Fighter In the Age of Magic

Chapter 196 Nuclear Explosion

No, I'm explaining a fact to Lord Clown. Facing the oppression exuded by the clown, Wu Xing said calmly.


The clown looked at Wu Xing in surprise, this young man was able to keep his face under the pressure of his breath, this alone surpassed many people.

However, do you think you can keep what you have in your hand? The clown opened his mouth, and then, he crossed his hands while holding several balls the size of ping-pong balls between the clown's fingers.

A juggling trick!

The clown threw the balls in his hand towards Wu Xing, and then those balls kept bouncing to cover the space around Wu Xing.

Magic trick!

Suddenly, the clown focused his eyes, and the next moment the nuclear warhead in Wu Xing's hand disappeared, replaced by a round ball that appeared in Wu Xing's hand.


The clown's move surprised Wu Xing, because he didn't find out how the nuclear warhead in his hand disappeared from the beginning to the end.

As expected of a strong man at the cadre level, he is indeed terrifyingly strong. Wu Xing stared at the clown in the distance. This is the real cadre of the magic hacker organization in its heyday.

Okay, in order to thank you for taking out this ancient weapon for me, I'll leave it to you for the whole body. The threat in Wu Xing's hand disappeared, and the clown's expression became relaxed.

After all, with the powerful ancient weapons in hand, this mission can be regarded as a successful completion.


Hearing what the clown said, Wu Xing touched the storage bag with his hand, and then the second nuclear warhead appeared.


Seeing Wu Xing suddenly pull out the second nuclear warhead, the clown was startled. In the view of the clown, such powerful ancient weapons should be very rare. For example, magic scrolls of the forbidden level are extremely rare and precious, so he did not expect that there would be a second one.

What the clown doesn't know is that as long as there is a breakthrough in technology and sufficient materials, the things of technological civilization can be mass-produced on an assembly line.

Throwing Enhancement!

Brick (Nuclear Bomb) Throwing!

After taking out the second nuclear warhead, Wu Xing threw the nuclear bomb directly at the clown without the slightest hesitation. Facing a strong man at the cadre level, Wu Xing has absolutely no chance of winning. If that is the case, let's fight with the nuclear bomb.

Magic trick!

Looking at the nuclear bomb thrown by Wu Xing, the clown cast his special magic again, turning the nuclear warhead into his hands, but as soon as he got the nuclear bomb, the clown's face changed drastically.

Immediately, the clown threw the nuclear bomb in his hand without saying a word, and the whole person quickly fled away. In order to prevent the thrown nuclear bomb from being taken away, Wu Xing activated the activation device inside with every inch of effort the moment he threw it.


Inside the nuclear bomb, with a soft sound, the two elements were bombarded together, after which a terrifying energy erupted instantly.

In an instant, a glaring white light illuminated the surrounding area completely white, and several members of the magician organization who were fleeing away wanted to witness the power of this legendary ancient weapon with their own eyes, and were instantly blinded by the white light.

As for Wu Hai and the others, because they learned some information about the nuclear bomb from Wu Xing, no one looked back to see the nuclear explosion. They just tried their best to flee far away.

Moreover, Wu Hai and others had already started running when Wu Xing took out the first nuclear warhead. At that time, the clown's eyes were all on the nuclear bomb in Wu Xing's hand, and he didn't stop it, or he didn't bother to stop it, because he was confident that he would not let anyone leave.

Now Wu Hai and others retreated ahead of schedule, which gave them great hope of survival.


After the dazzling white light, a huge fireball steamed up with a deafening roar, forming a huge mushroom cloud in the air.

Afterwards, it was where the terrifying shock wave and blazing high temperature passed, turning everything into dust. Of course, in the light and heat visible to the naked eye, there is also a mysterious force, that is nuclear radiation.

Wherever the nuclear radiation went, the nearby magic nets collapsed one after another, forming a magic-forbidden area nearby. This meeting of nuclear radiation and magic power actually has such an effect.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Wu Xing. As the closest person to the nuclear explosion, Wu Xing is in a critical situation at the moment. Bai Guang and Shock Wave, Wu Xing, have been prepared for a long time and successfully avoided it by digging a hole underground.

And the shock wave that followed blows away the hole Wu Xing dug, exposing Wu Xing directly to the scorching high temperature and intense nuclear radiation.

The moment the nuclear bomb explodes, the amount of nuclear radiation is the strongest, and then the amount of nuclear radiation will decrease rapidly.

If it is an ordinary person, within the scope of the nuclear explosion, those who are properly dead cannot be found, and even the ashes cannot be found. However, Wu Xing's current physical strength, coupled with reinforced iron bones and overlord body armor, has kept Wu Xing alive. Although he was severely burned and absorbed a lot of radiation, Wu Xing is still alive.

Brother, this is a real man who survived the nuclear explosion. Wu Xing, who hid in the training dojo when he was about to faint, couldn't help sighing.

Of course, fortunately, this is only 100,000 tons of equivalent, and Wu Xing has already made preparations. If it is replaced with that million equivalent, it will definitely be dead.

Unexpectedly, there were such terrible weapons in ancient times.

In the distance, the clown stared at the huge mushroom cloud in the sky, and his heart was filled with shock. Although he had already learned about its horror from ancient materials, looking at the literature and seeing it with his own eyes, these are definitely two different feelings.

However, in order to witness the horror of this ancient weapon, almost all the subordinates brought by the clown were wiped out. Even if a few people with relatively high strength survived, these people were also abolished.

Nuclear radiation will dispel magic power, and these mages contaminated by nuclear radiation have basically become useless people without magic power.

This is very similar to the Northern Forbidden Continent. The clown checked the situation of several surviving subordinates, and the collapsed magic net in the nearby area covered by the nuclear explosion, and instantly thought of the Northern Continent.

Since there are east and west continents in this world, there are naturally north and south continents as well. However, the south cannot be regarded as a real continent. It can only be said to be a super-large-scale archipelago composed of countless islands.

Only the Northern Continent can be considered a real continent, but the area of ​​the Northern Continent is much smaller than that of the Eastern and Western Continents. However, the Northern Continent is absolutely forbidden to mages, because there is no magic net in the Northern Continent.

Therefore, people call the Northern Continent the Forbidden Demon Continent.

Huh? You can't stay here for long.

Feeling the strange power of dispelling the magic power that was constantly spreading, the clown grabbed a few living men and quickly fled away.

Someone is finally here.

Wu Xing is practicing in the dojo, sensing the outside world, and after a while Wu Xing feels someone is approaching, but this person feels very strange to Wu Xing, but also very powerful.

Forbidden weapon, why did it appear here? A woman with a hazy figure stood beside Wu Xing, looking around, her brows exuding solemnity.

Oh, this is what Xiaotian reported recently, a young man with outstanding abilities. Soon the woman turned her gaze to Wu Xing who fell to the ground.

Speaking of which, the woman stretched out her hand to hug Wu Xing from the ground, but at this moment, the woman's figure shrank rapidly, from a mature woman to a little loli.

Why are you here at this time? Little Lolita said in a childish voice.

Forget it, you're lucky this time. Little Loli fumbled around in the small bag, then took out a pill and stuffed it into Wu Xing's mouth, and then floated away.

Don't come near.

Outside the range of the nuclear explosion, Wu Hai stopped Zhou Ya and said.

The area in front has now become a magic-forbidden area, and it contains a lot of power that can destroy the magic power. This can be seen from Zhou Ya's painting of the probing beast, which collapses as soon as it enters this area.

But Junior Wu Xing is still inside. Zhou Ya said anxiously. Such a terrifying explosion, Zhou Ya couldn't imagine Wu Xing's current situation.

Zhou Ya's words made Wu Hai very impatient, but facing the current situation, they had nothing to do, because even if they rushed in all at once, the final result would only be annihilation of the entire army.

What's the hurry, meow, that little guy is fine. When everyone was burning with anxiety, a cat suddenly appeared on Zhou Ya's head.

Master Demon Pillar!

The two young men, Zhou Ya and Qin Yue, were bewildered by the sudden appearance of the cat, but Wu Hai recognized it and quickly saluted.

It will take a lot of time to repair this area. Yaozhu looked at the collapsed magic net and said a little madly.

It happened to be his shift today, Yaozhu was going to have a good sleep, who would have thought that the boss had just sent a message and asked him to deal with the aftermath of the forbidden magic weapon.

This aftermath is naturally to repair the collapsed magic net. It is said to be repaired, but in fact it is to clear the nuclear radiation here. As long as the nuclear radiation disappears, then the magic net will automatically repair the collapsed place. Unless it is a collapse of the level of the northern forbidden magic continent, it cannot be repaired. A collapse of this scale is not a big problem.

Of course, the issue of forbidden magic weapons will be bigger. You guys, go back and explain the matter to me. This matter is related to forbidden magic weapons, and it definitely needs to be investigated carefully.

While talking, a beast appeared from the depths of the nuclear explosion carrying Wu Xing on its back.

This beast is an ordinary beast controlled near the Demon Pillar. This newly-appeared Forbidden Land is definitely the most dangerous. Entering it randomly will reduce the magic power. If it stays for a long time, it will even lose its magic power completely and become a scum.

Even a strong man at the level of Yaozhu would not want to enter this kind of place. The feeling of not being able to perceive the magic net would make people very disturbed. Therefore, Yao Zhu let a beast with little magic power go in and get Wu Xing out.

Little life seems to have saved meow. Yao Zhu glanced at Wu Xing, but Wu Xing absorbed so much power of forbidden demons...

Huh? No, meow, this little guy doesn't seem to have any magic power. Suddenly, Yaozhu suddenly remembered that Wu Xing seemed to have no magic power.

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