Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 423 Emergency Situation

Xiao Yan wanted to go back to that place, but he could certainly control it. Not only could he control it, but he would agree to whatever Miss Wan said as long as she spoke.

But he also knew that it was basically not a good look to show off one's words in front of Miss Wan.


Han Shanshan whimpered, feeling that this pair was deliberately tormenting her.

"Forget it, are you almost done practicing? You haven't taken the medicine today yet. Here, you'll have a good rest in your room."

Han Shanshan felt like she just had to hold Xiao Yan's thigh and say, "Master, don't bother me anymore."

"Well, then Miss Wan, let's go."

Xiao Yan took the elixir thrown by Han Shanshan, and then couldn't help but smile at Yaoyuan, but he didn't have the courage to hold her hand.

Yaowan snorted and tried to calm his thoughts.

By the time Xiao Yan and Yao Wan returned to the room, Yao Wan couldn't bear it anymore.

Xiao Yan looked at the usually lively pale golden eyes of the beauty next to him and blinked unnaturally. There was a hint of sleepiness on the delicate and pretty face, and even the body moved slightly unconsciously. He swayed, as if he was almost unsteady even standing.

Xiao Yan subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to support her, but it was obvious that Yao Wan seemed to be more cautious and sensitive about him. The body that was staggering suddenly moved half a step away from Xiao Yan's thoughts. A hand to hold her body.

The hand that wanted to hold her fell in vain. Xiao Yan was not embarrassed and asked instead, "What's wrong? Are you too tired?"

"...I don't know, maybe I've lost some of my soul power by protecting you."

Yao Wan couldn't help but subconsciously hold her forehead, and then gently rubbed the center of her eyebrows, as if trying to make herself more energetic.

It just made her yawn inadvertently, but she also vaguely realized that just protecting Xiao Yan for two days should not make her so tired. It should be more of the backlash of the Flame of Ashes. The loss caused by God...that should be true.

If that wasn't the case, then Yao Wan really didn't know what to say.

"...You have a good rest, and if you want to practice, just continue to practice according to the cultivation method."

Yao Wan forced herself to cheer up and then got into her room.

"Well...if Miss Wan is so tired, then I won't disturb your rest."

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was his imagination. He vaguely felt that Miss Wan seemed to be a little... weak, no, to be precise, she should be a little fragile.

Speaking of which, she feels completely different from the usual girl Wan.

Xiao Yan has never thought about taking advantage of others' danger. After all, this kind of thing is too despicable and useless. If he wants to pursue Miss Wan, he will naturally choose a more upright way.

"Don't worry too much about me, I'll be fine if I get some sleep."

There was a smile on Yaowan's face that did not make Xiao Yan too worried. It was just because of the glimpse of that particularly forced smile that the uneasy feeling in Xiao Yan's heart surged like a tide... She It's so reassuring to look at.

Xiao Yan complained in his heart, but he also knew that Miss Wan's stubborn temper was definitely not willing to accept his worries and help, so he could only hope that nothing would really happen to Miss Wan.

Finally, Xiao Yan put aside the practice of the Glazed Body Sculpting Technique for the time being. Although this body-building technique was powerful, its power was directly proportional to the energy absorbed. The energy of heaven and earth in Tianjian Mountain was enough for him to construct a body in a short time. The glazed image was gone, and absorbing the energy of heaven and earth within the scope of Tianjian Mountain was not enough to push his glazed golden body to the next level.

Besides, he was still a guest in Tianjian Mountain. How could any guest be so rude?

After returning to his room, Xiao Yan felt the fullness of power coming from his body at this moment, and he felt as if he had endless strength.

Not only that, the fighting spirit and strange fire energy in his body had returned to almost overflowing after practicing the Glazed Body Shaping Technique. For a while, even the usual breath adjustment was no longer necessary.

Xiao Yan, who was bored, couldn't help but lay on the bed, watching the ceiling in front of him gradually change from unfamiliar to familiar. Now that the matter at hand was temporarily gone, Xiao Yan naturally didn't know what to do for a while.

Thoughts turn thousands of times, and naturally it is easy to return to the original point.

But before Xiao Yan could prepare anything, he suddenly felt his ears tremble, and a very weak, unusual sound that was almost inaudible passed through the wall and reached his ears.

Xiao Yan turned his head subconsciously and couldn't help but look at the wall behind him. He was surprised but suddenly realized that his room was connected to Miss Wan's room, wasn't it? Isn't that next door...

Xiao Yan subconsciously felt that something was not right, so he got up out of bed and rushed out of his room without thinking.

I'm just afraid that whatever I fear most will come to me.

As soon as he went out, he could see Yaowan's closed door. Xiao Yan took a deep breath and was about to go up and knock on the door. However, before his hand could touch her door, Xiao Yan heard Zi Yaowan's door. The sound came from Wan's room.

It was a weak, hesitant voice, and the trembling voice seemed to be going through some terrible experience. It was unbearable at all, and it was an attack on her most vulnerable weakness, which made her habitual to use various methods on weekdays. Trying to arm herself to avoid getting hurt, she let out an extremely uneasy sob.

Miss Wan? !

Xiao Yan was startled unconsciously, and he didn't care about the cumbersome process of knocking on the door, waiting for her to respond, and allowing her to enter before entering again. Anyway, the door was unlocked, and generally they didn't need the door latch. The room's fragile protection It can never compare to your own vigilance.

As Xiao Yan pushed open the door of Yao Wan's room, he couldn't help but look at the bed in the room in amazement. Yao Wan was curled up on her body, and the strands of fire on her body were ignited, then extinguished, and then reappeared again. The ignited black and red flames wrapped around her body. The delicate and pretty face that always added a calm color to herself now seemed to have just been fished out of the water, full of cold sweat and physiological tears sliding down her cheeks, and her eyes were tight. He closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was experiencing something very painful.

When Xiao Yan opened the door, he was liberated as well as the painful gasps and sobs squeezed in the room. Xiao Yan had never heard such a heart-wrenching sound from the medicinal herbs, and it made him sit back and watch. All she wanted to do was to relieve her pain at all costs.

Is it the backlash of the Flame of Ash Destruction? !

But isn't that her own strange fire? Why does it still come back?

Xiao Yan was shocked for a moment, but he didn't care about that much anymore. The most important thing at the moment was to relieve Miss Wan's pain.

The idea that men and women, who were completely unilaterally maintained by Yao Wan, were not intimate with each other, had already been thrown away by Xiao Yan.

But he really didn't do anything too extreme. How can he still have such leisure time now?

Xiao Yan just used his soul power to check the temperature of the medicine for a moment, and then felt an indescribable burning pain spreading in his mind. The pain made him take a breath.

Xiao Yan, who was in pain, naturally immediately realized that this was the characteristic of the Flame of Ashes, and he did not dare to neglect it. He immediately used his five kinds of strange fire to protect his soul to avoid the terrifying death of the Flames of Ashes. Smokey.

But even so, he didn't feel good.

Xiao Yan didn't care about this. What he cared about was that even his temporary contact with the Ash-Destroying Flame already hurt her so much. So what kind of pain was she enduring now that she was haunted by the black flame?

Xiao Yan recalled that when he fused the Fire Lotus previously, none of the five different fires could balance the power and terror of the Ashes of Fire. Even his own Fire Lotus was infiltrated by the Ashes of Fire. However, at that time, he experienced the Ashes of Fire Lotus. It was the woman from the Swallowing Spirit Clan who felt the pain, but now, it has become Yao Wan and Xiao Yan.

But Xiao Yan also reacted in time. Even if the Flame of Ashes is unconventional and does not even belong to the category of alien fire, it is still connected to the alien fire after being born out of the Flame of Life.

And as long as it was a strange fire, or even a fire, he might not be able to give it a try.

...Yaowan only felt that she was having an extremely painful dream but could not escape from it, as if she had fallen into boundless darkness, suffered from black flames, and was being dragged deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Suddenly, she felt that the burning pain on her body had suddenly eased a lot, and then the burning pain that remained on her body also diminished little by little.

At the same time, a familiar feeling came to my mind, a feeling I had only experienced when I was cultivating the Yan of Life.

She suddenly came back to her senses, as if waking up from a dream, and opened her eyes wide in the thick black mire.

Even Xiao Yan himself felt that he must be crazy to use Burning Technique to refine this untamed black flame.

But there was no way, when he came to his senses, he was already like this.

What's even more frightening is that he actually doesn't regret it at all. He just listens to the painful gasping and sobbing in his ears gradually getting lighter. He is simply ten thousand times more happy than when he successfully practiced the Glazed Body Shaping Technique before.

He's probably crazy.

Xiao Yan thought while running the Burning Technique to try to swallow and refine the black flame.

The feeling of the flames of destruction flowing into the meridians makes people feel like their whole body is on fire. This feeling is not like when he swallowed other strange fires, his whole body was on fire, but more like it was only in his own body. Like smoke.

After working hard for most of the day, Xiao Yan could not refine the black flame at all. Perhaps the Burning Jue could indeed refine the flame of ash destruction, but it was obvious that it was not something he could do at this stage.

"...Xiao Yan?"

At the same time, Yao Wan, who had fallen into his arms unknowingly, reacted.

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