Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 147 Go to sleep, little bird

Xiao Yan couldn't help but stretch. In this case, this trip to the Warcraft Mountains should be almost over.

Yunzhi opened her eyes slightly and saw the young man slowly walking towards her.

"Is it all over?"



After leaving the Warcraft Mountains, Yao Wan began to prepare for everything that needed to be done next.

During the trip to the Warcraft Mountains, helping Xiao Yan get through the difficulties smoothly was secondary. What was more important was making Yao Wan understand one thing.

The future is not set in stone.

Maybe it will be better, maybe it will be worse.

Xiao Yan's encounter this time is like a reminder to Yao Wan. This time is an opportunity for Xiao Yan, but the next time it may be dangerous.

"'s true."

Thinking of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but rub her eyebrows in the air, feeling inexplicably irritable.

She just didn't like this unknown feeling of being off the established track, and her original plan of just watching Xiao Yan follow the steps step by step also fell through.

When it got dark, Nalan Yanran, who had been practicing sword practice all day in the yard, finally saw the completely different cyan color flashing under the setting sun.

A trace of joy appeared on her face unconsciously, and she quickly walked forward and saw the beauty falling lightly on the ground.

"Come back from your work?"

"Yeah, but I'm afraid I can't stay here any longer."

But before Nalan Yanran could finish what she wanted to say, Yao Wan's sudden news caught her off guard.


Nalan Yanran didn't react, and for a moment she thought she was delusional.

"Wait, did I hear you correctly? Why are you leaving again so suddenly?"

Nalan Yanran was a little anxious, saying that she didn't want Yao Wan to leave, and said urgently: "Isn't there still one year left before the three-year appointment?"

"Well, there is indeed a lot of time, but there is not much time left for me."

Yao Wan couldn't help but touch Nalan Yanran's cheek. She knew how clingy Nalan Yanran was now, and she could guess that she said this out of dependence on her.

But time waits for no one.

"Time waits for no one... I still have many important things to do, and I'm afraid I won't be able to stay by your side."

Her soft fingertips gently stroked the girl's cheek, then brushed her beautiful eyebrows and said.

"Then...then I'll go with you - okay?"

Nalan Yanran grabbed Yaowan's fingertips and said.

"What about your own cultivation? I can go back and forth from here to the Warcraft Mountains in one day, but you can't even transform your fighting spirit into wings. How can you say that?"

Yaowan smiled and shook her head, then asked.

Naturally, Nalan Yanran didn't have the confidence to answer. She just looked at Yaowan with a slightly stubborn look.

But on this issue, Yao Wan will not be so patient in persuading Nalan Yanran. This has nothing to do with what choice she makes now. After all, if she leaves her, Nalan Yanran will still become the same as before. Years of hard work can be regarded as playing the piano to an ox.

After a moment of silence, Nalan Yanran said in a low voice: "Okay - I understand. I will continue to work hard for the three-year agreement. I hope you will come and watch me defeat Xiao Yan."

"I just left for something, and it's not like I will never come back."

Yao Wan automatically ignored Nalan Yanran's bold words and said with a smile.

Seeing what Yao Wan said, the uneasiness on Nalan Yanran's face subsided a little, she nodded lightly and said nothing more.

Naturally, she was afraid that Yao Wan would say some strange and irrelevant words, which would do nothing but increase anxiety.

"Okay, it's getting late, so let's go to bed early."

With that said, before Nalan Yanran could agree, Yao Wan pushed her into her room, and then flicked her jade fingers to light up the oil lamps and candles in the room.

"...When are you leaving? Right away? Or..."

"You have such an expression. I won't even stay with you for the last night. Isn't Nalan going to drop pearls in the quilt at night?"

Yao Wan turned around and joked, causing Nalan Yanran's cheeks to turn red, and she said angrily: "How is it possible...? I won't -"

"Really? Then I'll leave right now."

"That won't work-"

Without thinking, Nalan Yanran quickly grabbed Yaowan's clothes and refused to let her go.

"Haha, idiot."

Yaowan saw this and smiled.

"Just be a fool, I'm used to being scolded by you anyway -"

After Nalan Yanran calmed down, she simply put on her usual indifferent look, making Yaowan laugh again.

"You can do this, but it makes me feel relieved."

Sitting on the bed, Yao Wan looked at Nalan Yanran and said.

"Why don't you worry? Do you think I have changed?"

"Is not it?"

Yaowan asked with a smile.

"Starting from tomorrow, you can go back to Yunlan Sect directly and practice well according to what I taught you. It won't be a big problem to cross a big realm and hammer people in the future. You don't have to worry about me not being able to find you. If I want If I look for you, I will come to Yunlan Sect."

Although she was a little reluctant, Nalan Yanran nodded.

"By the way, this is for you."

Yaowan took out a jade bottle from Najie and handed it to Nalan Yanran.

"This is……"

Nalan Yanran only vaguely realized that this thing must not be simple, but she didn't know how to say it.

"This is a cultivation elixir I specially refined based on your skills and your physique. Take it when you break through the Great Fighter."

"You haven't finished some of the elixirs I gave you before, right? In that case, I won't give you more. After all, medicines are three-part poison. Even the elixirs I refined are like this. Everything should be done to the best of my ability. Lord."


Nalan Yanran listened to Yao Wan's words and remained silent.

But suddenly, the girl grabbed Yaowan's waist and threw her down on the bed.

"...don't you usually want me to rest more?"

Nalan Yanran said: "In that case, I don't want to mention anything about cultivation tonight, okay?"


Yaowan exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then hugged Nalan Yanran's head.

"When I'm not around, you'll have to do everything by yourself."

"After all, I can't stay by your side forever. You are you, you are Nalan Yanran, and secondly, the young lady of the Nalan family and the young master of the Yunlan Sect."

"I hope I can see a different you next time we meet."

"Okay...I've taken care of your wounds too. Go to sleep, little bird. It's time to fly tomorrow."

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