Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 412 The Soul-Swallowing Demon General


Yaowan remained silent, but the aura of death released by the Flame of Ashes became more intense and intense.

Yao Wan no longer cares about what Erosion Pepper said, since it was just the corpse talking anyway.

Naturally, it is impossible for Xiao Yan to really be bewitched by Corrosion Pepper. The already particularly disgusting demonic energy in her body is like repulsion carved into the instinct of a strange fire holder like him.

Seeing that Xiao Yan didn't express anything at all, Xiujiao couldn't help but frowned her beautiful eyebrows slightly, and then sighed in a pretentious manner.

"You're just a piece of wood who doesn't know how to be charming~ That's all. I'll capture you alive later and then slowly process you~~"

Xijiao let out a breath of moist turbid air, his eyes were confused, and I am afraid that ordinary men would inevitably blush and have wild thoughts when they saw this.

"You go first, I'll deal with her."

Yao Wan took a step forward. Xiao Yan was still a little weak after all. He might not be able to cope with this Dou Zun-level woman from the Spirit-Devouring Clan.

"No, how can I leave you here?"

Xiao Yan refused Yao Wan's words without even thinking about it. He was unwilling to accept anything he said, and then took the initiative to stand beside Yao Wan.

"Do you think I'm joking?! Go quickly, don't force me to chase people away."

Yao Wan frowned slightly, feeling helpless. This person really had no eyesight at all, but it was naturally impossible for her to drive him away. She could only hope that Xiao Yan would listen to him at this time.

But this was destined to disappoint her.

At the moment, the other two powerful Douzong warriors are tightly entangled by the powerful warriors from the Spirit-Devouring Tribe who are coming from other directions. Moreover, there is a huge difference in realms, so it is useless no matter how many people there are.

"I won't abandon you, we will face it together."

Xiao Yan finally shook his head, extremely determined. What made Yao Wan's mood even more complicated was that she seemed to have been mentally prepared for what Xiao Yan said subconsciously.

What is she struggling with? Is she struggling with something that she has already guessed in her heart?

Yaowan smiled bitterly, she was really convinced.

"Then don't die."

Yao Wan adjusted her mentality. With her current strength, she could only guarantee the death of the Spirit Devouring Clan under Dou Zun. With Xiao Yan's strength... it shouldn't be difficult.

"Oh~ Such touching true feelings~~"

Seeing that Yao Wan and Xiao Yan seemed to be thinking about each other, Xiu Jiao sighed, but there was a trace of particularly strong disgust on that charming face.

"It's time to capture you alive and then prepare them properly."

Erosion Pepper chuckled, the rich demonic energy wrapped around her body, and the aura on her body quickly climbed up visibly to the naked eye. It was not fully displayed originally, but only showed the slightest hint of strong oppression. The aura suddenly strengthened and climbed directly. It didn’t end until the Six-Star Dou Zun.

"Xiao Yan, take action."

Feeling the almost suffocating pressure from Six Star Dou Zun, Yao Wan didn't even frown.

"Well, the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, come on!"

Feeling that the demonic energy that was like living vines began to surround the two of them, Xiao Yan's fingertips ignited wisps of flames of various colors, and finally merged and mixed together, turning into five-color flames. , he pushed it into his chest.

The extremely strong alien fire energy collided in the meridians in his body like a torrent, bursting out extremely terrifying energy for his use, and now Xiao Yan at least had the confidence to deal with Corrosion Pepper.

The exploding alien fire energy suddenly ignited the entire demonic cloud, burning a big hole in the demonic cloud that originally covered thousands of miles. Xijiao frowned slightly and raised his hand to wipe out the alien fire that flew in front of his eyes. Energy, even if the strange fire hit the Corrosion Pepper, it was not extinguished immediately. Instead, it was dissipated after quickly burning away part of the demonic energy.

This couldn't help but make Xijiao frown slightly. The original joking in his eyes disappeared a bit, and correspondingly, he became a bit more serious.

"There is more than one kind of strange fire. When did the Ruins of Oblivion have such an existence?"

Xijiao sighed, but the movements on his hands were not slow at all. As the jade fingers were slightly opened, five black energies surged out from the fingertips, and then there was a burst of sound that seemed like a withered vine. Amid the strange sizzling sounds, unknown black vines condensed into each other. The five vines were entangled with each other and twisted into a dark vortex, stabbing Yao Wan and Xiao Yan as if they penetrated the space.


Yao Wan pushed Xiao Yan gently, her pale golden eyes reflected the strange storm formed by the entanglement of black vines, and she and Xiao Yan avoided the blow just by turning slightly sideways.

Xiao Yan allowed Yao Wan's slender palm to push him up like the wind, and immediately understood Yao Wan's intention. The dark blue void under his feet was slightly distorted, turning into a human-shaped cannonball, almost clinging to the black tearing space. The vines came straight towards Erosion Pepper, and the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand was infused with five completely different kinds of fire in a breathless time. The originally dark and thick Xuanzhong Ruler also released the dazzling brilliance of the five colors. .


Xiao Yan took a slight breath. The strange fire energy brought endless power to him, and it felt like every cell in his body was burning violently.

It's not really a pain.

"——Wave Devouring Ruler!!!"

With a thought in his mind, the Xuan Zhong Ruler in his hand dropped heavily with the strong power of five kinds of strange fires.

"The speed is good, but it's not good for a man to be too fast..."

Xijiao chuckled lightly, not at all surprised by Xiao Yan's strength. Then, she immediately moved, and her long white onion fingers stretched out into claws, and she bumped into the extraordinary imposing figure in front of her without hesitation. Xuan Zhongchi.

Xiao Yan suddenly opened his eyes wide.


The strange fire and the demonic energy collided with each other, causing violent roars and muffled sounds, and suddenly released an extremely violent shock wave, sweeping away the surrounding demonic clouds.

But even so, Xiao Yan himself knew very well that it would not be that easy to kill this woman from the Spirit Devouring Tribe with just such an attack.

And this is indeed the case.

The smoke and dust in front of him had not yet dispersed, and Xiao Yan was about to retreat to keep a safe distance when a cold hand gently touched Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Here, it hurts so much when I was beaten by my little brother..."

Erosion Pepper's voice was like a devil bewitching others to fall, and Xiao Yan whispered in his ear.

"—Get your dirty hands off!"

Xiao Yan's voice broke the overwhelming sound of Erosion Pepper, and the majestic fighting energy in his body roared like fire dragons in his meridians, and then merged with the strange fire in his body and turned into a glazed fire lotus.

Then he threw the fire lotus in his hand without hesitation, and another violent explosion occurred just a short distance away. The sound lasted all day long, and the terrifying wave of fire swept out, suddenly destroying the vast wilderness in front of him. Turning into a blazing five-color sea of ​​fire, the surging and shrinking magic cloud was shaken away again, and a thousand-foot-long fire lotus shadow slowly bloomed.

A silver-gray figure flashed past, Yao Wan slid all the way on the heat wave erupted by the fire lotus, constantly shuttled between the void and the space that was briefly connected to him, and then grabbed Xiao Yan, who had almost become a self-destruct infantry, Quickly exited the explosion range of the fire lotus.

"You haven't tortured yourself to death yet, have you?"

Pulling Xiao Yan, he walked past the celestial body, but he was as clean and tidy as Taixu Gulong. He breathed a sigh of relief, and even had some lingering fears. I have to say that Xiao Yan's habit of throwing fire lotuses without knowing it was unknown. Who did you learn this from? It’s really just throwing nuclear bombs without risking your life.

"Cough cough cough - it's okay, I'm fine!"

Feeling the soft and boneless touch on his fingertips, Xiao Yan felt that it was better than taking some magical elixir. He just coughed slightly, but he didn't look like he had eaten a shot of the fire lotus he was playing with. .

But even though the strange fire filled the sky, Xiao Yan did not relax at all. He knew that this fire lotus alone would probably only be able to give this woman from the Devouring Spirit Tribe a ring.

And his prediction was not wrong. Shortly after the fire lotus exploded, the charming and exposed figure slowly reappeared from the fire wave and the fire lotus shadow. Xiao Yan subconsciously turned around, not Who could it be?

But at this moment, the exposed black gauze skirt of Xijiao was much torn. What was even more obvious was that the demonic energy on her body had dissipated a lot, and she looked a little embarrassed. It was obvious that the fire lotus condensed by the strange fire The power was beyond her expectation.

"The five-color fire lotus can't even take her down."

Xiao Yan was inevitably a little depressed, but it did not affect his preparation to immediately turn around and face the enemy.

"Your cultivation level is too low, and the alien fire is not strong in general. It is normal that she cannot be killed by the explosion."

Although Yao Wan's cultivation level has declined, his vision is not bad at all. He can see Xiao Yan's current shortcomings at a glance, and then said: "Not everything can be solved by the conflict of attributes. If the gap in strength is too big , the other party can easily become your nemesis.”

"Hey, you guessed it right. If that's the case, let's stay!"

Xiao Yan's Fire Lotus also made Shijiao take it seriously. No matter how disparate the strength was, strange fire was the most annoying thing for beings like the Spirit Devouring Clan. Xiao Yan's Fire Lotus made her completely put down her contempt and take action immediately. .

"—Go and daydream!"

Xiao Yan mobilized all his fighting spirit to fight the enemy with all his strength, but the expected lightning strike did not come as expected.

Eojiao smiled mockingly, but her target was not Xiao Yan, but Yaowan.

There is no doubt that in her eyes, Yao Wan is indeed a much weaker being than Xiao Yan, but he has an aura of death that she hates very much, even more than Xiao Yan. What's more, this woman is clearly Xiao Yan. It is not difficult to deal with Xiao Yan's weakness and take care of her.

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