Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 274 The little fairy doctor rebelled

The little doctor fairy said with a faint blush on her pretty face.


Xiao Yan's expression was somewhat incomprehensible.

"No, it's obviously Miss Wan you asked, why did you let Miss Wan trick you out?"

"Ugh...I didn't pay much attention at the time...just..."

The little medical fairy's face was red with embarrassment, and there were only a few scattered thoughts left in her mouth.

But Xiao Yan doesn't care about this now.

"Ahem, anyway, in the end..."

The little medical fairy coughed lightly and said: "Finally, Sister Wan told me that life is rare. If you don't catch it in time, you might regret it for the rest of your life."



Xiao Yan nodded slightly. He completely understood the Little Medical Fairy's thoughts now, but he also knew that the relationship between him and the Little Medical Fairy would never return to the past.

What he is thinking now is that now that he has come to this point, not only does the little medical fairy himself need to be responsible, but also Miss Wan and Xun'er himself have to take care of them all.

It has to be said that the little medical fairy's impulse tore up not only her entanglements, but also the last fig leaf in Xiao Yan's heart.

The plan originally proposed by Yao Lao that he was particularly resistant to and despised has now actually fallen on his head.

Should I call it retribution?

After noticing Xiao Yan's eyes, the little medical fairy met Xiao Yan's eyes and said subconsciously: "Are you thinking about Sister Wan?"

"Hmm... almost?"

It felt a bit embarrassing to be directly discovered by the little medical fairy. Xiao Yan smiled helplessly and spoke vaguely.

But in the eyes of the little medical fairy, this didn't mean anything at all. She couldn't help but said: "If you are thinking about it, just say it, and forget about other women. How can I have any objection to Sister Wan?"

The feeling that the little doctor fairy almost brought out all the little things in Xiao Yan's heart and exposed them to the sun really made Xiao Yan want to cry. Is it true that women's mind-reading skills are so terrible?

"Then... Xiao Yan, do you want to marry sister Wan?"

The little medical fairy pondered for a while, and then couldn't help but ask.

The word "want" in the little doctor's mouth meant a lot to Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan even felt a little angry and blood surged for a moment, and nodded unconsciously.

Seeing Xiao Yan's reaction, the little medical fairy nodded with satisfaction: "I know how you react. It's okay. I will try my best to help you in this matter."


Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the little medical fairy would actually say this.

"Why do you have such an expression? Are you surprised that I would say this?"

"Accident, of course it was an accident."

Xiao Yan subconsciously said, feeling as if he suddenly got to know the little medical fairy again, and couldn't help but said: "It's just that I really didn't expect you to come like this."

"Don't worry so much about this."

The little doctor is a fairy, but no matter what, if she really has the opportunity to help, she will naturally be very happy to help sister Wan and Xiao Yan make things happen.

After all, Sister Wan is so good to Xiao Yan. If she really has no feelings for Xiao Yan, no one would believe it.

But the reason why she wanted to bring herself and Xiao Yan together was probably because she was not from the Northwest Continent after all, and her family probably couldn't allow this to happen.

Therefore, Sister Wan wanted to let herself take down Xiao Yan. No matter what, at least she would not regret it for the rest of her life.

But if that's the case, what's the difference from her previous struggles? Naturally, the Little Medical Fairy didn't want the two of them who clearly liked each other to not be able to get together in the end.

Therefore, at least now that she still has this opportunity, she will never sit idly by.

"Sister Wan, her feelings for you are actually quite complicated."

The Little Medical Fairy thought for a moment, and the most important thing right now was to tell Xiao Yan everything she knew. After all, no matter how hard she tried, Xiao Yan himself would definitely be the decisive factor in the end.

"I actually know this."

Xiao Yan said.

"That's not what I meant. I mean, I can always see Sister Wan talking about you behind your back, looking aggrieved, but after you come back, she will still help you with everything..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at the little medical fairy's words. Is there such a thing? Then he really doesn't know.

"Sister Wan always likes to hide some things deeply. By the way, do you know what Sister Wan likes?"


Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he recalled the hobby that Miss Wan accidentally mentioned when he was in the Tagor Desert, and he even carved a small wooden sculpture for her.

"I know, she likes exquisite figurines and wood carvings."

"Well, I did see Sister Wan playing with a small wooden sculpture in her room last time."

Xiao Yan was stunned by the little medical fairy's words.

"That little wooden sculpture wearing a cloak and looking like Miss Wan?"

" do you know?"

"Because that's what I gave you."

There was a hint of joy in Xiao Yan's tone that he couldn't suppress. It's great that Miss Wan still remembers this thing and seems to like it very much. It's not in vain that he spent a lot of effort to do it. That little wood carving came out.

"Sent? When did you send it?"

The little medical fairy's expression was somewhat amused.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, and couldn't help but feel helpless. Even if the little medical fairy said that he would not have any thoughts about Miss Wan, there was no way to guarantee that he would not be upset at all when he talked about Miss Wan.

"never mind."

The Little Medical Fairy shook her head and skipped this topic. After all, she herself said that she would have no problem with Xiao Yan liking others.

However, even though the little medical fairy had exposed it, Xiao Yan couldn't bear it and took the initiative to stick to it.

"We won't be in a hurry to discuss Miss Wan's matter later."

"Why aren't you in a hurry? Sister Wan may leave within a year, so aren't you in a hurry?"

The little medical fairy shook her head. If Xiao Yan was not anxious, she would definitely not believe it.

"Actually, I know this, and I'm anxious too, but there's no point in being anxious now."

"So it's better to..."

"Not as good as?"

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan with a puzzled face, but she never thought that he would suddenly take the initiative to embrace her in front of her, which made the little medical fairy unexpected and surprised and happy.

"No, no, what are you doing?"

Now, the little medical fairy, who had been strong since last night, felt a little uncomfortable. There was a faint blush on the beauty's cheeks, and the words in her mouth became a little stuttered.

After all, she was mentally prepared to take the initiative, but now facing Xiao Yan's unexpected attack, it naturally made the little medical fairy feel as if she had been hit by an apple, and her head was dizzy. .

"How about I spend more time with you now?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but say, but the originally calm little medical fairy suddenly panicked.

"……I really?"

Xiao Yan's words inevitably made the little medical fairy burst into laughter, but she quickly reacted. Although her cheeks were still blushing under the scattered silver threads, she couldn't help but said: "No... why is it so sudden? ? Are you lying to me?"

Xiao Yan shook his head: "No, I won't lie to you, it's just that I suddenly thought of something."

"What's up?"

"Now that the relationship has been confirmed, how should we get along in the future?"

Xiao Yan said softly, but the little medical fairy couldn't help but be stunned. I have to say that this is indeed a small but not too small problem.

"Do you want it to be the same as before?"

The little medical fairy couldn't guess what Xiao Yan was thinking at this moment, so he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Of course not, otherwise, what's the difference between you and me?"

Xiao Yan suppressed his faint smile, his face was full of seriousness, and he couldn't help but said: "So, of course I will also learn to like you like I like Miss Wan, okay?"

Xiao Yan's voice gradually fell, and the little medical fairy turned red all over because of Xiao Yan's words, like a cooked shrimp.


Naturally, the little medical fairy would not hold back for a long time like Xiao Yan and just say something very embarrassing like thank you. For her at this moment, settling down and accepting all this is the most suitable response.

"Sister Wan's side..."


Xiao Yan breathed a hot and moist breath into the little medical fairy's ear, hitting her ears and neck impartially, adding a bit of warmth to the already rosy skin.

The little medical fairy felt that her bones were about to become crispy. It turned out that not only men had this feeling, it turned out that women could also...

Compared with the little medical fairy whose mind was in a mess at the moment and who was almost at Xiao Yan's mercy, Xiao Yan's heart seemed purer.

In any case, it is not empty talk for Xiao Yan himself that he wants to spend more time with her and learn to like her. Even though there are many ways to like her, they are basically the same.

At least leave some time and space just for her, and stop talking about other people, cultivation and other things. Xiao Yan simply wants to accompany the little medical fairy.

"At least now, don't mention Miss Wan, okay?"

Xiao Yan hugged the little medical fairy and said softly.

The little medical fairy nodded in unavoidable flattery. What was happening now was almost a luxury for her original idea.


Between the two of them, the little medical fairy suddenly broke the silence that didn't last long.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan looked at the little medical fairy with confusion.

The little medical fairy didn't dare to look into Xiao Yan's eyes, so she could only bite the bullet and said: "Well, about that... I'm not particularly anxious right now, can you... wait a moment?"

Xiao Yan was confused by the little medical fairy's words: "That one? Which one?"

Xiao Yan's slowness made the little doctor stamp his feet, and his face was about to burn. Did he have to let himself say it bluntly?

"That's right...the one who has sex between men and women..."

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