Xiao Yan's words temporarily attracted Nalan Yanran's attention, and she subconsciously tugged at her wet black hair, which was still dripping with water.

"Is Master here too?"

Nalan Yanran's face was a little red, maybe because she had just gotten out of the bath. Although she had put on a robe and wrapped her delicate body tightly, the beautiful blush spread from her cheeks. It reached the snowy neck that could not be covered by the robe.

Although Nalan was originally a naturally beautiful woman, now she has a beauty that is different from her usual indifference and heroism.

"After all, it concerns the entire Jia Ma Empire. Yunlan Sect is also a force of Jia Ma Empire after all. It's a simple reason."

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran's pink snowy neck calmly, and then silently withdrew his gaze.

Nalan Yanran had been looking at Xiao Yan, and the changes in his eyes could not escape her eyes.

Nalan Yanran frowned slightly and said, "What are you looking at?"


Xiao Yan shook his head.


Nalan Yanran lowered her head and covered her chest, then glared at him and said angrily: "You - a scumbag!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but glance at her chest. She had been worried that she had accidentally leaked the light, but when she lowered her head and saw it, wasn't it true?

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but blinked and was speechless for a moment, leaving only a vague embarrassment.

Is this a false accusation? But it seems that he was not wrong.


Nalan Yanran coughed slightly, and then couldn't help but said: "I said you, even the little medical fairy has been brought back to see your father, can you calm down for the time being?"

Nalan Yanran's natural implication was to ask him to take care of his eyes.

She knew that this guy was not innocent and it was not a matter of a day or two, but she did not expect that Xiao Yan would reach this point and he would still be the same as two years ago——

Oh no, for him, the past two years have been more like an extremely long training. The passage of these two years has almost no real sense for him.

"Where is it?"

Xiao Yan shrugged: "You don't want to taint someone's innocence for no reason."

"Innocent? You?"

Nalan Yanran was startled. She didn't know where Xiao Yan had the nerve to say this.

"You're telling lies with your eyes open, forget it, I'm too lazy to share your knowledge."

Nalan Yanran snorted lightly. If Xiao Yan was allowed to continue talking with his irresponsible mouth, there was no telling where the topic would go. So when Nalan Yanran came to her senses, she quickly said: " Okay, let’s get down to business...why are you coming to me now?"

"I had a few words with Yunshan and Jia Xingtian. I heard that there is also the appearance of that kind of strange existence in the Tagor Desert. I must go and see it."

Seeing Nalan Yanran's expression, Xiao Yan took a breath and then explained.

"Continue to chase those weird figures? Do you want my help?"

Although her tone was mostly filled with dislike for Xiao Yan, when talking about these serious matters, Nalan Yanran was still willing to take the initiative to help and took the lead, which also moved Xiao Yan very much.

"Thank you for your kindness, but no, your injury has not healed. How can I dare to take you?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, but then again, he was moved, but it was impossible for Xiao Yan to really take Nalan with him just because she proposed it. Even if Xiao Yan lacked combat power, he would not be able to take her with him. Maybe the wounded will be brought in.

"Nonsense, am I not doing well?"

Nalan Yanran said harshly.

"Really...? Then let me see?"

Xiao Yan's intention was of course to let him see how Nalan Yanran's injury was, but there was obviously a slight deviation and mistake in the words between the two.

"Look? What are you looking at..."

Nalan Yanran said with displeasure and confusion.

"Of course we want to see how your injuries are. What else can we look at?"

Xiao Yan's tone seemed to be taken for granted, but Nalan Yanran's body trembled after hearing this, and she jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"You have the nerve to say, if it weren't for the dirty things in your head, would I be so timid and embarrassed in front of you?"

Nalan Yanran said, but it was more resentful than angry.

Xiao Yan looked at her, vaguely aware of it. After being cueed by Nalan, he took the initiative to raise his eyes and look into Nalan Yanran's eyes.

When Nalan Yanran really met Xiao Yan's dark red eyes, she immediately flinched as if she had been electrocuted. She was really like a cat. When she was far away, she would come closer, but when she got closer, she would start to move back again. shrank.

This inevitably gave Xiao Yan a feeling of since you backed down, then I just want to come over. Nalan Yanran moved her eyes away, and secretly thought that Xiao Yan would definitely have the final say again. When she pretended that nothing happened, she turned her eyes slightly, but found that Xiao Yan not only did not retreat, but actively leaned forward, which immediately made Nalan Yanran's mind go blank.

Nalan Yanran's mind went blank for a moment, and she couldn't say a word. She just opened her lips slightly, as if she was completely dumbfounded. Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel funny when he saw Nalan Yanran's reaction.

"You, you, you...what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you."

Xiao Yan said this without blushing. Nalan didn't have anything to say anyway. Did she finish all the things that shouldn't be said? Then let her do whatever she wants.

"Look at your size——! Go back and see your little doctor!"

Nalan Yanran was about to lose her nerve. Under the surface of forcing herself to remain calm, she was as complicated as knocking over a five-flavor bottle. She was ashamed and angry. What made her even more angry was that she seemed to still have a little bit of faintness. Yueyue is waiting for him to make further progress.

When she realized this, she couldn't help but pat her forehead. No, what was she thinking about?

"I can see Xian'er at any time, but it's hard to say whether Nalan will be able to see it in the future."

Xiao Yan sighed softly. After going to the Tagor Desert, he should go to Zhongzhou. He didn't know how long it would take to go to Zhongzhou. Maybe the world would have changed by the time he came back here again.

Of course Nalan Yanran understood what Xiao Yan meant, and she couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

"Aren't you happy that you have fewer people to annoy you?"

She said quietly, but the answer she got was a very clear negative from Xiao Yan.

"I never felt that way from beginning to end. Besides, aren't you annoyed too? It's just that sometimes you can't help but have a temper."

Xiao Yan chuckled, looking at Nalan Yanran's hidden panic, he already knew it in his heart.


Nalan Yanran was slightly startled, and nodded subconsciously, thinking that no matter what, she wouldn't be staring at her anymore, right? But it turned out that Nalan Yanran seemed to have been wrong.

"...You, you still haven't left? Are you so free?"

"I'm not free, but staying with you isn't a waste of time, right?"

Xiao Yan raised his hand to support his chin, looked at Nalan Yanran's disguise that was becoming increasingly unsustainable, and said.


Nalan Yanran was speechless, but she felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Not much, just looking at you. Also, Nalan, I suddenly want to ask you, if you could turn back time, would you still come to the Xiao family to break off the engagement?"

Xiao Yan asked.


There was no thought, and the time it took for Xiao Yan to finish his words was only a breath, before Nalan Yanran gave her own answer.

"This has nothing to do with the relationship between you and me. It's just something I have to do for myself...at most, it won't be so tough or extreme."

Nalan Yanran slowly shifted her gaze. She would have guessed that Xiao Yan would be angry after hearing this, right? But this is the fact. She has this character herself, and it is still the same even today.

"Is this still the case...?"

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously. Although he was expecting Nalan to say something like "no," it turned out that she was Nalan Yanran.

He couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "Okay, I won't bother you anymore. You probably think I'm annoying in your heart, right? I stick to you like a dog-skin plaster or something."

"Don't say it's your own imagination that's mine."

Nalan Yanran glanced at him, but thought that it was too ambiguous to say this on this topic, so she did not continue to say the second half of the sentence, but for Xiao Yan, the answer just now and the response now are enough. Well, if everything really shakes out like beans poured out of a bamboo tube, then it doesn't look like her anymore.

"Okay, no more words, come on, I'll leave you with one last spell, so you're ready to go."

Xiao Yan said seriously, Nalan Yanran really believed it, so she let Xiao Yan get close to her again without any precautions.

I just have some doubts in my heart - what did Xiao Yan learn from Yao Wan? Isn't it obvious that this kind of thing is something she only tinkers with?

So, Xiao Yan gently pressed his lips to Nalan Yanran's smooth forehead. When he felt the rough but soft warm touch from his forehead, Nalan Yanran's mind followed almost instantly. Got burned down.

And how could Xiao Yan dare to stay here after doing this? He escaped from Nalan Mansion in a flash.

Nalan Yanran was left sitting alone on the bedside, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

A dazzling red glow quickly burned on her pretty face, like a sunset burning clouds. She raised her head dully and touched her forehead, as if there were still the residual warmth from that bastard's prank, as well as the joy and joy that surged into her heart. How could it be such a shame?


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