Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 187 How is your practice going?

Yaowan was indeed a little surprised when she saw this colorful sky-swallowing python.

But when she saw this little guy, she immediately realized that since this little guy had discovered her, then the two people must have followed her, right?

Originally, she didn't want these two people to know that she was coming so quickly.

After all, it’s very troublesome to explain.

It's just that until now, there is no turning back when the bow is fired, and it is impossible for Yao Wan to give up refining now, so he can continue to control the flame of life to swallow the residue of the Yin and Yang dual flames.

The black and white flames burning on her body were eaten away by a little bit of green life flame, and then turned into the vigorous vitality of the life flame.

At the same time, a sound of footsteps came from the deepest part of the cave hall.

Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran followed the little snake and rushed over.

"This is……"

Almost as soon as he returned to the space of the huge cave hall, Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but ask.

"What a strong breath of life, she is here."

The stunned look on Xiao Yan's face gradually turned into joy, and then he quickened his pace.

Nalan Yanran was a little confused, strange, how did he know?

Seeing Xiao Yan's steps that didn't want to slow down for a moment, Nalan Yanran curled her lips, her soul was taken away, and she turned around to destroy your stage.

She secretly complained in her heart, and Nalan Yanran immediately followed her.

"——Miss Wan?"

Perhaps after refining three strange fires, although the power of the soul is still not comparable to that of Yao Lao and Miss Wan, Xiao Yan can indeed feel that he seems to have a different kind of connection with the strange fires.

As long as it is within a certain range, you will feel it.

And after he crossed the restriction between the two cave halls, Xiao Yan immediately felt the rich breath of life that could only be found in the flame of living things.

"Xiao Yan, don't worry."

But when Xiao Yan raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the cave hall where the light blue cold light above his head had been transformed into cyan light by the heat of life inside, Yao Lao suddenly said.

"What's wrong, teacher?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"The girl is currently refining the embers of a strange fire. She seems to be hoping that swallowing the residue of the strange fire will completely transform her life form from a fire into an independent strange fire. Let's not disturb her now."

"Ah? Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, while Yao Lao shook his head.

"Do you think the girl is like you, who will die if you swallow the strange fire?"

He couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Xiao Yan and said, "Don't worry, it's just the residue of the strange fire, so it can't do anything to her."

"The remnants of the alien fire?"

"Well, it seems to be part of the power of the strange fire left here by your predecessors... Maybe no one can control the destructive power of the strange fire, so we simply sealed it here."

As he spoke, Yao Lao glanced at the huge cave hall. Everywhere he looked, there were traces left by the flames.

"It's just that the seal didn't seem to last long. The strange fire gradually burned out on its own, and burned together all the elixirs and medicinal materials that previously existed in this space, and finally formed the living crystal above our heads."

"If nothing else, this cave is more than ten times bigger than it is now, and the location we are in now may be the only passable cave entrance left after most of the space is filled with life crystals. .”

"I see."

Xiao Yan nodded and saw that Miss Wan was still motionless in the center of the Crystal of Life. There was no movement at all. The only sound that sounded was the dull smoldering sound transmitted through the Crystal of Life.

It's just different from the previous time when he was always there to help him when he was refining the strange fire. Now when the medicine ignited the embers, he couldn't help at all, which made him a little irritable.

While doing nothing, Xiao Yan suddenly recalled his questions about this place.

"Teacher, about my family..."

Now that he thought about it carefully, how did Miss Wan know that there was such a secret in this piece of cloth? More and more doubts lingered in his mind.

"Well, regarding this, it would be better if you ask the girl in person later. I think she will make it clear to you."

Yao Lao pondered for a while, knowing that it was not convenient for him to speak about this matter, so it was better to let Yao Wan speak for herself.


Xiao Yan was silent for a moment and nodded slightly. Of course he knew that Miss Wan would not harm him, but he also vaguely realized that after this, there would be another major event that he could not touch at all.

Nalan Yanran also rushed over and saw at a glance that the blue crystal above her head was now glowing cyan.

"Let's wait for now. Your sister's trip will probably take a little longer."

Xiao Yan turned around and said to Nalan Yanran.

"A little more effort...?"

Nalan Yanran glanced at the blurry light and shadow on the crystal zenith, and she knew in her heart that it was her turn this time, right?

"Well, I always see her as if she doesn't need to practice. This time I finally saw her."

She simply found a place to sit cross-legged, and then noticed Xiao Yan's slightly surprised look.

"What's that look in your eyes? Sit down and practice."

Nalan Yanran raised her eyebrows like willow leaves and said: "She is practicing anyway. Although I don't know what she is doing, but there is no use in waiting. It is better to practice together."


Xiao Yan was startled, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. She was too skilled at this.

Should I say these are sisters? It's easy to deal with it.

However, there was nothing wrong with what Nalan Yanran said. Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air, then sat down cross-legged and started his own practice.

Before finally putting her mind into the Dou Zhi Cyclone within her body, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan.

To be honest, she was still wondering what Yao Wan liked about Xiao Yan.

After getting along with him now, although this person was indeed not as disgusting as her previous impression, he didn't seem to have anything special about him, so questions naturally came to her mind.

After just thinking for a moment, she naturally couldn't figure it out on her own, so she silently closed her eyes and began to practice with concentration.

While the two of them settled down to practice, Yao Wan slightly opened her pale golden eyes, and with a flick of her finger, brought the pure energy of the living crystal that she had not absorbed just now to the two of them, and brought them The figure was then shrouded in it.

When Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran absorbed the fighting energy from the outside world, they immediately discovered that the energy here was unexpectedly abundant, and naturally they worked hard to start operating their own techniques seriously.

After Yaowan finished doing this, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Naturally, nothing serious could happen to her. Refining the embers of the strange fire was just a matter of time for her.

When the last bit of the black and white flame was drowned by the green firelight, a faint touch appeared on Yaowan's quiet and pretty face.

Now that things have happened, it is impossible for her to say that she is not excited...

After all, this spirit of life has long been integrated into her heart. Ever since the clan leader found such rare things from heaven and earth for her, even though Yao Wan has temporarily put aside the process of cultivating Dou Qi and soul skills, she has never stopped from beginning to end. Every opportunity can allow the Flame of Life to grow, take root and sprout.

After so many years of hard work and effort, the day has finally come.

Years of hard work have come to fruition today, and it is understandable that Yao Wan is extremely happy for this.

Yao Wan looked inside her body, and saw that the flames of life had completely burned away the residue of the Yin and Yang flames, and then burst out with unprecedentedly powerful flames.

The meridians all over her body turned green in the stretching branches of the Flame of Life. She subconsciously opened her white jade fingers and spread her palms, and the green branches entangled and bloomed with each other.

In essence, the flame of life is completely different from other strange fires. It is not so much a flame as a spiritual plant. The fire is the seed, and today's medicine It is to allow it to sprout, grow, bloom and bear fruit.

The turquoise flames enveloped her whole body, which made her feel comfortable and comfortable.

Countless living things like plant branches gathered together, then rotated under her body, gathered, and finally bloomed, surrounding her like a lotus platform.

And the true transformation of the Yan of Life came to an end silently.

Only the scattered countless life breaths still show the traces of devouring strange fires and fires that have happened here.

And all of this was intentionally or unintentionally directed by Yao Wan to the two people who were rarely practicing obediently outside the world at this moment. The conversations and conversations between the two people when they came were also announced as the two people's minds sank into the body and the exercises were running. Just disappeared.

The rich breath of life gradually gathered, and finally as the medicine wand put away the flame of life in his palm, the breath of life quickly disappeared like the tide receding.

Only the energy of the living crystal extracted by Yaowan using his own skills was left, which was absorbed by the two of them tirelessly.

Until there was a roar of fighting spirit, the strong energy generated during the breakthrough disrupted the airflow here and set off a gust of wind.

Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan completed a small realm breakthrough almost at the same time, which surprised them when they opened their eyes unknowingly.

But before the two of them had time to look at each other, Yaowan's voice sounded above their heads.

"How are you practicing?"

Still wearing three thousand black hair and wearing a plain skirt, Yaowan looks like nothing has changed.

"Improved by one star."

"One star, it's a little slow... But it doesn't matter, there is still a long time left, and the living crystals here are enough for you to break through to the next great realm."

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