Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 417 The happiest thing is that the first person I see is you

"He takes you too seriously."

Listening to Yao Wan's vague complaint, Han Shanshan couldn't help but say something for Xiao Yan.

Yao Wan was stunned and looked at Han Shanshan, a hint of surprise inevitably flashed across her pretty face.

When Han Shanshan saw Yao Wan's expression, she realized that she seemed to have made a mistake in her head. She couldn't help raising her hand to cover her lips slightly, and then coughed lightly as if to relieve her embarrassment.

"Ahem, what I mean is that if he hadn't insisted on seeing that you were okay along the way, he would have fainted a long time ago. But in the end, he gritted his teeth and carried you back to Tianjian Palace."

Yao Wan's eyes were slightly lowered, and she didn't really want to pay attention to Han Shanshan's actions at this moment, which seemed to be expecting her to make a choice, or at least make some response.

"...That's why I said he didn't take himself too seriously."

Yaowan let out a breath of turbid air, pretending to be deaf, and pretended to be deaf to avoid Han Shanshan's slightly sharp topic.

"Eh...this person..."

Han Shanshan's eyes widened slightly. She didn't expect that she thought her cheap apprentice was already very stupid, but she didn't expect that the one she met today was a rare heavyweight, and even at this level, she would pretend to be deaf and dumb. , it would be useless even if she said it would break the sky.

But before she could continue to say anything, Yao Wan continued: "Don't know what to call the girl?"

"I, Han Shanshan, am now the head of the Medicine Department of Tianjian Palace. Elder Tianhuo asked me to take care of you. He values ​​you very much. You don't feel at ease if you let other people who are slightly less advantageous take care of you."

Han Shanshan explained calmly, while Yao Wan couldn't help but show an unusual look on her face.


"Huh? Girl, do you know me?"

"Not acquaintance, but just heard of it."

Yao Wan shook her head, and she was telling the truth, and then said: "My name is Yao Wan, and the one lying in the room is called Xiao Yan. Thank you Miss Shanshan for taking care of me."

"No need to thank me, just thank Elder Tianhuo later... wait."

Han Shanshan responded politely subconsciously, but when she realized Yaowan's name, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Tell me, what's your name? Medicine - medicine? Which medicine?"

Han Shanshan's voice became a little trembling. It was a vague emotion that suddenly touched the depths of her soul, but suddenly it sprouted quietly like a lotus seed that had been sleeping for thousands of years. No matter what years passed, it was indelible.

"It's the medicine you were thinking of."

Yao Wan looked at Han Shanshan's reaction as if she had knocked over the five-flavor bottle. She couldn't help but secretly sighed in her heart. Yao Lao was also a romantic guest among thousands of flowers. This love debt is not even the Ruins of Oblivion. There will be places.

...No, that's not right, it must be precisely because of the environment of the Ruins of Oblivion that people like her who should not have existed long ago are allowed to reappear.

Ruins of Oblivion, there are really more and more mysteries.

However, just in case, Han Shanshan thought that she was some kind of strange person, Yao Wan promptly added: "But the relationship is not that deep, at most they can be considered as members of the same clan."

"People of the same clan...I see, I understand."

A trace of trance that had not appeared for a long time flashed in Han Shanshan's beautiful eyes, but it did not last too long. She shook her head gently and forgot all about it.

Yao Wan originally thought that she would ask him about Yao Lao with mixed feelings, but to Yao Wan's surprise, Han Shanshan didn't mention a word about related topics.

"I won't talk about that anymore. By the way, about your physical condition..."

But Yaowan didn't expect that Han Shanshan would turn around and tell her this. She couldn't help but sigh. Did Xiao Yan already know about her physical condition?

"It doesn't matter if you tell him... I probably won't be able to hide it from him for too long anyway."

Yaowan answered without thinking too much.

"-No, I haven't told Xiao Yan about your physical condition yet."

Han Shanshan said, which surprised Yao Wan again. Before Yao Wan could respond, Han Shanshan said: "After all, it is your own physical condition. How to tell others is your freedom."

Yao Wan really didn't expect so much. She looked a little surprised, and then she couldn't help but said from the bottom of her heart: "Thank you. It's really rare to see people like you who are so considerate of other people's feelings."

"It's just a way of life."

Han Shanshan said: "In that case, regarding your body..."

"Xiao Yan is also an alchemist. I'm afraid he may have already discovered it... Since he already knows it, I don't think it is necessary to inform him any more. It seems a bit too pretentious."

"How is this pretentious? Xiao Yan cares about you very much. If he hadn't always been concerned about your safety, he wouldn't be so tired."

Han Shanshan didn't understand what Yao Wan meant. She said that Yao Wan just didn't want Xiao Yan to worry, so she planned not to mention it at all.

It's just that it's okay if the two people don't have the same feelings, but isn't it obvious that both parties are thinking about each other from the beginning to the end? Because of this, Han Shanshan became more and more confused. They clearly cared about each other, but why was there a strange sense of distance?

And it is very obvious that this sense of distance was established by the beauty in front of her.

"I know, so let's go to our own place."

Yaowan still shook her head. It was obvious that she didn't really want to talk about these emotionally intimate topics with a "familiar" stranger she had just met.

Han Shanshan couldn't help but let out a deep breath. Yao Wan had already said this, what else could she say?

Besides, she seemed to be feeling a little uncomfortable at the moment. Talking about relationship issues with two people she met for the first time, she couldn't help but feel weird just thinking about it, so let's just treat it as a momentary gaffe.

"By the way, how is Xiao Yan's current situation?"

"The internal injuries are okay. The demonic energy from the Swallowing Spirit Clan cannot invade Xiao Yan's body at all, so it is only a relatively mild internal injury. I have given him some healing elixirs first, so there should be no more problems. "

Han Shanshan said seriously that she was still somewhat confident about this matter.

"Well, if there are no problems, then it will be hard work."

Yao Wan nodded slightly. Now that her cultivation level has been banned, it is not easy to refine the elixirs Xiao Yan needs to treat his injuries. As for her small treasury, she has not brought it out either. The rest are mostly useless. Since the things are of no use, they are no different from garbage.

Ever since I came to this ruins of oblivion, I have become more and more useless.

She couldn't help but think of it.

As her cultivation level decreases, many things she could have done cannot be done anymore, such as curing Xiao Yan. Originally, she could cure Xiao Yan by herself, but now, although she can also cure it, she needs to It took a lot of effort.

"Although you don't seem to have much trouble, you'd better take a break. It's not a good thing to torment yourself repeatedly."

Han Shanshan looked at Yaowan who seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, and couldn't help but remind him.

"It doesn't matter."

Yao Wan shook her head slightly and said.

In the next few days, Yaowan stayed in the small courtyard where she was currently training. Every day Han Shanshan would come to take care of Xiao Yan and do a simple check-up on her.

Yaowan herself didn't care, but it seemed that Han Shanshan didn't notice the existence of her own creature's flame, so she simply let her go.

Yao Wan did not enter Xiao Yan's room for the rest of the time. She knew very well that compared to the efficacy of the panacea to heal his injuries, what Xiao Yan actually needed was rest.

So, let him have a good sleep.

Such peaceful days passed in the blink of an eye for three days.

But on the fourth day, when Han Shanshan came to take care of Xiao Yan again, she opened Yaowan's door first.

"Yaowan, are you free?"

"Need my help?"

The silver-haired beauty sitting cross-legged on the bed slowly opened her pale golden eyes. Yao Wan couldn't help but have some questions and said.

"I can't say I'm going to help, but maybe I need you to help."

"To start?"

Yao Wan was a little confused, but since it was something related to Xiao Yan, she didn't think about refusing, so she got out of bed, and her ankles and feet, which were tightly wrapped in snow-white silk, got into the cloud boots neatly placed beside the bed. Then he followed Han Shanshan out the door.

Xiao Yan's room is right next to it, so there is no trouble in going back and forth.

"How is he recovering?"

Looking at the young man with his eyes closed in the room, Yao Wan twitched the tip of his nose and smelled a very dry scent of incense, which seemed to be different from the spices Han Shanshan used in her room.

"It went very smoothly, so smoothly that I was a little surprised."

Han Shanshan told the truth, but she didn't even raise her head. She still lowered her head and took out various bottles and jars from her Najie, and started tinkering with things that even Yao Wan didn't know much about.

"His body recovers very quickly. According to my prediction, he will wake up today at the earliest and tomorrow at the latest."


Seeing that Han Shanshan was still busy and that Yao Wan could not be of much help now, Yao Wan simply sat beside Xiao Yan's bed, turned her head and looked at the peaceful and peaceful face sleeping on the bed.

This guy seems to rarely be so calm, right?

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan's sleeping face, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of her mouth that was almost invisible.

But before Yao Wan could think about anything, she noticed Xiao Yan's fingertips trembling slightly.

Yao Wan was slightly startled, wait, it can't be such a coincidence, right?

Before she could get up subconsciously, the familiar dark red eyes slowly opened. Before the eyes immediately returned to their former agility, the watery eyes were revealed. It reflects the figure of the yarrow.

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