Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 197 Looks a bit familiar

No matter how powerful the branding poison is, it cannot compare with the poison of the Netherworld Poison Fire.

Xiao Yan manipulated the Nether Poison Fire to penetrate into Nalan Jie's body silently, and then directly absorbed the part of the poison dissolved in the flesh and blood.

With Netherworld Poison Fire, not only can one be immune to all poisons, but if one's mental control power is precise enough, it will be easy to absorb toxins from the poisoned person's body.

And Xiao Yan is doing this now.


Xiao Yan breathed out gently. It didn't feel that difficult for him, but it was extremely relaxed, which surprised him.

Because he could clearly feel that the poison in Nalan Jie's body was like water without roots. It had no attachment. It just seeped into the flesh and blood, but it could not cause any substantial harm to Nalan Jie.

It was obvious that the poisoning lasted for more than two years, but the symptoms of the poisoning were obviously much milder than the symptoms of the poisoned person in the rumors.

In this regard, Xiao Yan couldn't help but have an extra thought. His spiritual thoughts spread out like water waves and swept through Nalan Jie's body. After searching for a while, he finally found something unique that did not belong to Nalan Jie.

It was a trace of the remaining medicinal properties. It was presumably the remnants of the elixir that Nalan Jie had taken to suppress the poison. This was understandable.

But judging from this trace of medicinal properties, it had been a long time since Nalan Jie last took the elixir that suppresses the poison, and most of the medicinal properties have disappeared, or were excreted from the body after suppressing and transforming the poison.

But it is precisely this that makes Xiao Yan even more shocked. Even those who possess strange fire have to take the poison Nalan Jie seriously, but there are people who can suppress the poison for a long time with just one pill——

If nothing else goes wrong, according to Xiao Yan's guess, it must have been the mysterious strong man that Ya Fei said the Nalan family had found before. He even left these pills and successfully suppressed the poison in Nalan Jie's body. , so that the branding poison never worsened in his body.

This also made Xiao Yan more and more curious about who this mysterious strong man who had helped the Nalan family was.

If someone who could refine this kind of elixir said that he had no way to cure the poison on Nalan Jie, Xiao Yan would not believe it anyway.

But in this case, why didn't that person cure the poison on Nalan Jie's body, but just used elixirs?

Xiao Yan subconsciously felt that something was not quite right.

But now is not the time to study this in detail. Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed, and after his spiritual thoughts were no longer enough to control the Nether Poison Fire to absorb the poison, he gradually took back the Nether Poison Fire.


Xiao Yan said, then slowly stopped his hand.

Nalan Jie took a deep breath, then hurriedly adjusted his breath and looked inside. Sure enough, he found that the poison in his body had been visibly reduced. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Haha, good! My little brother is really young and promising, and his future life will be formidable."

Xiao Yan did not rush to answer, but closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a moment before adjusting his breath and said: "I just came here to cherish the medicinal materials. As a deal, it is only my duty to cure you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened.

Nalan Yanran and Nalan Su also walked in.

"It looks like it's done."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but smile.

"Don't be too happy too soon."

Xiao Yan said coldly: "I am just afraid of removing part of the poison. If I want to cure it completely, it will take two days."

“It’s better than anything if it’s effective.”

Nalan Su smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, little brother Yan Xiao."

Xiao Yan was still unwilling to say any more polite words to the people in Nalan's family. He just said: "Okay, if there is nothing important, I will leave first."

"Girl, give it to someone else."

Nalan Jie looked at Xiao Yan's back and said suddenly.

But Nalan Yanran had this intention, so she nodded lightly and followed him out.

After walking out of the inner room, Nalan Yanran exhaled. To be honest, it would be a lie to say that she was not worried.

Fortunately, all worries are unnecessary now.

"Thank you very much...Mr. Yan Xiao."

Nalan Yanran said sincerely, but she didn't control her mouth just now and almost called the person by her real name.

"Everyone gets what he needs, so why say thank you?"

From the corner of his eye, Xiao Yan glanced at a beauty that was completely different from the domineering girl three years ago.

If Nalan Yanran three years ago looked like an arrogant and domineering young lady at a glance, now Nalan Yanran actually looks a bit like a lady.

...And for some reason, Xiao Yan always feels that Nalan Yanran looks inexplicably familiar today, no matter her words, deeds, or demeanor.

So much so that Xiao Yan had some visions.

Miss Qingran, who looks exactly like Miss Wan and is quite related to her. is this possible?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head secretly, trying to expel this thought from his mind.

But the more deliberately he tried to ignore this possibility, the easier it was for Xiao Yan's subconscious to associate Nalan Yanran in front of him with the woman he regarded as a companion rather than a friend.

After all, it's too similar.

Naturally, Xiao Yan couldn't find any evidence, just... intuition.

Human beings are inherently animals that act according to instinct and intuition.

Nalan Yanran knew very well that Xiao Yan would definitely not give her a good look, so naturally she would not use her warm face to touch someone else's cold butt.

It’s just that thanks are always due.

Nalan Yanran let out a long sigh, saying that it was all caused by her impulsiveness.

Hearing Nalan Yanran's sigh, Xiao Yan also silently withdrew his gaze, and immediately sent Xiao Yan out of the door.

Xiao Yan didn't bother to be polite to her, he just said that's it, and walked out of Nalan's house alone.

Nalan Yanran watched Xiao Yan's back disappear into the crowd, and was about to turn around and leave, but a cough from behind startled Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran's delicate body trembled and she quickly turned her head, only to see Nalan looking at her solemnly.

"Father, what's wrong with you? You don't make any sound when you walk."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but complain a little in her tone.

"I'm walking silently?"

Nalan Su raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Aren't you so absorbed that you didn't hear me coming? Before, you could hear me coming all the way."

"Have it?"

Nalan Yanran frowned subconsciously.

"What? Do you think they are nice?"

Nalansu glanced at his daughter's expression and said jokingly.

"Him? How is that possible?!"

Nalan Yanran was startled by Nalan Su and refused without thinking.

"I think this boy is quite suitable. He is young but has extraordinary fire. He has a bright future and is worthy of your status as the young master of the Yunlan Sect."

Nalan Su said half jokingly, half seriously.

After all, it’s not like he didn’t know that his daughter was arrogant and disdainful of ordinary men. If not, wouldn’t it have happened like that?

Therefore, if he really takes a fancy to him, Nalan Su doesn't think it's impossible. An alchemist with a strange fire will have greater achievements in the future than Alchemy King Furukawa.

But Nalan Yanran, who knew who Yan Xiao was, felt that her father's guess was absurd and unfounded, which only made her feel embarrassed.

It’s good that the two of them didn’t fight each other, and they also looked at each other...

Nalan Yanran shook her head and just lamented that these old people really wanted to have grandchildren, otherwise she would not be able to understand this kind of thing.

"It's disrespectful to be old."

Nalan Yanran said, but Nalan Su obviously didn't just want to say this.

"Yanran, regarding your three-year appointment with that boy from the Xiao family... are you ready?"

It is related to the reputation of the family and the sect. Even if the three-year agreement is essentially a promise that Nalan Yanran made casually when she was young and ignorant, it has now become something that the entire Jiama Empire is paying attention to. .

Nalan Su's words made Nalan Yanran calm down a little.

"Well, don't worry."

"Sigh...Actually, I've also heard that when you broke off the engagement, Xiao Yan was already a one-star fighter, and he was already a nine-star fighter by the time of his adult ceremony. Such a terrifying cultivation speed, I'm afraid it would be impossible to put it in the entire world. The Jia Ma Empire is unheard of.”

"I know this."

Nalan Yanran's eyes were slightly lowered, but she didn't want to talk more about this topic, so she said: "Since you are wrong, there is no regret medicine in the world."

Nalan Yanran said in her father's slightly changed eyes.

"Yanran, you seem to have changed a lot in the past three years."

Nalan sighed solemnly and couldn't help but sigh, if it was Nalan Yanran three years ago, she would only stubbornly say that she did nothing wrong, or she would be a slave if she lost, to show herself. of determination.

This is Nalan Yanran's own character, she would rather break than bend, like a sharp sword.

But the sword was too sharp, and they blindly sharpened it faster and faster.

In the end, there is no way to avoid the uncontrolled sword hurting others.

But now Nalan Yanran is calm and restrained, like a sword in a scabbard. It will no longer hurt others, but it retains its own edge.

This undoubtedly made Nalansu very happy. After all, what he was most worried about was what kind of disaster his daughter would do because of her personality.

"...People always have to grow up, father."

Nalan Yanran shook her head and said.


When he returned to his residence, Xiao Yan also visited the Alchemist Guild. Now the Alchemist Guild headquarters in the Gama Empire was busy with preparations for the Alchemist Conference. There were many unfamiliar faces who did not belong to the country.

Xiao Yan was just wandering around, but he didn't expect that he would meet the alchemist who had helped him before and receive a good fortune.

In addition, he also heard that the reward for the champion of the Alchemist Conference this time was actually the Spirit Fusion Pill, which naturally made him a little interested.

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