Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 179 Sorry, I’m late

The woman in green also realized that she might not be able to do anything good today.

"I'm only here for this little girl. I don't have any other ill intentions, and I definitely don't mean to offend you."

The woman in green clothes said: "Please don't embarrass me."

"Hmph, I said, if you want this little girl to come with you, just wait for the master honestly."

Hai Bodong snorted coldly and said, "If you want to use force, I, Hai Bodong, will definitely accompany you."

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

The woman in green shouted coldly, and at the same time, there was a violent vibration under the hall, and then countless tree branches broke through the floor tiles under the hall, forming a huge tree network, and Qinglin was in the center.

Hai Bodong's eyes were focused, and he waved his empty hand, condensing a stream of cold energy, as sharp as a sword, neatly cutting off the tree net in front of him.

"That man named Xue Lan, take that little girl and stay away!"

The pale and hazy ice mist gathered in Hai Bodong's hands, and the entire hall became clear.

The ice mist condensed into an icy blue spear in Hai Bodong's hand, and the tip of the spear was pointed directly at the woman in green in front of him.

Although Xue Lan had not fully understood the cause and effect, at least she still had the ability to judge on the spot. She immediately pulled Qing Lin back and hid behind Hai Bodong.

"Thank you, senior, for your help."

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, thank your girl."

Haibodong said without looking back.

"I don't know what this little girl's background is, but since I've seen it, I'll take care of it."

" looks like it's going to be really hard to find the Blue Snake and Three Flower Pupils this time."

The woman in green sighed, quite helpless.

Hai Bodong stopped talking nonsense. He waved his hand. Suddenly, the cold air condensed in front of him. More than a dozen sharp ice spikes as thick as thighs were formed out of thin air. At the tip of the ice spikes, the spiral carvings made it look... Looks more lethal.

Haibodong's ice spear was pointed directly at the woman in front of him. When he took a step forward, more than a dozen huge ice spikes scattered out, covering the area where the woman in green could dodge.

Even if the woman can stop his ice spike, his ice spear will arrive at the next moment and will never let her escape easily.

Ice spikes hit like raindrops. After a moment of silence, the woman in green clothes stamped her foot. With a clicking sound, a huge wooden wall shot out from the soil of the still broken hall floor under her feet.

At the same time, the woman in green expanded her right hand, and five emerald-green energy whips of thorns shot out from her fingers. The whips flew around, wrapping her entire body in them, and the ice thorns that came quickly shot out. The stabbing was also ejected away.

Haibodong narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that this woman was also an experienced fighting emperor.

As the woman in green turned over and retreated, a ray of green light quickly gathered in her hand, condensing into a bright blue whip of thorns. Then, as her body flew in the air, it struck Hai Bodong fiercely.

Haibodong's expression remained unchanged, and with a flick of his ice spear, he deflected the thorn whip, but it also stirred up a shard of ice.

At this time, Hai Bodong was already close, his gun shot out like a dragon.

The woman in green had no choice but to pull out a pliable and rough rattan in mid-air to temporarily block Hai Bodong's sudden burst of ice-blue gun light, and at the same time burst out of the hall.

Hai Bodong had no doubt that he was there and immediately chased him.

It was obvious that this woman's target was the little girl, and judging from her reaction, her behavior was definitely not an ordinary impromptu move, but intentional.

In other words, she probably won't give up until she catches the little girl.

This is not just about repelling her for the time being, and it will be fine. As expected, we still need to capture her first and interrogate her thoroughly before talking!

"This is the Tagore Desert. I'm afraid your ice attribute fighting spirit may not be able to be fully released, right?"

Outside the hall, there was a training ground for the Motie Mercenary Group, but now everyone had dispersed. Only the woman in green stood on a wooden stake used for practice, looking down at Hai Bodong who walked out of the hall.

"Both and each other, Tagor Desert is rich in fire and earth energy, and your wood-attribute fighting spirit is not much better."

Haibodong said: "Besides, unfortunately, I have been staying in this damn place called Tagor Desert for decades. I know better than you how bad the weather here is."

"You could have just left. After all, it's not easy for me to chase you, but since you didn't leave, let's stay and have a cup of tea before leaving."

The ice gun in Hai Bodong's hand was pointed at the woman standing on the wooden pile.

"This depends on your ability!"

The woman in Tsing Yi was angered by Hai Bodong's words. No matter what, she was still a fighting emperor, not a soft persimmon that could be rounded or squashed by others.

What's more, if she could be bullied by a local Dou Huang in a small place like the Jia Ma Empire, she might as well stop hanging around in the future.

The woman in green swept the long whip from her hand, and Hai Bodong responded with the tip of his spear. The green thorn whip collided with the gun light that screamed in the air, and a burst of ear-piercing explosions erupted.

But in the midst of the tit-for-tat confrontation, the woman in Tsing Yi had her own plan in mind.

The woman in Tsing Yi had an easy time dealing with Hai Bodong, but she didn't come here just to fight with this man.

If it continues to be delayed, it will be difficult to provoke old people from the Jia Ma Empire royal family.

"It's true that people in the Jia Ma Empire don't like to reason. With such a violent tendency, it's no wonder that the strong men on the mainland say you are rude."

With a whip, Hai Bodong's spear light was thrown away. The woman in green sneered, and raised her right palm fiercely, and a majestic green energy column was sprayed out towards him.

Haibodong's expression remained unchanged, and with one move of his big hand, he created a shield made of ice, blocking her energy beam.

However, even though it was blocked immediately, cracks inevitably appeared on the smooth surface of the black ice shield. Finally, when the energy beam disappeared, the black ice shield also shattered, scattering ice chips all over the ground.

"It's useless for you and me to waste time here, we'd better leave as soon as possible."

Seeing that he couldn't take her down for a long time, Hai Bodong gave up his plan to keep her. After all, he had no intention of forming a life-or-death feud with a fighting emperor. This would be a troublesome thing after all.

"Oh, your Excellency, what you said is wrong. I have been searching for the Blue Snake and Three Flower Pupils for decades. Now I am lucky enough to meet a Dou Huang. Even if there are a few more, I will never do it." Won’t let go.”

The woman in green shook her head with a smile, and there was no negotiable tone in her tone.

"...Besides, maybe you and I can only spend time together here, but what if there is another one?"

The woman in green clothes smiled, and Hai Bodong's pupils shrank when he heard this, and his expression suddenly changed.

The woman blew a whistle, causing a strange sound wave to spread immediately.

As the sound waves echoed in the sky, on the distorted skyline of the desert, a huge black shadow suddenly rose into the sky, and then flew towards the sky here. The huge shadow covered a large area of ​​the ground.

The snake-shaped monster was surprisingly fast, but it only took a few breaths to fly over the Stone Desert City.

Looking at the weird big snake with eight wings on its back, even Hai Bodong couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor?"

"Hehehe, it's really rare for you, the green barbarian, to take the initiative to call someone, isn't it?"

The Eight-Winged Black Snake King opened his huge mouth and spit out human words, making a deafening dull sound.

"If I weren't worried about hurting Bi She San Huatong in a fight, would I be afraid of him?"

The woman in green, who was called a green savage by the Eight-Winged Black Snake King, said angrily: "I don't want to talk nonsense. You help me hold him down, and I will bring the little girl out."

"Hehehe, no problem -"

The Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor chuckled, and then turned his gaze to Hai Bodong, who had a solemn look in his eyes.

Hai Bodong really didn't expect that there would be more than one Dou Emperor this time. With his current five-star Dou Emperor cultivation, it would be easy to deal with the female Dou Emperor for the time being, but with the addition of the eight-winged Black Snake Emperor, he would be in trouble. Nothing can be done.

"Humans, get out of the way! We only want the green snake and three-flowered pupils, and we have no intention of becoming an enemy of a fighting emperor. If you insist on fighting to the death, it will do you no good!"

The Eight-Winged Black Snake King said to Hai Bodong, his voice was like muffled thunder, resounding through the sky.

Haibodong remained silent, but did not give way.

At this point, he could only see how long it would last.

In the end, he was completely benevolent and righteous.

Green Man ignored Hai Bodong and went down to bring Qing Lin out.

However, Hai Bodong was suddenly swept across by the ice spear, repelling the green barbarian again.

Green Man responded hastily, and a layer of frost formed on his hands, which made her very angry: "I just don't want to conflict with you, don't be ungrateful!"

"——Oh, what you mean is... you have an advantage two against one?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Hai Bodong's ears, which made him feel relieved. At the same time, he couldn't help but complain: "It's really slow to come."


The calm voice was like water waves overflowing on a calm lake, creating ripples, which set off alarm bells in the hearts of the green barbarian and the eight-winged black snake emperor.

That was not a sound, but the voice of the soul that directly acted on their minds.

This kind of ability is rare even among Dou Huang. In other words, there are still strong people here.

And he was far stronger than the Hai Bodong in front of him!

Green Man and the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor remained silent, but noticed that the dome in front of them seemed to be collapsing.

It was as if the clouds were gathered by a whirlpool and crushed into pieces, and then a beautiful figure wearing a plain skirt and a smile was revealed.

That is……

Green Man frowned, but as a Warcraft, the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor's intuition was sharper, and his whole body was shaken and trembling.

"Sorry, Ebi, I just finished taking care of things over there and I'm late."

"Really? Then invite the girl to come earlier next time."

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