Fighter In the Age of Magic

Chapter 203: Nian Qi Wave

Nian Qi wave!

Wu Xing directly pushed out the Nian Qi gathered in his hand, and suddenly, a white Nian Qi cluster blasted out, and during the flight, the Nian Qi cluster continued to gather the surrounding natural forces, making the Nian Qi rapidly grow larger.

When this thought energy wave reached the gray-robed lich, it was several times larger than when Wu Xing launched it.


The wave of thought energy bombarded the bone shield condensed by the gray-robed lich, and then exploded. The strong explosion force made the gray-robed lich take a step back.

Flash step!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Xing quickly approached with a quick step.

Soul, your soul is delicious. The gray-robed lich stared at Wu Xing. Although Wu Xing gave him a very dangerous feeling, Wu Xing's soul also attracted him.

Thunder Step!

Avoiding the Lich's undead spell, Wu Xing, who quickly approached the Lich, raised his leg fiercely, and then the thoughts in his body quickly poured into the raised leg.


Then Wu Xing's leg infused with Nianqi stepped down fiercely, and the moment Wu Xing's leg stepped down, it was like a match was struck, but unlike a match that produced flames, Wu Xing's step directly triggered lightning.

Different from the thunder spells released by the mage, the lightning caused by Wuxing is formed by the force of nature. Another way to understand it is that the thunder and lightning cast by the mage with magic power is artificially induced thunder and lightning, while the lightning caused by Wuxing is naturally produced.

Although they are all thunder and lightning, they are completely different in essence. Wu Xing's lightning is purer and more powerful.


When Wu Xing's foot stepped on the Lich's chest, dazzling thunder and lightning fell, and with the help of the thunder and lightning, Wu Xing directly stepped on the Lich to the ground, and then, the powerful power blasted the ground into a big hole.

From the scope of this big pit, it can be clearly seen that the power of Wu Xing's blow has surpassed the previous blow of Wu Xing in his heyday when he was not infected with nuclear radiation.

This is the power of mindfulness!

Soul, offer your soul!!

However, the lich's body is indeed strong enough, and it was still alive after Wu Xing's thunderbolt hit. Well, to be precise, a lich is simply a dead person.

Nian Qi wave!

Stepping on the lich, Wu Xing condensed all the energy in his hands, and then, Wu Xing blasted the wave of energy in his hand towards the head of the lich.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the Lich's head was directly smashed by Wu Xing, and the Lich's soul was also torn apart by the Nian Qi.

Fuck, is Wu Xing already that strong? Song Xueren's shock can be imagined when he saw that Wu Xing killed the lich that nearly wiped them out in just a few hits.

Nian Qi is really strong.

Wu Xing was very satisfied with the results of the first battle after obtaining Nian Qi. Although this lich was not a real lich, his combat power should be comparable to that of the one-armed old man who was a peak intermediate mage in Central Capital last time. At that time, Wu Xing was not able to defeat the one-armed old man.

Now Wu Xing has successfully killed this Lich with similar combat effectiveness, even a little bit stronger, which is enough to prove that Wu Xing's strength has grown after gaining Nian Qi.

From this moment, Wu Xing officially ended his weak state for more than half a year. Of course, the nuclear radiation in his body has not disappeared, and his physical strength is still weak, but with the help of Nian Qi, Wu Xing's combat power has recovered, even stronger than before.

Moreover, as Wu Xing continuously accumulates Nian Qi and cultivates stronger Nian Qi skills, it won't be long before Wu Xing can gain the strength of a senior mage.

When the nuclear radiation in the body disappears in the future, and the strength of the body will increase, then Wu Xing's strength will have a qualitative leap.

Who sent the message for help?

At this time, a figure galloped from a distance, but it was the guardian who had received Song Xueren's request for help earlier.

Has it been resolved? The visitor asked with a look of surprise.

Didn't the news say that we met a Lich? The lowest level of this thing is the strength of a senior mage, right? How did these little guys solve it?

Senior Li Li, long time no see.

Seeing the person coming, Wu Xing immediately went up to greet him. The person who came was one of the two high-level guardians of the Ministry of Earth, and the other was naturally Lu Wenlun.

However, this Li Li is a task freak, and spends most of his time on tasks. Wu Xing has only met him once after he has been here for so long.

Oh, isn't this Wu Xing? I didn't expect you to be a girl. Li Li looked at Wu Xing with fluttering hair, and suddenly realized.

Li Li's words made the corner of Wu Xing's mouth twitch. Considering that he still couldn't beat the opponent, Wu Xing decided to endure it first.

After throwing the two wounded to Li Li, Wu Xing took Bai Xian and ran away, because Li Li had already finished the task and was about to go back to hand in the task. On the way back, he received a message from Song Xueren asking for help, so he rushed over.

Finally home!

Back in the Central Capital, the first thing Wu Xing did was to go to the barber shop and cut off his long hair.

Wu Xing, you've been missing for half a year. When Wu Xing returned to the ground, Lu Wenlun who heard the news appeared immediately.

I made senior worry. Wu Xing said with a smile, By the way, senior Lu, do you know where Liu Qian is?

Oh, that little girl, Lord Di Zhu is teaching her in the practice field. Seeing Wu Xing mentioning Liu Qian, Lu Wenlun said with some emotion. Di Zhu's special care for this girl made many people in the Di Ministry envious.

After learning of Liu Qian's whereabouts, Wu Xing bid farewell to Lu Wenlun and went to the training ground.

This Wu Xing seems to be a bit different. Looking at Wu Xing who was going away, Lu Wenlun frowned slightly. He didn't feel it was obvious that Wu Xing was in front of him just now. As soon as Wu Xing left, Lu Wenlun felt a little unusual.

Little girl, can you die after just a while? How can you become a strong man like this! In the practice field, Di Zhu stood in the field and faced the petite figure who was half kneeling on the ground and panting continuously.

Hoo~~ I, I...

Liu Qian was gasping for breath. Now Liu Qian had fallen into a bottleneck in her spiritual breathing method, so Dizhu began to teach Liu Qian to practice martial arts. Although Liu Qian had a strong mental talent, her martial arts talent was average.

Di Zhu was a little anxious about this, and finally found a successor who could practice his breathing method. Di Zhu still counted on Liu Qian to carry forward his breathing method.

But Liu Qian's talent in martial arts at the moment is really poor. Of course, if other people's martial arts skills are not good, they can try magic or alchemy, etc., but Liu Qian has no magic power, and these have long been out of her reach. Her only way is to take martial arts.

Lord Dizhu, you don't have to be too harsh. Seeing Liu Qian trying to stand up, but because of excessive consumption, she couldn't get up several times and was crying, Wu Xing said.

You finally know you're back, kid. Di Zhu glanced at Wu Xing, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, because Di Zhu saw something unusual from Wu Xing.

Interesting, let's make a gesture. Di Zhu hooked his fingers at Wu Xing.

No comparison!

Wu Xing refused without hesitation, said. Although, he has mastered Nian Qi, but Wu Xing knows that he is still not the opponent of Dizhu now, so he doesn't want to seek abuse.

You missed a rare opportunity to give pointers. Di Zhu said angrily. Other people in the local area are eager to get his advice, but Wu Xing is the only one who is reluctant every time.

Then Master Dizhu, how about we go to the external network world to compete? Wu Xing is naturally very eager to accompany a strong player at the level of Dizhu, but in the real world he only has to be abused, and only in the external network world can he get the best sparring effect.


When he heard that he wanted to go to the extranet world, Di Zhu refused decisively. Many of his abilities would be restricted in the extranet world, so he couldn't help Wu Xing at all. He was also a strong player at the pillar level, and he was on par with a junior in the extranet world. He didn't want to lose face.

In other words, Wu Xing in the entire Earth Division can draw with him under the specific conditions of the external network world. As for other people, let alone specific conditions, many guardians don't even have the courage to fight him.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Wu Xing is the only guy in the whole land that doesn't fear him, and dares to encourage a little girl like Liu Qian to come and gather her wool.

Lord Dizhu, we'll go first if we don't have anything to do. Seeing that Dizhu was contemplating, Wu Xing apologized and took Liu Qian away.

Now that Wu Xing has successfully perceived Nian Qi, Wu Xing is also going to pass on the ability to perceive Nian Qi to Liu Qian.

Liu Qian, next I will teach you a skill. If you can learn it, I will take you as an apprentice. Wu Xing said with a serious face.

Yes, Master Wu Xing!

Hearing that Wu Xing had set out the conditions for accepting apprentices, Liu Qian was both surprised and delighted.

Immediately, Wu Xing taught Liu Qian the cultivation method of Nian Qi perception, and Wu Xing also gave Liu Qian the Requiem Bell on his body. Wu Xing, who has successfully sensed Nian Qi, the effect of this magic net equipment on him is not so obvious.

Now Liu Qian obviously needs this more.


Harper, I heard that your mission is in danger? Several exchange students from the Western Continent who had successfully entered the guardian organization said to Harper who appeared.

Did that Song or something hold you back? asked the young man with a cut head.

No, Song is very strong, please don't insult a strong man. Harper said with a serious face.

I heard that the martial artist who came to support you this time? Aesop Caesar asked suddenly.

As the captain of the exchange team this time, after learning that Harper was in danger during the mission, he also went to find out about the situation.


Harper nodded.

Oh, what's the strength of that Martial Star? Hearing this, the cropped young man asked quickly.

Very strong!

Harper pondered for a moment, and said, Maybe not weaker than Brother Caesar.

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