Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 268 How can I meet people in the future?

For the next half month, Xiao Yan's life could be described as ordinary.

No one came to trouble him again, and Panmen was developing steadily. The anti-inflammatory medicine he refined was even recognized by the elders in the inner courtyard.

Xiao Yan even took the time to refine a Spirit-fighting Pill again, and it was a success. This also doubled his confidence in the task assigned to him by Medusa, but Xiao Yan was also worried that if he could refine a pill, If he just gave her one, Queen Medusa might have to give him a dead end time every time, which would be tragic.

Therefore, Xiao Yan decided that no matter how fast he was refining the elixir, it would be better for Queen Medusa to give it to her once and for all, so as not to add unnecessary workload to herself. Yan only had so much time, and if Queen Medusa was to be reckoned with, he would not be able to survive his own life.

In addition, these days, I don’t know whether Queen Medusa has temporarily restrained her temper after taking the Spirit Fusion Pill or something else, or maybe she is just looking at Xiao Yan’s face. She has been very calm during this period. She didn't know what she was doing in Xiao Yan's room. After all, Xiao Yan wouldn't bother her every day.

Although she is sleeping in his own room now.

But fortunately, Nalan would not be back for at least a few days, and at least he would not be homeless until she came back.

At that time, Xiao Yan can try his luck with Miss Wan. If he is lucky, he might be able to live with the Little Medical Fairy and Miss Wan.

...But why do you say this so strangely?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but tilt his head, and then prepared to get up and go out.

It's just that the sound insulation effect is not particularly good, and the familiar sounds of conversations and conversations downstairs can be heard outside the door.

"Sister Nalan is back?"

"Well, thanks to the elixir of your sect leader, your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, but you just can't worry about the Pan sect under his governance... What's happened recently? Is the gang looking for trouble? Or is there someone on the list of powerful people who is challenging you?"

"No, no, during the time when Sister Nalan was away, the master kept everything in order and there was no trouble."

"Oh, that surprised me a little. The shopkeeper who never took care of things turned out to be quite capable?"

Nalan Yanran's relaxed chatter and laughter came from downstairs, but it made Xiao Yan's hair stand on end and he was sweating coldly.

"Is he in Panmen now? Could it be that he ran out to hang out as soon as I came back?"

"No, no, the door owner should still be resting in the room. Why don't Sister Nalan go find him by herself?"

"Well, let's wait until he wakes up on his own. After practicing for so long, to be honest, I'm a little tired and want to take a break."

With that said, Nalan Yanran used her toes to climb directly from the first floor to the railing on the second floor, and then landed in front of her door.

It's over.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes as if he were dead.

With a "squeak", Nalan Yanran opened the door, but she didn't immediately notice anything strange in what she saw. She just took a deep breath after closing the door.

Then, she couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Wait...why does it smell like Xiao Yan?"


Xiao Yan, who was hiding in the dark, looked puzzled. What does my smell mean? Is he the kind of person who is so dirty that Nalan Yanran can smell it immediately?

But Xiao Yan, who had already held his breath to avoid Nalan Yanran's sensitivity to airflow, naturally did not dare to breathe and smell anything on his body.

Nalan Yanran, who had already discovered the abnormality, twitched the tip of her nose slightly and frowned slightly, feeling that something was not quite right.

"This guy has been to my room... Tsk, I'm so angry. I wanted to praise him for finally doing something good, but he made this mess for me again..."

Nalan Yanran murmured angrily. She was someone who cared very much about personal privacy. Although she didn't have any special hobbies or collections that couldn't be seen by others, she didn't want her room to be in her absence. It was turned over and over at times.

Xiao Yan, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but roll his eyes. He didn't notice it usually, but why was her nose so sharp?

Forget it, I'd better wait for her to rest as soon as possible before I can sneak out.

As for her subsequent accountability, Xiao Yan naturally planned to admit his mistake honestly.

Nalan was just like this. As long as she stroked her hair and let her vent her anger, it was still easy to coax her.

It's just that Xiao Yan's idea is destined to be only possible.

Because Nalan Yanran would have a habit of changing clothes when entering the room.

Therefore, when the closet door opened from the outside and the slightly cold air entered the closet, the eyes of Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran met at this moment.

And I saw a kind of dullness and confusion in the other person's eyes.

But soon, the silence was broken. Xiao Yan opened his eyes slightly and saw the sword in Nalan Yanran's hand that was just about to cut his own throat.

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran. The beautiful beauty in front of him looked frightened and angry, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Nalan Yanran said in a cold voice, Xiao Yan naturally knew what Nalan Yanran meant now.

"Can you please explain me, Nalan? Let's sit down and talk."

Xiao Yan kept his spirits up and couldn't help but say.

"Talk?! Are you embarrassed to talk to me?!"

Every word Xiao Yan said was like dancing on Nalan Yanran's sensitive and fragile nerves. She said angrily: "You even talked about touching my room when I was not around, like What else can I talk to you about like a scumbag like you?!"

Xiao Yan was helpless: "This is just a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? The misunderstanding is that you broke into my room privately and hid in my closet disheveled when I came back?!"

Nalan Yanran was so angry that she didn't even know what to say.


It's just that compared to Nalan Yanran's database of insults that was quickly depleted, Nalan Yanran's mobility was unusually strong.

As soon as she finished speaking, even though she didn't actually stab him with the sword, she kicked Xiao Yan in the chest with all her strength.

However, Xiao Yan happened to catch the flaw, pinched the sole of her foot with one hand, and hooked her calf with the other hand, which invisibly neutralized Nalan Yanran's attack.

This is undoubtedly adding fuel to Nalan Yanran's fire.

"Let me go!"

Nalan Yanran was so shocked that the hair on her body stood up when her calf was pinched by the man.

"I won't let go. If I do, you'll have to kick me to death."

"I asked you if you are loose!"

"Oh well--"

Xiao Yan knew that there was no way to solve the problem peacefully for a while, so he just took off Nalan Yanran's shoes without stopping. He felt a worse feeling than having someone pinch his calf and being unable to move. It hit Nalan Yanran's nerves and almost made her lose her balance.

"Son of a bitch, what did you do?!"

"I'm afraid you'll kick me unconscious."

I have to say that even Xiao Yan couldn't help but admire how brave he was, and he couldn't help but say while his whole body was trembling slightly with excitement.

Nalan Yanran was naturally unwilling to give in and immediately raised her other foot, but Xiao Yan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, took off her shoe again and threw it far away.

But this time it was even worse. Xiao Yan directly pinched the soles of Nalan Yanran's feet. Although there was still a layer of fine cloth between them, Xiao Yan could also feel the slender shape coming from Nalan Yanran's feet.

“You—let me—first!”

With Xiao Yan pinching her foot, Nalan Yanran felt that she could no longer hold back the angry expression on her face.

"Finally willing to listen to me."

Xiao Yan exhaled, but he did not dare to let go of the hand holding Nalan Yanran's foot. He could only explain at the fastest speed in his life: "It's like this, wasn't there a woman who came to see me some time ago? ?My room is occupied by her, I can’t share the same room with her and sleep together at night, right?”

"Then you came here to yell at me?!"

Nalan Yanran felt aggrieved and annoyed when she heard this. She didn't know whether it was because her feet were being pinched or she was simply angry but her face turned red. No, does this matter have anything to do with her? ! Why did it fall on her in the end? !

"——Then I can't go to Xun'er's room to sleep. If that were the case, do you think I would still be alive to explain to you the reason?"

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran seriously and sincerely.

But Xiao Yan's expression was just forcing Nalan Yanran to suppress her anger and the urge to kick him in the face no matter what.

But on the other hand, Nalan Yanran naturally knew what Xiao Yan was talking about.

Xiao Xun'er and Yao Wan... as far as Nalan Yanran knew so far, these two people were completely at odds.

Let’s not talk about the medicine for the moment, Xiao Xun’er is a complete powder keg, and it can be used at a moment’s notice. If Xiao Yan stays in her room for a few days and is discovered by Xiao Xun’er, it will only intensify the relationship between the two. conflicts between.

As a bystander, Nalan Yanran can naturally understand this truth.



"Obviously - obviously this is your fault, why does it have to fall on me?!"

But no matter how much she understood the truth and logic, Nalan Yanran still couldn't bear the grievance, and after breaking away from Xiao Yan's hands, she drove him out.

"Get out of here. From now on, you are not allowed to enter my room again!"

Nalan Yanran's warning became the final word between the two of them. Xiao Yan was lucky to have escaped for the time being, but it seemed that Nalan was completely offended by him.

In the room, Nalan Yanran picked up her shoes. She was ashamed, resentful and angry. With mixed feelings, she couldn't help but cover her face.

How will she see people in Panmen in the future————

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