Fighter In the Age of Magic

Chapter 214 Pet Animal Market

No, I'm Master Wu Xing's disciple. Facing Hu Guilin's question, Liu Qian hurriedly said after being stunned for a while.


Hearing this, Hu Guilin nodded and said nothing, after all, whose disciple is this little girl, this is just a trivial matter on his whim.

Then, envoy of the guardian organization, what is your important report this time? Hu Guilin glanced at Wu Xing.

Master Hu, this junior is entrusted by the organization to deliver the letter. Wu Xing presented the letter he had already prepared with both hands.

I've accepted the letter. You stay overnight today, and I'll send someone to take you out tomorrow. After receiving the letter, Hu Guilin waved his hand and said.

Seeing that Hu Guilin started chasing people away, Wu Xing could only back down, he couldn't force the other party to express his position now. Anyway, the letter has been delivered, and the mission of Wu Xing is actually completed.

As for getting the other side to express their opinion, or even sending support forces, that is a good and excellent completion of the mission.

Master, shall we send someone? Following Wu Xing's departure, the top officials of the Wanshou Sect in the hall began to discuss. The guardian organization sent someone to ask for support. Whether or not we should send someone is a matter worth investigating.


Hu Guilin said without hesitation. However, soon Hu Guilin hesitated for a moment, Forget it, let's send someone casually to discuss it.

After all, the Wanshouzong and the Guardian organization still have some connections. Although this relationship is not happy, the Wanshouzong does not want to completely quarrel with the Guardian organization.

Oh, is the Myriad Beast Sect willing to send someone?

Soon Wu Xing received a reply from Wan Beast Sect. Wu Xing was a little surprised by this. This can be regarded as an excellent level of task completion.

Although, the other party only sent a high-level mage-level disciple, but in terms of the relationship between those hermit sects and the guardian organization, this is already very good.

By the way, Head Hu, why did you say that Liu Qian is Yao Zhu's disciple? Does Yao Zhu have anything to do with the Myriad Beast Sect? The guardians of the Monster Department seem to be the same as the Myriad Beast Sect, and they all play the way of taming animals.

Out of curiosity, Wu Xing asked Lu Wenlun for a consultation. This senior guardian of the Earth Ministry knew a lot. Therefore, as long as there was something he didn't know, he could basically get answers by asking Lu Wenlun.

And this time Lu Wenlun did not disappoint Wu Xing, and told Wu Xing about the relationship between the Monster Department and the Wan Beast Sect.

I see!

Hearing this, Wu Xing nodded, it seems that the reason why Wanshouzong sent people this time should be for the face of Lord Yaozhu.

Master, look.

After finishing the conversation with Lu Wenlun, Liu Qian and Bai, who came back from shopping, walked in. At this moment, Liu Qian was holding a pale yellow bird in her hand, with an excited expression on her face.

Oh, this little bird is beautiful.

Wu Xing glanced at the little yellow bird and said.

Master, this is a magic bird that can sense fluctuations in magic power. Liu Qian explained while holding the bird.

Master, here you are. After speaking, Liu Qian handed the bird in her hand to Wu Xing.

Liu Qian knew that Wu Xing had no magic power like her, so after seeing this little bird that could only perceive the fluctuation of magic power, she decided to buy it and give it to Wu Xing.

The teacher will give you this magic bird now.

After receiving the bird from Liu Qian, Wu Xing returned it to Liu Qian, because Liu Qian, a little girl, also had no magic power. Wu Xing could not perceive magic power, but his strong combat experience and growing sixth sense were enough to make up for these deficiencies, but Liu Qian obviously couldn't achieve this level, so this little bird that senses magic power was more suitable for Liu Qian.

At the same time, Liu Qian's purchase of this magical bird also reminded Wu Xing that many good things in these hidden sects are rare to visit, and this opportunity should not be missed.

Let Liu Qian and Bai go back to the room to practice. The rich natural power and magic power here cannot be wasted. As for Wu Xing, he is going to visit the Wanshouzong to see if he can gain anything new.

Since it is the Beast Sect, the most worthwhile place to go is naturally the Pet Animal Market.

The disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, who go out to practice or cultivate the pet beasts themselves, will take them to the sect's pet beast market to trade in exchange for the items they need. The magic-sensing bird that Liu Qian bought before was obtained here.

Your Excellency, how do you sell this horse?

Walking into the pet animal market, Wu Xing was immediately attracted by a handsome white horse. Of course, what attracted Wu Xing was not only the handsomeness of the white horse, but also its monster-level strength. This is a white horse at the junior Warcraft level.

As expected of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, pet beasts at the level of monsters are sold casually. If they are put outside, it will definitely make countless rich people rob their heads.

Not for sale.

The stall owner glanced at Wu Xing, and then said emphatically.

Since the stall owner didn't sell it, Wu Xing also left regretfully, and was going to look for other targets. Soon Wu Xing saw a giant rhinoceros at the middle-level Warcraft level in the market.

At this moment, in front of the booth selling giant rhinoceros, many disciples of the Beast Sect gathered. Obviously, pet beasts of the intermediate level of monsters were enough to make people stop.

1500 sect contributions.

1600 sect contributions!


From time to time, the crowd rang out one by one, but what they shouted was not money, but the contribution of the sect. The contribution of the sect and the points of the guardian organization are actually the same. The disciples of the Myriad Beast Sect obtain the contribution of the sect by doing tasks, and then use the contribution value to exchange for the treasures they need.

How did Liu Qian buy that magical bird? Wan Beast Sect's trading hard currency is a contribution from the sect, and this martial artist couldn't help but wonder how Liu Qian bought that magical bird.

In fact, the transactions in the pet animal market do not all need to be contributed by the sect, only some particularly precious things need to be contributed by the sect, and ordinary things can also be traded in currency circulated outside. After all, the hermit sect also needs money to purchase outside.

The magic power perception bird bought by Liu Qian is relatively rare, but basically no one wants it, because a normal mage who cannot perceive magic power does not need to bring an extra magic power perception bird without combat power.

Even though the magic-sensing bird can perceive extremely subtle fluctuations in magic power, the number of beasts contracted by the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is limited, and no one will waste the contract quota on the magic-sensing bird.

Therefore, Liu Qian bought the magic sensory bird with money.

As for the giant rhinoceros of the intermediate monster level, without the contribution of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Wu Xing would not even think about it.

Leaving with a little regret, Wu Xing continued to browse the market, and soon Wu Xing found a pet beast that he cared about. I have to say that there are really many good things in the pet beast market of Wanshouzong. Of course, this is only limited to outsiders like Wu Xing.

After all, this kind of pet beast is rare in the outside world, so any kind of pet beast here makes Wu Xing very interested.

For example, a small white snake that was only as thick as a finger on the booth in front of him attracted Wu Xing's attention, and the reason why this small white snake attracted Wu Xing was because it was a very rare snake with healing talents.

The talents of snake monsters are generally poison-based, and there are also wind, fire, water and earth. As for the talents of healing, Wu Xing has never seen it before seeing this little snake.

This is like an aquatic monster, which is rare and incredible with fire talent.

Wu Xing, who has always been short of healing, is naturally very concerned about this white snake that can heal. After asking the price, the stall owner offered a price of 2000 sect contributions.

This is more expensive than the giant rhinoceros at the intermediate level of monsters. You must know that this is just a small snake at the level of junior monsters.

Can I exchange it for something else?

Wu Xing, who was unwilling to give up this rare healing beast, asked.


Obviously, the stall owner should be relatively poor. Not only did he not refuse Wu Xing's asking price, but he also agreed to barter with Wu Xing.

How about this?

Wu Xing took out a magic core of an intermediate monster and asked.


But the stall owner refused, apparently the magic core of the mid-level Warcraft did not arouse his interest.

Then what type of things do you want? Wu Xing asked directly after the other party refused several times in a row.

Things that are good for pets.

The stall owner's answer was quite satisfactory.

Is this okay?

Wu Xing took out a piece of meat from the super monster Chaobei from the storage bag. Although most of the meat of the Chaobei was divided up by the various branches of the Guardian Organization, Wu Xing kept a lot of it himself. After all, the meat of this super monster has many uses.

This is……

Looking at the shellfish that Wu Xing took out, the stall owner's eyes were fixed. As disciples of the Myriad Beast Sect, their understanding of monsters is definitely far beyond ordinary people.

But it is obvious that the meat of a super-level monster is still beyond his ability, but the magic power contained in this piece of meat cannot be fooled.

This is the meat of a super monster, Tidal Bay, how about a little snake like you? Wu Xing revealed the origin of the meat in his hand.

Super-order monster!

Wu Xing's words made the stall owner couldn't help exclaiming. For him, a monster of this level definitely needs to be looked up to.

What? A super monster?

The exclamation of the stall owner also attracted the disciples of the nearby Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Among them were many high-level disciples. They had a wide range of knowledge, and they recognized the meat in Wu Xing's hand at a glance, which was the meat of a super-rank monster.

For the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the meat of super-level monsters is of unlimited value. This is the best food for cultivating pets.

Your Excellency, I want this meat, please make a price. Immediately, an impatient Wanshouzong disciple said.

Your Excellency, we have agreed on this first.

The disciple who sold the white snake saw someone coming to snatch it, his expression changed slightly and he said hastily.

Of course, honesty is the most important thing whether it is a person or a business. Wu Xing handed the tidal shellfish in his hand to the stall owner, and the stall owner quickly handed the white snake to Wu Xing, and then quickly ran out of the market with the shellfish in his arms.


Seeing that the meat of the super-level monster was preempted, the disciples of the Wanshou sect who were present couldn't help but sigh. At the same time, Wu Xing's honesty also made many Wanshouzong disciples feel good about him.

Everyone, I still have a piece of meat from a super monster... Seeing that the meat from a super monster is so popular, Wu Xing smiled and said with a crack in the corner of his mouth.

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