Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 173 Refining Green Lotus

And now, it's his turn.

"Xiao Yan, wait for now."

Yao Lao's voice sounded, and then turned into a white mist, revealing his body.

"What's wrong? Teacher."

Xiao Yan immediately said seriously.

"The Green Lotus Earth Core Fire is more powerful than ever before and should not be underestimated. The difficulty of refining it will not be any lower than the first time you refined the Netherworld Poison Fire."

Yao Lao said seriously: "Last time, the nature of the spirit fire of the beasts was different, so it was smooth sailing for the time being. This time, we can't be so reckless."

"Um - so, here you go."

After hearing the conversation between Yao Lao and Xiao Yan, Yao Wan took out a pill from Najie and threw it to Xiao Yan.

"I haven't thought of a name for the elixir I researched some time ago. Is it effective? It uses the cold air of the ice spring to form a protective shell around your heart. You have already refined the strange fire twice. The physical body can withstand the burning of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire to a certain extent."

"So I thought, instead of letting you burn inside and out, I might as well make you feel a little better."

Yao Wan said while looking at Yao Lao whose eyes lit up.

"Yao Lao, what do you think of my pill compared to your Blood Lotus Pill?"

Yao Lao looked at Yao Wan's dazzling golden eyes and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"Blood Lotus Pill is not as effective as you -"

Yao Lao's words made Yao Wan's beautiful eyes curve into beautiful crescent moons.

Yao Lao can naturally see that the level of refining this elixir is not low. The extremely precious medicinal materials, coupled with the girl's innate talent for refining elixirs and the power of her soul, there is nothing wrong with refining such an elixir.

If there is any shortcoming, it may be just one word: expensive.

With Yao Lao's vicious eyes, he could tell at a glance what priceless and rare medicinal materials were used in Yao Wan's refined elixir. It was expected that it would have such effectiveness.

In comparison, it is natural that his Blood Lotus Pill cannot compare.

It's just that there are differences between the two.

If the girl is the icing on the cake, being able to use rare medicinal materials to refine the best elixir, then his Blood Lotus Pill is using the most limited resources to refine a usable elixir, and it will naturally come in handy. Just the best.

There was actually no comparison between the two before, and he had no intention of arguing with a little girl. Rather, he thought it was good.

After all, alchemists should have access to countless precious resources to refine the best elixirs.

If you really don’t have the resources, who would like to spend a penny in half?

"Okay, we have the elixir. Without further ado, let's start as soon as possible?"

The chat was almost over, Yao Wan said immediately.

Xiao Yan nodded, sat down and crossed his legs to adjust his breathing, adjusting his state back to his peak.

Looking at the beautiful green lotus that was quiet again on the green lotus pedestal, Xiao Yan took a deep breath and calmed down his mood for the time being.

Xiao Yan was actually quite familiar with the matter of refining strange fire.

After taking the unknown elixir refined by Yaoyuan, Xiao Yan suddenly felt trembling all over.

Even with two types of strange fire protection, Xiao Yan could not help but tremble with cold after the elixir entered his body.

However, this kind of cold lasted only a short time. Xiao Yan had just shuddered and felt that the coldness flowing into his limbs and bones was quickly dissipating.

However, this is just a feeling of elimination. Xiao Yan uses the power of his soul to look inside his body, and he will find that the pure cold air has penetrated into his meridians meticulously, and then formed a barrier between his meridians and flesh and blood. .

Xiao Yan exhaled, only to find that the breath he exhaled had turned into a small piece of ice mist, and he felt magical.

His fingertips gently swept across the ice mist in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on the green lotus platform.

There is no need for Yao Lao and Yao Wan to remind him. Xiao Yan naturally knows what he should do.

At the same time that the Qinglian Earth Core Fire was released from the Qinglian pedestal, the temperature of the entire cave suddenly increased, setting off waves of heat.

The green lotus in front of me changes and looks so peaceful, but just the terrifying heat wave makes people have no desire to come into contact with it.

The terrifying heat wave distorted the vision in front of him. Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed, but he was not afraid of the heat wave at all.

Not only that, when the heat wave washed over his body like a sea wave, it did not cause burning and ulceration all over his body like when he refined the strange fire for the first time.

The two different strange fires in the body worked together to protect Xiao Yan's body. Now, even without any protection, his body is stronger than when he took the Blood Lotus Pill for body protection.

Not afraid of the heat wave caused by the inner fire of Qinglian, Xiao Yan stretched out his hand and directly penetrated into the hot and burning Qinglian.

The terrifying high temperature of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire left burning lines on his hands that were like water waves, but it did not burn him until his skin was torn apart and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Even Xiao Yan didn't feel the burning pain of the flames at the first time, which made him pinch the fire of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire without spending much effort.

At the same time, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look up at Yaowan.

After all, no matter how thick-skinned and thick-skinned he is, there is no way he can avoid pain.

Therefore, all Xiao Yan could think of was that the elixir he had just taken had the effect of blocking pain to a certain extent.

"...Don't look at me, concentrate on refining your strange fire."

Yao Wan couldn't help but explain: "As I said, it's just something that allows you to temporarily avoid the pain of your skin. It allows the extra cold air to temporarily block your perception. Isn't this something difficult to understand?"

Even though his whole body was extremely cold at the moment, when he heard Yao Wan's words, Xiao Yan still couldn't help but feel a warm current welling up in his heart.

Immediately he swallowed the fire from Qinglian's Earth Core Fire into his belly.

Cyan flames then emerged from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then quickly disappeared.


The process of refining the strange fire was already familiar to Xiao Yan, and with the pill he had just taken to protect his heart, Xiao Yan no longer had any worries.

But even so, the huge and terrifying energy of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire cannot be digested by Xiao Yan alone.

"...Um, Miss Wan?"

After a long time, Xiao Yan opened his eyes slightly, turned his slightly dry lips, and made a tentative inquiry.


Yaowan seemed to be a little bored with waiting, so he simply sat down cross-legged and practiced in peace.

The green flame of life surrounded her docilely, absorbing the terrifying heat wave emitted by the Qinglian Earth Core Fire. Therefore, for her, all the changes here had no impact on her.

She opened her pale golden eyes slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in her beautiful pupils.

Xiao Yan coughed, and even the air he breathed out suddenly burned with a green flame.

"I can't eat anymore, can you help me?"

"Huh? Is the energy of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire too huge for you?"

Yaowanliu raised her eyebrows, feeling a little surprised. After all, it seemed that this was not the case at first, but she didn't take it too seriously. After all, the strange fire was really weird, and it could easily cause fire if not handled properly.

"It just so happens that from your Burning Technique energy, the fire of my Creature Flame will also benefit a lot. As long as you don't mind that I stole your strange fire energy."

As Yao Wan spoke, she walked behind Xiao Yan and said.

"Miss Wan, what are you talking about? Even the Qinglian Earth Core Fire was obtained with your help. It's not too late for me to thank you..."

Xiao Yan shook his head, knowing that Miss Wan probably didn't like hearing these useless words from him, so he just said: "Okay, help me."

"——Hmph, I used to say thank you, but now I can't even say thank you, right?"

Yao Wan teased Xiao Yan, so scared that Xiao Yan's blood almost ran cold.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"Okay, is this Qinglian Earth Core Fire so scary? Adjust your breath, sit down, and let me try it."

Yao Wan thought that Xiao Yan was about to lose his strength. Although his words were still frivolous, his movements were a little faster, and he quickly placed his delicate hand on the back of Xiao Yan's heart.

Qinglian's inner fire seemed to have found an erupting spring, and the blazing energy immediately flowed into Yaowan's body along the palm of her hand that was in physical contact with Xiao Yan.


A trace of surprise flashed through Yao Wan's beautiful eyes. It's no wonder that Xiao Yan couldn't bear it alone. The energy of Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire was so frightening that even she felt a little surprised.

"But don't worry, I'm here to help you."

Having so much strange fire energy is naturally a good thing for Yaowan. The energy of Burning Technique and Strange Fire itself is the best firewood for igniting the flames of living beings. Yaowan is also very concerned about this aspect. .

It's a pity that strange fire is hard to find, but there is a guy like Xiao Yan who relies entirely on eating strange fire for growth. Naturally, there is no way to snatch the medicine from him, so Xiao Yan can only devour the strange fire. The Time of Fire absorbed the energy that he could not fully absorb.

Fortunately, even so, the energy of the strange fire itself is a rare and great supplement to the fire of the creature's flame.

This time, the energy of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire was so huge. Although it was beyond Yao Wan's expectation, it was really an unexpected surprise.

On the one hand, it is to prevent Xiao Yan from being unable to withstand the terrifying energy of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire. On the other hand, Yao Wan is also willing to accept the energy of Qinglian's Earth Core Fire that pours into his body.

She even directly began to siphon energy with the flame of life as the core, directly swallowing up all the huge alien fire energy and introducing it into her body.

And with Yaoyuan beside him to share the burden, Xiao Yan felt much more relaxed, and his frown also relaxed.

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