Fighter In the Age of Magic

Chapter 207 The Devil's Eye Comes

Haha, just kidding, don't be angry. Li Li smiled when he saw Wu Xing with an ugly face.

Senior Li Li, if we have time, let's go to the Internet world to learn from each other. Wu Xing took a deep breath and said with a smile on his face.

For the external world, no problem. Li Li, who knew nothing about the truth, said without hesitation.

I said, that person seems to be summoning something dangerous. Are we going to make a move? Narisa said suddenly.

The senior mage who was seriously injured by Wu Xing did not choose to escape, but was chanting a strange spell, which seemed to be summoning something.

It's probably summoning the incarnation of the magic web creatures they believe in. Li Li said calmly.

To completely eradicate an evil organization that believes in magic net creatures, the only way is to destroy the bridge between this evil organization and magic net creatures. Otherwise, even if all the people in this evil organization are killed, there will still be people in the future who cannot resist the temptation of power and choose to believe in magic net creatures.

However, the bridges to communicate with the magic web creatures have different forms. Unless they are insiders, it is difficult for outsiders to find them. However, there is a way to completely destroy the communication bridges between the two parties.

That is to let the people of the evil organization summon the avatar of the magic net creature, because if you want to summon the avatar of the magic net creature, you must pass the bridge of communication between the two parties. At that time, as long as the incarnation of the magic net creature is killed, the bridge of communication between the two parties can be directly destroyed.

Senior Li Li, do you want to call for support? Wu Xing has seen many incarnations of magic net creatures, such as the undead monarch, the snake of destruction, and Xuanwu, all of which are the last pillars to settle.

No need, do you think all the creatures of the magic net are as powerful as the Undead Lord, the Snake of Destruction and Xuanwu? Li Li shook his head, there is also a gap in the strength of the magic net creatures.

Basalt and the Destroying Snake are top-level magic net creatures, and the undead monarch is also considered a high-level magic net creature, but this time the magic eye monster can only be regarded as an ordinary magic net creature. Therefore, the incarnation of this magic eye monster will not be too strong.

That's why Li Li chose to let the other party summon the Beholder. If it was a top-level magic net creature, Li Li would obviously not let the other party summon it. Besides, top-level magic net creatures were not so easy to summon.

Accept the punishment of the Demon Eye God.

The senior mage who completed the summoning ceremony in the distance had three eyes dripping with blood, looking extremely hideous. Following the senior mage's words, the magic circle in the void erupted with dazzling light.

Then a huge magic eye descended.

I said, this strange eye seems to be very strong. Na Lisha looked at the strange eye in the sky in the distance, and the aura emanating from this strange eye made Na Lisa a little worried.

The magic web creature also appeared in the western continent, but Na Lisa had never seen it with her own eyes, but this did not prevent Na Lisa from judging the strength of the magic eye from the aura emanating from the magic eye.

Have it?

Hearing this, Wu Xing scratched his head. Wu Xing, who had experienced the pressure of the Undead Lord, the God of Destruction, Xuanwu, and especially the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, had no feeling at all about the aura emanating from this strange eye.

Don't be careless. Although this strange eye only has the strength of a high-level mage, the creatures of the magic web will have some special abilities, such as the rays shot out of the eyes of the two high-level mages just now. Seeing that Wu Xing was a little slack, Li Li reminded.

Of course, you don't have to worry too much when I'm here. While reminding Wu Xing not to be careless, Li Li also did not forget to appease the nervous Na Lisa. The reactions of the two were simply two extremes.


While speaking, the magic eye in the sky instantly shot out a ray of light to kill the three of them. And the three who had been prepared for a long time also quickly dispersed.

Remembering Cannon!

With Nian Qi accumulated in his hand, Wu Xing directly turned back to the magic eye and hit the Nian Qi Cannon.

It was obviously inconvenient to move the magic eye floating in the air, so facing Wu Xing's attack, the magic eye chose to use rays to resist.


On the other side, Li Li inserted the big knife in his hand into the ground, and then pulled it out violently. However, what Li Li pulled out was no longer the original big knife, but a big knife condensed with 40 meters of earth elements. This is Li Li's innate magic.

Earth Blade!

Holding up the 40-meter super machete, Li Li directly slashed at the magic eye.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in Li Li's blow, the monster's eyes shot out rays continuously, trying to kill Li Li before Li Li's earth blade fell.

And Li Li had already prepared the idea of ​​slashing the big-eyed monster with serious injuries. Therefore, facing the approaching rays, Li Li had no intention of dodging. Instead, he poured more magic power into the super machete in his hand.

Prepare to slash this big-eyed monster with one blow.

Mind gas mask!

However, when the ray was about to hit Li Li, Wu Xing suddenly appeared beside Li Li, and then the thought energy in his body exploded instantly, forming a golden thought energy shield.

Wu Xing's Nian Qi does not restrain any power, but it is not restrained by any power. Although the rays of the magic eye are very powerful and strange, they are still blocked by Wu Xing's Nian Qi Shield.

The only way to get rid of Wu Xing's mental energy mask is to crush it with a stronger force, and the power of this crushing level requires at least a large gap.

In other words, if you want to break through Wu Xing's mental energy mask with one blow, you need pillar-level strength, and this big-eyed monster is the strength of a high-level mage, so the rays of the big-eyed monster are blocked by Wu Xing's mental energy mask.

As long as it is not broken by a single blow, with Wu Xing's current energy, it is not a problem to resist for a while. And this will be enough for Li Li to make a move.


Li Li was overjoyed to see Wu Xing's magic hood that had no fluctuations in magic power successfully blocked the ray. Immediately, Li Li put all the magic power originally used for emergency into the 40-meter super machete in his hand.


Afterwards, the huge machete slashed towards the demon-eyed monster, splitting the demon-eyed monster in half, and then, the huge blade of the earth fell, tearing a deep gully on the ground.

So strong.

Li Li's blow made Wu Xing frowned, as expected, none of the people who could become a high-level guardian were simple characters.

At least the current Wu Xing is still a little bit short of defeating Li Li. Of course, Wu Xing also wisely chose to go to the external world to retaliate.

Don't be in a daze, there are still people waiting for support. Li Li quickly ran to the corpse of the magic eye, and picked up an eyeball the size of a ping-pong ball. This eyeball should be a bridge for the magic eye monster to communicate with that group of evil organizations. However, after the magic eye monster was chopped off, the magic eye consciousness in this eyeball has dissipated.

But this eyeball itself is a rare treasure, which can be used to create very good equipment.

By the way, Li Li also groped around the corpses of the two senior mages. It was a pity that the two senior mages were poor and had nothing of value. In other words, the power of the two high-level mages was bestowed by the monster. Naturally, the background of such a senior mage could not be compared with that of a normal advanced mage.

Senior Li Li, someone has already come to support. Wu Xing glanced at the magic card, and the previous message for help has been canceled, which means that other guardians passing by have come to support and the crisis has been resolved.

That's good.

Hearing this, Li Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then, Li Li threw the eyeball dropped by the big-eyed monster to Wu Xing, Here, your spoils.

don't want!

Wu Xing casually threw back the eyeballs thrown by Li Li. This thing is very valuable and can make very powerful magic equipment, but it is useless to Wu Xing at all, because Wu Xing who has no magic power cannot use magic equipment.

Then go back and give you points.

Seeing that Wu Xing didn't want it, Li Li didn't hesitate, he just put away the eyeball, and prepared to go back and give Wu Xing points as compensation.

Little girl, I won't miss you. Li Li said to Na Lisha who was at the side.

I didn't put much effort into this, so there's no need for it. Narisa waved her hand. Narisa felt that the biggest gain from this mission should be seeing Wu Xing's strength with her own eyes.

What's the point, I'll still send points to you little guys? Li Li waved his hand. As a task madman, Li Li naturally has a lot of points, and he is considered a 'rich' person in the Ministry of Land after Di Zhu.

After the mission was completed, Wu Xing came to the place where the magic aircraft crashed, collected the ashes of the pilot, and returned to the central capital.

Subsequently, the ashes of the pilot of the magic aircraft were handed over to his family by the Masters Union.

Looking at the driver's family immersed in grief, Wu Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he pays more attention, maybe he can avoid such a situation.

In the process of maintaining the safety of the big family, it is inevitable that there will be sacrifices of the small family. As guardians, there will be many such situations in the future. Maybe we will become this small box one day. Li Li patted Wu Xing on the shoulder.

After joining the guardian organization for so many years, Li Li has seen too many such things. He has given the remains of his dead companions to their relatives for countless times.

The souls of these heroes will enter heaven. Narisa clasped her hands together and said.


Old Li, you're back. I thought you were dead. Back at the ground, the head steward, Lu Wenlun, appeared to welcome the guardians who had returned from missions as usual. This was also Lu Wenlun's habit. However, Lu Wenlun couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Li.

Go, go, I don't have anything good to say. Li Libai glanced at Lu Wenlun. One of them was working outside, and the other was in charge of internal affairs. During the time when the pillar was injured, they were the two who maintained the operation of the Ministry.

It was the most difficult time for the Ministry of Earth at that time, but now everything in the Ministry of Earth is developing in a good direction, especially Wu Xing, who is estimated to become the third senior guardian of the Ministry of Earth in a short time.

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