Regarding Zi Yan's strength, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were relieved. As for the terrifying power displayed by her unknown monster, let alone a Dou Emperor of the same level, even a strong Dou Zong had to consider it. Consider whether to confront her.

In addition, Zi Yan is not stupid. She understands the principle of life of running away if you can't fight. If she really feels that she can't handle the situation, I'm afraid even Douzong won't be able to keep her.

Due to the innate bloodline advantage of Warcraft, Zi Yan has become like this without even practicing seriously, so Xiao Yan will inevitably be a little jealous.

Although his physical strength is stronger than that of ordinary Dou Huang, compared with a magical beast like Zi Yan, it is naturally unnecessary. Why bother yourself?

However, they still speeded up. Zi Yan helped them hold back these strange beasts, so naturally they had to be worthy of her efforts, especially Nalan Yanran.

Fortunately, Zi Yan did an excellent job in covering Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran and attracting their attention. After tearing apart the few lone beasts, the two of them landed on the ground. On the top of the desolate Wujian Mountain.

"Here we are?"

Xiao Yan's hand has subconsciously touched the handle of the ruler on his back, and his tone is full of doubts. It is obvious that coming here does not mean that it is absolutely safe.

"I'm not sure..."

Nalan Yanran was a little embarrassed. She had obviously vowed to find Wujian Mountain, but she never thought that something like this would happen just after arriving at Wujian Mountain, which made her a little less confident.

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them looked at everything in front of them. Although they had already seen the desolate scene on Wujian Mountain when they came, when they were there, they saw the desolate ruins. The impact is completely different.

Green and verdant vines covered the ruins of the collapsed palace. After the collapse, the palace suffered severe erosion under the sun and rain for countless years. Many of the fallen ruins have long been integrated with the mountains and forests. .

Just like the doomsday scene where traces of human habitation are gradually submerged by the force of nature, after all destruction, everything will return to peace. Prosperity and loneliness, death and prosperity are originally coins that keep rotating in the long river of time. both sides.

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran and said, "Is there anything I can sense now?"

After Nalan Yanran heard this, she closed her eyes silently and tried to run her skills. However, the strange thing was that after they set foot on Wujian Mountain, they were so strongly felt from thirty miles away. Instead, everything changed. She had calmed down, and her state of mind was like water, but there were no more ripples.

"No... maybe it's because for me, all the sword intent here is too full."

Nalan Yanran shook her head gently.

"Then we have to look for them one by one slowly, right?"

Xiao Yan glanced at the ruins that had long been integrated with the mountains and forests in front of him, but suddenly he felt a tricky feeling that he had no way to start.

"Don't worry about the ordinary palaces for now. It's most likely in the main palace on the top of the mountain."

Nalan Yanran shook her head. She had forgotten about Zi Yan before she turned around. If she really searched for them everywhere, she didn't know how much time it would take, and she didn't know if there were those evil spirits in Wujian Mountain. The beast is prowling.

"Yeah, that's true."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran walked along the collapsed ruins towards the top of Wanjian Mountain.

"Speaking of which, it seems that this place was once prosperous."

Xiao Yan looked at the ruins on both sides and couldn't help but say.

"That's right..."

Xiao Yan's words reminded Nalan Yanran. Those clear eyes reflected the greenery in front of her, and the questions that she had subconsciously ignored as a matter of course also came to her mind.

"It doesn't look like a forgotten place, but more like... something unexpected happened."

Nalan Yanran guessed: "It's strange to say that why Ancestor Yun Potian gave up Zhongzhou, but chose to come to the Northwest Continent to take root and establish the Yunlan Sect. It is a mysterious matter in itself."

"Don't you people in the Yunlan Sect know what's going on?"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then thought of something and couldn't help but ask.

Nalan Yanran shook her head and replied: "We don't know either. For us descendants, Patriarch Yun Potian is just the person who established the Yunlan Sect, nothing more. As for the others, we are also I don’t know anything. What kind of person was our ancestor during his lifetime? Why did he come to the Northwest Continent? Apart from establishing the Yunlan Sect, what did he do? We, the descendants, can’t answer any of them.”

"Ancestor who knows nothing?"

Xiao Yan sighed subconsciously. Speaking of it, it seemed that the Xiao family was like this too.

All I knew was that my ancestors seemed to be very powerful, and that was all. At the beginning, Miss Wan had said that she would make it clear when she got to Zhongzhou, but she didn't expect that Miss Wan would just leave as soon as she said so.

Of course, Miss Wan cannot be blamed for this, but naturally this matter ended up being settled later.

After crossing the ruins, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran also arrived at the highest point of Wujian Mountain. The originally towering hall had already collapsed into barren ruins. Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran tried to find Is there any entrance or crack in the ruins? However, even after walking around, I still can't find the entrance.

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, then a ball of fighting spirit ignited by the strange fire ignited in his hand, and he looked at Nalan Yanran.

After all, she can be regarded as a descendant of the original owner of Wujian Mountain. Although this place has long become a desert, Xiao Yan naturally does not want to be the one who breaks the peace here.

Xiao Yan was naturally happy to be able to help Nalan Yanran, but since there was nothing necessary to do, it was naturally better to avoid it as much as possible.


Nalan Yanran shook her head slightly, and Xiao Yan then put away the wisp of flame in his palm, and was about to ask Nalan Yanran what to do next if he couldn't get in.

As a result, before he could ask, Nalan Yanran raised her hand and struck a sword to cut a huge gap in the collapsed ruins in front of her, which was large enough for the two of them to pass through.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, and he was a little surprised. He originally thought that Nalan Yanran asked him to stop because he didn't want to see the ancestral ruins disturbed, but it turned out that she did it herself more neatly than him.

Silently putting away her sword, Nalan Yanran subconsciously glanced at Xiao Yan, who had a strange look on his face, and couldn't help but explain: "It's not convenient for me to take action, so shouldn't I let you take action for me? I feel disrespectful, so I It doesn’t matter whoever takes action, so if that’s the case, then there’s no need for you to get involved. I’m here to find the inheritance from my ancestors, so naturally it’s better for me to bear the cost myself.”

"Then I don't think you need to think so much."

Xiao Yan shook his head and said.

Nalan Yanran was noncommittal and didn't care how this problem needed to be solved in the end. Anyway, it had already been done and it was useless to say more.

Following the crack that Nalan Yanran had just slashed with his sword, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were able to enter the interior of the ruins. It was strange to say that they saw in front of them was just a desolate place covered with ivy. Ruins, but there is an extraordinarily mysterious feeling. The collapsed stone pillars and vines fill the entire space under the ruins according to some mysterious layout.

"Could it be...a formation?"

Xiao Yan subconsciously picked up one of the stones, and then couldn't help but look around.

"There are indeed some signs of formations among the ruins, which seem to be very similar to the Yunlan Sect's current protective sect formation, the Cloud Mist Covering the Sun Formation."

Nalan Yanran glanced at the ruins in front of her, and she had already made corresponding guesses in her mind. After all, when she was in the Yunlan Sect, she was occasionally taught how to command and manipulate the Yunyan Sun Covering Formation. Although the method is not that clear, she still doesn't recognize Yunlan Sect's own formation or has no impression of it.

"But I remember, isn't your Yunyan Sun Formation a trapping formation and a killing formation? Is it possible that someone is trapped here?"

Xiao Yan's answer made Nalan Yanran stunned. Although she was astonished, she could not help but be a little doubtful. She just followed the control method of the Yunyan Sun Formation and walked to the northeast corner of the natural formation in the ruins, and then entered the due north corner, seeming to want to To establish some kind of connection with the natural formation here.

But before Xiao Yan could issue a warning, Nalan Yanran suddenly opened her eyes wide, and then there was a violent vibration under her feet, which shocked both of them.

Then, a ray of black energy immediately broke through the floor in the center of the formation and came straight towards Nalan Yan,

Nalan Yanran, who had already expected it, suddenly reacted. The long sword in her hand came out of her body, and the sharp sword intent poured down like a torrential rain, and she actually forced back the black energy that was heading straight for her.

The black energy immediately retreated after hitting Nalan Yanran's sword intent. Logically speaking, Dou Huang would have been caught off guard by the sudden attack, but Nalan Yanran was able to resolve it so lightly. Even Xiao Yan was a little surprised. Too late to react.

Nalan Yanran was glad that this was really the place where her ancestors were left, and even in the desolation that had stayed there for who knows how many years, there was still such inexhaustible sword power.

The characteristics of their Yunlan Sect's skills are different from those of the outside world. Even if they lack fighting spirit but have abundant sword intent, they can still launch a blow far beyond the limit of their own abilities. There may even be another blow after one blow. In Wujian In a place like Shan where the sword power is so strong that it explodes, even Douzong would not want to mess with Nalan Yanran casually.

Whether it can be killed or not is debatable, but the pain will definitely be very uncomfortable.

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