The beauty who had only received a conservative education and had a traditional cognition shaped by this was naturally shocked that Yao Wan actually said such words openly, so much so that she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

After a while, she was ashamed and angry, and cursed: "You, you, you..."

It's just a pity, because her mind is almost as blank as a computer. Even if she opens her mouth, Nalan Yanran can't curse anything, but it seems to be stuck. Yao Wan can't help but smile. Sure enough, compared to Feng Qing'er, it would be more interesting to tease Nalan from time to time.

But it was just a joke. She couldn't tell the difference between Nalan and Feng Qing'er in her heart.

"Okay, no more joking."

Yao Wan temporarily suppressed the charming smile on her lips, and then said seriously: "The body refining technique I taught you is called Glazed Body Shaping Technique. I also use it. There are no other restrictions if you want to practice it, as long as you have enough The energy still needs to increase, but I have spent most of these years improving my cultivation, and am quite rusty in fighting skills and fighting, so I can't give you much advice."

"I watched you fight with the people from Wanjiang Pavilion before. Your sword intention was much brighter than before. Now, you are already a Douzong. Where did you get this opportunity? You can actually give you such a big reward. promote?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

But once Yao Wan starts talking about business, her serious temperament makes people want to trust her. This is the strong sense of contradiction in her.

Nalan Yanran looked at Yaowan, and without any hesitation, she told her the whole story of how she and Xiao Yan were accidentally caught near Wujian Mountain through the space storm, and the whole series of events that followed. Yaowan, among which naturally includes the matter of Yun Potian, the founder of the mountain who seems to be at the peak of Douzun realm and is only one step away from Douzun.

"A coincidence...isn't it?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but murmured subconsciously, and then shook her head slightly. She had no impression of the encounter between Xiao Yan and Nalan. This was also because Yun Potian's name was only used when he was in Yunlan Sect. It was just what she had heard, but she didn’t expect that this person from who knows how many years ago would actually prepare such a big gift for Nalan, so that she could follow Xiao Yan’s footsteps. This was probably for her. One of the luckiest things.

After all, Nalan is stronger. If Xiao Yan later surpasses her and makes her unable to catch up for the rest of her life, it would be okay if the two of them become strangers after the three-year agreement, but the two of them will end up together. In terms of the direction of the relationship, it is absolutely not possible. Seeing the person she likes step by step reaching a state that she absolutely cannot reach alone, it must be quite uncomfortable for Nalan Yanran.

Her strong-willed temperament has never changed from the beginning to the end. At the beginning, she was unwilling to accept that Xiao Yan, a useless person, would hinder her ability to soar to the sky. But if it was the other way around, and Xiao Yan soared to the sky but she could not catch up, Nalan would not be able to catch up. It's so extreme that it's suicidal, but it will definitely choose to let go after getting entangled, and will never drag down Xiao Yan because of his own reasons.

Her temperament is like the three-foot green edge in her hand, sharp and hard, but it is also easy to break under the extreme bending, which is also helpless.

But now, her biggest shortcoming has been filled, and the talent and potential she has shown now are no less than that of the Little Medical Fairy. It is easy to know without thinking that she will definitely be able to reach the realm of Dou Sheng in the future.

"Well, that's perfect."

Yaowan nodded lightly, and then heard Nalan Yanran continue: "This time, I will accompany Xiao Yan to the Dan Pagoda to participate in the alchemy meeting, but after the alchemy meeting is over, I will return to Wujian Mountain , continue to refine the legacy left by the ancestor."

"That's not bad, but...did the half-saint-level Spirit-Devouring Clan actually start taking action a thousand years ago? That's really weird. If the said Spirit-Devouring Clan a thousand years ago already had the ability to produce half-saints, at least It is also the strength of Dou Zun, the peak powerhouse, so why have they been dormant like this for thousands of years? Were they repelled by the powerhouses from Zhongzhou led by Yun Potian? Or were they secretly preparing something?"

She couldn't help but frown slightly. There were many things worth considering behind this relic of Wujian Mountain. In addition, at least a thousand years ago, there was no record of the Swallowing Spirit Clan in the Yao Clan, and the Medicine Emperor Xuying's The theory is that since they defeated the main force of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe tens of thousands of years ago, the Spirit-Devouring Tribe has been dormant.

It can be said that since the first generations of the Eight Tribes defeated the Spirit-Talking Tribe, it is very likely that the Eight Tribes, like the Yao Tribe, will no longer have any records of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe.

That's really a ghost. How did the Swallowing Spirit Clan survive these tens of thousands of years? Is there any place on the Dou Qi Continent that allows existences like them to live for thousands of years?

Not to mention ten thousand years, in a dozen or twenty years, the Dou Qi Continent will be polluted, and then it will spontaneously cause riots on the Dou Qi Continent's original creatures, including humans and monsters, and then these harmful beasts will be wiped out. All that is left should be wiped out.

Just like the dangers of the Swallowing Spirit Clan that occurred in various border areas of the Dou Qi Continent in the past few years, their human actions are not only self-protection, but also an invisible force used by the Dou Qi Continent to mediate the disease.

Therefore, the home base of the Swallowing Spirit Tribe is probably not on the Dou Qi Continent, but is more likely to be like the world that each Dou Emperor warrior has carved out for his family and future generations. It is a small world of its own, hidden in nothingness. In the void, the void itself is nothingness, and the demonic energy of the Swallowing Spirit Clan will not harm the creatures and world of Dou Qi Continent.

The realm of the Swallowing Spirit Clan?

A trace of speculation emerged in Yao Wan's heart unconsciously, and then she silently sealed the speculation in her mind. Although such information is not needed now, it will definitely be used in the future.

"Well, my massage here is almost done, I can change to the next one."

Yao Wan said with a smile, and then Nalan Yanran stood up. She was not like the Little Medical Fairy, who was almost unable to stand still and could not walk. Perhaps it was because he was a sword cultivator, and no matter what his physical condition, It is said that he is always much better than the Little Medical Fairy.

Then there is Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy didn't know what they were talking about just now, but when he walked to Yao Wan, Yao Wan did not let him sit down like he did with the two girls, but instead asked him to open his hands.

"It's not like I don't even have a seat, right? Miss Wan?"

Xiao Yan was about to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere, but Yao Wan pinched his wrist and twisted it slightly. Xiao Yan's arm suddenly made a crackling sound, and Xiao Yan screamed An unexpected cry of pain followed.

"It hurts..."

Xiao Yan took a breath of air, but Yao Wan was not surprised at all, and just said: "You deserve to be like this after being beaten to death every day and still not refining your body."

"No? I don't have any training - hiss -"

Before Xiao Yan could finish his words, Yao Wan explained: "Your body refining is fine if you put it below Dou Huang. Now that you are a Dou Zong, it has long been out of date."

"There should be a body-training technique among the scrolls I left for you. Take it and practice it yourself - it's okay if you don't think about yourself. You have to think about Nalan and Xian'er's future happiness, right? "

Yao Wan said half seriously, half jokingly, which made Xiao Yan suddenly become interested: "Okay, I'll practice - hiss!"

"Well, the fighting spirit is okay, but the rest is just so-so~~"

As Yao Wan spoke, she intensified the movements on her hands. What she did to Xiao Yan was not like massaging, but bone setting. With Yao Wan, she almost broke everything that Xiao Yan could break. Afterwards, Xiao Yan lay on the ground. It didn't feel like he had experienced a massage, but a beating. What was surprising was that in the pain after the bone setting, a budding power emerged almost immediately. It sprouted in his body.

"This is……"

"Although the human body is naturally weak, it does not mean that this defect cannot be made up for."

Yao Wan said in a neutral tone: "This is what the so-called body cultivation means."

"Oh I got it."

Xiao Yan nodded in understanding.

"I see, you are so tall, and you know how to hammer."

Yao Wan snorted softly and couldn't help but use her foot to gently kick Xiao Yan, who was lying on the ground.

Looking at the white lotus feet swaying slightly in front of his eyes, if Xiao Yan hadn't really lost the strength now, otherwise he might have been tempted to pinch Miss Wan's now smooth and flawless toes.

But now, he can only lie on the ground and talk: "Is this the reward after the end?"

Yaowan quickly took back her lotus feet. She originally thought Xiao Yan was more or less normal, but now it seemed that she was overthinking it.


Yao Wan said angrily, if she had known earlier, she should have pressed harder, otherwise he would have fainted from the pain.

At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly glanced under her skirt. Fortunately, she was still well-dressed. Although she didn't care about it that much, it was better to avoid being exposed as much as possible. She didn't have anything. Special exhibitionism.


Saying that, Yao Wan simply didn't bother to pay attention to him, so she turned around and picked up the light white cloud boots that she had kicked out, put on a pair of jet black silk and put them on again.

As Xiao Yan got up, he couldn't help but twitch the tip of his nose.

"Miss Wan."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have a fart, say it quickly."

"Did you use any special spices on the ground? Why does it smell so fragrant...?"

Xiao Yan asked without knowing why.

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