"What the ancestor means is that the life energy that feeds the Medicine Clan does not come from the flames of living beings, but from the Cangwu Divine Tree?"

Yao Wan guessed something and couldn't help but ask.


Medicine Emperor Xuying glanced at the medicine wand and said: "I captured the Cangwu Sacred Tree back then, but it was a pity that I fought too hard with the people who competed for the Sacred Tree and injured the spiritual roots. The Sacred Tree has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, so It will wither and die after all.”

"The sacred tree is dead?"

"Yes, he is dead. You are carrying the flame of life, so you must have felt the fact that the Cangwu sacred tree is lifeless, right?"

It's just that the ancestor's answer did not solve Yao Wan's confusion after all. Answering the original question with a question would only make people more confused.

"Then if the sacred tree is dead, what kind of life energy will be fed back to the medicine clan?"

"It's just some residue left behind by the fading of the sacred tree."

Before Yao Wan could say anything, Yao Emperor Xuying raised her head and raised her hand to catch a leaf covered with golden light. Then a breeze blew by, and the leaf lying in her palm turned around. flew away.

"Although this level of life energy is already hundreds of years old for you, for Cangwu Divine Tree, it is just the last remaining residue."

"Residues...is this considered waste utilization?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but said, but she was also a little shocked. The forms of life were really different. The pure energy that could add hundreds of years of life to the people of the tribe was actually only a life span for beings like the Cangwu Divine Tree. The residue after exhaustion?

"Let's leave it at that."

Yao Di's shadow said, Yao Wan still had doubts in her heart, and asked: "Is that Cangwu sacred tree no longer usable?"

"Can't use it?"

The Medicine Emperor was slightly startled, but couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The Cangwu Sacred Tree is one of the spiritual roots left behind from the creation of the world, and it is not that fragile."

"But isn't the Cangwu sacred tree dead?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

"After death, wouldn't it be nice to be resurrected again?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but be slightly startled by Yao Emperor Xuying's words. Resurrection? This word immediately made her react. This Cangwu sacred tree can be resurrected from the dead?

But think about it, this kind of divine creature and spiritual root spread between heaven and earth can be regarded as a special Dou Sheng strongman to a certain extent. Maybe it may also be a Dou Emperor level being. .

Those strong Dou Sheng and Dou Emperor strong men have a lot of hidden tricks, and these beings who are born with such power are afraid that there will be even more.


The phantom of the Medicine Emperor stopped Yao Wan, attracting her slightly puzzled eyes: "What's wrong? Lord Ancestor?"

"Let me ask you, do you want to become Dou Emperor?"

Yao Wan was slightly startled and looked at her ancestor with a strange look. What strange question was she asking?

The so-called purpose of training is to reach the top one day, right?

Everyone in the Jiama Empire wants to become a Dou Huang, and those who become Dou Huang have to sharpen their heads to get into the realm of Dou Zong.

Everyone in Zhongzhou wants to become a Dou Zun, and those who really become a Dou Zun will pursue the Dou Zun at all costs.

And these ancient people, the ethnic groups who inherited the bloodline of Dou Emperor, are endlessly exploring along the path of their ancestors, in order to regain the glory of their ancestors in the past and climb to the top of Dou Qi Continent again.

Even though Yao Wan does not have such a strong desire to promote her clan like other clan members, she also knows that sometimes, the facts cannot be changed by her own will.

With the Soul Clan around, even if she no longer has the intention to practice, in order to protect herself, she must reach the top one day.

"I do have thoughts of becoming Dou Emperor. Rather, for those of us who were born from Dou Emperor's bloodline, becoming Dou Emperor again is like an innate instinct, right?"

Yao Wan said in a nonchalant manner. There was not much desire in her words. She was indeed not morbidly longing for the highest realm like those people, she just simply didn't want to.

The phantom of the Medicine Emperor looked at her, and his eyes that looked a little too ethereal under the phantom had already seen through the medicine. The so-called unwillingness was just indifference that had nothing to do with him.

Before Yao Emperor could say anything, Yao Wan said: "It doesn't matter whether you think about it or not. Even if the sky really falls, there will still be tall people holding it up. It doesn't have much to do with me, right?"

"Even if I want to become a Dou Emperor, all the conditions required for Dou Emperor are out of reach for me, so naturally there is no need to be so ambitious."


Yao Emperor Xuying chuckled lightly, and then couldn't help but turn his gaze to the towering tree. Without saying a word, Yao Wan naturally couldn't guess what she was thinking.

"Then you came to look for me, are you worried about something? For example...the soul clan?"

After a while, Yao Wan came back to her senses after Yao Emperor's words. She couldn't help but shake her head and said: "It is inevitable to worry about the Soul Clan, but it is not necessary to worry now. The Soul Clan will definitely fight against Yao in the future. If the Yao Clan and the Soul Clan collide, it will be like throwing an egg against a stone."

"In that case, what are you going to do? How are you going to deal with the high-level fighting saints of the Soul Clan?"

The Medicine Emperor asked with great interest: "Are you hoping that I, the remnant soul that has long been left, will take action and retain the last bloodline of the Yao clan for the time being, or are you planning to deceive someone who can settle all this?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but wonder. It seemed that she knew everything. However, even this was still within Yao Emperor's expectation.

"You seem to know something that others don't know, Yaowan. Maybe this is also due to your alien soul."

"You have some cleverness that can be commended for the time being, but it only stops here. You even know only one of them but not the other. You can't even tell who the enemy you really need to face is."

Yao Wan was naturally puzzled by Yao Emperor's overly inexplicable words, but in order to prove that he was not what his ancestors said, Yao Wan still said: "Isn't it the Soul Clan? Besides them, what else is there in Dou Qi Continent that is world-famous? Does the enemy exist? Could it be that what the ancestor wanted to say was the Void Swallowing Flame?"

"Void Swallowing Flame...? Oh, him."

A trace of recollection flashed through Yao Emperor Xuying's misty eyes. It was obvious that she had some impression of the Void Swallowing Flame in Yao Wan's mouth.

"...I see, although I don't know where you learned about this matter, but after the Soul Emperor died, he took the initiative to hang out with the Soul Clan, right? It's really rare, as a spirit of strange fire , he actually took the initiative to infiltrate among humans, he is a rather special example."

"You... know each other?"

"I can't say that I knew him, but he was pretty good at hiding. I didn't feel his presence until I became Dou Emperor. He was frightened by me and ran away. I already had a strange fire at that time, so I didn't think it was necessary. Let him go if he wastes another naturally raised spiritual creature."

The Medicine Emperor said calmly, to her, this was just a small thing in the long years.


Yao Wan didn't have any particularly unexpected feelings about this. After all, although the Void Swallowing Flame was a Nine-Star Fighting Saint, in the eyes of the former Yao Emperor, it might just be a slightly rarer flame.

However, those who are stronger than him do not live as long as him. Void Swallowing Flame is a strange fire. I don’t know how many years have passed since the birth of Lingzhi. Not to mention Dou Sage, even Dou Emperor has seen many, but Now that Emperor Dou is gone, it can be said that he has survived.

"The Void Swallowing Flame is a spiritual creature born in the Dou Qi Continent. Fighting against them is, in the final analysis, just the reincarnation of Dou Qi Continent."

In the end, the Medicine Emperor shook his head and said.

However, her words still reminded Yao Wan, and she was slightly startled. She suddenly recalled all the things between Dou Qi Continent and its upper planes, and naturally thought of a certain race that was also driven out as dogs.

"...Could it be some kind of extraterrestrial thing?"

Apart from this, Yao Wan really couldn't think of any other enemies.

The Medicine Emperor nodded slightly and said: "Finally you guessed it right, or do you think you have remembered it now?"

Yao Wan ignored Yao Emperor's words and shook her head slightly. Of course, it was not because she subconsciously ignored such a thing that should not exist.

"Can a guy like that come to Dou Qi Continent?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but say that in her memory, Dou Qi Continent was not as unlucky as Tianxuan Continent, and both of them could be targeted.

"Of course I will, and there are many more coming. Many powerful people have died in Dou Qi Continent, but I have killed even more."

The Medicine Emperor lightly described the monstrous sea of ​​demons and bloody storms they had experienced in the past, but all of this had long since calmed down over a long period of time, and had even been forgotten.

"……Then what?"


The Medicine Emperor frowned slightly, as if he was thinking, and said: "In the end, their king came and was killed by us. We knew that this was not an option, so the eight of us who stayed in the end chose to walk along the source. I want to go to the upper realm through the passage where Qi came from, and want to see what happened and why there are always such monsters coming to Dou Qi Continent."

"In order to prevent any more monsters from taking advantage of the situation, we finally took the initiative to introduce part of the source energy and sealed the passage to the upper world while leaving."

"That Origin Qi will ensure that the next Dou Emperor warrior will be born in the end. He will discover everything we left behind, whether he stays to protect Dou Qi Continent or goes to the upper world to search for it all the way. It's his choice."

Yao Wan opened her mouth slightly, and she really learned quite an incredible story in an understatement.

In the end, the only remaining "eight of them" are probably the ancestors of the eight ancient races. But it is obvious that they missed one thing. The being who will become the last Dou Emperor is neither a human nor a Warcraft, but a human being. Strange fire.

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