Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 182 Did you meet the woman’s family?

In fact, Yaowan's worries are never groundless.

When Xiao Yan came to the place guided by his bloodline, he saw someone who seemed to be waiting for him.

But for some reason, Xiao Yan felt that the figure looked strangely familiar.

"Miss Wan?"

He muttered to himself, but neither his body shape nor her clothes looked anything like Miss Wan.

On the contrary, the elegant moon-white dress inexplicably reminded Xiao Yan of the clothes worn by a certain young master of the Yunlan Sect.

"Nalan Yanran? No, that's not right."

Xiao Yan felt a little weird about the thought that suddenly flashed through his mind. He couldn't help but shook his head and drove this really strange distracting thought out of his mind.

But even so, he had to be wary of the identity of this unknown person.

After all, he is about to enter the secret realm. Xiao Yan doesn't want what happened last time in the Warcraft Mountains to happen again. Is this going to kill him?

But as if she sensed someone approaching, the woman in a moon-white dress turned around and saw a young man in black robes with a mask on his head.

Although he couldn't see his whole face clearly, judging from his smooth, beardless chin and skin, he couldn't be much older.

She couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly. For some reason, she just felt that this person looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

After all, in her current life, it is either the teacher or her. The elders of the Yunlan Sect all have gray hair on their temples. I am afraid that the only young men she can occasionally come into contact with now are herself. Liu Ling really couldn't avoid it.

But she still had some ability to judge, and there was no way the person in front of her could be Liu Ling.

...She told herself to "get along well" before leaving...

But the question is, who should I get along well with?

When she thought of this, she almost vaguely realized that Yaowan didn't just arrange this trial for her.

After all, she had indeed searched just now, and this place was completely a dead place. Excluding the possibility that there was really nothing here, the only possibility was that the time had not come yet.

As a result, she didn't wait long before this man came.

Nalan Yanran walked up slowly and was about to speak, but she saw a trace of surprise in the eyes of the man in front of her under the mask that she didn't know how to describe.

Nalan Yanran:?

How is this going?

She suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was this man staring at her face? Is there a flower on her face?

Nalan Yanran was just wondering, but Xiao Yan was surprised.

——Why does this woman look so similar to Miss Wan? Not to mention exactly the same, they are at least 70 or 80% similar, but the difference in temperament is not small.

Xiao Yan muttered secretly in his heart, while Yao Lao fell into a brief silence.

Yao Lao quickly changed from wanting to remind Xiao Yan to watching a show.

Although the little girl's disguise was as thin as a piece of paper in front of the powerful alchemist's soul power, it was enough to hide Xiao Yan.

And judging from the current appearance of this female doll, even if you think on your knees, you can guess that it was Yaowan who did it.

Therefore, Yao Lao, who originally wanted to speak up to remind him, finally chose to remain silent.

After all, since the girl made such a move, she must have thought carefully about it. As for the two dolls Nalan Yanran and Xiao was not a big hatred in the first place. Yao Lao also knew this, so he simply ignored it.

"...I don't know, maybe she is my sister."

Yao Lao had no reason to say something.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Xiao Yan, who was just confused at first, suddenly realized that indeed, compared to other possibilities, this possibility was the most accurate.

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan stepped forward, but he saw that the woman who was still actively walking towards him seemed to be frightened by him, and quickly took two steps back to control the distance between the two.

This made Xiao Yan a little surprised. Was he scaring others? No way?

"Um, this lady?"


Nalan Yanran looked at him warily. This was also the Black Corner Territory after all, a place where people could eat people without spitting out their bones. Even she probably guessed that the other party was probably the one arranged by Yao Wan. Nalan Yanran was not at all wary. No.

Seeing the vigilant look on the woman in front of him, Xiao Yan couldn't help but hold his forehead slightly, it was broken, it seemed like this...

After a moment of silence, he thought about it and then said: "-That's right, my name is... Yan Xiao, I am familiar with a girl who looks a bit like the lady, and I am her friend. This time I came to the Black Corner Domain at her invitation to complete the final trial."

"Is it possible that the young lady knows the girl I know well? I wonder where she has gone?"

Xiao Yan said seriously, although he probably believed what Yao Lao said because of what he said, he still had some distractions.


Are you familiar with her?

Nalan Yanran was slightly startled, and then quickly judged the identity of the person in front of her from his words.

Who else is the young man she knows well? Isn't it just Xiao Yan?

If there was any explanation for this, then the name the other party announced made Nalan Yanran want to laugh.

Rock owl? Isn't that Xiao Yan in reverse? !

Nalan Yanran never dreamed that her second encounter with Xiao Yan would be like this.

After not seeing each other for two years, Xiao Yan himself had changed a lot since he was a teenager. In addition, with the mask covering his face, Nalan Yanran really didn't realize that it was him.

No wonder she thought it looked familiar but couldn't remember where she had seen it.

After being stunned for a moment, Nalan Yanran reacted and was ready to take off her disguise to expose him.

However, before she could speak, Yao Wan's final instructions when she left rang in her mind again, causing her to stop doing so unconsciously.

"...We want to get along well?"

Get along with?

Get along with……

Even though Nalan Yanran's character is now much better than before, she still feels as uncomfortable as a punch on cotton.

It turns out that she was waiting here for her words.

Nalan Yanran sighed in her heart, she really lost to her... She thought this time would be more or less an exciting adventure between the two of them, but what happened.

It was indeed two people, and it would indeed be an exciting adventure, but it was different from what she had imagined at the beginning? !

What made her even more angry was that Yao Wan had already thought of this a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have said this at all when he threw her down.

So what to do now? Just for the sake of impulse, maybe in the end I won’t even be happy. Not only will I be choked by Xiao Yan, but she might blame me later.

Reluctantly curling her lips, Nalan Yanran crossed her arms, her heroic Liu Ye eyebrows filled with a hint of irritation. Since she didn't intend to expose him now, she couldn't let Xiao Yan discover her flaws. .

Therefore, she could only hurriedly look for countermeasures to deal with this guy temporarily.

But what should she say?

Nalan Yanran felt quite irritated and looked at Xiao Yan, silent for a while.

And when he saw the irritated look on the face of the girl in front of him and the rather unkind look in his eyes, Xiao Yan had an ominous premonition in his heart for some reason.

How should I put it? This feeling is like trying to flirt with someone else's sister, only to be asked back and find out that you are the one who wanted to hook up with my sister?

Although he didn't say it, Xiao Yan's thoughts inevitably became stronger.

"...Then what did you call her? Miss Wan?"

After a moment of silence, the girl's question made Xiao Yan's heart skip a beat.

It’s over…

This time I really met someone’s family.

"I don't know what to call Miss..."

Xiao Yan, who was so embarrassed, could only quickly find a way to change the topic.

"...Qingran, just call me Qingran."

Nalan Yanran could only make up a random name for the time being, then crossed her arms and said, "I was thrown here by her too."

"Before she left, she suddenly told me that we should get along well...but I didn't expect that it would be you."

“Cough cough cough cough——”

Xiao Yan coughed in embarrassment, and then looked away.

However, Nalan Yanran really didn't do anything to Xiao Yan. Seeing that he had been fooled for the time being, Nalan Yanran turned around and looked at the surrounding wilderness and said.

"Is there a secret realm here?"

"Well, if Miss Qingran is called here by Miss Wan like me, then she probably means that we can explore this ruins left by our predecessors together."

Seeing that they had no intention of entangled in this interpersonal relationship, the embarrassment in Xiao Yan's heart was relieved a lot.

But he really never expected that Miss Wan would actually turn around and pull out all the family members.

Nalan Yanran turned her head sideways, caught a glimpse of the piece of cloth in Xiao Yan's hand, and raised her eyebrows.

"Does this ruin have anything to do with you?"

"It's just a remnant of our predecessors."

Nalan Yanran remained silent. After a moment, she said, "In that case, if I go in this time, if there is something inside, it's up to you to choose first."

Although she doesn't like Xiao Yan very much, Nalan Yanran is not that unreasonable. Since she is the relic of Xiao Yan's predecessor, she is embarrassed to fight for something in front of his descendants.

Xiao Yan nodded, and then followed the call from somewhere, using the piece of cloth in his hand as a guide, he found an inconspicuous cave.

The passage in the cave was narrow, allowing only one person to pass through. When they reached the deepest part of the cave, they saw a heavy stone door. After using the guidance in the piece of cloth to open it, everything suddenly became clear.

Behind the thick stone door is an underground cave. Extending from the surrounding cubic rock pillars, there is a huge mountain-like blue crystal on the top of the head. It emits a faint cold light, illuminating the originally dark cave sky.

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