Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 337: Dumb move re-reading, right?

To be precise, all the violent energy born in this piece of heaven and earth can indeed cause a devastating blow to the Spirit-Devouring Tribe that is different from the fighting spirit as long as it reaches a certain level. However, among this symbolic energy of heaven and earth, the alien fire is It’s just the most representative force.

However, Xi Fu still underestimated the two women in front of him.

From Xi Fu's point of view, as long as the Shadow Protector can hold Xiao Yan down, they are just two fighting sects, and they can deal with anything.

However, this is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Queen Medusa couldn't help but subconsciously look at the little medical fairy standing beside her. This feeling was very novel, probably because it was the first time in her life that she fought side by side with a human. When she was at Nan College, she could only protect Xiao Yan at most. In her opinion, no one was qualified to fight alongside her.

It's just that the existence of the little medical fairy now inevitably makes her a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

It was clear that she was still extremely reluctant to say that it would be enough if she had someone who could just help her hold off another person, but now she is the one who is not comfortable with it. That's really strange.

As for the little medical fairy, there wasn't that much to say. She just smiled slightly and then said: "Let's go together."

Her impression of Queen Medusa was actually mostly based on the rumors she had heard in Qingshan Town. For her personally, the Little Medical Fairy didn't have any natural affection for her, but she didn't dislike her to the extent either. I have to say that I want to drive her away or something.

Her idea may be to let nature take its course. She knows Xiao Yan's temperament, and therefore, Medusa may not leave the game so quickly.

But now is obviously not the time to think about such things. The little medical fairy and Queen Medusa focused their attention on the Dou Zong of the Spirit-Devouring Clan opposite them, and then they chose to take action in unison.

The snake-shaped energy and poisonous fire fighting energy poured out like the light and fire from fireworks, and the two people in front of them were bombarded without reservation.

Xiu Fu, who was originally relieved because Elder Ying held Xiao Yan back, felt the familiar and frightening aura of strange fire. His face was filled with astonishment. Isn't this strange fire something? Is it a rare thing in heaven and earth? Why do you get angry when you meet someone when you go out casually?

But the enemy is ahead, and there is no room for any more complaints.

The black energy condensed in the eclipse hand, and he just wanted to stay away from this Douzong who actually had a strange fire.

The alien fire at a low level is enough to cause a devastating blow to the black energy they use, let alone at the same level.

It's just that Xi Fu intends to avoid it, but after knowing that the swallowing spirit tribe is afraid of strange fire, which is their fatal weakness, the little medical fairy will naturally not be polite to them. The poisonous fire in his hand is stronger than when Xiao Yan uses it. Far more than several times the color, the magnificent deep purple color brings an extraordinarily stunning beauty, but it hides a murderous intention that cannot be concealed.

Eclipse faced Medusa alone. The sneak attack that injured her just now made her furious, and she poured all her anger on Eclipse in front of her.

All of a sudden, the two Spirit-Devouring Clan Douzong who had gained the upper hand in the battle by virtue of the location constructed by the evil formation suddenly suffered terribly, especially Xi Fu, who was under the terrifying poisonous light of the Little Medical Fairy. Struggling to hold on, I can only hope that the Shadow Protector will quickly deal with the holder of the strange fire and come to help.

But his idea was in vain after all.

When the Shadow Protector and Xiao Yan actually faced each other, they couldn't help but discover that this man was very weird. He said he was a Dou Huang, but in fact he was no worse than a Dou Zong. In the collision of energy and strength, with his The powerful fighting spirit support and strange fire amplification did not even benefit him from taking action.

It's really no wonder that he was able to kill the Spirit-Devouring Clan Douzong with one shot of Fire Lotus.

——No, now it’s time to say it’s two——

When he thought of this, the Shadow Protector came to his senses. When Xiao Yan came, he used another burst of Buddha's Fury Lotus to blow up the evil formation and the Spirit-Devouring Clan Douzong who was guarding the evil formation until not even ashes were left.

For those people from the Spirit Devouring Tribe who are unlucky, the Shadow Protector is quite happy about their misfortune. Even the people in the Soul Palace mostly do dirty things that are not visible to the public, but it can only be said that they are not as harmful to the world as the Spirit Devouring Tribe. All things, just existing in Dou Qi Continent, are running in the direction of killing everyone.

Even if all these things are dead, no one will care - oh, maybe the whole world should be celebrating.

But no matter what, these things can be considered to have some cooperation with the Soul Palace now. The many people in their Soul Palace are extremely powerful soul bodies, and they no longer belong to the category of normal life, at least among those in the same realm of Douzong. , they can temporarily ensure that they will not be eroded by the black energy, just like those weak mortals.

But it's really weird. Ordinary people can only have one kind of strange fire at most, but Xiao Yan can indeed have multiple kinds of strange fire. Is it because of the skills he cultivates?

But no matter how doubtful he was, the Shadow Protector naturally wanted to capture this guy alive as soon as possible, so that he could do things better for himself.

Compared with when he was still thinking about how to capture Xiao Yan alive, what Xiao Yan had in mind was extremely simple and clear, just beat him to death.

Xiao Yan's fingertips ignited a dazzling three-color fire, and then he patted it into his chest, and then burned violently, and the original Dou Huang aura also experienced a surge.

Then, a wheel of fire unfolded behind Xiao Yan, and three of the fire patterns were ignited by three kinds of strange fires and transformed into animal shapes.

The fire spirit transformed into an animal form and rushed towards the Shadow Protector. The Shadow Protector snorted coldly and gathered a burst of energy in his hand, ready to defeat these animal spirits.

However, when the energy collided with the alien fire beast spirit, the Shadow Protector discovered that it was not an superficial beast form, but an extremely advanced fire control technique.

His eyes sharpened, he suddenly sped up, and swatted away the strange fire in front of him.

Xiao Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense with the Shadow Protector. When he used the beast spirit to hold him down, he directly began to condense the power of the three different fires in his body and fuse them together.

A fire lotus appeared in Xiao Yan's hand.

The Shadow Protector was so shocked that his eyelids jumped wildly, and he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, does this guy only know the Fire Lotus move? ! Why can you only use Fire Lotus? !


The Shadow Protector cursed angrily, and immediately retreated a thousand feet without thinking, his heart full of fear.

It's not like he hasn't seen how terrifying Xiao Yan's use of Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus is. Naturally, he also knows that even if it's him, he will probably die or be seriously injured if he takes this attack forcefully.

Only a fool would want to confront something like him head-on!

The Shadow Protector kept cursing in his mind, and at the same time, his movements were not slow at all, and he was almost completely escaping outside.

Xiao Yan was not in a hurry to release the Fire Lotus. After all, it was the city of the snake people. Although the relationship between humans and the snake people was not very harmonious, and they had even been fighting each other for so many years, Xiao Yan did not want to attract beautiful people again because of this. Queen Tussaud's hostility.

The battle in the Imperial Capital some time ago had already taught Xiao Yan a lesson.

At the same time, the two people from the Swallowing Spirit Tribe were retreating steadily in front of the Little Medical Fairy and Queen Medusa. Xiao Yan gave the Little Fairy Doctor a signal and asked her to help force these two people out of the sky above the main city of the Snake Tribe. He can feel free to start the explosion.

The Little Medical Fairy and Xiao Yan were in the same mind. Naturally, the Little Medical Fairy knew very well what Xiao Yan was thinking. Then, she activated her spell, forming a formation of poisonous fire, which was born in mid-air. It seemed that she planned to use this to bind the two of them. Here, there is no escape.

Seeing that the two people from the Devouring Spirit Tribe were losing ground due to the power of the strange fire, they naturally had no intention of staying here anymore. They immediately retreated and fled to the distance with the Shadow Protector.

And this just gave Xiao Yan the most suitable opportunity.

The four wings behind him resonated, pushing Xiao Yan to gallop at a speed that almost broke through space, and then threw the fire lotus in his hand.

When he saw Xiao Yan throwing the fire lotus, the little medical fairy immediately injected the poisonous fire that had merged with his poisonous body into the fire lotus in front of him without thinking, and the fire lotus was covered with a layer of deep purple light. It rotated, and then suddenly erupted in the wilderness far away from the snake people. For a moment, the earth trembled.

Under the blooming fire lotus, the long yellow sand of the Tagor Desert crystallized under high temperature and pressure and melted into fine glass substances.

The little medical fairy's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. No matter which time he saw the fire lotus erupting, his eyelids would jump wildly and his heart would be filled with fear.

After all, I am afraid that no one except Xiao Yan can create this scene that symbolizes the pure explosion of heaven and earth energy.

However, while sighing in her heart, the little medical fairy's attention did not relax at all. As long as the three people in the fire lotus were still alive, she would immediately finish the attack.

But the strange thing is that as the virtual image of the fire lotus slowly falls, the strange fire that burns the sky gradually subsides, and everything in front of him is no longer alive.

Was it blown up until there was no ashes left?

A trace of speculation flashed through the little medical fairy's mind.

However, when she sensed her surroundings, there was indeed no response to the black energy. The black energy covering the Tagor Desert had probably been burned completely after passing through the two Buddha's Angry Fire Lotuses.

Thinking of this, the little medical fairy couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan.

The flames on Xiao Yan's body gradually extinguished, and his aura also withered.

There is no way, the secret technique that directly improves strength in a short period of time is never a free lunch, and it is normal to pay a price or something.

It's just that now doesn't seem like a time to rest.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Queen Medusa beside him.

Needless to say, Xiao Yan was just waiting for Queen Medusa's reaction. If she wanted to kill him, Xiao Yan would not obediently accept the killing.

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