No way?

It shouldn't be... right?

A trace of suspicion flashed in Xiao Xun'er's eyes, but she was not so willing to accept this obviously excessive and absurd reality.

And when you think about it, it’s impossible. How could a woman like Yao Wan have such a hobby?

Xiao Xun'er's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. She obviously hated medicinal herbs very much, but now she subconsciously resisted this speculation that made her with traditional ideas feel inexplicable physical discomfort.

No, even if she believed that this woman would create something unexpected and big for her the next day, she would never believe that such a thing would actually happen.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face?"

Yao Wan naturally could not ignore such a blatant sight of her, and then asked with a hint of confusion in her tone.

"Nothing, I just suddenly felt that you have some inexplicable special quirks."

Xiao Xun'er didn't hide it, and she didn't need to care about her own influence in front of Yao Wan as she did in front of other people. Even if she vented her negative emotions, no one would care about it, and facing Yao Wan was even more frustrating. She can do it without any psychological pressure or burden.

"Special hobby?"

Yao Wan frowned slightly. Although she didn't know what Xiao Xun'er was implying, she knew without even thinking that Xiao Xun'er's association was definitely not a good thing. Why did she need to show off to her?

"I don't have any special hobbies, but you, why don't you take good care of yourself and don't accidentally get sick."

Yao Wan's eyes had not changed at all, and her words were still as annoying to Xiao Xun'er's ears as ever.

"Then I really appreciate your concern."

Xiao Xun'er said coldly, but even though she said this, she couldn't help but think about Xiao Yan's emotional problems in the future.

Obviously, it is impossible for Xiao Yan to give up on them, and it is impossible for Xiao Yan to give up on them actively or passively. Even if he finally lets go, there will definitely be a trace of grudge between the two of them, and that is Xiao Yan's decision. Xun'er didn't want it to happen. Once the relationship was no longer perfect, it would be like a glass with cracks that could no longer be repaired. What would eventually come to pass would be a fate of being torn apart.

Of course Xiao Xun'er doesn't want this to happen, not only because of her pursuit of a flawless relationship between the two, but also because either of the two women, the Little Medical Fairy or Nalan Yanran, is just a medicine. So what if they drive away Wan's pawn across the river? Don't forget, this woman has never had a real end from the beginning to the end. If she really desperately drives everyone away in the end, she will still end up with a Yaowan waiting for work.

Will she also be given up at that time?

This is something Xiao Xun'er has been unwilling to accept from beginning to end.

Therefore, perhaps accepting these women is the only way to peacefully coexist in the end.

But even now, she is still unwilling to give in, even if the reason in her heart has gradually realized this, but feelings are feelings, and no interests will be considered. If you like it, you like it, and if you hate it, you hate it. This is the end. No more needs to be said.

Driven by her extremely complicated emotions at the moment, Xiao Xun'er slowly said: "What about you? How far do you plan to watch the fire from the other side? The water has already been muddied by you, and I have to give in - Yes, you have won, at least up to this point, you have won, and then, what are your plans to enter the market? Do you want 'sister' to help you find out something?"

Having said that, what Xiao Xun'er can do now is probably talking trash to each other, nothing more.

But even so, the provocation from Xiao Xun'er still made Yao Wan frown slightly.

"I never said I would get involved."

Yao Wan frowned slightly, but she just felt bored. Is it possible that Xiao Xun'er, a woman like this, wouldn't feel bored with this topic? Why do you like to dwell on this topic?

She almost couldn't help but want to call her crazy. Do you think everyone likes Xiao Yan? I've only heard that you have big breasts and no brains, but I didn't expect that you don't have much experience at the airport.

But she finally controlled her emotions and didn't let the trash talk that was already rising in her throat come out like this.

Just because it is easy for Xiao Xun'er to imagine that she will break her defense after being told the truth. She has already figured out the mental victory method. Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Yaowan to teach others how to talk nonsense like this. Opportunity.


However, Xiao Xun'er didn't believe that Yao Wan actually disliked Xiao Yan. If that were the case, it would be really damning. She had never seen a really good person in the world who would just give you a hard blow without asking for anything. The person who gave the gift was some kind of martial arts, some fighting skills, and some elixirs.

Pooh! Despicable!

She only showed a hint of "you think I will believe it" expression towards Yao Wan. Yao Wan couldn't help but close her eyes and was speechless for a while.

Boring woman, Xiao Yan, don’t even look at what evil you have done.

"If I say no, I won't. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Of course, if you don't believe it anyway, then I'm up to you."

Yao Wan had an expression that let Xiao Xun'er do whatever she wanted, and she even lost her patience to explain.

On the contrary, Yao Wan's reaction made Xiao Xun'er feel hesitant. Could what this woman said be true? After all, even if she is telling the truth or a lie, he can't stop her. He doesn't even have the ability to stop the Little Medical Fairy and Nalan Yanran. Judging from Yao Wan's arrogant nature, there is no reason to do so. If you continue to be secretive because of yourself, you may even use it to give yourself eye drops.

However, Yao Wan did not do this, and if she did not, one cannot help but start to doubt her thoughts and motives.

But even so, the possibility that Yao Wan did not intend to compete with them for Xiao Yan was really unbelievable to her.

After all, how is this possible?

"What about the little medical fairy and Nalan Yanran? Why did you get close to Xiao Yan?"

"Xian'er and Nalan are just because I think they might be suitable together. As for why they are close to Xiao Yan, they are probably out of curiosity and same-sex attraction. There is almost no one in this world who can make me feel familiar." , if there must be one, it’s probably Xiao Yan.”

Yaowan spoke plainly, which made people more and more surprised and shocked, let alone Xiao Xun'er being able to understand it.

"...Don't you really want to have a good time?"

Yaowan said with a smile: "I have a good suggestion."

"What else do you want to say?"

"Whether it's rhetoric or not depends on how you interpret it."

Yao Wan suddenly turned her head and said, "What if I said that besides Nalan and Xian'er, there is another woman who is entangled with Xiao Yan, and is even pregnant?"

"What did you say?"

Xiao Xun'er was almost completely stunned. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Xun'er's almost dumbfounded expression, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Only then did Xiao Xun'er come back to her senses and angrily shouted: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could such a thing happen?!"

"Oh, you don't believe it? Okay, how about we go to the Jia Ma Empire?"

Yao Wan knew that Xiao Xun'er would definitely deny it and thought that she was lying to her. However, this happened to be exactly what Yao Wan wanted, and it was more convenient for her to further draw out her purpose.

Xiao Xun'er's impression of Medusa and her opinion of the child who may have just been born are not important. What is important is that she knows the existence of Medusa and the child. As for the rest Yes, Xiao Xun'er is not stupid, how could he not understand her intention?

"You want to lure me to the Jia Ma Empire?"

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong.

"I'm not leading you, I'm taking you there. If you don't want to go, it's okay for me to go by myself."

Yao Wan's tone was still nonchalant.

Xiao Xun'er gritted her teeth: "Go! Just go! If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely kill you!"

Yao Wan didn't pay attention to her warning, which had no actual threatening effect. She just raised her fingertips slightly, and her white and slender green fingers cut through the space, revealing two pieces of cloth that looked like they were gently cut open by sharp scissors. Generally, a space gap of more than a hundred feet is revealed.

Yao Wan took the lead to enter, and then took a look at Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Xun'er snorted coldly, and then followed.

"Hold on tight, don't let me turn around and look for you when the time comes."

Yao Wan chuckled lightly, and then walked away across the space. Although she was disgusted with Yao Wan from the bottom of her heart, it was undeniable that this woman was powerful and weird.

Playing with space and creating techniques, as if nothing is impossible for her, she is like a woman who was born with a gift from God and has always been favored.

Especially when facing her, the unhappiness and rejection that seemed to come from instinct, as if they were destined to be at odds with each other from birth, made people unconsciously become more and more annoying.

Xiao Xun'er looked at Yaowan's back and sighed inadvertently, feeling somewhat helpless.

Regardless of whether Yao Wan will be tired, she will naturally be tired, not to mention Yao Wan, a woman who has faced countless times but has never really lost to her once. Xiao Xun'er broke up with her Counting from the moment the two met, it seems that he has never won.

As for the other person she was talking about now... the woman who was even pregnant, just thinking about it gave her a headache.

Speaking of which, why on earth did she have to go see that woman? Are you going to raise an army to investigate?

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