Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 356 Zi Yan: Such disgusting parents-in-law

After cleaning up the potential hidden dangers around her, Nalan Yanran wiped the sweat from her forehead. It was different from Zi Yan's almost unilateral massacre. Enemies of this level were still a bit reluctant for her, but Fortunately, the almost non-stop fighting since she met Xiao Yan again made her a lot stronger. Although her fighting spirit was about to bottom out, she did not suffer any injuries.

After all, there is now an unconscious wounded person who needs to be taken care of. Nalan Yanran just doesn't want to say anything else and doesn't want to be the one who loses her chain at the critical moment.

But fortunately, according to the rules, at least there is no need to worry about those strange evil beasts coming again tomorrow.

So Nalan Yanran returned to their current temporary residence, but before entering the entrance of the cave, Nalan Yanran heard a burst of noise and noise coming from the door.

Without even thinking about it, he knew that Xiao Yan must have woken up, and Xiao Yan and Zi Yan would definitely quarrel as long as they stayed together. It was understandable that they would quarrel because of this. On the contrary, Nalan Yanran actually didn't care about the quarrel between the two. It can be said that he is happy to see it. After all, since there can be a quarrel, Xiao Yan probably thinks that nothing big will happen.

As a result, Nalan Yanran heard a burst of laughter coming from the cave, which seemed to be Zi Yan's iconic "Jie Jie Jie Jie" laughter, and then said: "——Ha, you sue, you sue, Let me tell you, no one will care about you even if your throat is broken here!"

Nalan Yanran suddenly felt like five thunders were hitting her head, as if her mind went blank for the moment.

what's the situation? Is Zi Yan possessed by someone from the Soul Palace?

Nalan Yanran immediately rushed into the cave, just in time to see Zi Yan suppressing Xiao Yan, and seemed to be about to take action.

"Despicable villain, let go of Xiao Yan!"

She didn't know what happened, but caring was confusing, and she could only wait until the situation in front of her worsened further.

Zi Yan turned around subconsciously and saw Nalan Yanran. She then calmly kept a certain distance from Xiao Yan and said, "Ah - Sister Nalan is back."

"Zi Yan, what's wrong with you?"

When Nalan Yanran saw that the reaction of the beauty in front of her was the same as that of Zi Yan in her own impression, she gradually felt a little uneasy, but after this worry, doubts came to her mind.

"It scared me to death... I thought you were smiling so strangely just now, and I thought someone from the Soul Palace had temporarily taken away your body."

Nalan Yanran looked helpless and said, "Can you please stop making such jokes casually? I don't have a big heart and I can't stand the intimidation from you guys."

In front of Nalan Yanran, Zi Yan was still a little shy. She nodded with a blushing face and said angrily: "Well... I just think it's fun..."

"Isn't this an undercover agent sent by the Soul Palace? Nalan, get this undercover agent out quickly."

It was just that Xiao Yan said something very untimely, and the shyness on Zi Yan's face disappeared immediately. She suddenly turned her head and said angrily: "Xiao Yan, if you want to die, just say it, and I will help you! "

"You were just thinking about killing me directly. Didn't you just dismantle you? Are you in a hurry? You can't, right?"

The strange thing is that Xiao Yan, who is usually a very stable and mature person, seems to be particularly childish in front of Zi Yan. Should it be said that Zi Yan's temper is contagious? In the past two years, as long as Xiao Yan and Zi Yan were present at the same time, there would always be a quarrel in the end, and Nalan Yanran had to get used to it.

"Okay, stop arguing."

Nalan Yanran sighed. She was not a little medical fairy. She could make these two people submissive with just a few words, especially Xiao Yan. She doesn't have this ability anymore.

However, Xiao Yan and Zi Yan stopped arguing. They just snorted and stopped talking to each other.

Nalan Yanran breathed out a worried breath, and then looked at Xiao Yan. After all, he had just woken up, so it was inevitable that Nalan Yanran would be worried.

"Are you OK?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but ask: "You were seriously injured before, are you feeling better now?"

"It's okay. I have thick skin and thick skin. Don't worry."

Xiao Yan smiled slightly and said, but his smile made Nalan Yanran even more worried after seeing it: "Don't be too pushy."

"I'm not trying to be brave. Look, I'm not—hiss!"

Xiao Yan was about to stretch his muscles and bones to prove that he was indeed almost healed. However, as soon as he stood up, he took a breath of air, and Zi Yan looked on and gloated.

"You said it wasn't... that's all. It's all my fault. If I hadn't dragged you down, you wouldn't have had the need to resist the space storm."

Nalan Yanran shook her head slightly, inevitably feeling a little guilty.

"No, that's not the case."

Xiao Yan shook his head. Of course he didn't save Nalan because he saw her blaming herself. He wasn't twisted to that point yet. As he said that, he took out a pill from Nalan and stuffed it into his mouth. Inside, the trauma caused by the tearing of the space storm has basically healed, and what is left is naturally the erosion of the body caused by the violent force of space. This is not a small problem that can be solved casually. If it is not handled well, Sooner or later, it will become a hidden injury that cannot be ignored, affecting future cultivation.

"It's useless to talk about the past. Let's talk about where we are now."

Xiao Yan adjusted his breath for a while and asked.

"The only thing that is certain is that we have indeed arrived in Zhongzhou, but as for where... I am not sure about this unfamiliar place."

Nalan Yanran shook her head and added: "Not only that, the place where we finally made an emergency landing seems to be different... This mountain range is filled with an evil beast that is different from the Warcraft and the Spirit-Devouring Clan. , it’s strange to say, I don’t know why, but I always feel that these evil beasts give me a familiar feeling. It’s not that I have seen them somewhere, but the power used by these evil beasts seems to be the same as the sword intent I use. , exactly the same, only more violent and full of destructive desire. These evil beasts have no desire to prey, and they just keep wandering in this mountain range... I don’t know what is going on. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh and said that it was like he first came out of the wolf's den and then entered the tiger's den. The evil beast had a close relationship with Nalan... and even had a connection with the sword. He I naturally thought of a possibility.

"I said, could this be the Wujian Mountain Nalan you came to Zhongzhou to find?"

Nalan Yanran had expected Xiao Yan's words, but she still shook her head slightly and said: "That's what I guessed, but I'm not sure. After all, this mountain range is not small, and the origin of the evil beast is unknown. If we make a mistake, won’t we waste too much time?”

"Then we just need to confirm again, right? Speaking of which, is there any way Nalan can confirm whether this is Wujian Mountain?"

"Grandmaster Yunshan said that by relying on the resonance of the technique, we should be able to sense the existence of Wujian Mountain. It's just because I don't have the spiritual power to reach thousands of miles like Yaowan, so basically I can only feel it when I get close. "

Nalan Yanran frowned slightly. She had tried this method since she had this speculation, but there was no response. It seemed that it was her own problem.

" feeling..."

Xiao Yan pondered for a while and said, "If that's the case, is there something wrong with the technique?"


Nalan Yanran was reminded by Xiao Yan and immediately realized, yes, the technique she is practicing now is actually an improved version of Yao Wan. Although the original Xuan-level technique has been transformed into an Earth-level technique, When Yao Wan improved the technique, she naturally considered the speed of practice and the strength after growth. The remaining redundancies were naturally eliminated by her unintentionally, which may include the original content of the technique. The part that creates the connection with the ancestors.

"Then let me try."

After Xiao Yan's instruction, Nalan Yanran tried to run the Qingyun Sword Art, which she had not used for many years. It ran in the meridians of her body for a week. When her mind should have gradually sunk into her heart, this time she felt His soul was about to leave his body. His soul passed through the cave and came to the highest point of this desolate mountain range. Looking around, he suddenly found that the desolation around him seemed to be gradually fading away, and then covered with a layer of human color. Nalan Yanran quickly realized that it was not a disguise, but the past of this mountain range.

It seems that there were many palaces and pavilions here a long time ago and it was extremely lively. However, after the accident, it gradually fell into desolation.

And on the top of the highest mountain in the distance, the illusory pavilions collapsed, and in her eyes it slowly became what it is now.

After coming back to her senses, Nalan Yanran suddenly raised her head. That was her reason and goal for coming to Zhongzhou.

"found it?"

"Thirty miles to the east is Wujian Mountain."

There was a hint of excitement in Nalan Yanran's tone. She had already planned to stay in Zhongzhou for half her life to search for the inheritance of her ancestors, but she did not expect that she would find Wujian Mountain so quickly. It was even a space storm that destroyed them. It was a surprise to come here.

"Now that we have found Wujian Mountain, let's go take a look first and wait for me to adjust my breathing before setting off."

Xiao Yan said.

"Well... that, Xiao Yan."

"?What's wrong?"

"Thank you...forget it, I won't be polite to you anymore. On the contrary, I will pay it back later!"

Nalan Yanran seemed to have some psychological conflict with the word thank you, and shook her head before she finished speaking.

Only Zi Yan, who was watching from the sidelines, trembled slightly. Oh, what a disgusting couple. They were her teammates, and they were so weak now.

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