"……What's this?"

After finally adapting to Yao Wan's strong soul impact, Xiao Yan couldn't help but frown. It was obvious that it was not that easy to resist Yao Wan's soul power.

If Xiao Yan hadn't started practicing the soul skills that Yao Wan left for him a long time ago, just opening the scroll of the elixir would have been enough to torment Xiao Yan for several days.

However, Xiao Yan did not feel complacent because of this. Instead, he carefully observed the scroll after coming back to his senses.

There was no signature on the elixir recipe as to what kind of elixir it was. It was obvious that Miss Wan didn't want to choose a name, or she simply thought it would be troublesome to choose a name.

Therefore, there are only the necessary medicinal materials and the minimum alchemist requirements to successfully refine the elixir, as well as the efficacy of the elixir.

Xiao Yan glanced at the medicinal materials from top to bottom. They were almost all the kind of medicinal materials that were hard to find, but could still be found.

And compared to the mediocre list of medicinal materials and the methods and requirements for the alchemist to successfully refine it, naturally the efficacy of this medicine is the most attractive.

"It can greatly improve the efficiency of practicing in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, at least increasing the five successes... ah?"

Xiao Yan's eyes widened immediately, and then he said in shock: "Miss Wan, what are you..."

"Huh? Why do you have such a strange expression?"

Yao Wan saw the shock on Xiao Yan's face and couldn't help but nodded slightly, naturally very satisfied with Xiao Yan's reaction.

But he still said inhumanely: "Have you forgotten that I asked you to test the Fallen Heart Flame under the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower?"

Xiao Yan was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Oh, it was from that time... Then Miss Wan has further improved it?"

"Well, it's just amplified the effect. To say that the improvement is not that thorough, I am still developing the level of elixir that you need to refine the Fallen Heart Flame. , so don’t worry.”

Yao Wan's words brought Xiao Yan back to his senses and said: "Then you are planning to give me this now..."

Seeing that Xiao Yan still didn't understand this matter until now, Yao Wan sighed lightly, and then her tone unconsciously became a little angry.

"I gave you all the prescriptions. What do you want to do and you still need me to remind you?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan, and then explained: "Didn't you say that there is a student organization in the inner courtyard called the Yao Gang that specializes in selling elixirs?"

Xiao Yan nodded, and then Yao Wan continued: "You Panmen are new here. If you want to take over other people's jobs, how can others easily let you go? If you, Panmen, want to make money by refining medicine, you naturally need to be able to squeeze out the market. That’s the thing.”

"Among the alchemists, you can simply crush the opponent with your level of refining medicine...I know you can, but your job all day long is to sell medicine?"

Xiao Yan shook his head. This was what he was most worried about now.

"So, naturally another way is better, as long as you sell some pills that others won't sell, but you can definitely sell them."

The corners of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly and she said, "And in Canaan Academy, it can be said that no inner academy student dares to say that he will not go to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, right?"

"So let alone the 50% that can further improve the cultivation efficiency in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, even if it is 10%, there are still a lot of people buying it. So what if the people from the Yao Gang are jealous? Naturally, there is no I can't come here to destroy your place, even if I am so envious that I will bite my teeth into pieces, I won't be able to do anything about it."

Yaowan said: "So if you want to reduce some costs, just change some of the materials."

"...How about it? What do you think of my proposal?"

After the words fell, Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, and Yao Wan couldn't help but smile.

Xiao Yan nodded slightly: "Yes, very good."

"Huh, didn't you know until now?"

Yao Wan crossed her arms, with a hint of displeasure in her tone, but Xiao Yan knew that this was just Miss Wan's habitual display of emotions.

Commonly known as, Tsundere.

"Then I will accept this prescription."

Xiao Yan put the roll of elixirs into his Najie, and then looked at Wan, who was bored, with a smile on his lips, and couldn't help but said: "What is Miss Wan going to ask me to do?"


Xiao Yan's words made Yao Wan unconsciously stunned for a moment, wait...

Only then did she recall Xiao Yan's quibbles just now. It seemed that she could ask him to do something just by doing him a favor?

Such a question made Yao Wan unable to help but fall into deep thought for a moment. Although it was quite pleasant to think about such a question, when it really came to her head, Yao Wan really couldn't think of what to ask her. Xiao Yan did something.

Let him deliberately ignore Xiao Xun'er for a few days. It's impossible. It doesn't matter whether Xiao Yan will be honest and obedient. Xiao Xun'er may turn into a shrew and scold him when he sees it.

She just took advantage of this moment to add insult to injury, and didn't want to be dragged into the situation.

But apart from fixing Xiao Xun'er, Yao Wan really didn't think of what to do.

You can't just torment Xiao Yan, right? For example, the reward is to go to the back mountain wilderness to survive for a month? ...Forget it, Xiao Yan probably really knew how to do it, but she still couldn't bear it.

But it would be a bit heartbreaking to give up such a good opportunity and not use it...

Then Xiao Yan can't let Xiao Yan take him for a walk in the inner courtyard... Oh, let's forget it. Just thinking about the eyes he noticed and felt on the other party along the way made Yaowan feel like he was going to die.

There was a trace of confusion in those beautiful pale golden eyes. Yaowan sighed. After thinking about it, she still couldn't think of any good ideas.

Xiao Yan was not in a hurry to urge the medicine, lest he accidentally set someone on fire. Let alone other things, it would be good if he didn't let the fire burn his butt.

After pondering for a long time, Yaowan's intermittent and tangled voice broke the silence between the two.

"...How about you press it for me again...?"

There was a hint of temptation and imperceptible shame in Yaowan's voice.

To be honest, she didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe she just didn't want to waste this opportunity?

After all, it’s useless if you don’t use it…

But even so, Yao Wan still felt that she was a little too strange. How could she say these words...

And after hearing Yaowan's murmur of temptation and shame, Xiao Yan, who was just testing it a little, suddenly felt ecstatic, but he still forced himself to be calm and calm at this time, so as not to hurt the fish... Oh no, it was Yaowan. The girl was scared away.

"you sure?"

Suppressing his ecstatic heart, Xiao Yan subconsciously asked a question that made him want to give himself a big mouthful after reacting.

No, what is he doing now, asking the fish if he is sure he wants to take the bait? !

As expected, Yao Wan couldn't bear the strange feeling of shame after reacting, so she naturally shook her head like a rattle.

"Um...you asked me that, why don't you forget it...?"

"No, I'm just joking, how can this be forgotten?"

As a result, Xiao Yan was even more anxious than Yao Wan and hurried forward to grab Yao Wan's hand while looking at her sincerely.



Xiao Yan's hand was hit by the medicine, and the pain made Xiao Yan almost jump three feet high.

"Ahem, instinctive reaction, instinctive reaction."

Seeing that Xiao Yan's hand was like a leaking gas tank due to her subconscious counterattack, Yao Wan couldn't help laughing, and then said: "But I said you are really weird. You like to grab other girls' hands when you have nothing to do. , Where did this habit come from? Did Xiao Xun'er get it out of you? "

"No...well...I can't say..."

Xiao Yan's brain shut down for a moment, and for no reason he recalled that a month ago, when he excitedly grabbed Nalan Yanran's hands, Nalan Yanran's face turned as red as a monkey's butt, and she could hardly speak clearly.

He originally thought that this might be the conditioned reflex that Nalan had learned from Yao Wan by following Yao Wan for a long time.

Thinking about it now, it is obvious that Nalan's conditioned reflexes have not yet been mastered.

If he had been whipped a month ago, there was no way he would be whipped now.

Xiao Yan shook his numb hand, and then without waiting for Yao Wan to answer, he took the initiative to go around behind Yao Wan.

"You were slapped by me just now, do you still have the strength now?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but asked subconsciously.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, don't you think I have no strength in pressing you?"

Now that he has recovered, the tingling sensation is no longer as strong as before. Xiao Yan's hand changed from pinching to pounding, and gently landed on Yao Wan's shoulder, saying: "It's just for psychological comfort anyway, isn't it? "

"I'll give you psychological comfort."

Yao Wan was speechless for Xiao Yan's blatant perfunctory behavior.

Xiao Yan quietly enjoyed the tranquility at the moment. He did not resist doing such innocuous things for Miss Wan. After all, although he and Miss Wan had been getting along for a long time, actually wanting to approach Miss Wan was not something he wanted to do. What an easy thing to do.

Maybe sometimes there is no problem in approaching with Miss Wan's acquiescence, but if he came in unprepared like this time, Xiao Yan probably should have tasted Miss Wan's instinctive reaction long ago.

As for the last time he boldly hugged Miss Wan, now it seems that the right time, right place, right person and both are indispensable.

It seems that all this needs to be considered in the long term.

There was a hint of the body fragrance of medicinal herbs lingering on the tip of his nose, which calmed Xiao Yan's originally agitated heart.

Staring at Yaowan, who seemed defenseless and facing away from him, Xiao Yan's heart, which was gradually calming down, could not help but feel a little flutter.

What would happen if I hugged her again now?

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