Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 297 Kill Han Feng, Haiyan appears

"Hey, you are really not afraid of death!"

Even Han Feng had to be startled by Zi Yan's impulsive and reckless behavior. The aqua blue flames surrounding her covered everything in front of her. After all, Zi Yan's every move did not look like a lunatic to Han Feng. What a big difference.

Therefore, Han Feng's subconscious move was not to launch an attack, but to ensure that he would not be injured.

After all, even if there is a huge gap between the one-star Dou Huang and the nine-star Dou King, there is no guarantee that you will not be hurt in front of a one-star Dou King, especially when the opponent's dismissal is obviously not the kind of testing each other, but just ignores it. The type that kills them directly.

But even so, Zi Yan's moving figure was launched towards Han Feng like a cannonball. The white fingers clenched into a fist, but exploded with a power that was completely non-human, and hit Han Feng. .

Even though the monstrous Hai Xinyan quickly swamped Zi Yan's figure, she was unscathed and actually forced Han Feng back a long way.

No, something is wrong with this Dou Huang!

Han Feng opened his eyes wide. It was too late to pay attention to the fire python and Xiao Yan at this moment. The Zi Yan in front of him was undoubtedly an opponent that he had to face up to, but she rushed into the wave of Hai Xinyan without any trace. Looking at the injury, Han Feng couldn't figure it out anyway.

Impossible, let alone human beings, even monsters with extremely strong physical abilities would still be afraid of this destructive power born between heaven and earth. How could she be fine at all?

Is it possible that she also has strange fire in her body?

After all, if you want to protect yourself from the alien fire, one of the ways is to have an evenly matched alien fire. Only the alien fire can isolate the destructive power and influence of the alien fire. There is a difference in magnitude between the two. Unless it's a particularly large situation, there's nothing wrong with that.

Such an idea just came into Han Feng's mind, but he immediately rejected it.

If there was a strange fire on Zi Yan's body, how could he not know about it? Or even feel nothing at all?

Later, Han Feng noticed that Zi Yan's body seemed to have a faint gray brilliance, which looked very different from others.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that this was not a blind trick, but a spatial barrier!

It is not about using space itself as a barrier to protect oneself. After all, although space is mostly a mysterious and mysterious existence for life, compared to the flames like strange fires, which themselves symbolize destruction, space appears to be much more fragile. , a fire powerful enough to melt even space is enough to prove its terror.

Zi Yan, who is very intuitive, naturally knows this very well.

Therefore, she is not using space as a barrier to protect her body, but dividing space from space. Her body is filled in the unspoiled space, but is sandwiched in the space filled with strange fire from the outside world. The thin nothingness is enough to block the terrifying high temperature and astonishing destructive power produced by the alien fire.

After discovering this fact, Han Feng was even more horrified. How could this level of space control be something she, a newcomer to Dou Huang, could control?

But before Han Feng could counterattack, Zi Yan took advantage of the victory and took the initiative to fold the space together. Coupled with the speed of her own Dou Qi transformed wings, she rushed in front of Han Feng in just an instant, and then a Circle blasted out.

Han Feng narrowly dodged Zi Yan's punch, and then saw with his own eyes that the space where Zi Yan's punch landed collapsed, turning into a void the size of a table tennis ball, pulling everything around, and quickly disappeared.


In the short time of confrontation with Zi Yan, Han Feng suddenly understood what kind of terrifying monster he was facing.

But he is bound to get this strange fire, no matter what is hidden in the inner courtyard——

Han Feng was startled for a moment, and then immediately felt an inexplicably familiar aura erupting from behind Zi Yan like a volcano erupting.

what happened? Why did another tyrannical aura that was at least the same level as him suddenly appear? And it also carries a vague chill?

Han Feng had to ignore the immediate trouble for the time being, but saw Xiao Yan's aura suddenly change, and the pale wings behind him suddenly fluttered and rushed towards him.

Han Feng naturally felt that something was wrong. Everything in front of him was too strange. No, it was better to avoid the edge for the time being!

But Han Feng, who was confronted by Zi Yan, was destined to have no chance to escape.

"Wait, what's going on?!"

Han Feng subconsciously flapped his fighting spirit wings behind him, but his body remained motionless. When he struggled to break free, Xiao Yan had already rushed forward, and it was too late to avoid the sharp edge.

A trace of pride flashed in Zi Yan's enchanting eyes, "Huh, innate ability is something that can be obtained after just one sleep. This is not much more convenient and faster than learning a difficult and troublesome fighting skill."

And with Zi Yan delaying this moment of familiarity for Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, who was dragging a white trail behind him, held the Xuan Zhong ruler and smashed it directly at Han Feng in front of him.

"Heavenly Sea Fire Armor!"

Han Feng was horrified in his heart, and he immediately mobilized his fighting spirit and formed an armor composed of strange fire and fighting spirit, blocking the powerful blow from Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, whose pupils turned from dark red to pale, frowned slightly, and then Han Feng saw that Xiao Yan's left eye had lost its pale color, and then countless anger surged out, and he used three of his own The flames were injected into the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand. The natural lines on the dark and simple Xuanzhong Ruler climbed up to three colors from light to dark, cyan, purple, and dim yellow.


Han Feng opened his eyes wide and his eyes were about to burst.

But Xiao Yan obviously did not give this evil beast a chance to speak. As the three kinds of strange fires burst out with the Xuan Zhong ruler, a ferocious crack appeared on Han Feng's fire armor.

Then, with this crack as the center, countless cracks spread like spider webs, and finally fell apart. Han Feng was also hit from the front, spitting out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

"Strange fire...?"

But for him at this moment, the injuries on his body were nothing. He stared at Xiao Yan, and the only word that came to his mind was the word strange fire.

Yes, his perception is not wrong, there is more than one kind of strange fire in Xiao Yan's body!

As for the skills that can allow a person to possess multiple kinds of skills, Han Feng only knows one, which is exactly the one he now spends all his time dreaming about.

"Boy, where did your skills come from?!"

"——What do you think?"

Xiao Yan's eyes were incomprehensible, with just a hint of chill in his eyes as he said.

As Xiao Yan's words gradually faded, a pale flame suddenly emerged from his palm.

Han Feng's pupils shrank sharply. If everything before was still speculation, then when the cold and biting flames bloomed from Xiao Yan's palm, he understood everything.

And now that the master-killing traitor has been made to understand what all this is about, it is natural for him to go with peace of mind.


"Ok, I know."

Yao Lao nodded slightly, and then Xiao Yan's aura suddenly changed. The aura that was already cold enough to the bone even temporarily suppressed the heat around the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower for a moment.


"——Traitor, today, let's wipe out the grudges of the past."

Yao Lao controlled Xiao Yan's body and held the Xuanzhong Ruler. The terrifying power that was far beyond Xiao Yan's use of his own strange fire with the help of Yao Lao burst out without reservation. At this moment, Han Feng had changed everything he did. It became a futile effort.

Xiao Yan was extremely familiar with the move that Yao Lao was using now. It was Professor Yao Lao's own Flame Devouring Wave Ruler!

Yao Lao did not rely on Xiao Yan's three kinds of strange fire power. He just injected his own bone spirit cold fire into it, and the destructive power erupted exceeded the shackles of the Douhuang level. On that pale crescent-shaped sword As the air streaked across the sky, a crack in space flashed away like it was cut open by scissors.

Han Feng had no power to resist and was drowned in an exploding sea of ​​fire.

But after the sea of ​​​​fire exploded, Yao Lao took the initiative to return the right to use his body to Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan, don't let that evil disciple run away with Hai Xinyan!"

Yao Lao raised his voice, and Xiao Yan suddenly raised his head and immediately flew towards the direction of the explosion.


"Eh? Xiao Yan? What are you doing?"

Zi Yan saw that Xiao Yan's sudden big shot had blown up Han Feng until there was probably not even ashes left, but she was very puzzled by Xiao Yan's sudden behavior.

"Zi Yan, don't let Han Feng's soul escape!"

Xiao Yan shouted and had to say that even though he had borrowed Yao Lao's soul power, his fighting thinking and use of fighting spirit were still fighting spirit thinking. Compared with flying in the sky, it was better to be in the real space. Zi Yan's speed is still a bit slower for mid-jump.

“Well, I don’t know what you want to do, but I’ll come right now—!”

That's the good thing about Zi Yan. She does things almost without thinking, and her body can make conditioned reflex actions.

And with Zi Yan's help, Xiao Yan also believes that Han Feng will not run away so easily.

It's just that one wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen. With Han Feng's death, Hai Xinyan, who was bound to his soul, was suddenly exposed, and the one who was still fighting with Queen Medusa near the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower was exposed. The fire python immediately abandoned Queen Medusa like a shark that smelled blood, and rushed towards the strange fire that it considered to be ownerless.

Although there is only one difference between Hai Xinyan and it on the list of strange fires, the ferocity of this Fallen Heart Flame is far from comparable to that of Hai Xinyan who has been tamed for a long time. It is enough to crush it at the level of Douzong alone. He swallowed it in one gulp.

Queen Medusa saw that the fire python suddenly lost its target, but saw the evil beast rushing towards Xiao Yan, and rushed over without even having time to say anything.

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