Xiao Zhan looked at the beauty in front of him with some confusion, and couldn't help but secretly thought that she was really a woman who had changed her age. They hadn't seen her for three years, and if Nalan Yanran hadn't spoken, he wouldn't have recognized her.

And if what happened three years ago had not happened, this girl would have become the daughter-in-law of their Xiao family, but unfortunately there was no if.

With Nalan Yanran's divorce three years ago, the relationship between the Nalan family and the Xiao family has already reached a freezing point. Although there is no statement to sever the relationship, there is basically no difference.

"Uncle Xiao Zhan, are you here for the three-year appointment in the near future?"

Nalan Yanran was also a little surprised. She originally just wanted to go out and hide from Liu Ling, but she didn't expect to bump into the person she felt she was most sorry for. After sighing by chance, she naturally wanted to make things clear to Xiao Zhan.

"Xiao Yan is currently in the imperial capital, presumably settling down in the Miter family for the time being. But before that, I wonder if Uncle Xiao Zhan can lend me a word?"

Nalan Yanran lowered her attitude very low. She could no longer see the arrogance she had three years ago when she first became the young master of the Yunlan Sect, which made Xiao Zhan a little stunned.


Xiao Zhan was silent for a moment, and then got off his horse.

He didn't want to have any more contact with the girl who was about to prove his right and wrong with his son in Yunlan Sect three years ago.

"All right."

But then I thought about it, if this is the case, it seems that he, the head of the family, is a bit too petty. Besides, he doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in Nalan Yanran's gourd. Whether it was her father or grandpa who ordered it. Not allowed.

Even if he doesn't miss any old feelings, he should at least have the magnanimity of the head of the family. Xiao Zhan finally nodded lightly: "In that case, I will accompany Miss Nalan."

With that said, Xiao Zhan turned his head and gave instructions, then followed Nalan Yanran to find a nearby teahouse.

Nalan Yanran ordered a private room, and the noise below was isolated from them.

"Miss Nalan, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Xiao Zhan said.

"It's nothing... I just want to ask Uncle Xiao Zhan about my grandfather and the old head of the Xiao family, Xiao Lin."

When the tea was served, Nalan Yanran's slender jade fingers gently tapped the thick and smooth table, and then she said in Xiao Zhan's somewhat surprised eyes.

"Why do you suddenly want to know such a thing?"

Xiao Zhan raised his eyebrows involuntarily and couldn't help but say.

"To be honest, Yanran has thought a lot in the past three years, but she has never understood the source of the entanglement between you and me, which is why what happened today."

Nalan Yanran explained.

Xiao Zhan frowned slightly, then subconsciously took a sip of tea.

To be honest, he really didn't know what Nalan Yanran wanted to do now.

Why did it suddenly get involved in the affairs of their older generation?

"Wouldn't it be better to ask Patriarch Nalan directly about this topic?"

But Nalan Yanran just shook her head and said: "Grandpa, he is a fan of the authorities. When talking about the Xiao family and the old head of the Xiao family, it is his brotherhood that he talks about. For Yu Yanran, it is better not to ask."


Xiao Zhan pondered for a moment and nodded slightly. This was very similar to what the old Patriarch Nalan would say.

"In that case, let's just talk about it."

Maybe Nalan Yanran did give Xiao Zhan enough reason, or maybe the girl in front of him at this moment can be said to have almost overturned Xiao Zhan's impression of Nalan Yanran who came to the Xiao family to break off the engagement three years ago. Xiao Zhan felt It's better to mention the family past events that you know.

"Decades ago, the original head of the Xiao family was still my father. Xiao Yan's grandfather, the old head of Xiao Lin, and Nalan Jie of the Nalan family were both rising up as new families."

"The two hit it off and became close friends. They fought side by side on the battlefield and bravely killed the enemy. They were comrades who trusted each other enough to give each other their backs."

"It is precisely because of this relationship that after your father Nalansu and I got married, the two heads of the family once said that if the two families have children, if the newborns are of the same sex, they will be brothers and sisters, and if they are of the opposite sex, they will be husband and wife. , and this is how the marriage contract between you and Yan'er came about."

"But later, the good times did not last long. My father passed away early, and no one in the Xiao family could take on the important role. Finally, he moved out of the imperial capital and moved to Wutan City."

"When Yan'er was born, the relationship between our two families had actually gradually faded as we moved away from the imperial capital."

"I wonder if Miss Nalan ever remembers that when you two were five or six years old, I brought my family to the imperial capital to visit the Nalan family? At that time, you had not yet joined the Yunlan Sect and were selected by the Yunyun Sect. ."

Nalan Yanran did not avoid Xiao Zhan's gaze, but her clear eyes were full of confusion. She could hardly remember the things that happened when she was five or six years old.

Xiao Zhan was not surprised by this. He also disliked the hypocrisy and sanctimony of pretending to know. Seeing that Nalan Yanran had no reaction to this, he took a sip of tea silently and ended the topic.

"Yanran no longer remembers."

Nalan Yanran shook her head, and then said: "Actually, my memory of staying at home when I was young is very vague. It seems that I have been practicing swordsmanship in Yunlan Sect since I can remember."

"Then there's nothing we can do."

Xiao Zhan sighed, a little sentimental, but he did not despise Nalan Yanran because of this. Life is too long, and there are not many things that a person can remember, or even very few.

As we get older, the only things we can always remember are those unforgettable things.

And those peaceful years will be buried forever in the deepest part of memory. Perhaps only at the last moment of a person's life, he will catch a glimpse of the revolving door of his life in a moment of trance.

"However, although I don't remember it, Yanran still thanks Uncle Xiao Zhan for telling me these things."

Nalan Yanran said seriously that what she heard from her grandfather was always his heroic deeds and the brotherhood with Xiao Lin's old family master, but what did these have to do with her?

This is the core of this conflict.

And today, she also understood that there was no special reason. It was just because she was born in the Nalan family and was the daughter of the Nalan family, so such things would happen to her from the moment she was born.

She wasn't complaining or dissatisfied, it was just the truth.

And if he hadn't become a member of the Yunlan Sect, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have the ability to resist in the end.

She knows best what the Nalan family is like.

Nalan Yanran breathed out softly. It was obviously just trivial matters for the older generation, but these simple words decided the beginning of her life. This is really...

Xiao Zhan silently observed Nalan Yanran's slightly changed pretty face, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Regardless of the current opposition between the two families because of a new generation, he actually didn't hate Nalan Yanran. Xiao Zhan was not that old-fashioned, and he also knew what finger-tip marriage meant to the woman.

What's more, the most fatal thing is that Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran have no emotional basis at all.

With Nalan Yanran's character, it would be a family tragedy even if it happened in the future.

After three rounds of tea, the two of them had almost finished chatting. Xiao Zhan stood up immediately and said, "I had a small talk with Miss Nalan today, but I'm embarrassed to say nothing. I'd better pay for the tea."

"Uncle Xiao Zhan, you don't have to be polite. Compared to this, uncle Xiao Zhan still remembers that I said when I came here that Xiao Yan has already come to the imperial capital?"

Nalan Yanran's words stunned Xiao Zhan.

"I also know someone in the Miter family. I think Uncle Xiao Zhan might also know him. Why don't we let Yanran give us a ride?"

Xiao Zhan indeed had a great change in his view of Nalan Yanran, and he did not refuse her in the end.

When the two came to the headquarters of the Mittel Auction House, Yafei couldn't help but rub herself when she saw the two people standing together. She wondered if she had worked too hard during this period, and she actually looked at them. It came to the illusion that Xiao Zhan and Nalan Yanran were standing together.

However, she soon realized that this was no illusion.

But even so, the scene of Nalan Yanran and Xiao Zhan standing together still gave Yafei a strong sense of trance, almost like a dream.

But she controlled her expression very well and said with a smile: "Yanran, why are you here with the Xiao family master?"

"Xiao Yan is in the imperial capital, so we can't let father and son not even see each other, right?"

Nalan Yanran shrugged and said.

When Xiao Zhan saw Ya Fei, a strange look flashed in his eyes. Over the past year or so, thanks to the care of Miter Auction House, the Xiao family has completely overwhelmed the other two families and become the Wu Tan family. The well-deserved overlord of the city and its surrounding areas.

However, since Nalan Yanran was still in front of him, it was inconvenient for him to thank Ya Fei. Instead, Ya Fei looked at the two people in front of her with indescribable embarrassment.

But in the end, Ya Fei took the two of them to Xiao Yan's current residence, a property owned by the Miter family.

On the way, Nalan Yanran didn't say anything more.

When she arrived at the small courtyard, Nalan Yanran looked up and saw that the little girl named Qing Lin was still there. Xiao Yan didn't seem to have come back yet, and Yao Wan was nowhere to be seen. She might be resting or practicing inside.

"Sister Yafei."

When Qing Lin saw Ya Fei coming with her people, she couldn't help but smile and stepped forward.

"Well, sister Qinglin, where is brother Xiao Yan?"

Yafei smiled affectionately and asked immediately.

"Master Xiao Yan hasn't come back yet. I heard that he went to attend the Alchemist Conference."

Seeing that they were acquaintances, Qing Lin didn't feel defensive. After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhan and Nalan Yanran behind Ya Fei, and asked doubtfully: "Sister Ya Fei, who are these two?"

Ya Fei smiled and then said: "This is Xiao Yan's younger brother's father, the head of the Xiao Zhan family."


Qing Lin was startled, and her delicate body that was originally relaxed suddenly became tense: "Master Xiao Yan's father?! I'm sorry, Qing Lin didn't recognize it—"

Xiao Zhan looked at the cute and not very young girl in front of him, and couldn't help but wonder, who is this girl? Why did he react so much when he heard that he was Xiao Yan's father?

While Qing Lin was worried and Xiao Zhan was confused, Ya Fei explained beside her: "Her name is Qing Lin, she is a girl brought by Xiao Yan from the Motie mercenary group of his two brothers, and now she is Miss Wan's maid. "

"Oh, she is Miss Wan'er's maid."

Xiao Zhan suddenly realized. Speaking of which, Miss Wan'er is really together with Yan'er?

This not only relaxed Xiao Zhan's worried mood, after all, Yan'er being alone outside made him a little worried, but having Miss Wan'er by his side really made him feel more at ease.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhan's eyes towards Qing Lin gradually softened.

"Since she is Miss Wan'er's maid, there is no need to say more."

"...Sister Yafei."

After thinking about it all the way, Nalan Yanran finally sighed softly and said to Ya Fei in a gesture.

Yafei was so sensitive, as soon as she heard Nalan Yanran's tone, she already knew what she wanted to do.

She glanced at the girl who had changed a lot in the past three years with some confusion, and then suddenly smiled and said: "Qing Lin."

"Sister Yafei, what's wrong?"

Qing Lin felt happy when she saw that Xiao Zhan didn't seem to be angry with her, and then looked up at the smiling Ya Fei.

"Well, there is something coming next. Sister Yafei wants to talk to Sister Qinglin alone."

Yafei said with a smile, then looked at Xiao Zhan who had an incomprehensible expression and said: "Master Xiao, it is inconvenient for Yafei to stay with you longer."

"Where is it? If Miss Yafei has something to do, please go and do it first."

Ya Fei bowed and walked out with Qing Lin.

After Qinglin and Yafei left, Xiao Zhan turned around and said, "Okay, what else does Miss Nalan want to say to me? There is no one else here."

"Uncle Xiao Zhan."

Nalan Yanran smiled bitterly and said, "I made a big mistake three years ago and never cared about the feelings of you and Xiao Yan's family. Today I have the audacity to find such an opportunity."

"——I'm sorry, Uncle Xiao Zhan."

"Three years ago, it was me, Nalan Yanran, who was wrong."

At this moment when Xiao Zhan vaguely noticed something, but was actually quite unexpected, the girl who burst into the Xiao family three years ago with pride and broke off the engagement in public has now lost her luster and bent her proud head and slim figure. Waist, said.

Xiao Zhan looked at Nalan Yanran, but did not stop her behavior.

"In the following three years of our agreement, no matter whether I win or lose, I will come to Wutan City again and repay all the things I have done to the Xiao family in the past."

Nalan Yanran said.

Xiao Zhan watched Nalan Yanran lower her head, and finally just sighed.

He knew very well that with Nalan Yanran's temper, no one could force her to apologize to him, just as no one could stop her from coming to the Xiao family to break off the engagement three years ago.

"It seems that you have changed a lot in the past three years, niece Nalan."

"You'd better get up. In the final analysis, since the Xiao family has not been really harmed, there is no hatred between us."

Xiao Zhan sighed. The originally arrogant and domineering young sect master had transformed into a mature lady. Of course, he didn't know what Nalan Yanran had gone through.

"It's just that since you and Yan'er are destined to have no fate, then naturally I can't force anything."

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