Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 152 Purple Qi breaks Erdan

In the tradition of alchemists, making elixirs is not as simple as just taking a pen and writing it down.

When making a prescription, the alchemist must use the power of his soul as ink, and then use the pen to draw it, in order to successfully create a qualified prescription.

When using the prescription, the alchemist needs to use the power of the soul to invade the prescription to obtain some necessary data hidden in the prescription, such as the amount of medicinal materials required, the mildness of the heat, etc.

These things are all things that need to be paid attention to when refining elixirs. Without these information, no matter how outstanding an alchemist is in refining medicine, he must go through many experiments before he can finally refine the medicine. Recorded elixirs.

Otherwise, in the process of trying to refine medicine, many rare medicinal materials may be damaged, which would be an extremely huge loss.

It's just that for Yaowan, the usual conclusions about these things seem to be no longer so absolute.

After just taking a look at the medicinal materials required for the elixir, you can directly modify it. This not only tests the alchemist's confidence, but also his hard power.

"Return the scroll to you, I don't have any use for that thing anymore."

Yao Wan casually grabbed the scroll and threw it to Hai Bodong.

Haibodong was slightly startled, then he finished the scroll he threw over hastily, and then he couldn't help but look at the girl with an indifferent expression in astonishment.

"……You do not want?"

"To me, this elixir recipe is just a piece of waste paper and has no use anymore. What's the use of it?"

Yao Wan asked rhetorically.

Haibodong opened his mouth slightly, and finally silently put away the Po'er Danfang that he regarded as a treasure.

In the tradition of alchemists, there are some unwritten rules. For example, if anyone wants to ask an alchemist to help refine some folk elixirs, he must not only prepare his own elixirs, but also his own materials. .

This is the first step, and regardless of it for the time being, the final prescriptions must be left to the alchemist's discretion. Even if the other party wants to take them as his own, that is normal.

Therefore, even if Yao Wan directly swallowed the sixth-grade elixir recipe that he had spent a lot of effort to obtain, he had nothing to say.

Probably he had made such preparations long ago, but in the end she didn't take away the elixir that Hai Bodong himself thought was probably impossible to keep.

He will inevitably feel a little surprised and surprised.

Yao Wan raised her head and looked at Hai Bodong, whose blue eyes had never faded in astonishment. The corners of her mouth raised slightly and she said, "What's wrong? Do you think I will definitely take away your prescription?"

"If you are surprised and surprised by this, then just relax. Comparing me with other alchemists is your biggest mistake."

"...Okay, Mr. Hai will go out and rest for now."

Yaowan waved his hand and said.

Haibodong nodded and walked out of this secret room, which was quiet and sufficiently isolated from the outside world.

As he walked out of the secret room, the mechanism was pulled, and the heavy stone door was closed. Haibodong waited quietly at the door.

While waiting anxiously for his return to the top, Hai Bodong couldn't help but start to speculate and think about Yao Wan.

What words and vocabulary should be used to define a genius who is proud of his talents?

This is Haibodong's most intuitive view of Yao Wan.

Before he tried to define Yao Wan's character and behavior, the arrogant words and deeds hidden in her words had already become her background.

It seemed that she was communicating with herself on a relatively equal footing, but her words and lines were filled with a kind of indifference.

It has nothing to do with being a mean boss, but simply maintaining a strange sense of distance beyond words and deeds. It is natural for her to have an equal dialogue with a person, no matter whether he is a beggar or an emperor, after all, at the height of the moon , the gap between the deepest valley in the world and the highest mountain in the world is naturally negligible.

Haibodong was very clearly aware of this, and at the same time he was naturally hesitant about his next action.

After he restored Dou Huang, the next transaction——

The old man's already wrinkled face inevitably added a bit of sadness.

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of sect, family, and power would have the energy and foundation to cultivate a genius like her, and what kind of terrifying existence he would be.

It's just that both she and the huge force behind her make people feel numb.

It is better not to make enemies of such people.


In the secret room, Yao Wan still didn't know that her impression in Hai Bodong's mind had become that of a devil who could never be provoked or offended.

After taking out his medicine cauldron, Yaowan put in different elixirs in order, and then refined them with the heat of life.

Because the nature of the flame of life is completely different from other strange fires that are full of destructive and destructive power, there is also a big difference in usage.

Compared with other exotic fires, the refining process requires a lot of effort, but it is very easy for Life Flame.

After all, you only need to stimulate the life force of the medicinal materials themselves, and then directly separate the essence from them. Why do you need so much trouble?

It's just that she doesn't often make medicines. At most, she can only make medicines. Naturally, there is no way to compare with the fanaticism of those people in the tribe who are famous for making medicines.

After absorbing the energy of Burning Technique twice, the current Yan of Creatures has grown at an alarmingly fast rate and can basically be used normally.

According to her estimation, when Xiao Yan gets two or three more strange fires to refine, she can almost completely transform them into a separate adult.

The green flames spurting out from the soft tips of her fingertips burned fiercely, almost drowning the square tripod in front of her. The refining was complete, and all that was left to do was to fuse the liquid medicine and condense it into a pill.

This was naturally not difficult for Yao Wan. She just raised her bare hand, held it empty with five fingers, and then squeezed it gently. The heat of life gathered like a whirlpool, solidifying the medicinal liquid.

As the green fire dispersed, a purple pill rose above the square tripod.

With one move of his bare hand, the purple energy breaking Edan that he refined and improved was pinched by Yaowan.


Yao Wan did not feel any surprise at this. At the same time, Hai Bodong, who noticed what happened in the secret room, immediately opened the stone door.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Yaowan throwing a pill towards him.

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