"That, miss, is in your hair."

Two years have passed, Qing Lin, who once seemed a little stunted, has turned from a fifteen or sixteen year old into a young girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, and now her cultivation level has successfully broken through to the Dou Huang realm, and her cultivation speed can be said to be incredible. It's surprisingly fast.

Therefore, she who was originally only favored by Yao Wan has now been officially recognized by the Yao Clan for her talent, and plans to focus resources on cultivating her as a priority like her own children.


Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, but then she noticed a few green leaves hanging in her hair.

"Oh, it's okay, it's gone now, right?"

The medicine wand shook the green leaves off her shoulders and said, "Okay, let's go."

Qing Lin nodded her head, then opened her pair of fighting spirit wings from her body, and flew into the thick sky above the Yao Clan.

This is not a metaphor, but a fact. In the medicine world, because the atmosphere contains far more energy than the outside world, the air here has also become thicker than the outside world. For Qing Lin, For the Dou Emperor, it naturally has some influence, not to mention that she is not a Dou Emperor with the wind attribute, but soon, after she is promoted to a Dou Zong who can use the power of space, it will naturally not have any impact. .

Qing Lin fluttered her wings and flew up to the sacred mountain, and Yao Wan naturally did not need any fighting spirit to transform into wings. The ethereal air was like flat ground under her feet.

The two of them flew higher and higher together. When they had nothing to do, Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "I haven't been around you very often in the past two years. Are you still used to it?"

Qing Lin shook his head and said: "Of course I wasn't used to it at first, but everyone and the elders of the Medicine Clan treated me very well. I know this, so I'm gradually getting used to it now."

"It's just that if I can continue to stay with the young lady, that would be great."

"It's okay, as long as you get used to the feeling of me not being around you, it's understandable."

Yao Wan said, Qing Lin looked at her appearance which seemed to have not changed at all from two years ago, and there was inevitably a ripple in her heart.

"Um, miss?"

"What's wrong? You haven't seen me for a long time. Do you have a lot to ask me?"

Of course, Yao Wan couldn't say he was bored, he just raised his eyebrows lightly and asked unhurriedly.

"It's nothing particularly important...it's just..."

Seeing that Yao Wan didn't seem to realize who she wanted to talk about, Qing Lin hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said: "It's just Master Xiao Yan's side. I think it's been two years."

"I don't know what's going on with Master Xiao Yan. Miss... aren't you curious?"

"What's there to be curious about? I thought you were going to say something."

Qing Lin looked at the young lady who shook her head slightly and then spoke leisurely. The young lady did not behave very abnormally, but judging from her reaction, she seemed to be much calmer than when she mentioned Young Master Xiao Yan.

Is it because they haven't seen each other for two years that the relationship between the two has faded?

Such worries inevitably emerged in her heart.

Yao Wan saw what Qing Lin was thinking at a glance, and couldn't help but smile helplessly and said: "Okay, don't you understand that guy Xiao Yan? He might be happy now. As for wanting to see him again, To him? Well, it will indeed take a while, but cultivation is just a matter of closing and opening your eyes, so don’t worry for now."

"Well... Qing Lin... Qing Lin knows."

Qing Lin was a little helpless, but he had to agree that what Yao Wan said was indeed correct, so naturally it was not easy to dwell on anything anymore, so he nodded lightly.

But she still couldn't hide the strangeness in her heart.

The young lady never seems to care about Young Master Xiao Yan, or rather... she doesn't care about Young Master Xiao Yan that much. Although it has been two years, the young lady's attitude towards Young Master Xiao Yan has not changed much, but I don't know if it is because of the young lady. Despite her own misunderstanding, she still vaguely felt that there was a vague sense of distance between the young lady and Master Xiao Yan.

No, this sense of distance did not just arise after the young lady returned to the Medicine Clan. In fact, it had always existed before. It was just that Master Xiao Yan was with her at that time, so it was not easy to be discovered.

As the medicine leaves flew higher and higher, Qinglin's thoughts had already flown to where he didn't know where he was.

Sure enough, was it because the lady was standing too high at the beginning that this happened?

Looking at the beautiful figure of Yaowan, Qinglin couldn't help but secretly struggle in her heart. After all, if this is the case, the troubles that Master Xiao Yan will encounter in the future will be even more difficult.

Besides, she couldn't help at all...

When the two came to the clan hall together, several elders and the clan leader had been chatting for a while.

When they noticed the arrival of the two girls, several elders turned their heads and looked at each other with kind smiles on their faces. At their grade and in high positions, they spent more time being strict than relaxing. Only when facing the future star of the Medicine Clan would he show such a peaceful expression, which is gratifying.

Although their medicine clan is not the weakest among the eight ancient clans, and they are good at refining medicine, which is an extremely popular skill in the entire Dou Qi Continent, it is natural for them to reach the top of the Dou Qi Continent. It is also a matter of course.

But in the final analysis, that is just the outside world's imagination of them. The eight ancient tribes are not completely the same, and there are also great differences in strength and weakness.

For example, the patriarchs of the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan are all Nine-Star Fighting Saints, who are the ones who have reached the top of the world in the true sense. Under the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan, the leaders of the Flame Clan and Thunder Clan are also Eight-Star Fighting Saints. Although not as good as the ancient soul clan, it is still stronger than them.

The rest is their Medicine Clan. Although the clan leader is the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, he is also very old. Although his status as an alchemist seems to have unlimited glory, in the final analysis, his own strength still plays a decisive role.

The Medicine Clan is proficient in refining medicine, but not good at fighting, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

As time passes, as the Dou Emperor bloodline passed down from generation to generation gradually dries up, it is inevitable that the talents among the eight tribes will wither, but those four tribes are ultimately skinny and bigger than a camel than a horse.

Yao Dan and Yao Wanhuo have always been unwilling to see the Yao clan just immersed in the respect of the outside world and other clans for them, but unfortunately, not everyone may be able to consider it this way.

Therefore, they naturally had to place their hopes on a more likely next generation. Two brothers and sisters, Yaotian and Yaoling, were born one after another, followed by Yaowan.

Yao Dan does not expect that the Yao Clan can aspire to the top of the Dou Qi Continent and regain the glory of their ancestors. At least they can protect their own bloodline and prevent it from being cut off in their generation.

Yaowan is the best candidate to inherit their expectations.

"Wan'er is finally here. It's really easy for us to wait."

Yao Dan smiled, while Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but nodded secretly. After two years of Dou Zun, this cultivation speed is not slow in any case, and if her talent is added, it must be enough to be ranked among the eight new tribes. Outstanding.

"I've kept the elders waiting for a long time."

Yao Wan felt calm, and as she broke through Dou Zun, the things she had agreed to do two years ago would naturally be put on the agenda.

The Yao Clan needs the flames of life, and at the same time, it naturally needs to celebrate, or show off, to prove the Yao Clan's current prosperity.

And now that she has the confidence and capital to show her face among the new generation of the eight ethnic groups, she naturally needs to make a formal decision as soon as possible.

Therefore, it is natural to know what is going on today without even thinking about it.

"Well, thank you for your hard work Qinglin."

Yao Dan looked at Qing Lin, and then waved his hand. Qing Lin naturally didn't have such eyesight, so he bowed slightly and took the initiative to push out of the clan hall.

Yao Wan couldn't help but glance at Qing Lin's back, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. When she first returned to the medicine world, Qing Lin was there and didn't care about their chat. Why did she let Qing Lin leave first today?

But despite her doubts, she thought it might be polite, so she didn't care much.

"I have already known that the clan needs to hold a celebration of life. The rest will be left to the clan leader and elders to arrange."

Yaowan smiled slightly, neither humble nor arrogant, but generous.

To Yaowan's surprise, Yaodan was not in a hurry to talk about the celebration of living beings. Instead, he said: "The celebrating of living beings is not urgent. In the meantime - since you have become a Dou Sir, you have practiced the core body-training techniques of your clan, and I think your body is strong enough to withstand the power of inheritance."


Yao Wan couldn't help but be slightly startled. Is there any other inheritance in the Yao Clan that she didn't know about? This is the first time I have heard of it.

Yao Dan couldn't help but smile when he saw Yao Wan's slightly dazed and surprised expression, and he naturally guessed her reaction clearly.

"That's right, inheritance."

Yaodan nodded, glanced at the elders who were only five fingers apart at the moment, and said: "You don't know either, which is actually normal. After all, the only person in the entire Yao clan who knows about this is the only one in the clan at this moment. It’s just us in the hall.”

"I see."

Yao Wan nodded slightly, and it was no wonder that Qing Lin went out.

"Then, what does the patriarch mean...?"

"If you are ready, I will take you to the inheritance place and accept the inheritance from the ancestor."

On this issue, Yao Dan actually didn't give Yao Wan much time to think about it. The night was long and there were many dreams. At most, Yao Wan could just let Yao Wan adjust his state.

Yaowan also knew what the clan leader meant, so she nodded slightly.

"There's no need to spend any more time. The patriarch can just take me there now."

Although Yao Wan doesn’t know what this inheritance is, and even knows nothing about it herself, but now that it’s here, how can there be no reason to not want it?

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