"What's wrong with Xian'er? Aren't you very happy to see me again?"

Yao Wan looked at the little medical fairy in front of her and noticed that this girl was somewhat unnatural in front of her. She already had some guesses in her heart, but she didn't explain it immediately, she just joked.

"There is no such thing——"

The little medical fairy shook her head, and then while subconsciously easing her embarrassment, she couldn't help but look at the colorful divine bird behind Yao Wan, her eyes indicating to Yao Wan what the demon phoenix in the sky was all about.

"Oh, you mean her? She is my mount, forget it... It's hard work for little Phoenix to go all this way, let's change back for now."

Yaowan turned her head slightly and said.

After getting Yaowan's permission, the divine bird in front of him was submerged in the colorful brilliance, until all the colorful feathers faded away, revealing a noble person with a hint of arrogance and indifference in his eyebrows. The woman appeared behind Yao Wan.

It's just that her grace is dusty and her beauty is dull. Even the little medical fairy can tell that this woman's mental state is not that good now.

"...Little Phoenix...?"

The little medical fairy murmured subconsciously, and then turned her questioning eyes to Yaowan.

"Her real name is Feng Qing'er. Because she was eyeing something I got by chance, she and several other people attacked and killed me. Unfortunately, she had the intention but not the ability. I killed several other people. As for her, Well - your talent is good, your bloodline is decent, and your appearance is iconic enough, so you just want to be my mount."

Yao Wan naturally couldn't care about anything in front of Feng Qing'er, so she told the whole story.

The little medical fairy's eyes changed slightly, and the look he looked at Feng Qing'er changed from confusion and curiosity to understanding and a trace of pity.

It's not like she has any hostility towards her. After all, it's not Sister Wan's turn to worry about safety issues, and no one can change the decision she made.

As for what Feng Qing'er did, it's hard for the Little Medical Fairy to comment too much.

Since she dared to do this, she would have to pay a corresponding price. It was good luck not to be killed. Rather, it was her blessing that Sister Wan was willing to keep her as a mount.

——As for the reaction of the legendary Celestial Demon Phoenix clan, the little medical fairy has ignored it.

Since it's Sister Wan, I'm afraid even the Demon Phoenix Clan won't take it seriously - the little medical fairy has long been accustomed to this.

"So, does Sister Wan plan to keep her forever?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but said, it was just out of curiosity that she said this.

"Well, I agreed with her to be obedient and stay by my side for three years. If she sticks to her heart within three years, I will let her go free."

Hearing what Yao Wan said, the little medical fairy completely understood what Sister Wan was thinking.

Naturally, the little medical fairy couldn't say anything about Sister Wan's overly unique hobby. She could only sigh helplessly, and then looked at Feng Qing'er, her eyes full of sympathy.

"What's wrong? Xian'er has no interest?"

Yao Wan asked subconsciously, but when she thought about it, it seemed strange that the little medical fairy would be interested. After all, not everyone has such bad preferences like her.

"Since Sister Wan likes it, then feel free to do whatever you want with Sister Wan."

The little medical fairy sighed. Although he had stayed in the Izumo Empire for a few years and learned how to kill people, he still didn't have the interest to play with people's hearts.

Of course she knew that Sister Wan was a very kind person and had a good heart, but the Little Medical Fairy really didn't dare to compliment her on her hobbies.

A trace of regret flashed in Yaowan's eyes, but she also understood that compared to them, she was the one who was different.

Sighing softly, Yaowan raised her fingertips, and then slowly took off the hat on her head. Under the black gauze, there were a few eye-catching silver hairs among the black hair. Under the perfect face, there was a light golden hair. Her beautiful eyes are as old as before, like a clear spring, reflecting all things.

Feng Qing'er, who had been staying by Yao Wan's side all the time, saw Yao Wan's side face at a glance, and couldn't help being slightly startled. Although she could have guessed that this person must be a beauty just by listening to her voice, when she was revealed in the lineup at this moment. But I didn't expect it to be so touching.

The saying that I feel pity for you is nothing better than this.

The little medical fairy's attention was focused on the few silver threads on the temples of Yao Wan. She couldn't help being slightly startled and said: "Sister Wan's hair...? What's wrong?"

"Huh? Hair?"

Yao Wan was slightly startled. She didn't notice this, but there was no mirror at the moment, so she could only look at the little medical fairy with a strange look on her face and said, "Nothing? What's wrong, Xian'er?"

The little medical fairy remained silent and just used his fighting spirit to cut off a silver thread on her temple. The silver thread on the beauty's fingertips fluttered in the wind.

Yao Wan looked at the silver thread on the fingertips of the Little Medical Fairy and was slightly startled. Then she took the silver thread away from her fingertips and said, "It's okay, it's just a little bit of white hair. Aren't the fairies all have white hair?" ?”

The little medical fairy couldn't help but shake her head when she heard this, and there was inevitably a bit of resentment in her tone.

"When did Sister Wan see me and like my head of white hair now?"

The little doctor fairy pretended to be angry, and Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head and said: "It's just a trivial matter - since Xian'er doesn't like it, how about I change this white hair back to you?"

Yaowan is straightforward. Anyway, there is the flame of living beings, and now the poisonous fire of the netherworld has solved the poisonous body problem of the little medical fairy. There will no longer be poisonous erosion of the body, and she only needs to transfer some more of the burning of living beings. , when she refines it by herself, it will not only extend her life, but also add hundreds of years of life like the people of the Medicine Clan, but it is not difficult to just change her hair back to its original black and shiny appearance.

The little medical fairy was startled when he heard this, but in the end he shook his head and said, "Let's forget it."

"What's wrong?"

"It's been like this for so many years and I'm used to it."

The little medical fairy smiled and said, "Sister Wan is the one. You should pay more attention to your body."

"...I've been educated by you, that's all. I really admire you. I don't know where you learned your glib tone from... Is it Xiao Yan? It's just him, right? Is it him? If it's true, I will definitely not be able to spare him."

Yao Wan crossed her arms and said jokingly, but the little medical fairy couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.

"No, no, Xiao Yan would never do this. Sister Wan is too worried."

Naturally, the little medical fairy's heart was towards Xiao Yan, but with just this slight gesture in front of Yao Wan, she revealed it all.

The little medical fairy blinked, as if she had realized something, and secretly thought something was wrong, as she met Yao Wan's teasing gaze.

"Haha, it seems that it's my sister's fault. She scolded her brother-in-law, and there was no sand in Xian'er's eyes... I guess that's right?"

Yaowan laughed teasingly.


The little doctor fairy was immediately choked by Yao Wan's words. What she is most afraid of now is that Yao Wan will mention her growing relationship with Xiao Yan, especially when the relationship between sister Wan and Xiao Yan is undecided. Every time sister Wan mentions it, This incident made her want to burrow into the ground. The feeling of guilt as if she was stealing a house behind Sister Wan's back had never been so strong.

"Anyway, anyway, it's not like that! Sister Wan, you are too worried!"

The little medical fairy took a deep breath and said.

"Well, I'm too worried~ It's okay to be too worried~ Xian'er doesn't need to look at me like this, I understand, I understand~~~"

Yao Wan simply thought that this was just a young couple who had just started a relationship, and it was normal for them to be thin-skinned and unable to hang on.

The little medical fairy lost all her temper after being criticized by Yao Wan. Yao Wan also knew that Xian'er's character could not stand up to her teasing, so she just showed a tolerant smile. At this time, she only needed to keep smiling. .

On the other hand, Feng Qing'er, who was ignored beside Yao Wan, stood there like a thunderbolt. She probably never dreamed that such a terrifying woman could have such a friendly conversation with others. For Feng Qing'er, this was It's like dreaming and not waking up.

"By the way, I haven't asked Sister Wan yet."

The little medical fairy couldn't stand Yao Wan's teasing, so she abruptly changed the subject, then coughed lightly and said.

"How did Sister Wan find me here?"

Of course Yao Wan knew what the Little Medical Fairy meant, but she very cooperatively skipped this extremely embarrassing topic, and then explained: "It's easy to say, I noticed a very familiar smell of strange fire. I originally thought it would be It belongs to Xiao Yan, but I didn’t expect it to be Xian’er.”

"By the way, speaking of which, where is Xiao Yanren? Is that little girl named Zi Yan also coming?"

"We encountered a space storm when we came to Zhongzhou, and now we are separated. I am looking for them, and not only Xiao Yan, but Miss Nalan is also here."

The little medical fairy explained one after another: "As for Zi Yan... I don't think she is a 'little' girl at all."

The little medical fairy's tone was incomprehensible. Although Zi Yan is still a little willful now, but that is just because of her personality. Her mind has also matured a lot. As for her body...

The little medical fairy secretly glanced at her toes that could be seen when she lowered her head, and couldn't help but secretly glance at Sister Wan's plump size. Although it may not be comparable to Sister Wan's size, she really didn't have the right to laugh at her. That’s it.

"I'm afraid there is something wrong with the space wormhole in the northwest continent. We were forced to be separated when we were finally approaching Zhongzhou. As a result, when I broke through the space, there was such a wilderness in front of me. I was already here. I’ve been here for several days, and I don’t know how Xiao Yan and the others are doing now.”

And everything the little medical fairy said was heavyweight information to Yao Wan.

"I'm not surprised that you three would come, but why did Nalan come with you?"

"I have heard that the ancestor of Yunlan Sect, Yun Potian, is suspected to have left part of his inheritance in a place called Wujian Mountain in Zhongzhou. I just don't know if this news is true or not. Miss Nalan also came here for this reason. .”

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