Fight to break the sky

Chapter 376 Black Corner Domain

Chapter 348 Black Corner Domain

Three days later, in a hidden forest outside Daling City, a man dressed in black robe slowly walked out. He looked up at the occasional passers-by on the road. After discerning the direction of the road, he raised his feet and faced Walk south along the main road.

The steps of the man in black robe are not very fast, and if anyone observes carefully, they can find that every time the man in black robe steps down, his figure will move forward a little strangely by nearly one meter. With such a large distance, the scene seems to be moving in a small area, which is quite strange.

The man in black robes who came out of the forest was naturally Xiao Yan, who had hidden inside to refine the elixirs he had prepared. In the past three days, with the help of Yao Lao, his exhausted recovery and healing powers had been restored. The elixirs have once again enriched the Najie, and with these sufficient elixir reserves, Xiao Yan also feels a little more at ease. In this Dou Qi Continent, whoever goes out and walks around has not used these elixirs. Restoration item listed as a must-have? After all, these things are life-saving.

"This road leads directly outside the border, but along the way, there are three military fortresses. The city lords of the first two fortresses do not need to be afraid, but the last fortress is said to be stationed with 30,000 troops, and there are The deputy commander is also a former elder of the Yunlan Sect. According to the people at Miter Auction House, his name seems to be Meng Li, right? His strength is at the Dou Ling level. Now that the wanted order of the Yunlan Sect has been passed to Daling City, then The elder of the Yunlan Sect must have received it too." Xiao Yan lifted his steps slowly and slowly, his body flashing strangely on the road, but he was constantly thinking about how to leave the Jia Ma Empire smoothly.

"Now I am almost unable to move even an inch in the Jiama Empire. I'm afraid Yunshan can also guess that I will escape from the empire. So, he naturally attaches great importance to this kind of final border checkpoint. Maybe that Meng Li has already obtained Yunshan's According to Shan's special message, it may be difficult to leave easily from there." His face was completely covered in shadows. Thinking of the trouble, Xiao Yan couldn't help but frown.

"That kind of border fortress, the city wall is almost as huge as a hill, and there must be countless archers and crossbowmen who are proficient in archery and riding, as well as unique induction energy shields, and it can be used to guard the border. Presumably the fortress must have defenses flying from high altitudes. Otherwise, if there is a war, wouldn't powerful people from other countries come whenever they want? It seems that it is impossible to pass through this final hurdle as easily as passing through Daling City." Xiao Yan shook his head in distress and sighed in a low voice.

In the Jia Ma Empire, there is a military order that prohibits anyone from flying over the key military fortresses near the border. Otherwise, if discovered, they may suffer an overwhelming and devastating blow.

"We can only take one step at a time. If it doesn't work out, we can only take the risk and rush in." Shaking his head, Xiao Yan stopped thinking and put all his energy on the road.

Although Daling City is not short from the border of the Jiama Empire, it is only relatively speaking. If ordinary people were to walk these hundreds of miles, they would definitely not be able to reach it in less than ten days and a half, and even if At Xiao Yan's speed, and after quietly flying with the Ziyun Wing for a period of time along the way, it took him three days to pass through the two fortresses on this must-pass road.

As Xiao Yan expected, since the top leaders in the first two fortresses did not belong to the Yunlan Sect, the wanted orders, which were not officially recognized by the royal family, were not issued like the ones in Daling City. It was everywhere, and as for the troops stationed here, they didn't pay too much attention to the wanted notice, which allowed Xiao Yan to pass through the two fortresses without any danger.

However, although he successfully passed through the two fortresses, Xiao Yan's mood did not feel any lighter because he also knew that the most troublesome thing was the last one, the huge fortress called "Gui Zhenguan". As an imperial border military fortress that deters foreign forces, it is not an exaggeration to describe the defense here as a dragnet. The troops stationed here have all experienced real bloody battlefields, but they are far from those within the empire. , the city defense troops who have been hollowed out by the luxurious life can be compared.

This military fortress will be the last line of defense that prevents Xiao Yan from leaving the Jia Ma Empire!

Only by breaking out from here can Xiao Yan truly be a dragon swimming in the sea, an eagle soaring in the nine heavens, and nothing can bind him anymore.

Therefore, this time's breakthrough is very important!

On the second day after passing through the second fortress, the huge fortress that stood at the border of the empire like a wild beast finally appeared in Xiao Yan's sight.

Standing on a hillside, Xiao Yan looked at the giant city wall that was almost endless as far as the eye could see, and then felt the faint sound of neat drills coming from the city wall. He couldn't help but let out a breath, and the momentum of tens of thousands of troops blended together. , that ferocious aura soaring into the sky, I am afraid that even if it is compared with Yunlan Sect's combined attack formation, it will not be inferior.

The freedom of Long Guihai is on the other side of the city wall, but Xiao Yan is a little worried. This huge fortress is like a tiger blocking the road, blocking his final journey.

"I'm afraid it's a bit unreliable to force a leap. It seems that I can only try to see if I can sneak in." His eyes swept over the road below. The teams of cars and horses passing by hesitated for a moment, and their bodies slowed down. Back away, finally disappearing into the jungle.

On the Loess Avenue, a large team of about a hundred people was galloping toward the huge fortress at the end of the line of sight. There were shouts of curses along the way. Judging from the uniform clothes of these people, they seemed to belong to the same group. A mercenary group, this kind of mercenary group with about a hundred people, can be regarded as medium-sized in the Jiama Empire.

Because "Gui Zhen Pass" is close to the border, the chaotic atmosphere here is very popular with some mercenary groups. They don't like to take the stable route of hunting monsters, but are more willing to join the legendary war mercenary group. It means helping a certain party in a war and getting huge rewards.

Although the reward is very high, the risk is also extremely high. After all, in that battlefield meat grinder, if a team of several hundred people is not careful, it would not be surprising even if they are all killed.

Outside the fortress, walk a few hundred miles to the east, passing through some small countries and tribes along the way, and you will be able to enter that special area that is famous throughout the continent: the "Black Corner Territory"!

Here, due to the special terrain, it has almost become the most chaotic area in the entire continent. Countless fleeing strong men from various countries have landed here and established the most barbaric rules. In addition, besides humans, all kinds of people on the continent have gathered here. The various races are like a small miniature version of the continent.

In the "Black Corner Domain", there are no legal constraints, there is only one law, the law of the jungle!

In other words, that is, the weak eat the strong!

The weak have no rights here!

This is an extremely pure area. As long as you want to, even if you rape a woman in the street, no one will stop you. Of course, the premise here is that when you rape, you'd better choose a good target, otherwise, the end may be quite miserable. , in the "Black Corner Realm", women may sometimes be more terrifying than men. There is only one reason, they survive here.

In addition, the "Black Corner Domain" may also be said to be an intelligence intersection on the mainland. Countless intelligence flows out from here every day, and then countless intelligence flows in from outside. Well, to put it bluntly, If you want to be famous and famous in the mainland, "Black Corner Domain" can give you the fastest shortcut. Of course, the premise is that you must have sufficient strength and capital. Otherwise, your life will be lost without becoming famous. .

As a chaotic area well-known on the continent, the "Black Corner Territory" does not live up to its name. Strong people die here every day, and strong people come from outside every day. This area is full of death, but also full of challenges and challenges. Temptation, here, the advanced martial arts, fighting skills, and various magical armors, medicine cauldrons, medicinal materials, high-grade elixirs, etc. that are hard to see outside are dazzling. It is even said that they are auctioned in the "Black Corner Domain" In the field, earth-level techniques appeared twice!

Of course, if you want to obtain these, you need to pay a price. This price may be money, or it may be replaced by other items. In short, in the "Black Corner Domain", pie from the sky will never happen. .

Love of chaos and preference for darkness seem to be the potential factors of human beings. Therefore, even though they know that the area is surrounded by dangerous aura, countless people are still pouring into it, in order to quickly become famous. The shortcut to the mainland is either to obtain more advanced exercises, fighting skills, elixirs, or to obtain unparalleled wealth in that chaotic area, but no matter what, these people who continue to pour in make this place The film "Noir" has injected a steady stream of popularity.

By the way, I forgot to mention it, perhaps because everything must be reversed at the extreme, but at the center of the "Black Angle Domain" is the Canaan College, which is famous in the Fighting Qi Continent!

However, within a certain range outside Canaan College, it is a peaceful area. Anyone who brings the atmosphere in the "Black Corner Domain" here will become a member of Canaan College and the "Black Corner Domain" the next day. There seems to be no exception for the mummies on a big tree at the junction of the "domain".

It is said that the corpses of two fighting kings and one fighting king were once hung on the big tree known as the Necromancer Tree.

(There will be an update later, which should be around 12 o'clock or 1 o'clock. In addition, I would like to ask for recommendation votes. After you read it, please throw a few in. Thank you.)

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