Listening to Xiao Yan's praise, Qinglin's pretty face turned a shy blush, she lowered her head and said, "Where...why is a maid like me so easy to do..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but smile and shake his head when he heard this, and said, "Even so, we can't always wear clothes like this for Qing Lin, right?"

"Such a beautiful girl, why don't you dress up properly?"

"What are you talking about...Master Xiao Yan..."

Qing Lin lowered her head shyly, murmuring in her cherry lips.

"What's wrong? You want this little girl to be your bed warmer...?"

Ya Fei leaned close to Xiao Yan's ear and lowered her voice.

Xiao Yan was startled by Ya Fei's sudden words, and quickly shook his head. She was still under fifteen years old, and Xiao Yan had no such interest in attacking an underage girl.

Just wait until you become an adult...

Xiao Yan subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the room that had been quiet from beginning to end.

But before he could make any more excuses, wherever Xiao Yan looked, the sound of the door being pushed open suddenly came from the quiet room.

"It's so lively today. Did something rare and good happen?"

Still wearing the same plain skirt, Yao Wan walked out of her room with lotus steps.

Everyone followed the sound and turned their heads to look at Yao Wan who walked out of the room.

Yao Wan also looked at the people in the yard. In addition to Xiao Yan and Qing Lin, who were particularly familiar, Ya Fei was also there. What surprised Yao Wan was that Xiao Yan's father, Xiao Zhan, was also there.

Her pale golden eyes shone with a bit of surprise, but she didn't show any surprise.

Xiao Zhan looked at the beauty who seemed to have grown taller, taller and more beautiful, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

And for some reason, the temperament of the medicine he saw in front of him had also changed compared to three years ago. Compared with Chuchen three years ago, it was a bit softer.

"Why is Uncle Xiao here?"

Yao Wan let out a light sigh and said immediately, "Is it because of the appointment for the next three years?"

"After all, it's Guan Yan'er's future, and I can't tolerate my neglect."

Xiao Zhan smiled and shook his head and said, "Miss Wan'er, long time no see."

"It's been two years since I saw my uncle."

A strange look flashed in Yao Wan's eyes, and she smiled and said, "Congratulations to uncle for being promoted to Dou Ling."

"Hey, it's all thanks to Wan'er's elixir. I'm just a mediocre person, and it's hard to improve my cultivation. I'm extremely lucky to have the elixir that Miss Wan'er gave me in the past."

Xiao Zhan waved his hand, then smiled warmly and said, "Not only that, Miss Wan'er's kindness in secretly helping the Xiao family some time ago will be unforgettable by the Xiao family."

But Xiao Zhan's words made Yao Wan a little confused... No, when did this happen?

Seeing Yao Wan blinking her beautiful pale golden eyes, Xiao Yan noticed that Miss Wan's eyes gradually fell on him.

It's like asking: Did you do it?

Xiao Yan understood and shook his head like a rattle behind Xiao Zhan's back. He had been busy practicing for more than a year, how could he have the time to help the Xiao family?

I thought it was you who did it——

Yao Wan, who realized that Xiao Yan's eyes were not right, could not help but frown slightly... She didn't know why, but she just felt that something was not right.

Yao Wan hesitated for a moment, and then couldn't help but said: "Really? I don't remember that I have done this - could it be that uncle Jicha made a mistake...?"

But Yao Wan's question only made Xiao Zhan smile and said: "Miss Wan'er's words are too polite -"

Xiao Zhan shook his head, and his smiling expression didn't look like he believed Yaowan.

When Yao Wan saw Xiao Zhan's expression that could be described as gentle and kind, Yao Wan already secretly thought that something was wrong and it was over.

How could she have time to do such a thing in the first place?

A rare flash of helplessness and confusion flashed through those pale golden eyes. His gaze swept across the crowd at the moment, but Yao Wan suddenly noticed that Ya Fei lowered her head involuntarily after hearing the conversation between the two. While raising her jade hand, she slightly covered her red lips.


After Yao Wan noticed Ya Fei's actions, she immediately reacted. What Xiao Zhan said about helping the Xiao family - could it be that guy Hai Bodong was using the Miter family's resources to help the Xiao family in her name? Bar?

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but raise her hand and rub her temples.

Although her head had not started to hurt yet, she felt that it was about to hurt.

Ya Fei immediately noticed Yao Wan's eyes and avoided Yao Wan's sight with some embarrassment.

Now that the deal is done, Yao Wan also knows that there is no need to explain the truth of this matter to Xiao Zhan... Anyway, it just becomes more and more confusing.

However, although the beginning of this conversation was somewhat confusing and gave people an inexplicable headache, in any case, there was nothing wrong with the intersection of Yao Wan, and Xiao Zhan also liked this beauty who treated Yan'er very much from beginning to end.

It's just because of the relationship between Yan'er and Renjia. No matter how anxious I am, I'm too embarrassed to take the lead, so in front of Yao Wan, he just gave a hint to the two of them and stopped in time. Lived this topic.

After Yao Wan had a conversation with Xiao Zhan, she really couldn't resist the enthusiasm from her elders. She had to maintain her forced smile, took Ya Fei's hand and walked directly towards the small courtyard. Go out the door.

"Miss Wan'er?"

"Ah hahaha... I'm sorry, uncle, I still have some things to do and need to go to the headquarters of Miter Auction House, so I won't be with you much..."

"Xiao Yan, Qing Lin, I'll leave this to you... Ahem, I'll leave first!"

Without giving Xiao Zhan a chance to stay, Yao Wan smiled and took Ya Fei and ran away.

Xiao Zhan didn't care. As a young man, he couldn't understand why he didn't like talking to an old man like him who was half-buried, so he didn't care that much, as long as he didn't affect the relationship between Yan'er and others. Of course it couldn't be better.

"Oh, Yan'er, I came so suddenly, so I didn't disturb you, right?"

Xiao Zhan was still a little uneasy. He couldn't help but tossing and turning for a moment while standing in the small courtyard, and couldn't help but say to Xiao Yan.

"Excuse me...I guess there won't be any."

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan's hurriedly leaving figure, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, and he couldn't help but say.

——Of course I won’t be disturbed, but if I’m scared by you...that’s not necessarily the case.

Of course, Xiao Yan would definitely not say this in front of his father. Whether it would make his father angry or not is another question. I am afraid that his father would feel that an old man staying here would be too much of a hindrance, and he would turn around and ask for help. After leaving, Xiao Yan probably wouldn't be able to pull the old man back even with a carriage.

Xiao Yan secretly complained in his heart, forget it, regarding his father, maybe he will have to work with Miss Wan more in the future.

And for some reason, or if it was his misunderstanding, Xiao Yan always felt that Miss Wan seemed a little afraid of her father.

Is this an illusion?

I'm afraid that may not be the case, Xiao Yan's intuition told him that this matter seemed not that simple.

It was obvious that Miss Wan had never had the slightest stage fright when facing a strong Dou Zong warrior like Queen Medusa. How come she was in front of her father - especially this reunion, she was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on?

It's indeed a bit strange.


While the father and son were chatting wordlessly in the courtyard, Yaowan and Yafei in the alley were walking quickly towards the Miter Auction House headquarters.

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed on the bluestone bricks of the streets of the imperial capital. At this moment, Yafei didn't dare to look at Yaowan's expression.

Because at this moment, the beauty who had always been so calm and smiling seemed to be so impatient for the first time - according to Ya Fei's understanding, perhaps the only word impatient can be used to describe Yao Wan at this moment.

"Don't look at it. It's useless for you to hide it. You're just the executor. I don't have the trouble to embarrass you."

On the way, Yao Wan didn't even look at her, but just warned her not to meddle in her own business.

She could easily piece together the whole story of this incident just from Yao Wan's initial confusion, shock, and disbelief, to her sudden anger and impatience at the end.

I'm afraid that Mr. Hai did something unnecessary accidentally, right?

Although the final executor of this task was herself, she even gradually rose to prominence in the family because of her outstanding completion of this task, and she no longer had to worry about being coveted by some disgusting guys.

But even so, Yafei only guessed the beginning but not the end.

After all, Ya Fei did not expect that Hai Lao would use Miss Wan's reputation to openly provide benefits to the Xiao family - now, the entire Xiao family owes Yao Wan a favor.

As both women, Ya Fei can still understand Yao Wan's feelings to a certain extent - it doesn't matter whether she owes a favor or not, but it is obvious that this move has no intention of completely breaking the previous subtle relationship between Yao Wan and the Xiao family. relationship and balance.

Yao Wan didn't want the Xiao family to owe her too much, because what the Xiao family owed her was what Xiao Yan owed her. Although Ya Fei was still a little confused about how far the relationship between the two of them had progressed, but in front of her The fact is indeed the case.

But now - I'm afraid it's just too much fun.

Ya Fei silently avoided Yao Wan's gaze that seemed to want to kill someone, and finally went upstairs with Yao Wan.

Not long after, the sound of the beauty's angry, gnashing teeth came from the top floor of Miter Auction House's headquarters.

"What the hell did you do?"

Ya Fei, who was waiting outside the door, felt ashamed and couldn't even believe her ears.

This seemed to be the first time she had heard such harsh words from Miss Wan's mouth.

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