The conversation among the guests at the guest seats did not affect the two people in the square. Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran looked at each other. In silence, they just silently raised the weapons in their hands.

Xiao Yan is very aware of the side effects of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire. Therefore, while using secret methods to quickly close the gap between the two sides, he must also fight quickly.

And Nalan Yanran also guessed Xiao Yan's thoughts. When she saw the green flames that were always wrapped around him, Nalan Yanran subconsciously clenched the long sword in her hand, and the sword's intention was breathing like a living thing.

She raised her clear eyes, sharp and sharp.

Xiao Yan's eyes reflected her silhouette that rushed towards him in just a blink of an eye. Her wings seemed to be spread out behind her. The speed was so fast that even Xiao Yan could not completely capture it in an instant.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he took another dangerous step back. The condensed sword intent almost brushed against his face. Even though it did not hurt Xiao Yan, it made him feel as if he was being struck by the cold extreme north. The cold wind blew and my cheeks hurt.

But Nalan Yanran's attack went far beyond that. Whenever she swung her next sword at that incredible speed, the wings that looked like fighting spirit wings spread out behind her also continued to reorganize in a short moment. And shattered, Xiao Yan's field of vision was almost filled with flying feathers. You relied on your own keen soul perception to avoid Nalan Yanran's flying swords, which were more deadly every time.

The sword dance that was so fast that only the afterimage could be glimpsed, and only the three powerful Dou Huang masters at the guest seats could see it clearly, made everyone even more amazed.

"Yunlan Sect's Feixu Body Technique? No, that's not right."

As the person with the highest cultivation among the onlookers present and the deepest understanding of the Yunlan Sect, Jiaxingtian recognized at a glance where Nalan Yanran's gorgeous and deadly sword skills came from, but soon, The difference in this set of sword skills made him frown.

"What's wrong?"

Fa Ma couldn't help but look at Jia Xingtian beside him.

"This is not Feixu Shenfa... but more like an advanced fighting skill based on Feixu Shenfa."

The shock in Jiaxingtian's tone gradually turned into solemnity. It can be said that this is what Jiaxingtian least wants to see happen now.

It doesn't matter that Nalan Yanran has a promising future. No matter how unwilling the Gama royal family is, it is impossible to kill Nalan Yanran now.

But today's Yunlan Sect is still producing such advanced fighting skills, which makes Jiaxing Tian shudder.

One Nalan Yanran is not scary, but what if there are a few more Nalan Yanran from Yunlan Sect?

The Yunlan Sect, which he originally thought was in deteriorating condition, was still capable of producing such fighting skills that he had never known before. Will there be other more advanced fighting skills and techniques?

This is the terrifying thing about martial arts and fighting skills. Among the thousands of Yunlan Sect disciples, how many of them will practice such martial arts and fighting skills?

Thinking of this, Jia Xingtian couldn't help but silently grasp the armrest of the seat. This Yunlan Sect is really a centipede insect, dead but not stiff.

Compared with the growing fear in Jia Xingtian's heart on the stage, the elders of the Yunlan Sect looked at Nalan Yanran at this moment and couldn't help but secretly nod. The Yunlan Sect can have such an outstanding young master as Nalan Yanran. The Yunlan Sect of this generation can be said to have no worries, and it may not even be impossible to regain the strength of its ancestors.

Thinking of this, the elders of Yunlan Sect couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw the ecstasy and smile in each other's eyes.

Seeing that someone seemed to be unable to hold back his words, Yun Ling raised his hand and said, "Don't make any noise."

After hearing this, the elders controlled their mouths.

The disciples of the Yunlan Sect did not react as much as the two sides. Except for the special case of Nalan Yanran, the new generation of Yunlan Sect disciples had the highest level of cultivation and had clearly touched the bottleneck of the Great Fighter. With their Naturally, his eyesight could not tell the changes in the battle situation at this moment. He was just excited that Senior Sister Nalan was invincible and beat Xiao Yan back steadily.

Xiao Yan turned the Xuanzhong ruler in his hand, using the wide ruler body as a shield, hoping to temporarily stop Nalan Yanran at this moment, and all this was within Nalan Yanran's expectation.

As her bright wrist moved the long sword, with the force of four ounces, she directly knocked away the Xuan Zhong Ruler in Xiao Yan's hand.

The weapon was released, she won!

Even at this moment, Nalan Yanran, facing the possible upcoming victory, couldn't help but feel a bit of suppressed excitement in her heart for the upcoming victory.

When Yao Wan caught a glimpse of this scene on the stage, she couldn't help but shake her head.

Really, she had forgotten everything she had warned her about before.

When Nalan Yanran's sword pointed directly at Xiao Yan's throat, Xiao Yan's body narrowly avoided Nalan Yanran's sword at an incredible speed, which made her react immediately.

Why did his speed suddenly increase so much?

Nalan Yanran was secretly frightened, but when she had this thought, she suddenly recalled the warning Yao Wan had given her before.

Xiao Yan's Xuan Zhong Ruler was not used to amplify his weapon, but was used as a limiter to suppress his fighting spirit.

Now that the Xuan Zhong Ruler has been released and entered into the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, Xiao Yan's speed, which has greatly increased in all directions, has naturally surpassed Nalan Yanran's prediction in an instant.

Xiao Yan, who broke through the sword in Nalan Yanran's hand, naturally saw the door wide open in front of him. Without any politeness, he gathered all his strength in an instant and punched out, hitting Nalan Yanran's chest directly.

"——Baji collapse!"

Xiao Yan's force, which was enough to break up mountains and rubble, was bombarded on Nalan Yanran's body without reservation. She didn't even have time to react, and she flew backwards in the strong wind like a fragile flower bud under a heavy rain.


"Senior Sister Nalan!"

Everyone's eyes widened immediately, and some even stood up.

They couldn't believe it, how could Nalan Yanran, who was still forcing Xiao Yan to retreat, be turned around in an instant?

However, unlike the shocked people on the sidelines at this moment, there was no joy on Xiao Yan's face. He just raised his hand to catch the flying Xuan Zhong Ruler again with his suction palm.

It was strange to say that Xiao Yan's punch just now didn't feel like hitting Nalan Yanran's human body, but more like hitting a strong wind.

If nothing else, this Baji collapse would only make her suffer a little bit. It would be too early to win her just like this.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a light blue light floated on the body of a beautiful figure, and an integrated fighting spirit armor appeared on Nalan Yanran's body. The translucent fighting spirit armor was now flickering brightly and dimly, as if it was rapidly absorbing the fighting spirit around her. .

If Xiao Yan hadn't directly summoned his fighting spirit armor just now, I'm afraid Xiao Yan would have drawn blood from that punch just now.

Thinking of this, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but glance at the black-robed figure who seemed to have not moved at all from beginning to end, with a bit of embarrassment in her eyes.

Should she say it or not, there was something weird on Xiao Yan's Xuanzhong ruler, but Yao Wan had said it before, but she still fell for it. No matter what Yao Wan thought, Nalan Yanran herself couldn't lose her face.

Seeing that Nalan Yanran was fine as expected, Xiao Yan felt more relieved.

Nalan Yanran had a sullen face, and then quickly rushed towards Xiao Yan. Naturally, Xiao Yan was not to be outdone, and directly threw the Xuan Zhong Ruler in his hand as an oversized boomerang, and then stomped it hard, crushing it. At the same time as he stepped on the stone bricks, he suddenly burst out with a speed several times faster than before, and rushed towards the beautiful figure in front of him.

Nalan Yanran concentrated her sword intention, and then released a strong sword energy, which bounced off Xiao Yan's Xuan Zhong ruler. The long sword in her hand began to compress the surrounding fighting spirit and her own sword intention together, forming a strong The storm of sword energy wrapped around the sword body.

That is--

Xiao Yan raised his head and looked at the mountain wind and clouds of Yunlan Sect that were stirred by the storm, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Nalan Yanran's sword intent was so intense that it could be seen with the naked eye.

The cyan fighting energy and gray-white sword energy were mixed together, and they continued to converge around the long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand, and finally turned into a huge sword energy.

Even if it is just the product of merging sword intent and fighting spirit in battle, its power is no less than any fighting skill she has learned in Yunlan Sect, or even more powerful.

However, he will not show weakness.

Xiao Yan clenched the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand, and the powerful cyan fighting energy used as fuel, pulling the cyan flames and slowly extended to the Xuanzhong Ruler in Xiao Yan's hand.

Based on one's own fighting spirit, combined with one's own sword intent and strange fire, this in itself is powerful enough to rival fighting skills.

The talent and strength of the two made this possibility become a reality.

Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran looked at each other and found a hint of tacit understanding as opponents in each other's eyes.

Then, the sword energy gathered by the mountain wind and clouds swept down, and Xiao Yan swung the Xuan Zhong ruler fiercely, drawing a blue flame that suddenly rose up.

The dark cyan sword energy and the bright cyan flame seemed to separate two completely different worlds in an instant.

The scorching hot wind swept across the entire square, and two completely different energies collided together, erupting with unprecedented destructive power. Even everyone on the stage could not help but use their fighting spirit as a barrier to block the aftermath of the rapidly spreading energy.

But even the Dou Qi barrier released by the strong Dou Wang was still vibrating violently and crumbling in the aftermath of the violent collision between the two energies, as if it would be shattered in the next moment.

Only the side where Yao Wan was located had no impact, and the Dou Qi barrier of the three Dou Huang warriors also appeared to be much more stable, and was not affected by this.

But even so, the battle between the two was equally shocking. Doesn't this prove that the battle between the two of them has reached a point where even Dou Wang has to take it seriously?

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