Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 426 Wan'er, don't leave

Yao Wan didn’t even know how she fell asleep.

Maybe he fell asleep after being tired from crying.

After all, the black flames of death not only destroy the body, but are also quite harmful to the soul.

After the body function is damaged to a certain extent, it will enter a state of self-dormant to prevent the damage from being accumulated in the body. If it is not released for a long time, it may leave some bad sequelae. indefinite.

But when Yao Wan woke up, a particularly strong thought was, could Xiao Yan have done anything to him while he was asleep?

For example, because she was afraid that she would run away...even though she would be a fool if she didn't run she simply cooked the rice until she could no longer run away.

But when he came back to his senses, his pale golden eyes couldn't help but look around, and he found that he was curled up in Xiao Yan's arms, silently swallowing the faint feeling that only belonged to him on Xiao Yan's body. The breath also inexplicably gave her an indescribable sense of peace of mind.

It's like as long as you stay by his side, you don't need to think about anything.

Yao Wan gradually came back to her senses, and a trace of helplessness suddenly emerged in her heart. Was she unable to escape?

She subconsciously wanted to break away from Xiao Yan's arms, but because they were sleeping in each other's arms, not only did Xiao Yan hug her tightly, but even her hands were wrapped around her without anyone noticing. Xiao Yan's wasp waist, let alone trying to break away from Xiao Yan's arms, even trying to pull away her arms seemed so laborious.

What's more, his body is now held in Xiao Yan's arms, his movements are restricted, and his hands and feet are restrained, making it even more impossible to break free.

Not to mention that Yao Wan didn't want Xiao Yan to wake up at all, especially when the two of them were in such an embarrassing position and in such close contact with each other.

This feeling is really killing me.

Yao Wan felt very uncomfortable in her heart, but for some reason, sniffing Xiao Yan's scent made her feel at ease.

The psychological entanglement and the inexplicable physical sense of security made Yao Wan even more uncomfortable.

As a result, she still has no way to escape...

Yao Wan couldn't help but take a deep breath, trying to adjust her breathing and her increasingly impetuous heart. However, it was just a process of becoming more familiar with Xiao Yan's aura on another level.

The breath that she had long been accustomed to in the past, but always urged her to subconsciously ignore it, now seemed to be engraving all the impressions that had been ignored before deeply into her heart. She refused to let go, which made her unable to calm down at all, so she could only Tu Zeng was as restless as a feather ruffling in his heart.

And it seemed that because Yao Wan woke up, Xiao Yan's body couldn't help but tremble a little, which frightened her. She was afraid that Xiao Yan would wake up like this, and Yao Wan really didn't know how to face him.

That's right, as long as he hasn't woken up, it's not the worst situation for Yaowan at this moment... Although strictly speaking, yesterday... If the Ruins of Oblivion can also be divided under the gray and bright night sky In terms of time, after she experienced Xiao Yan's confession yesterday, she might have been left with an indescribable mess in her heart.

But it seemed that Xiao Yan did not wake up immediately.

Yao Wan couldn't help but look up at him with some anxiety, but she only saw his eyelashes trembling slightly but not opening them. Yao Wan, who was originally nervous, breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't wake up all at once, everything will be easy to say.

Yao Wan couldn't help comforting herself in her heart, and then she still tried to tiptoe out of Xiao Yan's arms. Speaking of which, with this posture and appearance after they woke up, if they hadn't still worn the clothes on their bodies, she wouldn't have She couldn't help but worry that Xiao Yan had done all the things he should and shouldn't do, and cooked all the raw rice for her.

But fortunately, it was a blessing among the misfortunes that we didn't go any further. Now Yao Wan is overwhelmed by everything in front of her, and she has no time to think too much. After all, time doesn't allow it, so she might as well take a step first and see. Take one step.

The most important thing right now is to get out of this guy's arms first...


While struggling to finally pull one of her arms back from Xiao Yan's back, Yao Wan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. She didn't even know what happened between her and Xiao Yan in the end. It became such a posture.

However, now that she had successfully regained the freedom of one of her hands, Yao Wan's motivation suddenly increased, and she once again had unlimited energy to gently and tiptoe free her other hand.

It's just that this hand was pressed by Xiao Yan's waist. The curvature of Xiao Yan's waistline just accommodated Hao's wrist so that it would not be pressed to the point of numbness due to blood loss, but it was not that easy to break free.

Yao Wan couldn't help but clenched her silver teeth slightly, and her teeth lightly collided together, looking a little secretly angry.

But she didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to silently devote all her attention to her arm.

And this was probably the first time that Yao Wan noticed that the slippery piece of butter on her chest, which she had always only used to laugh at others, was now such a hindrance. In Xiao Yan's arms, the space was already small enough, and the two of them met each other. We don't care about falling asleep while hugging him, but under no circumstances should the person being hugged be allowed to do whatever he wants.

As a result, the area in front of Xiao Yan's belly was almost facing Xiao Yan's belly. Her proud Xuefeng, who had never felt such an obstacle before, became a traitor to her body. The biggest obstacle for her to break away from Xiao Yan's embrace.

Yao Wan, who was already in a bad mood, couldn't help but become even more annoyed, and the movements of Hao Wan's wrist that pulled away from Xiao Yan's waist inevitably became much louder.

Maybe when a person sleeps enough, he will not wake up immediately even if his body is touched unconsciously. This is considered human nature, but if there is always a soft and slippery thing, it seems If it is still wrapped in a layer of cloth and has an indescribable weight being rubbed on your stomach, then no one will be able to sleep.

Maintaining his breathing as if sleeping normally, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes.

When he just woke up, he thought something was wrong. He always felt that a certain place in his arms was empty. That unusual feeling of loss suddenly made him wake up.

As a result, as soon as Xiao Yan woke up, he felt the beauty in his arms twisting restlessly, trying to break away from his arms.

Wan... Miss Wan... Wan'er...

Xiao Yan murmured unconsciously in his heart, just like the sigh in his heart inadvertently.

She was really dishonest. She obviously cried and took the initiative to hug him to sleep last night. Xiao Yan even thought that this would be too tight and would make her suffocated. In the end, she was not happy, just like a Like a colorful python, he clung to his prey and refused to let go no matter what. His chest was wet with tears. Even Xiao Yan himself was inevitably a little uncomfortable, but feeling her embrace, he It also made his heart extremely full, as if the entire beautiful world he loved had taken the initiative to embrace him.

As a result, now that my safe haven is no longer needed, I want to just pat my butt and leave.

While Xiao Yan was complaining and sighing in his heart, a spontaneous emotion akin to unwillingness also welled up in his heart.

You want him to be a safe haven for free, and then you want to pat your butt and leave? If it were anyone else, Xiao Yan would naturally be reluctant, and even if it were Yao Wan... then of course he would still be reluctant.

Whether it is like or love, in the final analysis it is still selfish. Even though Xiao Yan knows that he should give his beloved the right to choose whether to accept it or not, he cannot prevent such selfish thoughts from slowly creeping into his heart. Slowly breed, sprout and grow.

It's just that the former's reluctance is because of Xiao Yan's resistance, and the latter's reluctance is because Yao Wan naturally doesn't want to get nothing.

With this very natural thought, Xiao Yan slowly took action.

If he makes a sound or behaves too fiercely, he will naturally be alerted. However, Yaowan probably has no time to care whether Xiao Yan has woken up.

Emotions similar to annoyance and regret were running wildly in her heart, and Yao Wan's mood became more and more irritable. At this moment, she felt the wasp's waist that was originally suppressing her arm turn slightly sideways, finally freeing her.

But before Yao Wan had time to feel happy about her sudden and huge progress, she felt that Xiao Yan, who was already close enough to her, unconsciously turned around and suppressed himself, his chin pressed against her. On her forehead, the steady breathing of deep sleep blew on her silver hair, and also inhaled the refreshing fragrance between her hair into the tip of her nose, and then exhaled deeply.

Yao Wan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly panicked.

what happened? Xiao Yan, is he awake?

"...Xiao Yan?"

Suppressing her extremely uneasy mood, Yao Wan didn't even know how she opened her mouth. She just felt that the aura on Xiao Yan's body seemed to come to life. As her mouth opened slightly, it was like a bonfire that was too close. , a little dizzy from the distorted air and the temperature of his sight.


Of course, Xiao Yan didn't make any reply——

"Wan'er, don't leave."

When Xiao Yan's voice, as thin as a mosquito's groan, flew into Yao Wan's ears, she couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"...Fool, aren't I already in your arms..."

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