting and waiting, I finally waited for the red firework.

"Blow the drum!" Hou Xuande ordered loudly: "Put the flowers!"

Another green firework bloomed in the night sky, and the drums of war drums sounded at the entrance of the valley. The soldiers of the Ming army poured out of the night, holding up their shields and launched an attack on the Yuan army, which was waiting for them.


On Puding Fort, there were shouts of killing outside the city, and Mu Ying, who had been sleeping in the gate tower, heard it.

He rushed outside to check and saw the red fireworks exploding above the Yuan army camp.

"It's the Marquis of Yingchuan!" Mu Ying excitedly smacked the arrow stack and said to the soldiers: "Respond quickly."

The soldier also took out a firecracker, lit it and put it in the sky, causing a yellow firework to bloom.

After hearing the news, all the Mukui people came one after another and saw the joy on the face of Marquis Xiping illuminated by the fireworks.

"Our reinforcements have arrived, quickly assemble the team and follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!" Mu Ying ordered loudly.

The troops of Shuidong and Shuixi were practicing every day in the fort to recharge their batteries. They had long been impatient to go out and kill the enemy, but they were kept pressed by the Marquis of Xiping, preventing them from leaving the city.

Now that Mu Ying finally ordered a counterattack, Zhong Mu Kui... Oh yes, now called Qian Hu, they are overjoyed. Immediately ran down in a swarm and gathered their subordinates.

Mu Ying's training was quite effective. Before, it would have taken them half an hour to assemble the team during the day. Now, it only took them just one meal to wake up the soldiers from their sleep, get ready and set off.

The suspension bridge slowly lowered with a creaking sound. After it landed with a crash, Mu Ying was the first to step out of the castle gate, drew out her sword and shouted loudly: "All soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Then he took him to train the local soldiers, screamed and rushed down the mountain to join the battle group.

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