...In fact, there is no need for Xue Lan to say more.

It would be better to say that Xue Lan's performance was probably revealed by her two brothers.

Miss Wan didn't understand the priorities.

While Xiao Yan sighed secretly in his heart, he also felt a sense of overwhelming joy.

No, this happened to the two brothers' mercenary group when they first joined it.

...Is there such a good thing?

After Xiao Yan completely understood what Miss Wan meant, he couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

But he knew very well the character of Miss Yiwan. If she saw him smiling, he might really die in this Tagore Desert.

So naturally Xiao Yan could only seriously tighten his face to show that he completely understood, and then turned around to leave.

"Well... you go ahead. After you rest for two days, we can almost continue heading deeper into the desert."

Yao Wan did not stop him, but folded her arms a little irritably and said that everything happening now was really unexpected for her.

After Xiao Yan heard Yao Wan's words, he paused before leaving. It seemed that Miss Wan had already planned her next move...

When he thought of this, the corners of Xiao Yan's mouth could not help but turn up slightly after turning his back. This was the good thing about being by Miss Wan's side. No matter what he was doing, Miss Wan seemed to have been prepared for it, which was very reassuring.

After Xiao Yan left, Yao Wan sorted out her messy mood.

Gee, this is really troublesome.

She couldn't help but smacked her lips, but she didn't want to think too much, so she turned around and returned to her current residence.

I just hope this mess can end as soon as possible, otherwise she will really have no shame in staying here.

On the way, Xiao Yan's mood gradually returned to calm, but Yao Lao seemed to be inexplicably happy.

"This time is a godsend for you, kid."

Yao Lao said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, teacher."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "Is it that exaggerated? A God-given opportunity... do you think this is cultivation?"

"You kid, don't fail to seize this God-given opportunity."

Yao Lao retorted: "You brat, what do you know? The relationship between men and women is a science that does not involve cultivation."


As soon as Xiao Yan heard Yao Lao's words, he felt like he was a veteran in love. He couldn't help complaining: "So the teacher still understands this?"

"Brat, your teacher, I am not a pedantic idiot. I remember back then... ahem, forget it."

Faced with his apprentice's doubts, Yao Lao frowned. In which field of his involvement, Yao Chenfan, was he not an amazing genius?

But just when he wanted to brag about his 'glorious achievements', he paused for a moment and finally gave up.

After all, this is not a good reputation worth bragging about.

"Forget it, a hero doesn't mention his bravery, you just need to know..."

"Teacher is not only great at refining medicine, but he is also a first-rate master at flirting with other girls?"

Xiao Yan was so smart, he had already learned to answer before Yao Lao finished speaking.

Just answering quickly will not necessarily lead to rewards, and there will also be penalties if you don't answer well.


Following Yao Lao's scream, Xiao Yan quickly covered his dizzy head and wailed: "Teacher, what are you doing?!"

"You brat, let me arrange your master."

Although Xiao Yan's original intention was to praise Yao Lao, there was no big difference between praise and scolding when he said it, and Yao Lao snorted displeased.

"Am I planning this?"

Xiao Yan was confused. According to what the teacher said just now, shouldn't this be called a fact?

"Ahem, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, let's talk about business -"

Yao Lao coughed and then said: "This is a rare opportunity. After all, the girl has always been very clear-minded. If you rush in at will, you will definitely not get the best results from you."

"It's just that I didn't expect that this girl is so thin-skinned and can't stand the gossip from people around her. That's why she lost her composure this time."


Xiao Yan nodded, automatically ignoring Yao Lao's serious business and now analyzing Miss Wan's motives.

"Then why haven't I seen Miss Wan like this before?"

"Stupid, I don't know because the people in the mercenary group are related to you, especially your eldest and second brothers."

"Young girl may not care what strangers think, but you can't ignore their opinions."

"Because you're still with her."

Xiao Yan was startled, as he seemed to understand Yao Lao's words.

"Oh, stupid."

Seeing Xiao Yan's confused expression, Yao Lao knew that this guy definitely didn't understand what he meant.

"The reason why this girl cares about your brothers' attitudes is naturally because of you. In other words, she does care about you very much."

"It's just that this 'care' and the kind of 'care' you want are two different things."


Xiao Yan asked for no reason.

"Yes, if someone really has a favorable impression of you, both male and female, they wouldn't be so anxious to clear up the misunderstanding."

Yaolao explained: "It's precisely because she wants to treat you as a friend that she acts so fiercely."

"...So that's it."

"So, now you can understand why this is a God-sent opportunity, right?"

Xiao Yan raised his head: "Teacher, if you want, seize this opportunity to make Miss Wan like me?"

"Like it? That's out of the question. Do you really think that this girl is so easy to fool, that she will throw herself into your arms as soon as the people around you push her?"

Yao Lao rolled his eyes and then said: "This is at most called forced by the situation, but you can take this opportunity to make the girl have even a slight liking for you, both male and female."

"Don't be dissatisfied that this good impression is pitiful and hard-won, but it is the most difficult first step anyway. Without a qualitative change from zero to one, you kid can't even touch the heel of someone's back."

Xiao Yan remained silent, and after a moment he couldn't help but ask: "How to do it specifically?"

"Of course you have to rely on your brothers to put pressure on you. You can't show it blatantly. You just need to hint. The girl is very smart. She can feel it. Pushing her will be counterproductive. Then it will be bad. ”

"Is there any other way?"

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? Don't you think this method works?"

Yao Lao's rhetorical question made Xiao Yan shake his head: "I just don't think it's suitable...for emotional matters. I don't want to force her like this."

"Who asked you to force her? Silly boy."

Yao Lao shook his head: "It's just that feelings are hard to talk about. If you don't fight for it, you won't have it in the end."

It's just that Xiao Yan seems to be inexplicably stubborn in this regard: "How about another way to fight for it...Teacher?"

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