"Thank you, Elder Wanqiu."

Qinglin stood up obediently, bowed to the old woman in front of her who was performing the ceremony for her, and said.

"Don't thank me, I just did my job."

The serious old woman's face rarely showed a trace of tenderness at this moment, and she turned her head to look at Yaowan who had been watching silently from beginning to end.

"I have met Miss."

Seeing the medicine flower coming, Elder Wan Qiu bowed slightly and said.

"Elder Wanqiu is too polite."

Yaowan looked at Qinglin and said, "I just came to see Qinglin."

"I'm sorry to trouble Elder Wanqiu."

"Things that are part of your job are not worth mentioning."

Elder Wanqiu in front of her was one of the few elders who had come into contact with Yaowan before, so he was naturally very impressed with her as a medicine clan's future.

After having a conversation with the serious elder, Yao Wan took Qing Lin and left the reception hall.

"What's wrong? Do you feel anything special?"

Under the spacious and simple corridor, Yao Wan turned her head to look at Qing Lin and couldn't help but say.

"Special feeling...?"

Qing Lin was slightly startled, and then said: "It seems to be something, but also nothing. It seems to be fulfilling... I didn't expect that I would also have a destination."

"Really? Well, as long as I'm here, this is the best place for you."

Yao Wan said calmly, and then gradually quickened her pace.

"In addition, in the following days, the clan leader will arrange a separate teacher for you to teach you how to practice. You can also get all the resources available to the new generation of the Medicine Clan. If there is anything you want but can't get it for a while, , you can come to me."

"Are you going to separate from Miss?"

Qing Lin heard the implication of Yao Wan's words. Although she naturally understood that Yao Wan had to concentrate on practicing now, she just felt somewhat lost and unsteady in her heart.

Qing Lin has always had an insecure character. She was able to be so outgoing and lively in Canaan College before, naturally because of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan's presence. Now she is required to practice alone, and she is naturally not used to it.

"Not used to it?"

"I'm sure I'm not used to it...but Miss, I have to practice carefully now, right?"

Qinglin said: "I will try my best to adapt. Just don't worry, Miss."

"You don't have to force yourself."

Yao Wan comforted her and then returned to her cave.

Not long after that, another elder came and took Qing Lin away. Yao Wan was somewhat uneasy, so she couldn't help but give a few more instructions.

The elder naturally knew that Yao Wan cared very much about the little maid she had brought in from outside, and would not neglect her.

After Qing Lin was taken away, Yao Wan had no other concerns, and now she had to practice hard.

In addition, counting the time, Xiao Yan and Medusa should be almost there, right?

There are still a few years left, so first set a small goal to break through Dou Zun within two years, and then cultivate your soul to the late stage of Heaven Realm.


Yao Wan's eyes slowly raised, recalling Yao Wangui when he first returned to the clan. This old guy couldn't survive for a few days. No matter from any angle, Yao Wan had no intention of keeping him.

With a specific goal in mind for what to do next, he naturally had motivation to take action. In Yao Wan's cave, Yao Wan began to close his eyes and enter a long-lost state of cultivation.

As she became more and more absorbed in her practice, the color of the pale golden spell located on her bright wrist became lighter and lighter, and then completely disappeared.

And as the spell that sealed the unawakened power of the bloodline in his body completely disappeared, while Yao Wan circulated the fighting energy around the sky, the power dormant in the bloodline was also slowly induced.

A trace of pale golden light was released from the inside out of her body, revealing a hazy halo under her clothes, revealing a simple texture, like some kind of long-lost and forgotten writing.

In the cave, the springs that were completely composed of the energy of heaven and earth seemed to be alive, affected by the influence of the medicine.

This change did not just occur in Yaowan's own cave, but quickly spread throughout the entire Yaowen Mountain, immediately attracting the attention of Yaodan and many elders.

"How is this going?"

Yao Dan, who was discussing the matter with several elders, immediately became vigilant and stood up. The power of his soul immediately swept across most of the Yao Clan's sacred mountain, only to find that the energy of heaven and earth in the entire sacred mountain seemed to have been aroused. He cheered. , excited.

"It's like the energy of the entire medicine world has been aroused. It doesn't seem like an influence from the outside, but a fluctuation within our clan's world."

Yao Wanhuo said: "How long has it been since our clan has seen such a grand scene?"

After being reminded by Yao Wanhuo, Yao Dan reacted and couldn't help but said: "By the way, what is Wan'er doing now?"


Yao Wanhuo was slightly startled, and subconsciously said: "Maybe you are practicing, right?"

"The patriarch means, could it be Wan'er?"

"Eighty percent is Wan'er."

Yao Dan lowered his head and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. The unusual movement of heaven and earth energy in the medicine world today reminded him of the scene when Wan'er was born and the entire medicine world was enveloped in the power of her heavenly soul.

If it's an accident, it's not really that big of a deal. After all, this isn't the first time for Wan'er. The medicine pill has been prepared for a long time, so she's mentally prepared to be caught off guard at most.

"Then let's go take a look?"

Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but say.

Unexpectedly, Yao Dan frowned and shook his head.

"Wan'er is cultivating her, just make sure she is safe and sound, and don't interfere with anything else that concerns Wan'er - By the way, where is her little maid named Qinglin?"

"Today, we have been handed over to Elder Wanqiu to guide us and the initiation ceremony has been completed. What happened to the clan leader?"

"That little girl is also a good seedling. Choose the right technique according to her physique and cultivate her well."

Yaodan was still worried and gave an instruction.

Yao Wanhuo nodded. He also knew that the clan leader was concerned and concerned, and this was inevitable.

After Yao Wanhuo left, Yao Dan couldn't help but watch as he walked to the door of the main hall and watched as the energy in the Yao World was stirred up, gathered into a storm, and turned into a tide.

His mood was also like the energy tide at the moment, never calm.

Wan'er...you are really a treasure given by our ancestors to our useless descendants...

Qing Lin also noticed the energy tide that was set off in the entire medicine world. Her physique was different from ordinary people, so it was not strange to be able to detect the energy tide.

"Qinglin, what's the matter?"

The elder who led Qing Lin to the Sutra Pavilion to select a suitable book couldn't help but wonder.

"Energy tide..."

"That kind of thing is not something we need to worry about. As long as the clan leader and the others are here, the sky in this medicine world will not fall. Okay, go pick your technique."

"Choose a technique?"

"You have reached the ninth level of fighting spirit, and you are only one step away from a one-star fighter. The energy of heaven and earth in our medicine world is many times richer than that of the outside world. You are so talented that in the medicine world, it can take up to seven days or three days. In five days, you will achieve a breakthrough on your own, so just take advantage of this opportunity to choose your own techniques."

"Of course, you can also let the appropriate technique choose you."

"Huh? Choose me for the technique?"

"My clan has a way of communicating with gods. It can give a little spiritual light to the skills, so that the most suitable skills can choose you."

"But no matter how well these techniques fit together, in the end, it all depends on you."


When Xiao Yan opened his eyes again, it was obviously difficult to express the situation of the two of them.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the beauty in front of him, Xiao Yan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, wondering why such a ridiculous thing happened to him. He originally thought he was having a nightmare, but it turned out that it was not a dream.

Even if my current cultivation level has skyrocketed, I can't care about that much anymore.

Just when he didn't know what to do for a moment, the snake queen with a soft sleeping face in front of him slowly opened her enchanting crimson eyes.

Xiao Yan's heart thumped, it was really over now.

"Queen...are you awake?"

"Xiao Yan?"

Queen Medusa frowned slightly when she saw Xiao Yan getting so close. What's wrong with him? How could I lie with him?

Queen Medusa felt stunned for a moment, and then frowned. The fragments between the two that had not been completely submerged in the subconscious poured into her mind like fragments.


Queen Medusa couldn't help but raise her hands to cover her head, glared at him and said, "What did you do to me?"

But as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Xiao Yan's speechless expression, and Queen Medusa realized that something was not right.

It wasn't what Xiao Yan did to her, it was what she did to Xiao Yan!

No, how could she——

Queen Medusa was a little insane now. She just followed Xiao Yan's request and absorbed the excess energy escaping from his body——

If she hadn't gone crazy at that time, the only thing Queen Medusa could think of was that this happened after she absorbed the energy from Xiao Yan.


Queen Medusa looked at Xiao Yan. Although she was angry, the blush on her cheeks had not completely dissipated. She didn't care that there was no connection between herself and Xiao Yan - anyway, she had seen everything she should and shouldn't have seen. I’ve done everything I shouldn’t, so is there any use in worrying about it?

The smooth and white slender fingertips revealed a kind of soaked redness, but they pinched Xiao Yan's neck mercilessly.

"I-I'll kill you!"

Queen Medusa glared at Xiao Yan, wanting to vent all her current anger on him.

"Why does the Queen want to kill me?"

Xiao Yan felt a sense of suffocation rushing straight to his brain, but fortunately his current cultivation level had exceeded that of Dou Huang, at least he would not be crushed to death like when the great Dou Master fought against the spirit.

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