After all, this was a bloody lesson, and Yao Lao had to remember the taste of betrayal.


Xiao Yan responded casually.

"Are the words of a strange woman trustworthy?"

There was some hesitation in Yao Lao's words, but Xiao Yan gently shook his head in response to his questioning.

"I believe Miss Wan, as long as she says so, it must be right."

Xiao Yan shook his head. Just like what he said to the Little Medical Fairy just now, he actually didn't say whether the Little Medical Fairy was trustworthy or not, but since this was what Miss Wan left, he would just do it, Wan. The girl would not harm him, Xiao Yan confirmed this more than anything else.


Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan's reaction and knew that this boy would not listen to him easily.

As for what the girl left behind, he had nothing to doubt. He knew better than Xiao Yan what kind of strength that girl had. A small place at the foot of the Warcraft Mountain Range, a person who didn't even have fighting spirit. As an ordinary doctor, the only possibility for knowing the girl's whereabouts and information is that the girl did it deliberately. There is no need to worry about the truth or falsehood on such fundamental details.

Are they just human beings? They know people but not their hearts. What if this little medical fairy is one thing in front of the girl and another in front of Xiao Yan?

Yao Lao naturally didn't want to see his apprentice suffer.

It's just that this brat can't walk when he sees the words "Miss Wan"... The brat who forgets his master after seeing lust... Humph.

However, Xiao Yan's current cultivation level will not be fake. The Nine Star Fighter's cultivation level is enough for Xiao Yan to protect himself. Besides, isn't he still protecting him?

Hum, Miss Wan, I miss you every day, but in the end, it’s me, the old man, who takes care of you.

Yao Lao cursed in his heart, then his spirit sank into Najie, and there was no longer any response.

After Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy returned to the camp of Wanyaozhai herb collection team from different places, Xiao Yan naturally did not attract anyone's attention. After all, no one here knew him. As long as they paid a little attention, other servants would The soldiers treated him like a transparent person.

Unlike Xiao Yan, who had no troubles, the little medical fairy was welcomed and surrounded by almost everyone when he came back, whether it was the individual mercenaries who were usually lone rangers but now gathered into a mercenary team, or those wolf-headed mercenaries. The mercenaries of the mercenary group are particularly concerned about the return of the little medical fairy.

"Little Medical Fairy! You are back."

Mu Li said with an overly strong smile on his face and a beautiful figure in a white dress in front of him.

"If you don't come back, we might as well send someone to look for you."

"Thank you for your trouble, Captain Muli."

The little medical fairy had a gentle but distant smile on her face, and said softly: "Although I am a woman, I don't need everyone to protect me all the time."

"Hehehe, don't we care about you, the little medical fairy?"

In response to this, the little medical fairy smiled and said nothing. As for what the gentle smile meant, no one noticed.

Xiao Yan kept watching silently among the crowd. After a while, he turned around and went back to rest.


It was late at night, and the little medical fairy gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows. It was really not easy to survive the group of mercenaries who drank at night.

I wonder if Xiao Yan is asleep?

The little medical fairy just had this thought in her mind when she saw a slender human silhouette left outside her tent under the reflection of the bonfire.

Then, the curtain of the tent was opened, and the little medical fairy raised his head, and what he saw was Xiao Yan's side face illuminated by the orange-red light of the bonfire.

"They're all asleep."

Xiao Yan's lips trembled slightly and he said, "Let's set off?"

Xiao Yan's actions were naturally in line with her wishes, and she nodded slightly: "Let's go!"

Along the dense forest during the day, Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy passed through the shadows of the trees, and finally passed through the woods, and everything suddenly became clear.

Under the bright moon, a bottomless cliff suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Because the moonlight is very good tonight, there is no need for light. Around an empty cliff, the moonlight shines on the mountains of the Warcraft Mountains, and is reflected by the clouds and reflects on the smooth rock wall below. The cliffs behind the dense forest were all illuminated by the moonlight.

Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy looked at each other, but they didn't have time to appreciate the scenery.

The little medical fairy walked to the big tree on the edge of the cliff and pointed to a clump of strange trees and thorns under the smooth rock wall.

Xiao Yan looked where the little medical fairy was pointing, and sure enough he saw a bulge that was different from the smooth rock walls around it. It was shrouded in strange trees, and seemed to have a hint of weirdness in it.

"That's where it is?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"I originally discovered this place accidentally when I first met Sister Wan while collecting medicine. After Sister Wan left, I went to confirm it again, but that time the rock wall was too steep and I couldn't get down."

The little medical fairy said, and then looked at Xiao Yan beside him.

"This is my third time here. If I delay it any longer, I'm afraid I'll have long nights and dreams, so I can't wait any longer."


Xiao Yan nodded, and then subconsciously looked at the rope that the little medical fairy had just brought over.

"Then let's go."

Xiao Yan picked up the rope brought by the little medical fairy and tied it tightly to the big tree.

"Then...who comes first?"

Seeing Xiao Yan tie the other end of the hemp rope around his waist and about to go down, the little medical fairy couldn't help but say something behind him.

"What comes first? Of course we do it together, otherwise how would you swing there alone?"

Xiao Yan felt baffled after hearing what the little medical fairy said.

"What? Then how can I..."

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan who was ready to go down. Although he immediately thought of how the two of them could go there together, he still had a look of hesitation on his face.

"...If you don't worry about me going down alone, I'll let you go. I'll give you half of the treasure I'll get later."

"No, this won't work!"

The little medical fairy rejected Xiao Yan's proposal without even thinking about it.

Regardless of whether he believed in Xiao Yan's character or not, it was impossible for the little medical fairy to let him miss a mysterious place that he had clearly discovered.

This is not even purely for the treasures that may exist in the cave, but she simply cannot accept that she cannot go to a place that she has worked hard for so long. That would be too disappointing. .


Xiao Yan looked at the little medical fairy and blinked calmly.

The pretty face of the little medical fairy was stained with a hint of blush under the moonlight.

"If you dare to touch her, I won't be able to spare you no matter how good your relationship is with her!"

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