Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 101 Is she still there?


Yao Lao naturally knew that his apprentice was not the kind of person who would make blind decisions, so he just waited for Xiao Yan to finish his words.

"I know it sounds strange to say this... but my gut feeling..."

Xiao Yan glanced at the little medical fairy in front of him again and couldn't help but say.

"Well, I see what you mean."

Yao Lao nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Xiao Yan.

Although intuition sounds mysterious, its inner essence is actually the product of the subconscious mind after the power of one's own soul communicates with the outside world.

Therefore, some people have keen intuition, which generally means that they are different from ordinary people, and may have stronger soul perception than ordinary people.

Needless to say, the soul of an alchemist is powerful. Even though Xiao Yan is just a fledgling alchemist now, this innate soul perception also gives him an intuition that is much sharper than ordinary people.

The alchemist's intuition is rarely wrong.

Yao Lao naturally knew this very well. After all, he had also come step by step in this way when he was working outside.

After knowing this, Yao Lao naturally had no doubts anymore and just allowed Xiao Yan to judge based on his own intuition.

After walking for a long time and cleaning up many monsters that came to cause trouble along the way, the exhausted group of people finally arrived at their destination.

There is a relatively safe herb collection area nearby. The mercenaries rested for a while, and the herb collection team of Wanyaozhai also took action.

Xiao Yan just stood and watched quietly. After a while, he went to relieve himself. Taking advantage of a few steps, Xiao Yan walked silently through the woods. If he had read it correctly just now, Xiao Yan This is where the medical fairy goes.

Xiao Yan felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the Little Medical Fairy from the beginning to the end. Although he couldn't tell, he was certain that she seemed to have some opinions about him. In short, it was definitely not a strange relationship that he didn't know anything about and had no impression of anything. that is.

However, if he remembers correctly, Xiao Yan can be sure that this is his first meeting with the Little Medical Fairy. In his previous life, except for following Miss Wan to the Izumo Empire to obtain the Netherworld Poison Fire, Once, this was the first time that I had left Wutan City in so many years. How could I have seen the little medical fairy before?

Xiao Yan couldn't understand this at all.

But if he hadn't met the little medical fairy at the beginning, how could he have...

Although Xiao Yan tried his best to lighten his steps so that there was no sound of his footsteps, when his black boots stepped on the dead branches and leaves on the forest floor, it was inevitable that they would make a slight rustling sound.

After hearing the footsteps that were no accident, the white figure who was hiding in the woods at first understood and walked towards Xiao Yan in the forest.

Before Xiao Yan walked out of the woods, he heard the woman's slightly hasty footsteps. He stopped for a moment and watched a white silhouette slowly emerge from the overlapping tree shadows.

"……You finally came."

The first time he formally stood in front of this young man, he looked at the surprise and wariness that gradually appeared on that delicate and handsome face. There was something hidden in those black and red eyes that made him feel a little frightened but also vaguely attracted.

Even if he just stood in front of her, the little medical fairy felt that the young man in front of her was inexplicably similar to the strange woman she had seen before.

But the little medical fairy's behavior had unintentionally sounded the alarm for Xiao Yan, and he suddenly became vigilant, thinking that he had accidentally been ambushed by her.

After all, he was obviously the one who chose to follow up and investigate, but now he was turned against him. Even though Xiao Yan's character was indeed considered calm among his peers, he couldn't help but feel secretly shocked.

"Are you actively waiting for me?"

But Xiao Yan would not take any action immediately like a frightened bird. Seeing that although the little medical fairy did some things that were beyond his expectations, he was not as hostile as he had expected, so he decided to negotiate with her for the time being. Not too late either.

"Yes, after all, from the time we set out in Qingshan Town to now, there have always been many people, and Mu Li is keeping an eye on us. If we come to you directly, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble for you and me."

The little medical fairy didn't care about the vigilance in Xiao Yan's eyes. She understood that it was never easy to suddenly find someone to gain trust or something.

"……you know me?"

"Your name is Xiao Yan, right?"

The little medical fairy said.

Seeing that the little medical fairy said his name accurately, Xiao Yan became even more confused. Although it was almost certain that the little medical fairy was not hostile to him, how did she recognize him and why? Looking for him, new questions lingered in Xiao Yan's mind.

After all, Qingshan Town was even the first stop for his practice this time. It would not be easy to make a feud and then the enemy came to visit him. How could a doctor from Qingshan Town be convinced and certain that it was him?

"...I am indeed Xiao Yan from the Xiao family in Wutan City. I wonder how the little medical fairy knows me?"

Xiao Yan's question made the little medical fairy couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course I don't know you anymore. It's just the first time I've seen you, but it's not the first time I've heard of someone like you."

Xiao Yan was startled by the little medical fairy's words. He frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"According to your statement, is it possible that you and..."

"...Yes, it was Sister Wan who told me about you."

Seeing that Xiao Yan finally showed a look of realization, the little medical fairy also breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that her explanation was not clear enough. Seeing that the matter could be solved with just one sentence, it saved a lot of effort.

Then the little medical fairy looked at the expression on Xiao Yan's face. From the beginning, he saw that he was serious and wary, and suddenly he seemed to be a different person, and he became inexplicably excited.

"So, do you really know Miss Wan?"

The guess that popped up in his heart just now was verified by himself, and the corners of Xiao Yan's mouth could not help but raise slightly, as if Miss Wan was hiding somewhere and looking at him at the moment.

"——Where is she now? Is she still in Qingshan Town?"

However, Xiao Yan only saw the little fairy doctor shake her head, and then said: "Sister Wan left a few days ago, and it has been a while since she came."

Although he could vaguely guess it in his heart, Xiao Yan still felt helpless when he heard the little medical fairy say this.

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