At this moment, both the new and old students all raised their heads and looked at the stunning beauty who walked towards Elder Su and finally stopped beside Elder Su.

The moon-white elder's robe is particularly suitable for her figure. The belt covered with simple patterns and flowers tightly wraps the robe and the beauty's slender waist, outlining her willow-like figure.

The beauty was born to be particularly tall. Even if she puts on this spacious elder's robe, it will not make her look like she is wrapped tightly, but just right.

Three thousand black hair was braided into a simple and elegant hair ornament by a particularly simple-looking wooden hairpin. Under the willow eyebrows, the pale golden eyes revealed a faint smile, and they were as beautiful as in a dream. It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and the fluttering snow is like the flowing wind.

Many people couldn't help but become crazy when they saw her.

Elder Su saw the group of hormonal guys below starting again. He frowned and then coughed, recalling their souls that were about to be taken away.

"a shame."

Elder Su snorted, and then introduced to the students: "This girl is the new elder of Canaan College, Elder Wan. The rewards and introduction work of this fire energy hunting competition will be handed over to Let Elder Wan handle it."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously raised their hands and said, "I have met Elder Wan."

"Yeah, you don't have to be polite. I'm not that fussy."

Yao Wan smiled and waved her hands. The way the beautiful elder waved her hands casually made people's eyes widen.

A group of people couldn't help but salute to Yaowan, but only three people stood below, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Nalan Yanran crossed her arms. How should I put it, she was somewhat surprised that Yao Wan would choose to show up in this identity at this time.

But thinking about it carefully, the person in front of her was Yaowan, so there was nothing surprising to her.

Xiao Yan really didn't know what to say. He just wanted to get through this moment quickly, and then find her quickly to see what was going on.

Xiao Xun'er obviously couldn't accept it.

No - how did this woman suddenly transform into an elder of Canaan College? Is it possible that this guy is omnipotent? !

When it comes to growing up, growing up, she...she...

However, among the crowd, the lack of movement was undoubtedly very conspicuous. Soon, many old students discovered that Xiao Yan and the three of them did not move at all.

"...Having said that, Canaan College has always been a place where teachers are respected. What if the new students don't respect their elders? Elder Wan?"

Among the crowd of Laosheng, there was one who was not willing to lose to Xiao Yan like this, so he cupped his hands towards Yao Wan again. Naturally, this meaning could not be more obvious.

This means that if you can't beat him head-on, you'll be stumbling upon him secretly.


Most of the people present had just noticed the actions of Xiao Yan and the others. Therefore, among the old students, it was obvious to whom these words were implying. Anyone who was not blind would know what was going on. .

Some angry freshmen couldn't help but secretly spit, and if they didn't get enough, they would secretly stumble, which was shameless.

Not all Laosheng thought this way, but because it was no longer convenient to speak at this moment, they remained silent.

But the eyes of both freshmen and old students couldn't help but fall on Xiao Yan.

The best thing would be that the reward would be withheld for disrespecting the teacher, and even if that didn't happen, it would be enough for the stupid young men like Xiao Yan to offend the elders of the inner courtyard.

Many people were waiting to watch the fun.

Elder Su frowned slightly. In his opinion, wasn't this just nonsense?

He was about to open his mouth to solve the trouble caused by this old student, but Yao Wan beside him waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to overreact.

"Elder Su, just don't worry."

Yao Wan smiled and said that although Elder Su still had concerns, he still chose to believe Yao Wan for the time being.


Yao Wan nodded slightly, and the corners of her cherry lips rose slightly, revealing a charming smile: "I have no respect for you? Xiao Yan, did you hear that? That person was saying that about you just now."

As a result, as soon as Yao Wan opened his mouth, everyone was immediately stunned. What is going on?

This tone and demeanor...isn't it?

Some freshmen who were close to Xiao Yan couldn't help but have a rather outrageous guess in their minds.

They looked at Xiao Xun'er and Nalan Yanran next to Xiao Yan. These two were already first-class beauties, but in the end they all revolved around Xiao Yan. That was fine, but don't tell them that in the end This newly arrived beauty elder is also related to Xiao Yan.

So people like them who haven't caught a single hair have no place to cry?

What made all the freshmen and old students around him feel disillusioned was that Xiao Yan quickly gave his own answer: "How can there be~? Do you think I am disrespectful to my elders? Miss Wan?"

"Girl? Are you still calling me girl now?"

Yao Wan also seemed to be aroused with a sense of playfulness, and couldn't help but joked.

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood: "Wan... elder."


Yaowan was amused by Xiao Yan, and a smile that eclipsed all the flowers bloomed on her pretty face. However, Xiao Yan felt like spring breeze in his heart, but the others were as frozen as if they had just been fished out of icy water in the cold winter. Shivering.

Well, the worst happened.

Xiao Yan also knows this new elder Wan! !

She is also a great beauty, why did all her luck go to this guy? Why? !

This is the third time, the third time!

This way of talking is half the relationship between them. Is that possible? !

Everyone beat their chests and stamped their feet for a while, not out of pure anger, but as if a breath was stuck in their chests and they couldn't breathe.

Xiao Yan suddenly felt much relieved, and then he couldn't help but glance at the team of old students on the side. The expressions on their faces were either grief-stricken or indignant, or they were as ugly as if they had just swallowed a live fly.

Come to think of it, this revenge is much more severe than other revenge methods.

It's just that no one noticed it at this moment, and the expression on Xiao Xun'er's face was not much better than that of the others who felt a mixture of sadness and anger about Xiao Yan's luck.

Well... I should not say it. After not seeing each other for more than two years, she did underestimate Yao Wan's capabilities.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she takes the initiative to attack later, everything will be fine!

Although she still had no confidence at all, Xiao Xun'er's firm belief and confidence that she would eventually win still spilled out of the screen.

Elder Su looked at the new elders and students who were about to start flirting, and couldn't help but cough slightly as a reminder.

At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan. Just now, he was worried that this boy might not have a good life in the inner courtyard. But now it seems that he can't die comfortably?

"Ahem, if you don't have any objections, then let's continue, right?"

Yaowan coughed lightly. Now that he has become an elder of Canaan College, he always needs to do his job well.

Yao Wan flicked her finger, and five cyan fire crystal cards emerged from her palm and flew in front of the five people.

"As the winners of this "Fire Energy Hunting Competition", the freshmen present can each obtain twenty days of 'Fire Energy', while Xiao Yan, Xiao Xun'er, Hu Jia, Wu Hao, and Nalan Yanran , it is an additional reward of 'Green Fire Crystal Card', plus thirty days of 'Fire Energy'."

"Green Fire Crystal Card?"

Looking at the cyan card falling into the palms of the five people, the old students on the side of the hillside couldn't help but feel a little uproar, and glanced at the people in the audience with envious eyes.

"Green Fire Crystal Card? What is this?"

"In the inner courtyard, the fire crystal cards are divided into five colors from low to high: black, blue, green, red, and purple. The black crystal card in your hands is the lowest level crystal card. This kind of crystal card, He is only qualified to practice on the first and second floors of the "Tianfen Qi Refining Tower", and the blue crystal card is on the third and fourth floors, so he is routinely pushed down."

Elder Su explained: "If you want to upgrade your own crystal cards, you need to exchange them with a large amount of fire energy. For example, most of the old students who faced you in the fire energy hunting competition only had blue crystal cards. "

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan, smiled, and said, "I'm not engaging in any malpractice for personal gain."

Xiao Yan felt warm in his heart and nodded unconsciously, while the sound of heartbreak echoed around him.

"Okay, now that the reward has been completed, Elder Wan will take you to the inner courtyard."

Elder Su smiled.

Hearing this, Yaowan nodded slightly, and then spread out a pair of cyan fighting spirit wings behind him, which looked as magnificent as emerald, but also revealed the delicate feeling of a living creature.

Seeing Yao Wan displaying his fighting spirit wings, everyone understood and speeded up their speed, immediately following him.

In his new life, Xiao Yan was able to spread his fighting spirit wings and fly in the air because of his training in flying fighting skills. He just stepped on the tops of several big trees as a run-up, and then flew into the air, as if he wanted to catch up. Look at her in front of you.

It's just that the same figure of the medicine flower is clearly close at hand, but it can't be touched.

Helpless, he had no choice but to give up.

Yao Wan seemed to have noticed that Xiao Yan behind him gave up chasing her and flew into the sky. Yao Wan suddenly looked back, and couldn't help but reveal a touching smile as she passed through the mountains.

After passing through the mountains and along the green ridge, everything in front of Xiao Yan suddenly became clear.

Behind the ridge is an extremely large sunken basin. Looking at the shape of this basin, it looks like a huge meteorite fell from the sky and was smashed out.

In the basin, there are many tall buildings. Looking from a high position, you can see black shadows like fleas constantly flitting and jumping on the buildings. As your eyes spread forward, you find that the area of ​​​​this basin is so large. It's a bit surprising. When the line of sight reaches the end, only tall buildings and lush green can be seen.

Inner courtyard, here we come.

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