Fighter In the Age of Magic

Chapter 9 Reinforced Iron Bones

May I?

Wu Xing's words made Wu Yue very moved. After all, this is ancient martial arts. There was no magic in ancient times, but it is said that there were many martial arts.


Wu Xing patted his chest and said. Originally, Wu Xing wanted to add a condition for Wu Yue to be called his brother, but considering that he could not beat Wu Yue now, Wu Xing gave up.

Xiaoyue, now I will teach you the simplest forward kick, you should try it first. When they came to the hall, the two started practicing under the signboard of Xingyue Martial Arts.

The front kick Wu Xing gave Wu Yue was different from his, it was a female fighting skill.

Little Xingxing, is this the simplest move you said? Wu Yue tried a few times according to what Wu Xing said, which has nothing to do with simplicity at all. Although this is just a simple forward kick, the control of strength and the mastery of leg muscles need to reach a very high level.

Fortunately, Wu Yue majored in legwork and had a good foundation. Therefore, after several attempts, Wu Yue successfully performed the front kick. This kick made Wu Yue feel the extraordinaryness of this move. Although it was the first time she successfully performed it and was not particularly proficient, Wu Yue could clearly feel that this blow had exerted 100% of her strength.

In fact, a person's strength can only be exerted at 80%. This is all because of the body's self-protection. However, this limitation can be broken through through martial arts. Generally, ordinary martial arts can exert a person's strength to 90%. As for those that can reach 100%, they are all excellent martial arts.

Only top-level martial arts can surpass the limit and reach more than 100%. At this moment, Wu Yue feels that the forward kick taught to her by Wu Xing should be the kind of martial skill that can exceed the limit. After all, she is only unskilled and has reached 100% power burst for the first time. When she is proficient at more than 100% power, there is absolutely no problem at all.

Seeing Wu Yue successfully displaying the forward kick skill, Wu Xing was also very surprised, because it indicated that Wu Xing could pass on the skills in the dojo to others.

Of course, compared to Wu Xing who can obtain training memory directly from the training dojo, Wu Yue has an additional process of memorizing and understanding. At the same time, Wu Xing can obtain unlimited physical strength and longer time in the training dojo to practice skills.

However, Wu Yue also has an advantage that Wu Xing does not have, and that is talent.

In addition, hard work is naturally an indispensable factor. After acquiring the front kick skill, Wu Yue began to practice all night. She didn't sleep for a while until dawn, and then went to the academy.

Because of yesterday's unexpected incident, Wu Yue didn't have time to go back to the academy to hand in the task, so she took Wu Xing home. Today Wu Yue needs to hand in the task, and last night the academy sent a message to Wu Yue, saying that the three of them would be rewarded for discovering the Night Owl Magic Hall.

Going to Wu Xing's room to take a look, seeing that Wu Xing was still sleeping, Wu Yue couldn't help sighing inwardly. Although Wu Xing had acquired ancient martial arts, it was difficult for him to become a strong man with his lazy appearance, but then Wu Yue thought of something again and left with a gloomy expression.

Because, Wu Yue suddenly remembered that Wu Xing had no magical talent at all, so it was destined that Wu Xing would not be able to become a strong person, Just let me protect the little Xing Xing. Wu Yue secretly said. After preparing breakfast for Wu Xing and leaving a note, Wu Yue went to the academy.

From Wu Yue's point of view, Wu Xing, who was sleeping, was suffering in the cultivation of the Dojo at the moment. What happened yesterday made Wu Xing feel more and more important to have strength.

Wu Xing has not been able to cultivate the three skills of front kick, back kick and uppercut to the extreme. There is still room for improvement in these three skills, but Wu Xing feels that he still needs a bottom-of-the-box skill to fight desperately in a critical moment.

At this moment, Wu Xing is worrying about which skill should be selected to suppress the bottom of the box, because in the skill table, except for the skill of Nianqi and a few special skills, there are no restrictions on other skills.

For example, such powerful skills as lightning dance, instant shadow chain kick, and breaking the sky, but Wu Xing felt that even if he had learned these skills and used them in the training dojo after hard training, would he dare to use them outside?

With Wu Xing's current physical condition, before he could use these high-level skills, his body would probably collapse.

Forget it, let's learn steel and iron bones first, and strengthen the body. Giving up on comprehending those high-level skills, Wu Xing turned his attention to a skill on the skill table, steel and iron bones.

This is a skill that strengthens the body. For Wu Xing, who is very weak at the moment, this skill is definitely the most suitable, but there is a reason why Wu Xing didn't choose it just now, because this steel-strength skill cannot be acquired through practice.

In order to practice this reinforced iron bone, a lot of medicine is needed to assist during the period. With the help of the medicine and the special training method of reinforced iron bone, Wu Xing's body can be quickly strengthened.

Do you want to practice strengthening your bones?


Click on the icon of reinforced iron bone, a dialog box popped up immediately, Wu Xing chose OK without hesitation, after that, the training method about reinforced iron bone appeared in Wu Xing's mind.

so expensive!

Wu Xing sighed in his heart after learning about the materials needed to cultivate reinforced iron bones. Moreover, these are only the materials needed for getting started. After that, there will be a second stage and a third stage, and the materials required for each stage will be upgraded to a higher level.

With Wu Xing's current financial resources, it is obvious that he can't gather the required materials in a short period of time. He can only wait for the data recovered from the hard drives to sell before he can think about it. Without the materials, the steel and iron bones can actually practice. However, the effect is very poor, but it is better than ordinary exercise. As a daily strengthening exercise, it is also very good.

The premise is that this practice should be done outside the training dojo, and doing it in the dojo will only improve the proficiency, but it will not have any effect on the body.

Thinking of this, Wu Xing quit the practice dojo and walked out of the room, listening to the shouts from the whirlwind martial arts hall next door, Wu Xing did not feel any fluctuations in his heart, and now the training in the martial arts hall next door can no longer attract Wu Xing.

Going to the living room and looking at the breakfast on the table, Wu Xing sat down, opened the magic image while eating breakfast, and then a message attracted Wu Xing's attention.

According to news from this station, Hu Fu, the vice president of the Magic Union, announced earlier today that all martial arts and magic halls in this city will be reviewed and registered. For specific information, please see the information sent by the reporter ahead! '

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