Brother Wu Xing, you did a good job.

In the aircraft, Xu Xiaoyu fully affirmed Wu Xing's performance in this mission. Whether it's fighting or responding to unexpected reactions, Wu Xing basically can't fault it.

Miss Xiaoyu...

Facing Xu Xiaoyu's praise, Wu Xing was about to speak, when suddenly, the magic cards on the two of them vibrated, followed by a prompt sound.

Hearing the urgent tone, the expressions of the two changed, because the sound meant an emergency call for help, and if a guardian was in danger of life during the mission, such an emergency call would be issued.

And this emergency call will be sent directly to the nearest guardian magic card.


Without hesitation, Xu Xiaoyu quickly said to the pilot of the aircraft.

Brother Wu Xing, you don't want to participate in the rescue this time. Xu Xiaoyu said on the way to the rescue destination.

In fact, newcomers are not required to participate in this kind of rescue operation. After all, it is definitely a very dangerous event for the guardian to send out an emergency call for help. If a newcomer participates in this kind of rescue operation, he is likely to involve himself in it. Therefore, the guardian organization stipulates that newcomers do not need to participate in emergency rescue operations.

Let's go and see the situation first. Wu Xing said after concentrating.

If the situation is beyond Wu Xing's ability, then Wu Xing will choose to leave and help if possible.

After all, if you help others today, others will come to help you if you are in danger in the future.

Found it! It's a member of the Moc organization!

Because the two people were the closest to the message for help, the aircraft arrived at the destination very quickly. At this time, the two of them also saw the situation outside from the window of the aircraft. At this moment, there were two figures chasing and fleeing below. Among them, Xu Xiaoyu, the pursuer, could tell at a glance that the other party was the enemy of the Guardian organization and a member of the Mok organization, and the one who escaped was the guardian who sent the message for help. will be caught up.

lower the altitude.

Because of the urgency of the situation, Wu Xing and Xu Xiaoyu had no time to wait for the aircraft to land, and were ready to jump off the plane directly.


It was said that the pilot of the aircraft controlled the aircraft to dive towards the target. When the aircraft was still more than 20 meters away from the ground, the pilot pulled up the aircraft violently. At this moment, Wu Xing and Xu Xiaoyu jumped down directly, lying between the two who were chasing and fleeing.

Xiaomo! It's you!

After landing, Wu Xing finally saw clearly that the escaped person was actually Xiao Mo, and the person Xiao Mo was carrying at the moment was his brother, Xiao Li.

Wu, Wu Xing.

Hearing Wu Xing's words, Xiao Mo glanced eagerly. Afterwards, Xiao Mo put down the Xiao calendar he was carrying, and said eagerly, Wu Xing, have you brought healing potions? Help my brother quickly.

Bring it.

Seeing the tears in Xiao Mo's eager eyes made Wu Xing startled, it was the first time he saw Xiao Mo like this.

Holding the potion, Wu Xing came to Xiao Li's side. Afterwards, Wu Xing couldn't help but gasped. Xiao Li's back was torn open by some kind of sharp instrument, and the internal organs inside could be clearly seen. However, apart from the trauma, there were also purple-black signs from Xiao Li's wound, which was a sign of poisoning.

The trauma and the poison caused Xiao Li to completely fall into a coma.

Facing this situation, Wu Xing also felt extremely difficult. At this moment, Wu Xing regretted that he did not bring Mei Lingling. If there was a healer by his side, even the weakest healer, Xiao Li's life would be saved. But now Wu Xing can only pour the healing potion into Xiao Li's mouth.

What's going on? How could Xiao Li be injured so badly! At this time, Xu Xiaoyu, who was confronting the pursuers of the Mok organization, also retreated to Wu Xing's side. Facing Xiao Li's injury, Xu Xiaoyu was also frightened.

Although Xiao Li is an intermediate-level guardian like Xu Xiaoyu, Xiao Li is much stronger than Xu Xiaoyu in terms of combat power. It stands to reason that unless the strength gap between the two sides is particularly large, it is impossible for Xiao Li to be so severely injured.

But the pursuer who was confronting everyone at this moment obviously didn't reach this level.

it's all me.

Hearing Xu Xiaoyu's question, Xiao Mo gritted his teeth, his eyes full of remorse.

After Xiao Mo joined the Ministry of Water, Xiao Li became his mentor. Today, Xiao Li brought Xiao Mo out to do a mission. For this first mission, Xiao Mo naturally wanted to show off, but the enemy was cunning beyond Xiao Mo's expectations. The inexperienced Xiao Mo did not follow Xiao Li's instructions and rushed out. The enemy seized the opportunity.

At the critical moment, it was Xiao Li who stood up and blocked the fatal attack for Xiao Mo, but the price was that Xiao Li was seriously injured, and the enemy's attack was also very poisonous. The superposition of the two made Xiao Li quickly lose his fighting power and fell into a coma.

However, before he fell into a coma, Xiao Li decisively sent out a request for help, which was received by Wu Xing and Xu Xiaoyu who were nearby.

After listening to Xiao Mo's narration, Xu Xiaoyu was very angry, but she also understood very well, because wasn't she also like this back then, if there were no high-level guardians who came to support in time, she might have died long ago.

Sister Xiaoyu, do you have a solution for Xiao Li's injury? Wu Xing poured bottles of healing potions into Xiao Li's mouth and wounds, but Xiao Li's injuries were too serious, and a few bottles of potions were obviously not enough. After all, these potions could only heal some ordinary injuries, and they were powerless to treat such serious injuries.

Xiao Li's situation must be treated by a therapist as soon as possible. I have already sent a message to the Poison Department. Xu Xiaoyu shook her head. She is not a therapist, and the only way to deal with this kind of traumatic injury is to let the guardians of the Poison Department handle it.

However, it is still unknown whether Xiao Li's current situation can survive until then.

After reading this, Xu Xiaoyu raised his hand and grabbed a large handful of soil from the ground. Afterwards, the soil turned into a mud blanket like plasticine to wrap Xiao Li's wound. Although the earth element does not have a healing effect, it is also a very mild element, and it should be able to barely delay the development of Xiao Li's injury. Now that Xiao Li persists for a second, it means more hope of survival.

We also need to return as soon as possible, and then we will meet the guardian of the Poison Department who came to support us in the middle of the road, so that Xiao Li's hope of surviving will be greater. After covering Xiao Li's wound with soil, Xu Xiaoyu said solemnly.


However, as soon as Xu Xiaoyu finished speaking, an explosion sounded, and it was the aircraft hovering in the sky that was attacked and crashed.

There are still people!

Seeing this, several people were shocked.

Old Mu, it's rare to see you send a signal for help.

Just as the aircraft crashed, a man came to the previous pursuer.

why you?

Muyang frowned when he saw the person who came. When this guy appeared, he would have to bleed a little. However, he could destroy the opponent's aircraft, and the injured guardian would die.

Killing a guardian is definitely a huge credit for a member of the Moc organization, and it is acceptable to give the other party some at that time. Moreover, except for the injured guardian, two of the remaining three guardians seem to be newcomers. If this can be killed, then let it go.

Stop talking nonsense, do it quickly, other support from the Guardian organization will arrive later, but there will be no such a good opportunity. Mu Yang waved his hands.

Okay, give me the two newcomers, and you come to the mid-level guardian. The visitor glanced at Wu Xing and Xiao Mo. This kind of newcomers are the easiest to deal with, and they belong to an easy job.


Seeing that the opponent snatched two rookies, Muyang was a little unhappy. After all, it is very difficult to kill the intermediate guardian. The intermediate guardian just now was also because he successfully injured the opponent by calculating the rookie. If it is one-on-one, it is very difficult to kill the intermediate guardian.

However, right now Muyang has to bear with his request to the other party. After all, if he is alone now, the situation in front of him may not be able to handle it, so he sends out the request for help.

It seems that we can only do it.

Xu Xiaoyu took a deep breath and said. A large part of the Guardian missions are related to the Mok organization. Therefore, it is common to encounter members of the Mok organization during the mission. However, if there is no certainty, the two sides will not easily break out of conflict.

But this time Xiao Li's serious injury, coupled with Wu Xing and Xiao Mo's two newcomers, let the other party see an opportunity.

Armor of the Earth!

Following Xu Xiaoyu's words, the ground around Xu Xiaoyu immediately rose, and then the raised rock and soil covered Xu Xiaoyu's body, forming a rock armor. This is a skill derived from Xu Xiaoyu's rock and soil control talent.

You guys take Xiao Li out of here, I'll stop them. Xu Xiaoyu, whose whole body was wrapped in rock armor, said to Wu Xing and Xiao Mo.

Sister Xiaoyu, stop joking. Wu Xing said calmly.

The members of the two mob organizations are obviously the elite members. The members of the moha organization are also divided into three levels, ordinary members, elite members and core members. The strength of the elite members corresponds to the mid-level guardians.

Although Xu Xiaoyu is not weak in talent and strength, it is obviously unrealistic to face two elite members alone. If Wu Xing leaves Xu Xiaoyu and leaves, then Xu Xiaoyu will probably die.

Xiao Mo, besides self-blame and remorse, don't you think about revenge? Wu Xing said to Xiao Mo, who was caught in endless self-blame and remorse.

Don't call me Xiaomo.

Xiao Mo suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of strong hatred, he hated himself for being incompetent, hated himself for bringing Xiao Li down.

Very good, the old rules, I'll go up and create opportunities for you, and you will give me output in the back. Seeing Xiao Mo's eyes, Wu Xing nodded.

no problem!

Xiao Mo gritted her teeth, her voice hoarse.

Don't lose the chain, otherwise, I will be like your brother. Wu Xing urged, said.

If you die, I will pay for your life!

Hearing Wu Xing's words, Xiao Mo's eyes were bloodshot, seeing that the excitement was almost over, Wu Xing turned his gaze to the enemy.

For a genius like Xiao Mo, only by giving him enough stimulation can he explode with amazing strength.

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