When Xiao Yan took over Xiao Xun'er from Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, there was inevitably a trace of astonishment on his face.

"Xun'er is this...?"

He couldn't help but cast his eyes on the two girls in front of him. Xiao Yan was not sure if this was Xun'er's first time drinking in her life, but what was certain was that it was indeed the first time he had seen Xun'er drunk like this.

Although he was not unconscious yet and could even stand on his own, his eyes were not as light as before.

"Let's drink away our sorrows..."

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Yan and couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly.

It was inevitable that she and Xiao Mei were a little surprised. How could Xun'er, who was usually such a cautious person, drink so much wine today.

"In short, Xun'er will be left to cousin Xiao Yan."

Xiao Mei patted Xiao Xun'er's back gently and said, "After all, we can't go to the inner courtyard."


After saying goodbye to Xiao Li, Xiao Yan just nodded, then stopped Xun'er's waist with one hand and helped her out of the door.

Then he got on the griffin beast that traveled between the inner courtyard and Canaan City.

But this time, Xiao Yan didn't dare to let Xun'er sit on the back of the gryphon alone, for fear that she would fall out of the air if she lost her grip while half asleep and half awake.

Therefore, after Xiao Yan climbed onto the griffin beast's broad back, Xiao Yan still held Xiao Xun'er in his arms and did not dare to let go.

The wind in Canaan College at night is not cold, it just makes people feel very cool.

The wind blew through the griffin beast's feathers, and the fragrance of Xiao Xun'er mixed with the smell of wine lingered on the tip of Xiao Yan's nose, but it was quickly blown away by the evening breeze that came to his face.

Until the scenery in front of him became more and more familiar. The huge black outline of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower was looming in the north, and when candles were lit in the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After releasing the griffon beast back to its original place, Xiao Yan grabbed Xiao Xun'er and returned to Panmen.

"Xiao Yan...brother...?"

Perhaps it was the unavoidable bumps that made Xiao Xun'er wake up slightly and let out a slight murmur.

"Xun'er is awake?"

There was a bit of joy in Xiao Yan's tone. Although he did not resist physical contact with Xun'er, it was obvious that now was not the time to do such a thing. He couldn't help but said: "Okay, don't talk yet. Okay, let’s use our fighting spirit first and force out the alcoholic odor before we talk.”

However, his voice seemed to have disappeared into the sea, and there was no more movement.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but wonder, Xun'er fell asleep again?

Just when Xiao Yan had this thought in his mind, he heard Xun'er's murmur.

"...No, I want brother Xiao Yan to take me back."

Xiao Yan was helpless, but of course it was not because he couldn't hold Xun'er, but it was her wish anyway. Xiao Yan gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then hooked up his arms to hug Xun'er.

Xiao Yan, who could wield even the Xuan Zhong ruler as light as a dagger, could easily pick up Xun'er. For him, it was just a matter of eating and drinking.

Panmen has been completely immersed in the night. If everyone is not resting in the room or practicing, they are basically going to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. Therefore, no one sees the door owner holding the much admired Xun'er. She walked up to the second floor with light steps, and then opened her door quietly.

"Xun'er, have a good rest."

After placing Xun'er on the bed, Xiao Yan dusted the bedding for her and then whispered.

But just when Xiao Yan was about to stop his hand, a slender green finger hooked his wrist. Xiao Xun'er half-squinted her eyes and said as if she was dreaming: "Brother Xiao Yan...is leaving again?"

"I'm not leaving. I'm always by your side. I'm just going back to rest."

Xiao Yan said softly.

But even with such rhetoric, Xiao Xun'er was still unwilling to let him go.

"No, brother Xiao Yan, can you stay with me?"

Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol that made her sober at the moment, but she was more impulsive and excited than that soberness.


For some reason, Xiao Yan recalled what happened after he was forcibly pressed down by the little medical fairy that evening, which made him sigh helplessly but worriedly.

He knew that Xun'er, who was still feeling knotted in her heart at the moment, couldn't stand his rejection, no matter what the reason was.

Perhaps because he didn't drink anything later, Xiao Yan felt that his mouth was extremely dry, and his feet seemed to have taken root and stopped moving.

"Brother Xiao Yan, can you hug me and sleep with me?"

The hot fingertips pinched Xiao Yan's palm along Xiao Yan's wrist, and the five fingers were tightly interlocked.

"Xun'er... you're drunk."

Xiao Yan said helplessly, but Xiao Xun'er's eyes lit up a little.

"That means as long as Xun'er is drunk, what will Xun'er say, will Brother Xiao Yan do?"


"Brother Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Yan sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to take off his shoes and go to bed, taking Xiao Xun'er, whose delicate body was hot at the moment, into his arms. However, Xiao Yan was still sitting on the bed, just letting Xiao Xun'er curl up in his arms. .

Seeing that Xiao Yan listened to her words and did it three times in a row, the corners of Xiao Xun'er's mouth slightly raised, revealing a relaxed and comfortable smile, but Xiao Yan, who was hugging her at the moment, couldn't see it.

"So...it's that simple? Haha..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but wonder: "Xun'er, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing...it's just that all I need to make brother Xiao Yan be obedient is drink more wine."

One of Xiao Xun'er's hands was unwilling to let go of Xiao Yan's hand from beginning to end, while the other hand gently touched Xiao Yan's chest, greedily breathing in the breath from Xiao Yan .

But before Xiao Yan could say anything more, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but said: "From now on, will you be like this every night? Brother Xiao Yan?"


Xiao Yan had no choice but to let her go after all, he just didn't want her to continue to push her further.

He liked Xun'er very much, but Xun'er's behavior at this moment was not an emotional impulse, but more like an injured animal asking for protection.

"I want Brother Xiao Yan to accompany me like this every night, okay? As long as Brother Xiao Yan is willing, Xun'er and Xun'er are willing to do anything. Xun'er belongs to Brother Xiao Yan, okay?" good?"

"So—so—don't go—"

Gradually, Xiao Xun'er's voice became choked.

"Brother Xiao Yan, don't leave...don't leave me behind, okay?"

Xiao Yan sighed, although it was not the development he had expected, it was worse than what he had expected.

Naturally, he hates seeing women cry the most, not to mention that the one crying is Xun'er, his childhood sweetheart who grew up with him.

"I didn't abandon you, Xun'er."

Xiao Yan hugged Xiao Xun'er slightly, and he could naturally feel that Xun'er's true feelings were now revealed.

It was all his fault. What he said some time ago really frightened Xun'er.

It's just that this knot has been blocked in her heart, and her pride does not allow her to reveal this weakness casually, so that she will not vent it at this time until the end.

Xiao Yan hugged the sobbing Xiao Xun'er tightly with complicated emotions, letting her still hot onion fingers clasp his palm, while the other hand was stroking her black hair, hoping to use this to bring her some happiness. comfort.

Gradually, Xiao Xun'er stopped choking, and her originally rapid breathing gradually stabilized, which made Xiao Yan breathe a sigh of relief.

However, he did not use his fighting spirit to dispel the alcohol smell in her body on his own initiative. After all, he was a fighting spirit, so drinking a little wine would not hurt his body.

Xiao Yan breathed a long sigh of relief. Although Xun'er fell asleep, he did not pull away and used his body as a pillow for Xun'er in his arms.

Anyway, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. Xiao Yan was just planning to spend the night like this, but suddenly he noticed a rustling sound coming from outside the door, and then a figure that looked like someone was pressing down on the door. in front of the door.


"Do you need me to bring you some hangover soup?"

Nalan Yanran's voice came through the door and asked.


Xiao Yan let out a light sigh and couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "Aren't you asleep yet?"

"You two just came back now. I was practicing again and I just happened to see it."

Nalan Yanran crossed her arms and leaned against the door, saying, "What's wrong? Xiao Xun'er is really drunk?"

"What does it mean to be true?"

"Would you like to kiss her secretly to prove it?"

Nalan Yanran suddenly felt an inexplicable bad taste in her heart and couldn't help but say.


When Xiao Yan heard this, he was shocked and held Xiao Xun'er's hand and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"...I advise you to stop making such jokes."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look down at Xun'er, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't she already asleep? She can't really get up and take a bite, right?"

Nalan Yanran raised her head boredly. Tonight, the moon and stars were sparse, and the Milky Way, which was vaguely visible in starry nights in the past, had also disappeared.

"This has nothing to do with Xun'er in the first place..."

Xiao Yan retorted, only to feel a strange touch coming from the clasping of his palms.

Xiao Yan lowered his head in confusion, but saw Xun'er opening her eyes, and the green fingers that were originally caressing Xiao Yan's chest gently caressed Xiao Yan's cheek along the neck.

Originally curled up in her arms, she propped her knees up on the bed, looked down at Xiao Yan, and breathed out a hot and humid breath that still smelled of alcohol.


He was about to speak, but it was too late. Nalan Yanran heard a rustling in the door and couldn't help turning her head.

"Xiao Yan? Were you talking just now?"

There was no sound inside the door, except for a rustling sound like the turning of bedding.

Nalan Yanran couldn't help curling her lips: "Are you angry after saying such a thing? Why don't you get anxious when I don't see her joking around on weekdays?"

Still no one answered, Nalan Yanran just felt that she was asking for trouble, so she went back to her room to rest.

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