Fellow Daoists, Would You Like To Buy Gatling?

Chapter 772: 768. This employee welfare is more black-hearted and older than a certain Jiang.

  Chapter 772 768. This employee welfare is much better than a black-hearted boss surnamed Jiang

  "This season of the civilization of the multiverse is still in the expansion period, and news of the discovery of new universes in the sea of ​​void can be heard every day. But not every universe is enough to be included in the multiverse library.

  This has a very strict identification and inclusion procedure.

  But those weirdly shaped universes can provide us with some very peculiar samples as a means and way to study the secrets of the Void Sea.

  Your universe was once a labeled universe in the multiverse library, but after it entered its twilight years, it was confirmed that it was irretrievable, and it was removed from the universe library. "

  In Lao Jiang’s room, Boss Raven held his beloved fat cat, helping him to smooth the hair while talking to Lao Jiang.

He said:

  "Perhaps for other ancients, the process of the dying of the universe is not worth noting, after all, they have seen too much. But I am a ‘new man’ and I am curious about the process of dying in a universe.

  Moreover, I also have a ‘friend’ who will use your dying universe to accomplish her promotion.

  In the words you are more familiar with, it is to use your universe to practice devouring the Dao.

  So, I will give you this advice.

After your cosmic furnace is repaired, you take it back and place it in the place you have chosen. With the help of the connection of the world tree in your body, I will transmit the force of my universe and use it as fuel for you to ignite the cosmic furnace. . "

  Speaking of this, he stopped, glanced at Lao Jiang, who was recording at high speed, and said:

  "But after I once ignited the melting pot of my world, there is not much cosmic force left here, and it is not enough to complete an epoch change in your universe.

  In fact, your universe doesn’t have that ability anymore.

  The appearance of the landlord means that it has reached the moment of final extinction.

  You have to hurry up before it finally collapses and returns to the void, gather up and protect the civilization that you think is valuable, relying on the little light and heat from the melting furnace of the universe, to survive the collapse of the universe.

  After the destruction of all things, you who have experienced epochs will be endowed with a certain cosmic level of ‘symbolic’.

Relying on that symbolism, you will have the right to build a "sanctuary" composed of thousands of planets, a new miniature universe. After this process is over, I will send the miniature universe you built into my star sea. inside.

  Such actions are not allowed.

  But it was not banned, which is equivalent to hitting a side ball.

  Do you have anything to say about this plan?

  You can raise any opinions. I am a very democratic person, and you know that you can’t hide your thoughts in front of me.

  I can listen.

  But I would rather you say it without reservation. "

   "I have three questions, big boss."

  Lao Jiang hesitated, he looked up at the eyes that seemed to be burning, and he said:

"The first one, do you have to be restrained by such a powerful person? You have been talking about being allowed or not allowed. Could it be that at the level of the multiverse, there is more powerful management than you? By?"

   "Yes, not a lot."

  The polite raven patiently explained:

   "Any huge system wants to maintain no division, order must exist. Although people like me, everyone has the ability to disrupt order within a certain range, but everyone is unlikely to do so.

  It's not because there are rewards for keeping the rules.

  But because abiding by the rules will not cause trouble for hurting others and self.

  Just like what I’m dealing with now, some gods who were exiled to the sea of ​​void are returning, and many multiverses are threatened.

  A multiverse counterattack is underway.

  And people like me are not even qualified to act as a frontline forward. Those who come down from the wall of origin, none of them are good.

  The cause of this trouble is that some dogs who live impatiently do not follow the rules.

  Of course, in any force that is still expanding, conflicts are inevitable.

  Conflict is not a bad thing.

  Conflict breeds war, and while war brings destruction, it also brings progress.

  If there is a pool of stagnant water in a multiverse system, it means that it is about to reach its end.

  These things are still far away for you, but after you finish the establishment of the ‘shelter’, you may also be able to participate in such high-level things.

  Even if it's just a shot, it's enough to let you see scenes you don't even think about. "

   "Well, I am starting to look forward to it. The big boss is worthy of being a big boss, and his ability to draw cakes is first-rate."

  Lao Jiang stretched out his thumb and waved to the raven.

  The latter shrugged, and did not object to this statement.

  "The second question, Mr. Crow just revealed some secrets to me, and it made my scalp numb."

  Lao Jiang touched his wrist, and asked the raven:

   "He said, me and him, including you, are just stories."

   "Well, that's right."

  Raven confessed this statement straightforwardly. He said:

  "For example, every world and every civilization has its own characteristics. At the cosmic level, every physical universe also has its own characteristics. My universe, including those of my other friends, has a common characteristic.

  Our existence is to serve high-dimensional life.

  I call them ‘observers’, they are a very peculiar existence, originating from outside the wall of origin.

  They are willing to search for stories, and they will also pay attention to certain people and certain things. Only some talented guys can get their attention. When they are followed for a long time, you can get a lot of help that you don't realize.

  Your story will continue for a long time, until the end of yours comes.

  Don’t care about Shen Qiu’s frustration with this matter.

  He just. How do you say? His character is not very pleasing and has lost the favor of observers, but this does not mean that he is a loser.

  Actually, just like you, he also saved his world. "

  Speaking of this, the raven spoke earnestly, and said to Lao Jiang in front of him in the tone of a person coming over:

   "Of course you can regard the attention of observers as a kind of glory, but you don't have to define your existence with this long-term attention. Without their applause, your story will continue.

  As long as you are willing to go on, as long as you keep walking.

  For us, being favored by observers is a kind of luck.

  But it is not necessary.

  After they lose interest in you, do you have to stop and leave your own story halfway through? After all, this is your own life, and only you can control it.

  Mengshen’s library contains countless stories from countless worlds, including the stories that are unfinished and abruptly ended. You can go there and see more if you have nothing to do.

  Look at the people who gave up because they lost their attention.

  They could have achieved a career, but they chose to self-destruct in the loss of attention. That is the most tragic thing. Every time they read it, they will make people sigh with sigh.

  When a story is written, it is indeed for people to see, just like a performer without an audience, no matter how wonderful the skill is.

  But as the protagonist of the story, you must have this belief when you are born, and you must also think about this question:

  Observers are your source of power, that’s right.

  But after you lose this power of attention, can you go through your life without leaving any regrets for yourself.

  If you don’t want to understand this question, then your future path is destined to not go smoothly.

  Your story will eventually have an ending, but after you have passed the ending, you have to continue walking until it is forgotten forever, that is your moment of death.

  As long as someone is still reciting your name and reading your story, you are immortal. "

  The reminder and instruction from the raven made Lao Jiang nod his head.

  He didn't understand a bit, but he decided to write down this statement and listen to it again when he encountered something like this in the future.

  This is the wisdom gifted by the raven, and there must be some time when it comes in handy.

   "The last question, about the deserter."

  Lao Jiang asked again:

  "If the universe is destined to perish, then the deserter who plays the role of destruction is the last life to die. It must complete its mission and truly die after all other lives have died.

  If we build a shelter, if we survive the destruction, does it mean that the deserter will also survive?

  After all, it is a conceptual creature opposite to life. "


   A very reliable raven, this time he did not give a definite answer.

He said:

   "As I said, this is also the first time I observe the process of the physical universe's demise. I cannot predict what will happen after its destruction.

  If it is true as you said, after the establishment of the sanctuary, the deserter will still have the power of destruction to live with you, I will be very surprised.

  But that’s not my trouble.

  That is your trouble, you need to deal with it yourself. "

   Raven said in a straightforward tone:

  "Are you all a group of children, do you still need me to change your diapers? Do your own things yourself, you should always understand this truth.

All right.

  This is the end of the meeting tonight.

  Your name has been written into the staff roster of the Brotherhood of Shadows, which means that you have become a full member of our organization, so go ahead and do things with confidence.

  If you die unfortunately, I will ‘pinch’ you out with my own hands.

  But you'd better not take the initiative to find death.

  I’m very busy right now. I may be anxious when pinching people. It’s not impossible to lack a few parts. Maybe there are more, even if you make a profit.

  In addition, Shen Qiu is already a little distressed because he has been transporting our fellow villagers who have been lost in the sea of ​​void, and rubbing their **** in their respective new worlds.

  He made a very interesting suggestion to me.

  I’m considering this matter. Maybe you two will be responsible for this work as an independent organization under the Brotherhood.

  But that is a future thing, I just remind you in advance.

  Now, go to sleep, and then accept the heart of the world of Wangchuan Realm tomorrow, and then go back to save the world. "

  After finishing speaking, Raven stood up, looked at Lao Jiang again, and reached out and tapped his forehead.

   "Staff benefits, I'm here for you, don't say privately that I am a black-hearted boss."

   After saying this with a smile, the figure of the raven turned into a red bird and disappeared into the silent night, while Lao Jiang with blank eyes covered his forehead.

  He will have a splitting headache, and he feels that something is about to jump out of his primordial consciousness.

  Finally, amidst the exclamation of the demon Xiao Jiang, the Lu Wu star elephant, lying asleep under the Qibao Tree, jumped out of the sea of ​​consciousness amidst the roar.

  It fell on the ground, and its body composed of astrology quickly materialized.

  Just this thing that the raven gave him when he was leaving. With the creative power of the master of the stars, that guy abruptly shaped Lao Jiang’s illusory life style into an entity.

After only a few breaths, a red human-faced tiger swaying its head and tail swayed its nine tails. Amidst the swaying cloud mane, it swooped up and threw Lao Jiang to the ground.

   is like a big cat of joy, running and spinning around him continuously.

  It's alive.

  From a fate that can only dominate in the sea of ​​knowledge, it turned into a real beast, Lu Wu, which is far more bullish than any fate.

  The sacred beasts of the Suffering Wood Realm have long since perished, and now, Lao Jiang has a genuine partner of the sacred beasts, he is still pure blood!

  Take it back, but it's too much face.

   is indeed a raven.

  The boss of the boss, who is generous and generous, gave Lao Jiang a simple idea that he would definitely have a meal with the big boss of the raven.

   "Uh, I didn't think it before. Now that you are transformed into an entity, your human face looks a little horrified. Come on, turn into an ordinary tiger face, I know you can change it.

  Change into one, let me see. "

   Early the next morning, Lao Jiang rode his big tiger happily to find Mr. Crow to show off, but was severely ridiculed by others:

   "Ah, employee benefits, I have them too."

  Mr. Crow laughed and summoned his own beast, a unihorned rhino in armor, and a sign that the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. From the perspective of its appearance, it is not inferior to the beast of Lao Jiang, Lu Wu.

  Mr. Crow also patted his jade horn fierce rhinoceros, proudly explaining:

   "I am, but the true monarch of the Northern Xuanwu No.1 Doumu Hae is also my life style, connected with my heart, and if you really fight, your big tiger will be easily overthrown by it.

  It's not that Lu Wu is inadequate.

  It's that your master is not strong.

  Walk around, take you to the heart of the world.

  Hurry up and finish here, and then go back to your place to pick up my disciple. "

  (End of this chapter)

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